Small Group Question 11.11.18

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Week of Nov.

11th, 2018
Sermon Title: Living in Humility
Luke 17:1-10

Living humbly before Christ requires complete

dependence upon His strength.
1) What are the four marks of humility in verses 1-10.

2) What does it mean to be restrained from offending others?

3) Why does Jesus offer the warning in verse 3? How do we “watch out” in
the midst of living humbly before Christ?

4) In verses 5-6, what does Jesus mean by using the two illustratiosn of a
mulberry tree and the mustard seed? How does this answer the question
that the disciples asked Him?

5) In verses 7-10, we are challenged to reject the selfish ambition of seeking

honor for expected service. What do you need to do in your life to avoid
this selfish sin?

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