The Verb To Be': Hello, Ben. Hi! Pam and Peter

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Hi! I’m Pam and

Hello, I’m Ben. he’s Peter.

Are you new


Yes, we are. We’re

It’s my dog,
from New York.
What’s this?

1. She is / are a doctor.

2. I am / are ten.
3. It am / is a penguin.
4. They is / are robots.
5. We is / are friends.
6. You am / are eight.
Verbul ,,a fi’’

Affirmative (forma afirmativa) Negative (forma negativa)

Long Short Form Traducere Long Short Traducere

Form (forma Form Form
(forma scurta) (forma (forma
lunga) lunga) scurta)

I am not I’m not Eu nu sunt

I am I’m Eu sunt
You are You aren’t Tu nu esti
You are You’re Tu esti
He is He’s El este
He is not He isn’t El nu este
She is She’s Ea este
She is not She isn’t Ea nu este
It is It’s El/ ea este
It is not It isn’t El/ ea nu este
(animalul/obiectul) (animalul/obiectul)
We are We’re Noi suntem We are We aren’t Noi nu suntem
You are You’re Voi sunteti not
They are They’re Ei/ele sunt You are You aren’t Voi nu sunteti
They are They Ei/ele nu sunt
not aren’t
(forma interogativa)

Am I? Sunt eu?
Are you? Esti tu?
Is he? Este el?
Is she? Este ea?
Is it? Este el/ea?

Are we? Suntem noi?

Are you? Sunteti voi?
Are Sunt ei/ele?

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