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Developmental Lesson Plan

All equal
Teacher Candidate: Kathleen Graul,Erica Zimmerman, Stephanie
Canning Date: September 26,2018 Group Size: 20 Allotted
Time 45 minutes
Grade Level: 3rd grade Subject or Topic:

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

Define the term pest and identify various plants and animals that humans may call pests.

Learning Targets/Objectives:
The 3rd grade students will identify way to prevent or get rid of invasive species/pests
found by teaching their classmates from they have found themselves.

Assessment Evidence:
Approaches: 1. Thumbs up if they understand what a exterminator is
1. Thumbs up/down and does or thumbs down if they do not.
2. Group Sharing 2. Groups will create a poster on their way of
Poster prevent/getting rid of the pest/ invasive species amd
…. teach the rest of the class.

Assessment Scale: Total of 5 points

2. Students receive 5 points for creating a exterminator poster.
For planting native plants students must have
 How to remove invasive species already in their yard
 Examples of native plants
 Places to buy native plants and ask questions about native species
For Not releasing pets, students should have
 Pets should not be released in the wild
 Do your research if you are getting an exotic animal
 Resources and agencies to take pets if not wanted anymore
For Clean Hiking Gear, students should have
 Clean your boots before you hike in a new area to get rid of weed seeds and
 How to clean your boots and clothing
For Joining a removal Group, students should have
 Removal groups they can join
 How to join
 Descriptions of what the removal groups do
 How long the groups run for
 Other ways to help
o Volunteering at parks
For cleaning your boat, students should have
 Need to clean when moving to a different body of water
 Ways to clean the boat
 Different types of water
o Streams
o Rivers
o Oceans
o Lakes
For don’t pack a pest, students should have
 Do not take fruits and vegetables from other locations
 Leave the animals in their habitat
 Clean boots and bags after each hike
 Don't move firewood
 Throw out food when traveling to new locations
Subject Matter/Content:
 Understanding of the different types of pests
 Examples of invasive species
Key Vocabulary:
 Invasive Species: can be any kind of living organism—an amphibian (like the
cane toad), plant, insect, fish, fungus, bacteria, or even an organism’s seeds
or eggs—that is not native to an ecosystem and causes harm. They can harm
the environment, the economy, or even human health. Species that grow and
reproduce quickly, and spread aggressively, with potential to cause harm, are
given the label “invasive.”
 Exterminator: someone who exterminates (especially someone whose
occupation is the extermination of troublesome rodents and insects)
 What is an exterminator?
 How can an exterminator help you?
 How to prevent or get rid of pest or invasive species?
o Plant native plants
o Not releasing pets
o Clean hiking gear
o Join the removal group
o Clean your boat
o Don’t pack a pest

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
 Teacher will ask the students “What is an exterminator? How might an exterminator
help you?” While handing out post it notes for the students to answer the questions
 Students will have 5 minutes to discuss the questions with their group and put the
post it notes on the board under the question they answered.
 Teacher and students will discuss the answers to the questions and the teacher will
check for understanding with thumbs up and thumbs down.
Development/Teaching Approaches
 “For the past couple days we have been learning about pests and invasive species in
our area and in Texas and how they enter our environment. But we haven’t
discussed how to prevent or get rid of pests or invasive species in our environment.”
 Teacher will then ask students if they have any ideas for how they think invasive
species can be removed.
 Teacher will create a list on the board of students suggestions
 “Now students, would you like to know the real ways to remove invasive species”
o The teacher will uncover an anchor chart with the 6 methods listed
 Plant native plants
 Not releasing pets
 Clean hiking gear
 Join the removal group
 Clean your boat
 Don’t pack a pest
 “Today you will be playing the role of an exterminator, learning and teaching the
class about one way to prevent or get rid of a pest or invasive species.”
 “In your table groups, you will have a fact sheet, markers, and a poster board. Your
job is to research and learn about your plan for prevention or extermination, and
create a poster board to teach the class with.”
 Teacher will allow each table to raise their hand and choose which removal method
they would like to research and gives them a piece of anchor chart paper and a set
of markers.
 “ You will have 20 minutes to research and create, and then you will start to present
to the class.”
 “Use the ipads to gather information about your removal method”
 Teacher will start a timer in the front of the room.
 Teacher will walk around the classroom and observe the groups and answer any
questions they might have.
 Once the timer stops, one group at a time will be called up to the board to present
their poster.
 Once every group has gone, the teacher will collect the posters to grade and hang
up in the science corner of the room.
Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
 “Now that you have been taught by your fellow classmates, can someone tell the
class a couple ways to prevent or get rid of pests or invasive species?”
o Plant native plants
o Not releasing pets
o Clean hiking gear
o Join the removal group
o Clean your boat
o Don’t pack a pest
 Call on three students
 “Now that we have finished our pest and invasive species unit, we will review
tomorrow and you will take your unit quiz the following day”

For student J.D with a visual impairment ensure that she is seated at the front of the classroom
near the smartboard in order to see the poster presentations and that the prevention fact sheet
in her science notebook is printed in large bold font.

 Science Notebooks
 Poster paper
 Pencil
 Markers
 Prevention Fact Sheet
 Post it notes

Prevention/Extermination Facts:

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Additional reflection/thoughts

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