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Government System of Egypt

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 8

History Judicial Branch

A new constitution was
Egypt first united the lower The highest court is the
adopted and amended in
and upper lands politically Supreme Constitutional
1980, 2005 and 2007.
in 3200 BC. Egypt attained Court. It consists of the
independence from Britain Courts President and ten In 2011 the constitution
in 1922 and then later on other Justices. made in 1971 was sus-
gained republic status in The Court of Cessation is pended.
1953. Egypt was formerly the highest court of appeal
known as the Arab Repub- In 2012 another constitu-
for criminal and civil cases. tion was approved but sus-
lic of Egypt and it is locally
known as then Jumhuriyat The Supreme Administra- pended in a military coup in
Misr al-Arabiyah or simply tive Court is made up of 2013.
just Misr. the President of the Court
and it is structured in cir- In 2014 there was a new
cuits as well. Cases are constitution that is still in
Executive Branch heard by a panel of five place today.
The president is voted in
by a majority vote and they Constitution of Egypt
have a 4 year term. They
are entitled to a second Egypt has had several con-
term if reelected. The stitutions over the years,
premier is the head of the even when it was a monar-
government and receives chy state prior to 1952.
the appointment from the
The first constitution was
president. They must also
made in 1923 and in 1930
be approved by the legisla-
there was a second consti-
tution made however this
Legislative Branch one was repealed five
years later after protests
and the original constitution
The legislature is a uni- made in 1923 was put back
cameral parliamentary sys-
into place.
tem. House of Representa-
tives, also known as Majlis In 1952 the same constitu-
Al-Nowaab, consists of tion was permanently abol- Current President of Egypt Ab-
officials directly appointed, ished when the country del Fattah el-Sisi
officials specifically for became a republic.
women, youth, Christians
In 1964 there was an inter-
and officials appointed by
im constitution and in 1971
the President.

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