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80 VOLUME 8, NUMBER 3, JUNE 1999

dergo over the first 18 months of

The Development of Infant Memory life (see Fig. 1). Unfortunately, even
Carolyn Rovee-Collier1 when the same task was used, re-
searchers often changed stimuli
Department of Psychology, Rutgers—The State University of New Jersey, and task parameters nonsystemati-
Piscataway, New Jersey
cally; failed to equate age differ-
ences in motivation, stimulus
possess only a primitive memory salience, task demands, or original
Abstract learning; or used identical instruc-
system that cannot encode specific
Over the first year and a half tions or prompts with infants who
events (Mandler, 1998), that early
of life, the duration of memory differed in verbal competence.
development is characterized by
becomes progressively longer, Such practices made cross-age
“infantile amnesia” (the absence of
the specificity of the cues re- comparisons precarious at best.
quired for recognition progres- enduring memories; Pillemer &
To sidestep these problems, my
sively decreases after short test White, 1989), that children cannot
colleagues and I have used two
delays, and the latency of remember events until they can re-
nonverbal tasks to study infants’
priming progressively decreas- hearse them by talking about them
memory development—a mobile
es to the adult level. The mem- (Nelson, 1990), and that children
task with 2- to 6-month-olds and a
ory dissociations of very younger than 18 months are inca-
train task with 6- to 18-month-olds.
young infants on recognition pable of representation (Piaget,
All task parameters are standard-
and priming tasks, which pre- 1952); others argue that the behav-
ized and age-calibrated. Because
sumably tap different memory ior of older infants and children is
the memory performance of 6-
systems, are also identical to shaped by their earlier experiences
month-olds is identical on these
those of adults. These parallels (Watson, 1930) and that adult per-
two tasks, comparisons between
suggest that both memory sys- sonality is shaped by memories of the memory performance of older
tems are present very early in events that occurred in infancy and younger infants is not con-
development instead of (Freud, 1935). Surprisingly, this de- founded by the shift in task.
emerging hierarchically over bate has been waged in the absence In the mobile task, infants learn
the 1st year, as previously of data from infants themselves. to move a crib mobile by kicking
thought. Finally, even young This article reviews new evi- via a ribbon strung between the
infants can remember an event dence that infants’ memory pro- mobile hook and one ankle (see
over the entire “infantile am- cessing does not fundamentally Fig. 2a). The rate at which they ini-
nesia” period if they are peri- differ from that of older children tially kick before the ankle ribbon is
odically exposed to appropri- and adults. Not only can older chil- connected to the mobile serves as a
ate nonverbal reminders. In dren remember an event that oc- baseline for comparison with their
short, the same fundamental curred before they could talk, but kick rate during the subsequent
mechanisms appear to under- even very young infants can re- recognition test, when infants are
lie memory processing in in- member an event over the entire in- again placed under the mobile
fants and adults. fantile-amnesia period if they are while the ankle ribbon is discon-
periodically reminded. nected. If they recognize the mobile
Keywords (see Fig. 2b), they kick above their
recognition; priming; infantile baseline rate; otherwise, they do
amnesia; reminders DEVELOPMENTAL
not. In the train task, infants learn
to move a miniature train around a
circular track by depressing a lever
All people have a natural curios- (see Fig. 3). Again, baseline is mea-
ity about their own memory. This Before now, the major impedi- sured, and retention is tested when
curiosity was tweaked several ment to research on infants’ memo- the lever is deactivated; infants
years ago by reports in the popular ry development was methodologi- who recognize the train respond
press of recovered memories from cal: Tasks commonly used with above their baseline rate.
early childhood. These reports also older infants were inappropriate Infants ages 2 to 18 months have
renewed a long-standing debate for younger ones. This problem is been identically trained for 2 suc-
about whether infants can actually not surprising when one considers cessive days in the mobile or train
remember for any length of time. the considerable physical and be- task and tested after a series of dif-
Some researchers argue that infants havioral changes that infants un- ferent delays. They exhibit equiva-

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lent retention after short delays,

but their duration of retention in-
creases linearly with age (see Fig.
4)—a result not attributable to age
differences in activity or speed of
learning. At any given age, howev-
er, memory performance can be al-
tered simply by changing the pa-
rameters of training. If given three
6-min training sessions instead of
two 9-min sessions, for example, 8-
week-olds remember for 2 weeks
(as long as 6-month-olds given two
6-min sessions), instead of 1 or 2
days only.
Age differences in retention that
have been obtained with other
paradigms similarly reflect differ-
ences in task parameters and not
in the underlying memory
Fig. 1. Infants 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 months of age (from left to right). Note the dra- processes. In the deferred-imita-
matic differences between the younger and older infants. tion paradigm, for example, in-
fants watch an adult manipulate

a b

Fig. 2. A 3-month-old during training in the mobile task and during a retention test. During training (a), the infant’s kicks move
the mobile by means of the ankle ribbon that is connected to the mobile hook. During baseline and all retention tests (b), the ankle
ribbon and the mobile are connected to different hooks so that kicks cannot move the mobile.

Copyright © 1999 American Psychological Society

82 VOLUME 8, NUMBER 3, JUNE 1999

that novel objects can cue retrieval

only after delays when they can be
clearly differentiated from the orig-
inal training objects indicates that
older infants actively disregard the
difference. This emerging strategy
enables older infants to “test the
waters” and determine whether or
not new objects that they encounter
in the same context are functionally
equivalent to the old ones.
When the training and testing
contexts differ, infants exhibit a dif-
ferent pattern. At 3, 9, and 12
months of age, infants recognize
the training object in a different
context after all but the very
longest test delays. Apparently,
when the memory is weak, infor-
mation about the context facilitates
Fig. 3. A 6-month-old infant during training in the train task. Pressing the lever
moves the toy train. its retrieval. Between 12 and 24
months of age, infants will also im-
an object and are asked to imitate train or in a context different from itate an action that they saw in one
those actions later. At 6 months where they were trained. Because context (e.g., the day-care center)
(the youngest age at which this infants remember increasingly when tested with the same object in
paradigm can be used), infants longer as they get older (see Fig. 4), a different context (e.g., the labora-
who watch for 30 s in a single ses- we compared their memory per- tory) a few days later. Taken to-
sion successfully imitate if tested formance after equivalent delays— gether, these findings reveal that
immediately afterward, but not if the shortest, middle, and longest infants can remember what they
tested 24 hr later; if they watch for points on the forgetting function of learn in one place if tested in an-
60 s, however, they can imitate each age. other except after relatively long
successfully 24 hr later (Barr, For infants between 2 and 6 delays. Parents, educators, and
Dowden, & Hayne, 1996). months of age, only the original public policy experts will be com-
Similarly, 18-month-olds exhibit mobile (or train) is an effective re- forted to know that infants can
deferred imitation for 4 weeks trieval cue when testing occurs 1 transfer what they learn at the day-
after one session but for 10 weeks day after training; a novel one is care center or in nursery school to
after two sessions. not. For infants between 9 and 12 home if given an opportunity to do
so before too much time has
months of age, however, a novel
train can cue retrieval when testing
DEVELOPMENTAL occurs within 2 weeks of training,
CHANGES IN MEMORY but not after longer delays (from 3
SPECIFICITY to 8 weeks), when only the original DEVELOPMENTAL
train can cue retrieval. A similar CHANGES IN PRIMING
pattern is seen in deferred-imita- LATENCY
Because only cues that are high-
ly similar to what is in a memory tion tests, although the duration of
can retrieve it, the informational retention in this paradigm is short- Even if infants cannot recognize
content of infants’ memories can be er overall. Six-month-olds will not a stimulus, like adults, they can still
determined by probing the memo- imitate if the test object is novel. respond to it if they are exposed to
ries with different retrieval cues Twelve-month-olds will—but only a memory prime (or prompt) be-
and seeing which ones are effec- after delays on the order of min- fore the retention test. The prime,
tive. We followed this strategy with utes; after longer delays, they will an isolated component of the origi-
infants from 2 to 12 months of age imitate only if the test object is the nal training situation, such as the
by testing them after a series of de- one they saw originally (Hayne, original mobile or context, initiates
lays either with a new mobile or MacDonald, & Barr, 1997). The fact a perceptual identification process

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Fig. 5. Decrease in priming latency

(graphed in log seconds) over the 1st
year of life. Open circles show results
on the mobile task, and filled circles
show results on the train task; 6-month-
olds were trained, primed, and tested
in both tasks. Each data point indicates
how long it took infants of a given age
to exhibit retention after being exposed
to a 2-min prime.

Fig. 4. Maximum duration of retention over the first 18 months of life. Filled circles
show retention on the mobile task, and open circles show retention on the train task;
6-month-olds were trained and tested in both tasks. The notion that memory pro-
cessing is mediated by two func-
tionally different and independent
that facilitates retrieval of the latent months of age, infants responded memory systems originated more
memory by increasing its accessi- instantaneously to the prime (see than a quarter-century ago with
bility. In a recent series of studies, Fig. 5). clinical observations that amnesics
Hildreth and I primed memories This result reveals that the are impaired relative to normal
that infants had forgotten (i.e., their speed of memory processing in- adults on recognition but not on
performance on the long-term re- creases over the 1st year of life. priming tests. Amnesics, for exam-
tention test was at baseline) and Even at 3 months of age, however, ple, performed poorly when asked
then assessed how long it took for infants respond instantaneously if to recognize which of four words
the memories to be recovered (i.e., a prime is presented if the memo- was on a list they had studied just
for infants to exhibit significant re- ry was recently acquired. Infants minutes earlier, but they performed
tention on the ensuing test; who were trained with a three- as well as normal adults when
Hildreth & Rovee-Collier, 1999). mobile serial list, for example, rec- given a word fragment (the prime)
Infants from 3 to 12 months of age ognized only the first mobile on and asked to complete it with the
were trained in the mobile or train the list 24 hr later—a classic pri- first word that came to mind.
task and were primed—only macy effect. If primed with the Typically, they completed the word
briefly and only once—with the first mobile immediately before fragments with words from the
original mobile or train 1 week the 24-hr test, however, they also previous study list, even though
after they no longer recognized it. recognized the second mobile; and they could not recognize them.
Even though the time it took in- if successively primed with the This dissociation suggested that
fants to forget the training event in- first two mobiles on the study list, recognition and priming tests tap
creased linearly with age (see Fig. they recognized the third mobile different underlying memory sys-
4), the latency of priming decreased (Gulya, Rovee-Collier, Galluccio, tems—one that is impaired in am-
over this same period until, at 12 & Wilk, 1998). nesia (explicit or declarative mem-

Copyright © 1999 American Psychological Society

84 VOLUME 8, NUMBER 3, JUNE 1999

ory) and one that is not (implicit or that periodic nonverbal reminders In the second study (Hartshorn,
nondeclarative memory). Since can maintain the memory of an 1998), 6-month-olds learned the
then, more than a dozen independ- event from early infancy (2 and 6 train task, were briefly reminded at
ent variables have been found to months of age) through 1 1/2 to 2 7, 8, 9, and 12 months of age, and
differentially affect adults’ memory years of age—-the entire span of were tested at 18 months of age.
performance on recognition and the developmental period thought Although 6-month-olds typically
priming tests, and memory dissoci- to be characterized by infantile forget after 2 weeks, after being pe-
ations have become a diagnostic for amnesia. In the first study (Rovee- riodically reminded, they still ex-
the existence of two memory Collier, Hartshorn, & DiRubbo, in hibited significant retention 1 year
systems. press), 8-week-olds learned the later, at 18 months of age. In addi-
For years, these memory sys- mobile task. Every 3 weeks there- tion, 5 of 6 infants who were re-
tems were thought to develop hier- after until infants were 26 weeks minded immediately after the 18-
archically, with infants possessing of age, they received a preliminary month test still remembered when
only the primitive, perceptual- retention test followed by a 3-min retested at 24 months of age, 1 1/2
priming system until late in their visual reminder—either a reacti- years after the original event. These
1st year. This assumption was vation (priming) treatment in infants had encountered only one
based on the Jacksonian “first in, which they merely observed a mo- reminder (at 18 months) in the pre-
last out” principle of the develop- bile moving (a nonmoving mobile ceding year!
ment and dissolution of function is not an effective reminder) or a Unfortunately, the mobile task is
(i.e., the function that appears earli- reinstatement treatment in which inappropriate for infants older than
est in development disappears last they moved it themselves by kick- 6 months, and the train task is in-
when the organism is undergoing ing. Their final retention test oc- appropriate for infants younger
demise), but empirical support for than 6 months. However, because
curred at 29 weeks of age, when
it in the domain of memory came periodic nonverbal reminders
the experiment had to be termi-
only from studies of aging am- maintained memories of these two
nated because the infants outgrew
nesics (McKee & Squire, 1993)—not comparable events over an over-
the task. Although 8-week-olds
infants. Now, new evidence has lapping period between 2 months
forget after 1 to 2 days (see Fig. 4),
shown that all of the same inde- and 2 years of age, it seems highly
after exposure to periodic re-
pendent variables that produce dis- likely that periodic nonverbal re-
minders, they still exhibited sig-
sociations on recognition and prim- minders could also maintain the
nificant retention 4 1/2 months
ing tests with adults produce memory of a single event from 2
dissociations on recognition and later, and most still remembered 5
months through 2 years of age, if
priming tests with infants as well 1/4 months later. Control infants
not longer.
(Rovee-Collier, 1997). For example, who were not trained originally
priming produces the same degree but saw the same reminders as
of retention after all training-test their experimental counterparts WHENCEFORTH INFANTILE
delays, but the degree of retention exhibited no retention after any AMNESIA?
on recognition tests decreases as delay.
the training-test delay becomes The impact of periodic re-
minders is illustrated in Figure 6, The preceding evidence raises
longer for both adults (Tulving,
which shows the retention data of serious doubts about the generality
Schacter, & Stark, 1982) and infants.
individual 8-week-olds superim- of infantile amnesia, as well as the
This evidence demonstrates that
posed on the retention function accounts that have been put forth
the Jacksonian principle does not
apply to the development of mem- from Figure 4. When the experi- to explain it. Clearly, neither the
ory systems; rather, both systems ment ended, four 8-week-olds had immaturity of their brain nor their
are present and functional from remembered as long as expected of inability to talk limits how long
early infancy. 2 1/4-year-olds, one had remem- young infants can remember an
bered as long as expected of 2-year- event. As long as they periodically
olds, and the infant with the “poor- encounter appropriate nonverbal
est” memory had remembered for reminders, their memory of an
as long as children almost 1 1/2 event can be maintained—perhaps
years old. Had we been able to con- forever. Because a match between
tinue the study, some infants un- the encoding and retrieval contexts
Two recent studies from our doubtedly would have remem- is critical for retrieval after very
laboratory have demonstrated bered even longer. long delays, however, a shift from

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Acknowledgments—This research was

supported by Grants R37-MH32307 and
K05-MH00902 from the National
Institute of Mental Health.


1. Address correspondence to
Carolyn Rovee-Collier, Department of
Psychology, Rutgers University, 152
Frelinghuysen Rd., Piscataway, NJ
08854-8020; e-mail: rovee@rci.rutgers.


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Recommended Reading Nelson, K. (1990). Remembering, forgetting, and
or any other contextual change— childhood amnesia. In R. Fivush & J.A.
Hudson (Eds.), Knowing and remembering in
either natural or perceived—would Campbell, B.A., & Jaynes, J. (1966). young children (pp. 301–316). Cambridge,
lessen the probability that a memo- Reinstatement. Psychological Re- England: Cambridge University Press.
ry encoded in infancy would be re- view, 73, 478–480. Piaget, J. (1952). Origins of intelligence in children
Gulya, M., Rovee-Collier, C., Gal- (M. Cook, Trans.). New York: International
trieved later in life. In addition, be- luccio, L., & Wilk, A. (1998). (See
Universities Press.
Pillemer, D.B., & White, S.H. (1989). Childhood
cause contextual information References) events recalled by children and adults. In H.W.
disappears from memories that Hartshorn, K., Rovee-Collier, C., Reese (Ed.), Advances in child development and
Gerhardstein, P., Bhatt, R.S., behavior (Vol. 21, pp. 297–340). New York:
have been reactivated once or Academic Press.
Wondoloski, T.L., Klein, P., Gilch, Rovee-Collier, C. (1997). Dissociations in infant
twice, older children and adults J., Wurtzel, N., & Campos-de- memory: Rethinking the development of
may actually remember a number Carvalho, M. (1998). The onto- implicit and explicit memory. Psychological
geny of long-term memory over Review, 104, 467–498.
of early-life events but not know Rovee-Collier, C., Hartshorn, K., & DiRubbo, M.
where or when they occurred. In the first year-and-a-half of life. (in press). Long-term maintenance of infant
Developmental Psychobiology, 32, memory. Developmental Psychobiology.
short, even if an appropriate re- 1–31. Tulving, E., Schacter, D.L., & Stark, H.A. (1982).
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ences) Watson, J.B. (1930). Behaviorism. Chicago:
tify it as such. University of Chicago Press.

Copyright © 1999 American Psychological Society

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