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Term Paper
Introduction to Marketing
MKT 2320

(Topic: Introducing “Yummy Mango” in Bangladesh)

Section: NL
Submitted To:
S.M Asif Ur Rahman


United International University

Submitted By:
Rifat Sharmin Pritom

Id: 111101190

Syeda Shotorupa Zafar

Id: 111101192

Taslima Akter Piu

Id: 111101203
Date of Submission: 29th December, 2011
Letter of Transmittal
29 December, 2011

S.M Asif-ur-Rahman
United International University

Dear Sir,
It gives us immense pleasure in preparing this Term Paper, which was assigned to us in
fulfillment of our MKT 2320 course requirement.

We have found the study quite interesting, beneficial and knowledgeable. We have tried our level
best to prepare an effective & creditable term paper. This report is about the ‘Introducing Yummy
Mango in Bangladesh’.

We also want to thank you for your support and patience with us.

We shall be very pleased to answer any query you think necessary as and when needed.

Rifat Sharmin Pritom
Taslima Akter Piu
Syeda Shotorupa Zafar
At first, we would like to remember the almighty Allah for blessing us with the strength, ability and
patience to do this task. We also like to express our deepest sense of gratitude and profound
respect to our honorable course Instructor Asifur Rahman, Lecturer, School of Business, United
International University, Dhaka, for his valuable suggestions, constant encouragement and keen
interest at every stage of this term paper, without which this would have been extremely difficult
to accomplish. We consider it as a great opportunity to have a share of some of his knowledge
and expertise.
Table of Contents

Chapter 2
2.1 Profile of RST Company
2.2 Mission of RST Company

2.3Vision of RST Company:

2.4 Objectives

2.5 Logo of Yummy Mango:

2.6 Yummy mango’s ingredients:

2.7Yummy Mango’s Business Plan

Chapter 3
Current market situation
3.1 Mango market of Bangladesh

3.2 Decision making process for new product

3.3 Macro Environment

3.4 Competitors

3.5 Distribution Review

Chapter 4
Threats and opportunities analysis
4.1 SWOT analysis

Chapter 5
Objectives and issues
5.1 Financial objectives
5.2 marketing objectives
5.3 issues related to financial and marketing objectives
Chapter 6
Marketing strategy
6.1 Customer needs, wants and demands

6.2 Market Segmentation:

6.3 Requirements for effective segmentation

6.4 Market targeting:

6.5 Positioning:

6.6 Marketing mix:



6.8 Break Even Analysis:

6.9 Branding strategy:

6.10 Brand equity:

6.11 Product features:

6.12. Produc life Cycle Strategy:

Chapter 7
Action programs
7.1 Action plan

Chapter 8
Budgets and Financial Analysis

Budget and Financial Analysis

Chapter 9
9.1 Controlling process 54

Conclusion 57
Executive Summary
This term paper is based on the topic of new product development. According to this topic our
company name is RST Company and our product name is “Yummy Mango”. It is processed in
cane and available for 12 months with higher quality.
While assigning the market we have identified our various terms and weaknesses in the market
and against our major competitors. Our strengths will comprise of better quality canned mango

Basically our financial objective is to reach breakeven and make profit which will be supported
by the marketing objectives which is to increase sales. There are various issues that might
influence the attainment of objectives which may include recessions, unexpected entry of rivals,
changing government regulations and so on.

Our marketing strategy will influence the 4P’s which are product, price, place and promotion.
Under the product category we have 3 product lines ,we also comprises the main ingredients for
making our canned mango product are sliced mango, Water, fat sugar and natural flavors and
colors. Under the price category we have under-taken both penetration and skimming strategy in
terms of different products. We upon entering into the Bangladesh market, we will be using
traditional forms of promotion, for example newspaper, television advertising, billboard and so
on. Along with traditional promotions, we are launching a game show and concerts where free
mango product will be provided along with free t-shirt. Here our main target market is the youth
of Dhaka city and positing is done accordingly.

Starting from the launch, all our activities will be done chronologically. During the first year we
are mainly focusing on promotion and positioning and from year two we will be focusing on
other financial and company goals and vision. Despite a huge investment of 1 billion taka, huge
losses are projected for the first two-three years until we reach breakeven point and eventually
relish on our profits.
Finally, each and every marketing strategy and mix will be carefully monitored, evaluated to
check the returns and if the processes are aligned with companies’ goals. This will enable us to
identify loss making product or procedures which can later be modified or downsized.
About Mango:
Mango is called the king of all fruits because of its rich, luscious, aromatic flavor and a delicious
taste in which sweetness and acidity are delightfully blended. It is the most popular and the
choicest fruit and occupies a prominent place among the fruits of the world. There are as many as
1365 varieties of mango all over the world.

2.1 Profile of RST Company:

RST Company provides premium quality Canned Mango which is blanched in cubes or slices
is sinking in mango juice. Our products name is “Yummy Mango “It has a competitive price,
the long shelf life, natural taste and aroma.

Canned Mango Slices are extracted out of best selected variety of the mangoes. Mango Slices
are natural and pure as they are not contaminated from any kind of toxic chemical, preservatives,
artificial color etc. Our product “yummy Mango” is fully nutrition with vitamin A and C.
Mangoes are processed and packed in a hygienic manner for long transition. Mangoes are stored
at the required temperature to provide the real taste of mango. Slices of Mangoes are packed in
clean sterilized cans or tins.

Mangoes undergo several unit processes such as sorting, washing, and peeling to maintain the
nutritional value and quality.

Canned Mango Slices can use in tasty dishes like mango juice, ice cream, shakes, puddings,
jelly, or convert them into processed fruit products.

2.2 Mission of RST Company:

Our mission is to add Vitality to life. We also try to provide mango available in 12 months and
fulfilling the demands of mango loving people’s in Bangladesh
2.3 Vision of RST Company:

“We're constantly developing our mango products to keep pace with the changes in consumers
lives. Besides distribute it in Bangladesh and in future exporting it other countries of the world.

2.4 Objectives

 To increase market shares

 To increase the length of product line
 To increase profit
 To satisfy customer
 To face the strong competitors






2.5 Logo of Yummy Mango:
The logo of our product “Yummy Mango” is given bellow:

“Available for 12 months with higher Quality”

2.6 Yummy mango’s ingredients:

Our product packaging style is canned and it is made from sliced mango, Water, fat sugar and
natural flavors and colors. All of these ingredients are necessary for packaging the slice mango
in the cane.

2.7 Yummy Mango’s Business Plan:

In summer, we collect varieties of natural mango from our farmers. Then we store the mangos in
our storage house. After that, Mangoes undergo several unit processes such as sorting, washing,
and peeling to maintain the nutritional value and quality. We use the mango seeds for plantation
to balance nature and improve our resource.


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Current Market Situations
“Yummy Mango” is the Canned Mango product which is blanched in cubes or slices .It is going
introduce in Bangladesh domestic market. We are focusing to all levels of generation. The price
of “Yummy Mango “is moderate because it is for all.

3.1 Mango market of Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, there are lots of mango gardens and products made by mango only in summer but
not available for 12 months. Today, we can see mango juice, bar, jelly; chocolate and so on
available in the market and customers like these products very much. Some famous company of
mango products is, Pran, Frutika, Fruto, slice and so on.
But our question is that…Has these mango products fulfill the demands of mango loving people?
The answer is, probably no. Though these products are available in 12 months but these are not
fulfilling the actual demand of natural mango.

Mango is still a very popular fruit and highly demanded in the rural areas and urban areas.
We ask 50 people in different occupation some questions about the mango, they are given
1. Do you like mango?
a) Yes
b) No
Analysis: We found 85% of them said yes and 15% of them said No
Figure: 3.1.
2. What do you think; Mango products (Juice, jelly, and bar, chocolate) are
fulfilling your demands of natural mango?
a) Yes
b) No
Analysis: We found 23% of them said yes and 77% of them said No

Figure: 3.2.
3. Do you want natural taste of mango product available in 12 months?
a) Yes
b) No
Analysis: We found 94% of them said yes and 6% of them said No

Figure: 3.3.
After this evaluation survey, we find that there are lots of people who like mango and wants
natural taste of mango product in 12 months besides other products.

3.2.3 Decision making process for new product:

To make a purchase of cane mango, consumers go through a five step decision making process.

Awareness Interest Evaluation Trial Adoption

Figure 2.3: Buyer decision making process.

In this step consumer become aware of a new product but they lack information about it. The
consumer who wants mango through in 12 months mainly provides the initial idea and then
others who become aware tries to get more information before trial.

After being aroused by others, consumer starts to search for information and tries to collect as
much information as possible about their desired mango product. In most of the cases they
gather information from family, friends, bill boards, newspaper, web pages and television

In this phase consumers evaluate among the alternatives and choose whether they want the
mango product or not. They consider the price, flavor, the convenience and so on while buying
mango product.

After the evaluation consumers make their decision depending on their preference. Those who
prefer cost effective mango product will try the mango product only if it will cost less and those
who desires premium quality with superior taste will try mango product no matter what the price
is because those who seeks high quality also wills to pay a high price for that.
In this stage consumers share their feedback about the mango product which they have
consumed. If they find it satisfactory then they have a tendency to buy it again and pursue others
to taste it. But if they find it below their expectation they avoid it and also try to prevent others
from buying it.

3.3 Competitors:

As our company is new, so we have only a few competitors. In Bangladesh canned Lichies &
canned Strawberry are available for twelve months. So they are considered our competitors.
Besides, as our canned mango product is sinking in mango juice, so mango Juice Company like
slice, Frooto, Fruitika & Season mango juice also consider as our competitor.

3.4 Distribution Review

Our caned product “yummy mango” is mainly distributed first in Dhaka city then other city of
the Bangladesh. We distribute our product directly to retail shops of Urban and Rural areas.
The various channels of retail shops that serve as distribution outlets for mango product are:
1. Urban and Rural General Stores
2. Urban and Rural Neighborhood Grocer
3. Premium General Store
4. Confectionary or Bakery
5. Modern Trade
6. Fast Food shops

3.5 Macro Environment:

The Company and all of the other actors operate in a large macro environment of forces that
shape opportunities and pose threats to the company. The companies need to identify these “non-
controllable” forces and respond to them accordingly. And we also do the same things so that we
are able to influence the external environment.
Economic environment:

Economic environments are mainly depends on consumer buying capacity & spending ability. In
Bangladesh people’s buying and spending ability are quite appealing. For purchasing and
consumption income level is the foremost essential issue. Since Dhaka is the capital of
Bangladesh we can find people’s willingness to pay more here rather than urban sector and other
region. The income level of Dhaka city is growing at an overwhelming rate and there is an
unprecedented increase in the demand for luxurious products among people in the middle and
high income range. As industrial activity is on the rise and since employment is also increasing,
the demand for luxuries like mango products is also likely to increase. Higher income class
people can afford the most expensive items without much botheration. They consume mango and
its products more on the basis of taste and preference rather than money. As a result the
consumption of mango and its products are stronger here rather than upper middle class people.
Since there income is limited hence during purchasing mango and its products, they take prefer
and affordability both in consideration. And for the lower class people spending money for
mango and its products is very low as their income is limited. They prefer low prices and
economy than taste and preference.

Natural environment:

Natural recourses have huge impact on marketing activities. Bangladesh is favorable for our
mango product. All ingredients are very much available here. Natural flavors and colors are also
available. On the other hand fresh mangoes are also presented here in a good range.

Technological environment:

Technologies are creating new product and market opportunities. The level of technology depends on
its impact on the work nature and requirements of the specific sector. Low level of technology plays
a significant role in increasing the feasibility; particularly in the context of Bangladesh where a
higher level of technology signifies greater capital outlay. But now these technology sectors are
booming. L o t s o f p o s s i b i l i t i e s a r e t e c h n o l o g y . H o w e v e r m a n u f a c t u r i n g o
o f technology. The use of technology in the manufacturing of making cans which has reduced
the time of preparation.

Political environment:

The political and legal environment refers to the nature of relationship between various areas of
government and the business organization and hence affects test a b i l i t y i n w h i c h o r g a n
environment includes public policies, laws, government agencies , and pressure
g r o u p s t h a t i n f l u e n c e a n d r e g u l a t e v a r i o u s o r g a n i z a t i o n s a n d i n d i v i d u a l s i n society.
Important areas include patents, trademarks, trade licenses and taxes. High rate of tax rate may discourage an
investor whereas a tax holiday or subsidy may encourage the investor to
start that business. The tax imposition will be i n c o m e t a x a n d a t t h e s a m e t i m e 1 5 %
V A T w i l l b e c h a r g e d o n t h e products sold.
The political scenario of Bangladesh is not very promising for business ventures

d u r i n g hartals in fear of vandalism.

Cultural environment:

The wide availability of media and globalization has a major impact on lifestyles and business of
Bangladesh. All kind of generation of Bangladesh will buy our product willingly to get the
mangos natural taste in 12 months. As we will sell it at a cheaper rate so it will attract the
4.1 SWOT Analysis:
SWOT analysis mainly refers to assessing or evaluating the overall company strengths,
weakness, opportunities and threats. The internal factors among these categories will include
strengths & weakness where owners have complete control. On the contrary the external factors
will include opportunities and threats which are not in the hands of the owner or management.

 Unique product name
 Strong distribution network
 Highest visibility
 Strong promotion
 High production capacity
 Available in 12 months
 Natural flavors and colors
 price is reasonable for all
 products have the long shelf life
 Extracted out of best selected variety of the mangoes.
 Mango Slices are natural and pure
 There is no toxic chemical, preservatives, artificial color
 packed in a hygienic manner

 As it is a new product so it has less publicity and reputation

 The lack of experience.
 Local sourcing of resources does not meet the demand
 Mangos can be attacked by many diseases like Powdery mildew, Anthracnose, Stem-end
rot, and Sooty mould.
 Lack of technical support services
 lack of marketing
 low innovatively produce,
 few processing varieties
 No market share
 Limited experience of customers
 New in Bangladesh

 Increase the distribution network
 Acquiring the newer technology and techniques
 Market is very big and Attractive
 Only cane mango product in Bangladesh

 The other companies who produced mango products
 Political instability
 Economic instability
 Increases of general sales tax
5 Objectives
and issues
The objectives that the company needs to achieve have been divided into two parts. The first one
is the financial objectives and the second one is the marketing objective. They are given in
details below:

5.1 Financial objectives:

At first we have to set the financial objectives. Which are-

 Within four years Yummy Mango will reach breakeven point
 Within five years Yummy Mango will attempt 3% profit

5.2 Marketing objectives:

After setting the financial objectives, these must be converted into marketing objectives. Wall’s
marketing objectives are-
 Yummy Mango will increase its sales by 56% after 1st year
 Yummy Mango will increase its sales by 150% after 2 year
 From 4 year Yummy Mango will strive for double sales each year
 In eight years Yummy Mango will achieve its maturity level
 Within six years Yummy Mango will cover other country.

5.3 Issues related to financial and marketing objectives:

The issues related to financial and marketing objectives of Yummy Mango are given below:

1. Economic Recession:
If the price level increases, there will be a high possibility that people will be unable as well
as unwilling to buy mango product. Moreover the cost of production will increase as the
price of raw material will increase due to that the profit margin will increase.
From above condition it is visible that if recession occurs then it will be very difficult to
reach the aimed target. As the sales will fall and a market tension will occur. In such situation
it will be challenging to reach both the breakeven point and the profit margin.
2. Shortage of raw materials:
If due to natural calamity the supply of raw material decrease then the production will be
disrupted. If that happen the supply of Mango will decrease and it will fail to meet the
demand of the market. Shorter supply will eventually result in decrease sale and that will be a
barrier to attain targeted goals.

3. Unexpected events:
Any unexpected events such as Mangos can be attacked by many diseases like Powdery
mildew; Anthracnose, Stem-end rot, and Sooty mould. As a result , the demand for the
Mango products will decrease. In such a situation the company will be forced to reduce
production or else there will a huge amount of unnecessary inventories. In such situation
not only will be in effective but also there will be a high possibility of unexpected loss.

4. New entry of competitors:

If a new company comes with better features and better package of market offerings then it
will cause threat to the company. If the competitor brings a powerful strategy that the
company cannot break then it will fail to attain its goals.

5. Government policies:
If there will be a change in the government policy it will affect the companies objectives. If
the law turns against the companies policies it will bring a negative impact and if it
accommodates the available facilities it will help to attain the goals.
6.1 Customer needs, wants and demands


Human needs are states of felt deprivation. Needs are something that is necessary for survival.
So, mango is not actually a need for us, just a want.


When human needs are shaped by culture and individual personality they turned into wants. . In
our country mango is considered a very popular fruit. More or less everyone likes to eat it. So
mango is a want for our customer.


When wants are backed by buying power, they become demands. It means that when people
have willingness to buy and adequate money their wants become demand as they require some
further benefit. When their needs turn into wants they choose the flavor according to their
preference. According to our evaluation 12 years available mango is also a demand for our target

6.2 Market Segmentation:

The Company has segmented the total market based on these factors-
1. Geographic Segmentation
2. Demographic Segmentation
3. Psychographic Segmentation
4. Behavioral Segmentation

6.2.1 Geographical Segmentation:

Yummy Mango will only available at the initial stage in Bangladesh. As we produce this
product for the first time. At first we try to fulfill the demand of the people of our country. If we
get success, than we think about other countries

Reasons behind selecting only our country:

 New Product:
As our product is new, so we are now in the introduction period. The number of sales of
our product is low but the cost of per customer is high. Besides, the number of
competitors is very low. So, we choose only our country.

 Target Market:
As the product is new & the cost is high, so the price of our products will be high. So,
our product will under consumption ability of middle & upper class people in our
country. If we target other countries, than the cost of transportation & advertisement will
be high than the sale price. Thus we fall in a great loss. Also, we don’t target the lower
class people in our country because; they have no capability to buy that product in such
a high price.

 Profitability:
We fix our price just only cost-plus. Suppose, our production cost is 48 tk. We sell it in
50 tk. That means take only 2 tk profit in per cane mango.

6.2.2 Demographic Segmentation:

There are lots of people in Bangladesh, but we are not going to target all the peoples. We will
segment our target market demographically based on some variables to grab the potential


 Kids:
People of 4 to 12 age limit are categorized in this segment. Kids normally do not have a
great know-how of the taste rather they are psychologically attracted towards the
product. As they are dependent and cannot spend money themselves, so we try to attract
them by advertisement or by packaging & their parents mostly just fulfill their demand.

 Teenagers:
Teenagers don’t have any specific taste and preferences. New products and new ideas
always attract them. So we try to attract them differently.

 Adults:
20 to 50 aged people are categorized in this segment. This group of people will mostly
prefer the quality product which not only fulfill their taste and preference requirements
but also reflects their personality. They are ready to pay for a product which fulfills their
physical and psychological needs because they are the income generators. As, mango is
a popular fruit in our country and it have vitamin A and C, so adults will be interested to
buy it.

Family Size:

 Small Family: We are considering families consisting of 3 to 5 members in this

 Large family: Families consisting more than 5 members will go under this segment

6.2.3 Psychographic Segmentation:

As our target market is huge so it is normal that there will be customers of different mentality
and social class. We have to be careful about all of them and for that purpose we will do a
psychographic segmentation of Yummy Mango’s total market. We will consider upper social
class & middle class people in this segmentation.
 Upper class:
It includes the higher income class who has enough money. They can buy the most
expensive items without much botheration. They consume mango more on the basis of
taste and preference rather than money.
 Middle class:
This class includes people with moderate kind of earnings. They can neither put in free
hand category nor very less buying power category. These people usually consider the
taste and affordability.

6.2.4 Behavioral Segmentation:

Customer response is very important for a product. To ensure customer response we will segment
our market based on behavioral variables. In this segmentation we will focus on customer

We will distribute our products in departmental stores so that customers can get it very easily.
That means our mango will be convenient for target customer. Besides, we will use the best raw
materials and high-tech machineries to ensure top most quality. This total quality control is the
main reason behind our increased cost of production and high price.

We make our product attractive, so that our customer will buy it also in the occasions. Use the
product as a sweet dish or as a gift.

Try to make our customer loyal. We try to reinforce & retain regular users, attract targeted non
users & maintain good relationships with ex-users.

6.3: Requirements for effective segmentation:

There are many ways to segment a market. We make a segment of our market & find out
where we do mistakes. By this we can create an effective segmentation.
1. Measurable: The purchasing power & profile of our product must be measured.
Otherwise our target customer will not be able to buy it.

2. Accessible: The market segment can effectively reach & serve. So that our
customer can easily buy it.

3. Substantial: As our product is new, so, our market segment is not too large but
must have profit ability & good managing ability.

4. Differential: The segments are conceptually distinguishable & respond

differently in different variation. Like, we sale sweet mango in cane & sour mango in cane.
And the customer must able to make differentiate between these two.

5. Actionable: We will take necessary action for affective market segmentation.

6.4 Market targeting:

For targeting market at first we evaluate market segments. After that, we decide which segments
it can serve best. The place the product occupies relative to competitor product is called product
positioning. Mainly brands are created in peoples mind.
For example, “Kase thakun”, Grammeen Phone. This slogan of Grammeen phone
means Grammeen phone keeps people close.

6.4.1 Evaluating Market Segments:

There are three factors of evaluating a market. They are given below:

1. Right size & Growth:

The largest & fastest growing segments are not always the most attractive ones for a product.
Smaller companies may lack the skills & resources that are needed. So we choose an optimal
2. Own Objectives & Resources:

On the basis of the customers need & want, we set out objectives & fix our resources.
Our customer want mango 12 months. So our aim is to make mango available for a year.

3. Structural Attractiveness:

Our product & service must attractive structurally. So that, our customer will buy it.

6.4.2. Selecting Target Market Segments:

After evaluating we select our target market segment. There are four types of market

Undifferentiated Differentiated Concentrated Micro-

Marketing Marketing Marketing Marketing

1. Undifferentiated Marketing ( Mass Marketing) :

Undifferentiated Marketing strategy is target the whole market with one

offer. This marketing strategy focuses on what are common needs of the
customer. Like Toothpaste. Every customer of Toothpaste has a common
need. They use it only for cleaning the teeth.

2. Differentiated Marketing ( Segmented Marketing) :

Differentiated Marketing strategy is target several market segments & designs separate
offer for each. For Example, Unilever strategy is target several market segments &
designs separate offer for each

3. Concentrated Marketing ( Niche Marketing) :

Concentrated Marketing strategy is target a large share of one

or few segments. The product of this marketing strategy usually very popular. For example, Jamdani
shari of Tangyl is very popular in Bangladesh

4. Micro-Marketing :

Micro-Marketing strategy targets the needs & wants of specific individual or local customer
groups includes local marketing or individual marketing. Micro marketing is divided into two types:

Local Marketing: Local Marketing strategy targets to fulfill
the needs & wants of local customer like cities, neighborhood
& specific stores. For example, Meena Bazar in Bangladesh
fulfills the demand of its local people. That’s why, they build lots of Branches is different

 Individual Marketing: Individual Marketing strategy

targets to fulfill the needs & wants of individual
customer like Saloon, Taylor.

As our product have two types sweet & sour. So, we make our target Differentiated Marketing

6.5 Positioning:

The Company must decide how it will create differentiate value for targeting segments & what
positions it wants to occupy in this segment. The place the product occupies in consumer minds
relative to competitive product is called product positioning.
Brand creates in people mind. For example, the slogan of Grammeen Phone is “ Kase thakun”.
This means that, Grammeen Phone always keep near to each other.

6.5.1 Choosing a differentiation & Positioning Strategy:

Now, we try to differentiate & positioning strategy. There are three steps for Choosing a
differentiation & Positioning Strategy.
1. Identifying a set of differentiating competitive
advantages upon which to build a position.

2. Choosing the right competitive advantage

3. Selecting an over all positioning strategy.

1. Identifying a set of differentiating competitive advantages upon which

to build a position :
a) Product: Our product will be better than other fruit product.
b) Service: Our product will available for twelve months for the customer.
c) People: We will behave well with our customer, employees & competitors.
d) Channel: Make our channels well, so that customer can get easily the service.
e) Image: We create an image for our product. We use mango picture in the can of
yummy mango, which creates an image of our product.

2. Choosing the right Competitive Advantages:

a) How many differences to promote:

We don’t promote only one difference of our product. So that, competitors don’t copy
it from us easily. Our product is mainly piece mango sinking in delicious mango
juice. But we divide our product into two types & promise to give two types of taste
of the customer, Like, Ripe mango which tastes is sweet. & green mango which
tastes is sour.

b) Which differences to promote:

After that, we compare these promises with the seven criteria & get positive result.
The seven criteria are:
1. Important

2. Distinctive

3. Superior

4. Communicable

5. Preemptive

6. Affordable

7. Profitable

3. Selecting an over all Positioning Strategy:

We make a matrix for selecting an overall positioning strategy:

More for More for More for

More Same Less

Same for Same for Same for

More same Less

Less for Less for Less for much

More Same Less

More for More: More Benefit more Price

More for Same: More Benefit same Price

More for Less: More Benefit less Price

Same for Less: Same Benefit less Price

Less for Much Less: Less Benefit much less Price

Less for Same: Less Benefit same Price

Less for More: Less Benefit more Price

Same for More: Same benefit more Price

Same for Same : Same benefit same price

As our product is new and we are now in the introduction period, so we select an overall

positioning strategy more for less. We give our customer more benefit at a less price. So that,

People can buys it easily.

6.6 Marketing mix:

As Professor Philip Kotler said, the marketing mix refers to controllable tactical marketing tools
that the firm blends s to produce the response it wants in the market. The marketing tools refers
basically to the 4P’s, which are –

6.6.1 Product:

Product Mission:

Our mission is, we will provide happiness to mango loving people through our products. That’s
why our tag line is “Share happy”.

Product vision:

As we are the leading mango manufacturer for 12 months throughout the world, our vision is to
become the mango market leader in Bangladesh.
Product objectives:

Our product objectives are-

 Provide quality products

 Gaining customer delight
 Achieve the highest market share in Bangladesh.

Product Goals:

 Satisfying the customer of the potential market in Bangladesh

 Being the market leader of Dhaka city
 Exporting other countries of the world

Product Characteristic:
Yummy Mango is offering two types of ice creams for all age customers:
Sugary piece mangoes are sinking in
Yummy Ripe mango
squashy mango juice
Unripe piece mangoes are sinking in tart
Yummy Green mango
mango juice


The product price of Yummy Mango is given below:

Product Name Product image Product Type Product Price

6.6.3 Place:
Place basically includes the company’s activities or efforts to make the product available for
target customers. This refers to methods of distribution & distribution channels. Yummy Mango
has it targets markets only in Bangladesh, meaning that its distribution have to cover a small
geographical territory. The basic strategy for distribution will be the delivery of shopping malls
like Meena Bazar, Agora, Almas and also in fast food shops & stationary shops.

The main target of RST Companies Yummy Mango:





6.6.4 Promotion:

Billboard Promotion:
A billboard is a large outdoor advertising structure, typically found in high traffic areas such as
alongside busy roads. Billboards present large advertisements to passing people and drivers.
Typically showing large, ostensibly humorous slogans, and distinctive visuals, billboards are
highly visible in the top areas. Billboards are a dominating advertising medium that cannot be
turned off, ignored or thrown away and remains the true 24/7 form of advertising.
For this reason we are promoting our product through the billboard. We will put our billboards in
high traffic areas like Gulshan-1 circle, Mogbazar signal, Motijheel circle, Framgate over bridge,
Mirpur-10 circle, Dhanmondi etc. As all of these roads are high traffic areas, the attention of our
target customers will be easily grabbed.

Shopping mall:

We all know that shopping malls are the most crowded location. In shopping mall we basically
find the upper and middle class people. Also our target market is both of these classes. In the
shopping malls mostly children and women are going to buy their desired goods and as children
are fond of ice cream, we can easily attract them through our promotion in the shopping malls.
We are targeting the most popular shopping malls for our promotion. In the shopping malls we
will give our Yummy Mango banners and stalls there. For our promotion we are selecting
Bashundhara City shopping mall at Panthopath, Rapa Plaza at Dhanmondi, Mascot Plaza at
Uttara and Baily Star at Baily road. From Bashundhara City mall we can cover the panthapoth,
Kawranbazar and green-road area, from the Rapa plaza we are covering Dhanmondi,
Mohammodpur, Shahabagetc, from the Mascot plaza we are covering Uttara, Baridhara
residential area etc. and from the Baily Star we are covering Baily road, Shanti nagor, Kakrail
Newspaper promotion:

Print media has an important role to play in equipping the people with information and
knowledge. Newspaper is the strongest print media in our country. Every morning newspaper
reaches in most of houses and offices. As huge numbers of people are connected to newspaper
and through the newspaper we can reach large number of our target consumers, we are choosing
newspaper as our promotion media.
For promoting our brand we are giving advertisements in the front page in the most popular daily
of our country. We are selecting Daily star amongst the English newspapers and ProthomAlo
amongst the Bengali newspapers. Both of them are the most popular and leading newspapers of
our country, that’s why we are giving our advertisements in these daily.
Television advertisement:

Television advertising has been a popular medium for large retailers ever since the TV first began
to appear in living rooms. Advertising on television allows us to show and tell a wide number of
audiences about our product. It allows you to actually demonstrate the benefits of ownership. It
can show details about our product throughout television advertising; with this our prospective
customers will know what to look for at the point of sale. Television advertisements directly and
effectively influence consumers' purchasing behavior. The television advertisement’s despite
involving higher costs boosts up sales, and eventually lowers average costs.
For all these reasons we are giving our advertisement over television channels. We are selecting
four most admired and mostly viewed television channels which are NTV, Channel I, ETV and
ATN Bangla. We will present 20 sec advertisement in all the four channels, 4 times a day, 12
days per month. Through which are covering large number of our target market.

Promotion through game show:

Young generation is our core target market and to get them we have to promote our
advertisements towards this segment. Actually students are our major future consumer. They are
always on the move and they are consuming mango, as it is very popular & delicious. Also they
are very much fond of mango. For these reasons we are promoting the school, college and
university students.
To influence youth people to our product we will have some game shows in the renowned
schools, colleges and universities. In terms of schools we are selecting Viqarunnisa Noon School,
Ideal School and College, Holly Cross School, Agrani School and college and Motiheel Model
College. In terms of colleges we are selecting Notre Dame, Dhaka City College, and Rajuk
Uttara Model High School and college. In terms of university we are selecting private
universities which are BRAC University, North South University, East West University, AIUB,
and UIU etc.
The rule of the game will involve the winner of the game will get a T-shirt and will get 50 %
discount in any Yummy Mango cane. We will do this for our promotion.


For Promotional Strategy we will set up a website which offers advantage better than web. By
using our website, Customer can interact with site, provide their feedback and write blog about
their experience. We can use this site to offer wealth of information about nutrient content of our

6.8 Branding strategy:

Branding strategy is the sum total of all the steps taken to add value of brand. As brands the
major and most powerful assets of a company, we need to develop and manage our branding
strategy in a more effective and chronological manner.

The main purpose of branding are-

1. Identification
2. Differentiation from other product.

A brand is identified through the name, term, sign, symbol, design or combination of these. We
give our Brand of Yummy Mango “Available for 12 months with higher quality”. By this,
people it will be easily understood that, Yummy Mango is available for 12 months.

Differentiation from other product:

In our country, cane Lichis, cane Strawberry is available. But cane mango is for the first time
produced. We use a cane with the picture of mango. By this people can differentiate our product
easily. Besides, we use green color in the cane of sour mango & yellow color in the cane of ripe
mango. Moreover, our motto is “Available for 12 months with higher quality” Which also
make differentiation between our product & other products.
6.9 Brand equity:

Brand equity is the response that a customer has towards a brand or product. Capture consumer
preference and loyalty through differential positive effect is needed for brand equity. Yummy
Mango has good quality, looks and tastes itself. As a result probably it also has very strong band
equity. For building a strong brand Yummy Mango can follow 3 levels. They are:

1. Product attributes
2. Product benefits
3. Product beliefs and values.

Product attributes is the least desirable level for branding. As product attribute can be copied
easily by Yummy Mango competitors, it will not follow product attributes for branding. Its main
branding strategy will be product benefits and product beliefs and values.
Brand can be better positioned by its desirable benefits. Every product should have some
benefits. For example:

Brand position on benefits for Volvo is ‘safety’, Harley- Davidson ‘adventure’ so on.. Unilever
ice cream Wall’s also has desirable benefit is ‘Available for 12 months with higher quality’.
Yummy Mango will do its branding with this quote.
On the other hand every strong brand has beliefs and values towards their brand. Yummy mango
has the required beliefs and values which are needed in a world leading brand. Yummy mango
has attractive looks and great taste. Mango is very popular in our country and as a result, yummy
mango can grab the Bangladesh market easily

6.10 Product features:

Yummy Mango launching 2 different type of cane mango in the market which is all made by real
mango with pure ingredients collecting from the best source of the current market.
The special features of our individual products are:
Product name Special features

Yummy Ripe mango Sugary piece mangoes are sinking in

squashy mango juice

Yummy Green mango Unripe piece mangoes are sinking in tart

mango juice

 Design:
Unique verity and flavors combination.
 Branding:
Branding by motto of “Available for 12 months with higher quality’
 Packaging:
Unique Can packaging for protecting the product.

6.11. Product life Cycle Strategy:

There are five steps in Product Life-cycle Strategy. They are:

1. New Product Development Strategy
2. Introduction Period
3. Growth Period
4. Maturity Period
5. Decline Period

Figure : 7.1

1. New Product Development Strategy :

I. Idea Generation : We ask 50 people what type of Mango they like to eat ?
we got that 27% people like to eat ripe mango & 23% like to eat unripe
II. Idea Screening: So we decide to produce both ripe & unripe mangoes for
12 months.

III. Concept Development & Testing : Now we develop our concept. We are
not only sale piece mango in the cane. We sale piece mango, which is
sinking in the mango juice. So that, its look delicious & juicy.

IV. Market Strategy Development : Our mission is, we will provide

happiness through our products. That’s why our tag line is “Share
happy”. As we are the leading mango manufacturer for 12 months
throughout the world, our vision is to become the mango market leader
in Bangladesh

V. Business Analysis : Business Analysis is a review of sales, costs & profit

project for a new product. By this we find out weather these factors satisfy
the objective of company or not. As our product is totally new, ofcourse
our cost is more than the sale.

VI. Product Development : We give it free to different mango loving people.

With the cane we give them a paper & envelope. Where they write their

VII. Test Marketing : We find positive satisfiction from our customer, whom
we give to test it in free.

VIII. Commercial : So we now decide to launch it in the market.

Introduction Period : Our product is now in the introduction period, that means
we just launch our product in the market. The charactaristics, Objectives & Strtegies
of product life cycle are given below :

Characteristics Introduction period

Sales Low sales

Costs High cost per customer

Profits Negetive

Customers Innovators

Comprtitors Few

Marketing Objective Create product awarness


Product Offer basic Product

Price Use Cost Plus

Build Selective distribution ( We

Distribution decide to distribute only in

Advertising Build product awarness among early

adopters & dealers

Sales Promotion Use heavy sales promotion to entice


The other three period are not appropriate for us now. So, we won’t discuss it here.
7 Action
7.1 Action plan:
The plans which will help RST Company to achieve the business plan will
be-1. January 2012:
RST Companies Yummy Mango will advertise in newspaper, billboard and TV ads. An
assigned marketing manager will handle this project at planned cost of 199.3 million
2. February 2012:
RST Companies Yummy Mango will arrange a game show and concert (open for all)
assigned by promotion manager
3. June 2016:
RST Company will launch its outlets in outer part of the Bangladesh.
Budget and Financial Analysis:

RST companies Yummy Mango

Income Statement

For the period Ended on December, 2012

Revenue $ $

Sales revenue 4000000


Insurance 500000

Depreciation 200000

Rent 1000000

Interest 500000

Salary 300000 2500000

Net income 1500000

RST companies Yummy Mango

Income Statement

For the period Ended on December, 2012

Cash flow from operating activity

Revenue 4000000

Expense 2300000

net cash flow from operating activity 1700000

Cash flow from investing activity

inflow 0

Purchase of equipment 1000000

Net Cash flow from investing activity -1000000

Cash flow from financing activity

Contributed Capital 5000000

Loan 3000000


Repayment of loan -1500000

Net Cash flow from financing activity 9500000

Net cash flow 10200000

RST companies Yummy Mango

Balance Sheet

As on December 2012

Assets: $ $

Cash 1700000

Inventory 1000000

Furniture 1100000

Machines & equipment’s 1500000

Building 1000000

Total Assets 6300000


Accounts payable 200000

Unpaid salary 100000

bank loan 1000000

Total liabilities


Owners Equity:

Contributed capital


total 6300000
Budget per yummy ripe mango:

Raw-material cost 16.25tk/can

Ingredients 12.50tk/can

Electricity cost 2.00tk/ can

Can cost 3.00tk/can

Advertising cost 1.25tk/can

Marketing research and 2.50tk/can

Promotional cost

Distribution cost 2.50tk/can

Total cost 40.00tk/can

Budget per Yummy Green Mango:

Raw-material cost 15.25tk/can
Ingredients 11.50tk/can

Electricity cost 2.00tk/ can

Can cost 3.00tk/can

Advertising cost 1.25tk/can

Marketing research and 2.50tk/can

Promotional cost

Distribution cost 2.50tk/can

Total cost 38.00tk/can

9.1 Controlling process:

This is the main and last element of the marketing planning by using this we can
check the standard of our product for the purpose of correcting any error if occurs

There are three main functions are performed under this element of planning:

 Measuring
 Comparing
 Correcting

We can check marketing condition through meaning in which different type of task may be
performed like

 Surveys

Survey for the future:

We can conduct a market survey in future between the people and find out whether they would
like to buy our product or not,.

In controlling process we compare our product with our standards.

If any problem occurs then correcting process will take place in which we found that from where
the problem will arise.
Mango is very popular seasonal fruit in Bangladesh. Our product “yummy mango” will provide a
higher quality taste in 12 months for mango fans. It is available and reasonable for all. Our
product is natural, pure and hygienic which will give pleasure to our customers. We will
manufacturer our product in Bangladesh and spread it all over the world. Our target is to be a
mango market leader company in Bangladesh.

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