Reflection Science Plant Life Cycle and MST Feedback

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Reflection (Completed after EVERY lesson taught)

Select (S):

Identify a lesson and what standards are you addressing

The lesson was about Life Cycle of a Bean Plant In addition, I used pre-listening
for students by introducing for them vocabulary words and they repeat the
words to gather, also they should be able to know the vocabulary words about
the parts of a plants. And students should be able to describe for me how the
plant grow? And what make plant grow. And I ask them questions I tell them to
pint with their fingers the outside plants and if it big plant I ask them why it
become big? And if its small plants I ask them what this plant need to grow?
Also, I provide for them the parts of plants and the materials like different seed
for carrot, cucumber and for flower to see it and touch real things. And in while
listening each group have tasks to do for example they will do experiment and
draw in A3 paper the life cycle of plant. The last stage is post listing, when the
students finish the activities I cheek their works and I let them to set in the
carpet and choose different students to explain what they did.

Describe (D):

Who is the lesson for? The lesson for Grade 3-A for girls and boys.

Where did the lesson take place? It was in the English and science classroom. It takes
place firstly in the carpet to introduce and explain for them the lessons then I
send them in their three groups depend on the level. In the end of the lesson
they sit in the carpet to choose students to represent for us what they did and
review the life cycle of plant.
What were you trying to achieve in your lesson? To provide the materials of the plant to
showing them the real cycle of plant to touch it and describe, to not forget it. Also,
I try to achieve the management of classroom by using timer to be the lesson organizes. Also,
arrive the information for students by easy way to use for them objects and pictures of plant life
cycle and the materials like seed, root.
What did the students do?

They were attentive and focused during I let them see the smart board that have
life cycle of plant with pictures to describe it also they were attentive when I show
them the material for example, seed of carrot, cucumber and flower and root. And
In addition, I show them the real plan and I let them to touch the root and flower
and the esteem they were engaged and excited because all students want to see
and touch the parts of a flower. Then I explain foe them the group activities they
will do experiment and the other group will draw in A3 and A2 papers the life cycle
of plant. In the end they will sit in the carpet to explain for us their works.

Analyze (A):

Why do you think the students responded the way that they did?

Firstly I pot in the board big picture of a life cycle of a plant, I let them close their
eyes to imagine what will be the lesson about then when he opens their eyes and
turns and talks to partner. Also, I bring for them the materials to let them see how
the plant grow like seed and water and real flower to touch and feel after that
they do their activities and they showed to their friends and explain their poster.
They all responded to me because they were enthusiastic to know what will be the
lesson about and they understand their activity because when I teach them they
focused and listening.
How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding?

In grade 1 and 2 students are learning about life cycle of plant for science subject.
I connected the science content to the experiments using materials. I found that
this was effective, because the students were able to use the vocabulary from the
science lesson to give me the main ideas of the text. And teacher should assess
their students during experiment for example asks students what we pot first?
What the plant need to growth? This way it easy for the teacher to know the
students ability and if they understanding. This supports the thoughts of Elisa who
states that " assess your students’ prior knowledge and skills”(Elisa, 2016).

How well did you engage the students?

The students were engaged from the beginning and when they do experiment and
when they draw the life cycle of plant. I believe all students felt like they could
know the cycle of plant because they already take it in grade 1 and 2. The
experiments activity was also successful for them and kept the students focused.
It was so much fun to watch the students’ reactions when they do the

Appraise (A):

Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective

Did your lesson meet your teaching goals?

I differentiated the activities by academic level. I found that the activities were
appropriate for each level, although I had to support the low level students by
helping them. According to Hall, Strongman, & Meyer, 2003 “Differentiated
instruction allows all students to access the same classroom curriculum by
providing entry points, learning tasks, and outcomes that are tailored to students'
needs” (Center). The high and middle students showed independence by trying to
work through the activities on their own, and the low levels students were able to
work independently when they were shown an example and helping them. That
lesson was connected the science content to the experiments using materials, so
they have enough information to describe for us what they learned. I teach
them the main things in different way the first way by show them pictures of
life cycle of plant in smart board and I bring to them real plant and the materials
to see also describe for us what they did, also I ask them questions that related
in experiment and if they don’t understand I translate to them in Arabic
because most of grade 3 is low ability. Although, during activities for the high
group they were so excited to finish experiment it quickly, for middle and low
me and my teacher helped them. I sow that grade 3 they have the ability to be
engaging in learning by managing them in the timer to had good behavior and
had a hand on activities.
Transform (T):

How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future?

For my future practice, I will look for opportunities to go outside and show them
the plants. And In future lessons, I need to improve my instructions for the
activities and will display the activities on the board to give a picture for the
students to completely understand the tasks.
What are the implications for your professional practice?

I could also use exit slip. Once the lesson is complete give students paper to write
what they learn.
MST Final Assessment Report
Elisa. (2016, March 18). Prior Knowledge. Retrieved oct 23, 2018, from Eberly Center:

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