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Lesson Plan Template


Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)
I need to do timer for each part of the lessons.

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
I will use a timer program.

3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)
When the time is over I should to transfer to other things.

Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome(ADEC code and words):

3-c&A English Character development

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

Teacher: Power point. The worksheets

Students: pencil – worksheet – colour. Key vocabulary

Fat- thin – small – big – tall – smile – angry – sad – strong

– unkind – short – helpful .

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Tr: show them the characters of the story and describe with students different characters.
Time: 15 min

Tr: tell students to describe their partner.

S: turn and talk.

Active Engagement (group working with the teacher)

Tr: show the students the power point about the boy and different words.

Tr: ask students this boy is happy or sad?

S: answers.

Tr: what the colour of her hair?

S: answers.

Tr: He is tall or short? Fat or thin?

S: answers.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1+2+3)

The students will have small helping words worksheet and they have another worksheet to
draw. For example they will draw a girl reading or boy playing foot ball. And they should to
give the person who they draw it name and age. After that they should to write sentences by
Time: 15 min

using helping words to describe what they drawing and colour it.

Teacher choose students to share their ideas of their sentences and share the pictures. Also teacher
15 min

lesson to the students their grammar.




Teacher ask different students to tell us what they write in the sentences.
Student’s works

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