Smith Speech

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Speaking Notes – October 13, 2010

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and

fellow Wildrose supporters – it’s great to
be back here in Okotoks to share this
evening with you.

I’d like to particularly thank Lenard

Biscope, Dean Leask, Harold Davenport
and the other hardworking members of
our Wildrose constituency association for
taking the time to introduce me to their
friends and neighbours over the past
year, and for helping to build our party in
this constituency from the grassroots up.
Your support means a lot to me.

It has been almost a year since I was

elected Leader of the Wildrose party, and
what an amazing year it has been.

I’ve been to every corner of this province,

and I’ve met with Albertans from all
walks of life.
It has given me an extraordinary
perspective on exactly where we are as a
province and where I think we can go.

Albertans are an inspiring people who

seize opportunity and forge ahead, often
in the face of long odds, to make our
province stronger, safer and more

Since our days as the pioneering western

frontier, Albertans have led the way in
building a province that rewards hard
work, encourages individual responsibility
and creates prosperity for its citizens.

We have been and ought to be the envy

of Canada.

But something has changed in Alberta

over the last few years.

Albertans are increasingly concerned
about the direction the province is

The PC government once enjoyed the

support of many of the people I have met
in the past year.

Like me, they supported the government

when it stuck to controlled spending, low
taxes and balanced budgets – things that
Albertans have come to value and
recognize as their own.

But it has become more and more

evident that this government no longer
holds to those values.

It has abandoned what Alberta has come

to stand for and that’s been reinforced to
me everywhere I go.

We have begun a steady decline into

What we need is a confident surge back
to excellence.

We in the Wildrose understand that sound

fiscal management is something all
Albertans expect from their government.
We have put forward a realistic and
achievable plan to restore Alberta to
balanced budgets in half the time the PC
government has proposed.

We also understand that Albertans expect

their government to listen, not just
during elections but in the four years in

But under the PCs, consultation is treated

more as a PR exercise than a worthwhile
opportunity to hear what people have to

From Bill 50 to carbon capture and
storage to the disastrous health care
superboard, there are far too many
examples of this government missing the
mark on what truly matters to Albertans.

I’m also always amazed when I meet with

town and county councils about how
frustrated they have become in trying to
get their issues and priorities heard by
the provincial government.

It seems like such a simple relationship –

if you want to represent people, you take
the time to listen to them. Obviously, this
is something the PCs have forgotten.

As a province, we have a lot to be proud

of – and Okotoks-High River is a prime
example. This constituency is a perfect
snapshot of Alberta life.

Situated on Calgary’s southern doorstep,
it is a unique rural-urban mix that reflects
many of the issues our province faces.

Our two biggest industries – agriculture

and energy – are the lifeblood of the local

Okotoks is one of the fastest growing

urban communities in Alberta. As an
increasingly popular home for Calgary
commuters, it’s dealing with growth
issues such as transportation access and

At the same time, the constituency is

home to some of the richest agricultural
land in Alberta.

Hard-working farmers, ranchers and

landowners must deal with a government
that has shown a disturbing lack of
respect for property rights, further
complicating an already difficult living.
These are important issues that the
residents of Okotoks-High River live with
every day. They demand attention, and
they demand action.

With that in mind, it is my pleasure

tonight to make two announcements.

First, for all of the reasons I’ve just listed,

my husband David and I are choosing to
make this constituency our home.

And second, that at the first available

opportunity, I will be running to represent
the people of Okotoks-High River as their
Wildrose MLA in the Alberta Legislature.

Something exciting is happening in

Alberta, and our party has caught the
imagination of people who are looking for

Across Alberta, thousands of people have
joined our party, and hundreds have
expressed their desire to run as
candidates in the next election.

We are emerging as a competent,

credible and conservative government-in-
waiting, and every day more and more
people are signing up to be part of it.

But make no mistake – this will be a

tough battle.

We are up against an entrenched political

dynasty that has come to value power
above all else.

They aren’t going to let it go without a


Our opponents enjoy all of the
advantages of an incumbent government,
including a $40 billion treasury that they
aren’t afraid to use to curry favour with

They will use every lever of power to try

and trip us up.

That’s why I’m announcing my own

candidacy now so we have the time to
bring our message to the people of
Okotoks-High River and all of Alberta.

We’ve already rolled out some of our

caucus policy statements on education,
the environment, and advanced

Over the next few months, we’ll be
bringing forward clear and sensible
policies on key issues like municipal
financing, infrastructure, democratic
accountability, property rights, energy,
and health care.

We expect our opponents to attack and

distort these ideas, a reflexive reaction
from a government without any ideas of
its own.

But we believe that Albertans will see

through their antics. Albertans deserve to
know exactly where we stand on the
important issues facing our province
before the next election.

In that election, the choice couldn’t be


It’s the choice between a party on the
cutting edge of issues – with real
solutions and a clear vision – and a party
running on empty – bereft of ideas and
bankrupt on principles.

It’s the choice between respect for the

taxpayer and abuse of the taxpayer.

It’s the choice between a government

with the courage to lead and a
government that’s failed to lead.

The people of Alberta deserve to have

that choice, and the Wildrose party will
make sure they have it.

I’d like to thank all of you for coming out

this evening and for your continued
support of the Wildrose.

Unlike our opponents, we are a member-

based party that functions on the ideas
and energy of the grassroots.
As Leader, and as your local candidate – I
intend to keep meeting with you,
listening to your ideas and concerns, and
working to put forward policy solutions
which meet the needs of everyday

Together, we can bring Alberta the

change it needs and the leadership it
deserves – it’s time for a Wildrose


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