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Food Research International 40 (2007) 15–21

Food antioxidant capacity determined by chemical methods

may underestimate the physiological antioxidant capacity
a,b a,b,¤ a,c
José Serrano , Isabel Goñi , Fulgencio Saura-Calixto
Nutrition and Gastrointestinal Health Unit, UCM/CSIC, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatología I, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Departamento de Metabolismo y Nutrición, Instituto del Frío, CSIC, Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain

Received 2 March 2006; accepted 14 July 2006


Antioxidant capacity assays are of growing interest in the study of dietary antioxidant properties since they are able to analyse a com-
plex mixture of antioxidants and its synergistic interactions. However, most of the antioxidant capacity assays in the literature are limited
by the antioxidant extraction technique, since some antioxidants may remain associated in the extraction residues. The objective of this
work was to compare an in vitro physiological procedure for antioxidant extraction with a methanol/acetone/water extraction (chemical
procedure). Enzymatic digestions and in vitro colonic fermentations were used on solid plant foods daily consumed in the Spanish diet to
estimate the total antioxidant capacity released during the entire digestion process. The in vitro physiological procedure yielded a higher
antioxidant capacity than the chemical procedure (7000 and 900 mol trolox equivalents measured by ABTS, respectively). Our results
suggest that determination of antioxidant capacity in food chemical extracts may underestimate the real antioxidant capacity that may be
in close contact with the intestinal lumen.
© 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Antioxidant capacity; Bioaccessibility; Spanish diet; Digestion; Colonic fermentation

1. Introduction (Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Study Group The

Alpha-Tocopherol, 1994; Lee & Park, 2003; Omenn et al.,
Many observational epidemiological studies have shown 1996; Paolini et al., 2003).
that a high fruit and vegetable intake is associated with a Plant foods provide a wide variety of dietary antioxi-
lower cancer incidence (Poppel, 1996; Weisburger, 1991), dants, such as vitamins C and E, carotenoids, Xavonoids
specially cancers from the gastrointestinal tract (Johnson, and other phenolic compounds. The additive and synergis-
2004). This is due in part to the dietary antioxidant content tic eVects of these antioxidants with other dietary com-
of fruit and vegetables. Dietary antioxidants are believed to pounds (e.g. minerals) may contribute to the health beneWts
be eVective in the prevention of oxidative stress related dis- of the diet. Due to the complexity of the antioxidant com-
eases (Kaur & Kapoor, 2001). Antioxidants have thus position in foods, the study of single antioxidant com-
recently become a topic of increasing interest. However, pounds is costly and may be of limited value because the
results of randomized trials looking at the possible preven- possible synergistic interaction among the antioxidant com-
tive eVect of dietary antioxidant supplementation with one pounds in a food mixture is not considered. That is why
or more selected antioxidants have been contradictory antioxidant capacity assays are attracting more interest in
the study of antioxidant properties of foods and diets.
* Several studies addressing the antioxidant capacity in the
Corresponding author. Address: Departamento de Nutrición y Bro-
matología I, Facultad de Farmacia, Avda, Complutense s/n, Ciudad Univers- diet have been reported (Brighenti et al., 2005; Pulido, Her-
itaria, 28040 Madrid, Spain. Tel.: +34 91 394 18 12; fax: +34 91 394 17 32. nandez-García, & Saura-Calixto, 2003; Wu et al., 2004). Our
E-mail address: (I. Goñi). group recently reported the antioxidant capacity of the

0963-9969/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
16 J. Serrano et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 15–21

Table 1
Intake of plant foods in the Spanish diet
g Fresh g Edible
matter/dayc portion/day
Cereals Ricea (7%), white bread (67%), white bread sliced (5%), spaghettia (5%), biscuits (8%), croissants (8%) 221.6 221.6
Vegetables Potatoesa (40%), tomatoes (13%), tomatoes transformed (6%), onions (7%), garlic (1%), cabbagea (2%), 330.9 280.8
green beansa (2%), cucumber (2%), capsicum (4%), mushrooms (1%), lettuce (7%), asparagus (1%),
spinacha (1%), charda (1%), othersb (12%)
Nuts Almonds (12%), peanuts (16%), walnuts (16%), othersb (56%) 6.8 5.9
Fruits Oranges (24%), mandarin oranges (6%), bananas (10%), apples (13%), pears (8%), peaches (5%), apricots 265.7 200.8
(1%), strawberries (3%), melon (8%), watermelon (6%), plums (2%), cherries (1%), grapes (3%), kiwi (3%),
olives (3%), othersb (4%)
Legumes Chickpeasa (35%), beansa (31%), lentilsa (34%) 22.3 22.3
Vegetables: artichokea, carrot, tender pumpkina, celerya, auberginea, turnipa, leeka, pumpkina, beet roota, avocado; Nuts: hazelnuts, pistachios; Fruits:
pomegranate, mango, pineapple, grapefruit, caqui, chirimoya.
ConWdence level 95%, error range 2% in amount of food.

Spanish diet (Saura-Calixto & Goñi, 2006). The studies cited tin, lipase, -amylase (Sigma–Aldrich Química SA), and
above deal only with the antioxidant capacity extracted by amyloglucosidase (Roche).
chemical solvents (methanol, acetone, chloroform). But
some antioxidants may remain in the residues from organic 2.2. Dietary information
extraction of foods (Perez-Jimenez & Saura-Calixto, 2005).
For that reason we suggest that normal antioxidant capacity Estimates of plant food intakes in the Spanish diet were
assays are limited by the extraction technique employed based on National consumption data (MAPA, 2001). These
(Serrano, Goñi, & Saura-Calixto, 2005a). Moreover, from a data are obtained annually from daily budget question-
physiological point of view, to exert their biological proper- naires. Six thousand households are surveyed, along with
ties antioxidants have to be available in some extent in the 700 hotels and restaurants and 200 institutions such as
target tissue. Therefore, the biological properties of antioxi- schools, hospitals and the armed forces (conWdence level
dants may depend on their release from the food matrix dur- 95%; error range 2% in amount of food). Each family daily
ing the digestion process (bioaccessibility) and may diVer register by scanning the foods presents at home. Hotels, res-
quantitatively and qualitatively from those produced by the taurants and institutions give information about purchases
chemical extraction employed in most studies. of foods four times per year. Dietary intakes included in
The objective of this work was to compare an in vitro Table 1 correspond to the intake of plant foods in Spain (g/
physiological procedure for antioxidant extraction with a person/day).
methanol/acetone/water extraction. An in vitro gastrointes-
tinal model that includes digestive enzyme treatment 2.3. Sample preparation
(Saura-Calixto, Garcia-Alonso, Goñi, & Bravo, 2000) and
an in vitro colonic fermentation method (Goñi & Martin- Two purchases of each individual plant food listed in the
Carrón, 2002) were used to estimate the bioaccessible anti- National dietary survey (MAPA, 2001) (Table 1), were
oxidant capacity of plant foods of the Spanish diet in the acquired at diVerent local supermarkets. Individual items
human gut. This model was previously used in diVerent selected in this study are representative of plant food com-
food sources such as cereals (Perez-Jimenez & Saura-Cali- mon in the Spanish diet. The edible portion of the daily
xto, 2005) and green leafy vegetables (Serrano, Goñi, & amount consumed per capita for each plant food as eaten
Saura-Calixto, 2005b) to study polyphenol and carotenoid was weighed and grouped into Wve duplicate samples, one
bioaccessibility, respectively. for each of the Wve types of plant foods: cereals (total:
221.6 g), vegetables (total: 280.8 g), legumes (22.3 g), nuts
2. Materials and methods (total: 5.9 g) and fruits (total: 200.8 g). These Wve samples
correspond to the total per capita daily intake of solid plant
2.1. Chemicals food in the Spanish diet. Each duplicated sample was
freeze-dried, ground and stored until analysis.
Trolox (6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-car-
boxylic acid), a water soluble analogue of vitamin E was 2.4. Chemical procedure. Determination of antioxidant
purchased from Sigma–Aldrich Química, SA (Madrid, capacity content in plant foods of the Spanish diet
Spain). 2,4,6-Tri(2-pyridyl)-s-triazine (TPTZ) was from
Fluka Chemicals (Madrid, Spain). All reagents used were of The chemical procedure was employed to determine the
analytical grade. The enzymes used for the digestive enzy- total content of antioxidant capacity in the diet (Fig. 1, Sec-
matic treatment were as follows: pepsin (Merck), pancrea- tion A).
J. Serrano et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 15–21 17

Section A. Chemical approach

Aqueos-organic Supernatant: extractable dietary antioxidants Antioxidant

Plant foods
(Spanish diet)
n=6 Residue (non-extractable compounds)

Section B. In vitro physiological approach

In vitro enzymatic digestion

Plant foods n1 to n12
(Spanish diet) Pepsin (pH 1.5)
Pancreatin (pH 7.5)
Lipase+bile salts (pH 7.5)
α-amylase (pH 6.9)
amiloglucosidase (pH 4.75)


n7 to n12 Supernatant Residue

Antioxidant capacity
Insoluble indigestible fraction
Soluble indigestible fraction

n1 to n6 n1 to n6

Total indigestible fraction

(soluble + insoluble)

In vitro colonic fermentation

24 h, 37 ºC, anaerobic conditions
n1 to n6

Fermentation supernatant Residue after fermentation

n1 to n6
Antioxidant capacity analysis

Fig. 1. Schematic of the methodology used to estimate the bioaccessibility of antioxidant capacity. n D number of samples for each food group.

2.4.1. Chemical extraction of antioxidants 15 s at 37 °C, using a Beckman DU-640 spectrophotometer

Original samples were extracted by shaking at room (Beckman Instruments Inc., Fullerton, CA). The readings at
temperature with methanol–water–HCl (50:50 v/v, pH 2, 30 min were selected for calculations of FRAP values. Solu-
50 mL/g sample, 60 min, room temperature; constant shak- tions of known Trolox concentration were used for antioxi-
ing) and acetone–water (70:30 v/v, 50 mL/g sample, 60 min, dant capacity equivalents.
room temperature; constant shaking). After centrifugation
(15 min, 25 °C, 3000g) supernatants were combined and 2.4.3. ABTS assay
used to determine extractable antioxidant capacity content The antioxidant capacity was estimated in terms of radi-
by FRAP and ABTS assays. cal scavenging activity following the procedure described
elsewhere (Re et al., 1999) with some modiWcation (Pulido
2.4.2. FRAP assay et al., 2003). BrieXy, ABTS radical cation (ABTS+«) was
For the FRAP assay (Benzie & Strain, 1996; Pulido, produced by reacting 7 mmol/L ABTS stock solution with
Bravo, & Saura-Calixto, 2000), 900 L of the FRAP 2.45 mmol/L potassium persulphate in the dark at room
reagent, containing TPTZ, FeCl3, and acetate buVer, was temperature for 12–16 h before use. The ABTS+« solution
mixed with 90 L of distilled water and 30 L of the test was diluted with 5 mM phosphate buVered saline (pH 7.4)
sample of the blank (solvents used for extraction). Maxi- to an absorbance of 0.70 § 0.02 at 730 nm. After addition of
mum absorbance values taken at 595 nm were taken every 0.1 mL of sample to 3.9 mL of diluted ABTS+« solution,
18 J. Serrano et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 15–21

absorbance readings were taken every 20 s using a Beckman in phosphate buVer 0.1 M; pH 7.5, 37 °C, 6 h, Sigma B-
DU-640 spectrophotometer. The reaction was monitored 8631) and -amylase (EC, 1 mL of a 120 mg/mL
during 6 min. Inhibition of absorbance vs. time was plotted solution in tris–maleate buVer 0.1 M; pH 6.9, 37 °C, 16 h,
and the area below the curve (0–6 min) was calculated. Sigma A-3176). Then samples were centrifuged (15 min,
Solutions of known Trolox concentration were used for 25 °C, 3000g) and supernatants removed. Residues were
antioxidant capacity equivalents. washed twice with 5 mL of distilled water and all superna-
tants combined. Residues were stored at ¡18 °C for
2.5. In vitro physiological procedure. In vitro gastrointestinal in vitro colonic fermentation. Each supernatant was incu-
model and antioxidant capacity bioaccessibility bated with 100 L of amyloglucosidase (EC, Roche,
102 857) for 45 min at 60 °C. Some supernatants (n7 to n12)
There are two main steps in the methodology proposed were stored al ¡18 °C for antioxidant capacity analysis.
to estimate the bioaccessibility of dietary antioxidant Other supernatants (n1 to n6) were transferred into dialysis
capacity: (a) isolation of the indigestible fraction (small tubes (12000–14000 MWCO; Dialysis Tubing Visking,
intestine bioaccessibility); and (b) colonic fermentation of Medicell International Ltd., London, UK), and dialyzed
the indigestible fraction (large intestine bioaccessibility) against water for 48 h at 25 °C (water Xow 7 L/h) to elimi-
(Fig. 1, Section B). The indigestible fraction was previously nate digestible compounds. Dialysis retentates (n1 to n6)
deWned as the part of vegetables that is not digested or were concentrated to 5 mL in a R-114 Büchy vacuum rota-
absorbed in the small intestine and reaches the colon where tory evaporator and then added to their correspondent
it serves as a substrate for fermentative microXora (Saura- residue (insoluble indigestible fraction, n1 to n6, e.g. soluble
Calixto et al., 2000). Indigestible fraction is made up of die- indigestible fraction n1 added to insoluble indigestible frac-
tary Wbre and other compounds of proven resistance to the tion n1) and stored at ¡18 °C for in vitro colonic fermenta-
actions of enzymes such as indigestible protein, resistant tion.
starch, polyphenols and other bioactive compounds. Ana-
lytical conditions for indigestible fraction determination 2.5.2. In vitro colonic fermentation
are close to physiological conditions (pH, temperature, and Male Wistar rats (body weight of 200 § 5 g) fed with
incubation times). The indigestible fraction is composed by standard maintenance diets adjusted to rat nutritional
two fractions: a soluble fraction (supernatant of enzymatic requirements (AO4, Panlab, Barcelona, Spain) were sup-
digestion) and an insoluble fraction (residue of enzymatic plied by the breeding Center at the Faculty of Pharmacy
digestion). The estimation of the small intestine bioaccessi- (University Complutense of Madrid, Spain). Rats were
bility of the antioxidant capacity was estimated in the killed in a carbon dioxide chamber and fresh rat cecal
supernatants (soluble indigestible fraction) by FRAP and contents were used as inoculum. Ceca were removed
ABTS assays. through abdominal midline incisions. Rat cecal contents
In the in vitro colonic fermentation model, the total indi- were scraped, weighed and added to a Xask containing
gestible fraction (soluble + insoluble) was fermented in sterile anaerobic medium to give a 100 g/L inoculum. The
strict anaerobic conditions using rat cecal content as inocu- anaerobic medium adapted from Goering and Van Soest
lum. Several compounds are released from the food matrix (1970) contained trypticase, micromineral and macromin-
by the action of bacterial enzymes, while other compounds eral solutions and resazurin as anaerobic redox indicator.
remain in the food matrix as a part of the residue after fer- The inoculum was mixed (10 min) in a Stomacher 80 Lab
mentation. The residue after fermentation contains com- Blender (Seward Medical, London, UK) and Wltered
pounds of proven resistance to enzymatic and colonic (1 mm mesh) before use. Total indigestible fractions (n1 to
bacterial degradation, which probably would be excreted in n6) were mixed with fermentation medium (8 mL, 4 °C,
the feces, these comprise the unaccessible compounds. The 16 h). Tubes were sealed with rubber caps (No. 407-0-13,
analysis of the antioxidant capacity of the supernatants Ormacisa, Madrid, Spain). Two milliliter of inoculum was
after the in vitro colonic fermentation allowed us to esti- added and the headspace rinsed with carbon dioxide
mates the antioxidant capacity bioaccessible in the large (1 min). Tubes were placed in a shaking water bath (37 °C,
intestine. 24 h). Blanks containing no substrate and lactulose
(Sigma L-7877) were included in the experiment as zero
2.5.1. Determination of indigestible fraction and completely fermentable substrate, respectively. All the
Twelve samples of each food group (n1 to n12) were suc- steps were carried out in an oxygen-free CO2 saturated
cessively incubated with digestive enzymes. BrieXy, 300 mg atmosphere. After incubation time, pH was measured and
of sample was incubated with pepsin (EC, 0.2 mL NaOH 1 M was used to stop the fermentation process.
of a 300 mg/mL solution in HCl–KCl 0.2 M buVer, pH 1.5, Samples were centrifuged (2500g, 10 min, 25 °C) and the
40 °C, 1 h, Merck 7190), pancreatin (1 mL of a 5 mg/mL supernatants were collected and stored at ¡18 °C for anti-
solution in phosphate buVer 0.1 M; pH 7.5, 37 °C, 6 h, oxidant capacity analysis (antioxidant capacity bioacces-
Sigma P-1750), lipase (EC, 2 mL of a 7 mg/mL solu- sible in the large intestine). The antioxidant capacity of
tion in phosphate buVer 0.1 M; pH 7.5, 37 °C, 6 h, Sigma L- the supernatants was corrected with blanks of fermenta-
3126), bile extract porcine (2 mL of a 17.5 mg/mL solution tion.
J. Serrano et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 15–21 19

Table 2
Antioxidant capacity of plant foods in the Spanish diet (mol Trolox eq/g dry original sample)a
Food group Chemical approach Physiological approach
Methanol/acetone/water extracts Digestive enzyme treatment (bioaccessible In vitro colonic fermentation (bioaccessible
in the small intestine) in the large intestine)
Cereals 1.3 § 0.1 2.2 § 0.1 27.4 § 2.2 6.3 § 0.6 1.9 § 0.1 1.4 § 0.7
Vegetables 6.7 § 0.7 10.3 § 0.1 22.4 § 2.9 11.9 § 2.0 5.1 § 0.2 3.5 § 0.7
Legumes 6.4 § 0.5 9.0 § 0.2 36.0 § 0.7 10.6 § 2.6 5.5 § 0.1 6.5 § 0.2
Fruits 10.2 § 0.4 25.5 § 0.5 13.6 § 0.6 17.7 § 2.3 2.0 § 0.1 2.5 § 0.7
Nuts 33.6 § 0.8 44.8 § 1.4 36.9 § 1.1 42.8 § 3.8 3.3 § 0.2 6.8 § 0.2
Mean value § standard deviation, n D 6.

2.6. Statistical analysis of data dry original sample) of solid plant foods from the Spanish
diet measured by FRAP and ABTS assays. DiVerent anti-
All data were reported as mean § standard deviation oxidant capacities were observed in diVerent food groups.
from six replicates in each food group and treatment. The nut group showed the highest antioxidant capacity per
gram of original sample, while the cereal group scored low-
3. Results and discussion est in both assays. Comparable results are reported in the
literature for ABTS assays in vegetables (Pellegrini et al.,
The experimental design was carried out in two phases 2003) and FRAP and ABTS in fruit and vegetables (Nils-
(Fig. 1): (a) a chemical procedure to determine dietary anti- son et al., 2005). Our results followed the same pattern as
oxidant capacity content and (b) a in vitro physiological other reports in the literature.
procedure to determine antioxidant capacity bioaccessibil- We would stress the biological importance of these Wnd-
ity (in vitro digestive enzyme and colonic fermentation ings. The current knowledge of the types and quantities of
release of antioxidants from the food matrix). antioxidant components in foods reported elsewhere may
have little bearing on actual dietary antioxidant content
3.1. Chemical approach and bioavailability. The reason for this is that only a por-
tion (sometimes highly variable depending on the food
The chemical procedure consisted in conventional anti- matrix, processing and storage) of these compounds are
oxidant extraction with organic solvents (methanol/water/ extracted by the organic solvents employed in most extrac-
HCl and acetone/water) followed by analysis of antioxidant tion methods, whereas a considerable part remains in the
capacity by FRAP and ABTS assays. extraction residues, for example condensed tannins, hydro-
Regarding chemical extraction of dietary antioxidants, lysable tannins and other bound polyphenols that are
several extraction techniques have been reported. Metha- available in the gastrointestinal tract (Gonthier et al.,
nol, acetone, ethyl acetate and chloroform are the main sol- 2003). A physiological perspective on antioxidant capacity
vents used for extraction of low molecular weight bioaccessibility in an entire diet would yield more useful
polyphenols (Nakamura, Suganuma, Kuyama, Sato, & information about possible health eVects of antioxidant-
Ohtsuki, 1998; Rubilar et al., 2006; Vrhovsek, Rigo, Tonon, rich diets.
& Maltivi, 2004). Carotenoids and vitamin E are principally
extracted with high apolar solvents (Castan, Villard, Jakob, 3.2. Physiological approach
Puigserver, & Ajandouz el, 2005; Larsen & Christensen,
2005), while vitamin C is extracted with polar solvents (Fre- The physiological approach of the antioxidant capacity
nich, Torres, Vega, Vidal, & Bolanos, 2005). Because of the is shown in Table 2. In the nut and legume groups, high
complexity and diversity of antioxidant and food matrices, antioxidant capacity release from the food matrix was
nowadays there is no optimal method or solvent used to achieved by digestive enzyme treatment and in vitro colonic
extract all antioxidants present in foods. Since dietary anti- fermentation respectively, while in the fruit and cereal
oxidants may have diVerent solvent aYnities, some studies groups the respective values were lower.
analyse lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidants separately More than 90% of bioaccessible antioxidant capacity
to assess antioxidant capacity but may not assess the syner- was released from the food matrix by digestive enzymes.
gistic eVects of these two kinds of antioxidants. The chemi- This means that most antioxidants would be available in
cal extraction procedure employed in this study combined the Wrst stage of the digestion process. However, numerous
polar (methanol/water/HCl) and apolar (acetone/water) studies have shown bioavailabilities of bioaccessible antiox-
extraction of antioxidants, and all solvents were compatible idants in the small intestine to be very low, for example
with the antioxidant capacity assays employed in this study. polyphenols (CliVord, 2004), -carotene (Novotny, Kuri-
Table 2 shows the chemical procedure for determining lich, Britz, & Clevidence, 2005), lycopene (Erdman, 2005)
antioxidant capacity content (mol Trolox equivalent/g of and vitamin E (Lodge, 2005). Therefore, a major part of
20 J. Serrano et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 15–21

Table 3
Antioxidant capacity intake from solid plant foods in the Spanish diet (mol Trolox eq/day) determined by chemical and physiological approach
Food group Intake (g edible portion/day) Chemical approach Physiological approach
Methanol/acetone/water Bioaccessible in the small Bioaccessible in the large
extracts intestine intestine
Cereals 221.65 33.4 367.4 4452.5 1026.4 308.5 227.3
Vegetables 280.19 271.6 417.5 775.2 413.7 176.2 120.9
Legumes 22.19 134.7 188.8 609.8 180.7 93.2 110.1
Fruits 200.6 341.5 850.4 339.4 443.4 50.0 62.5
Nuts 5.96 33.4 235.1 211.5 245.3 18.9 38.9
Total 903.6 2059.2 6388.4 2309.5 646.8 559.8
Antioxidant capacity intake from beverages in the Spanish diet (3894 and 2575 mol trolox equivalent measured by FRAP and ABTS methods, respec-
tively) (Pulido et al., 2003).

bioaccessible antioxidants in the small intestine could also groups, the sum of small and large intestine bioaccessibility
reach the colon. yielded higher antioxidant capacity than the chemical pro-
The colon is another important site in the gastrointesti- cedure (Table 2), especially in the cereal, vegetable and
nal tract where antioxidants become available. The abun- legume groups. A signiWcant part of the antioxidants con-
dant microXora in the colon plays a critical role in the tained in plant foods are not analysed in most antioxidant
metabolism of antioxidants (Jenner, Rafter, & Halliwell, capacity assays, where the antioxidant extraction is incom-
2005; Serrano et al., 2005a). After microbial enzyme metab- plete. Further research is needed to identify the bioaccessi-
olism of any antioxidants that reach the colon, there are ble antioxidants that may produce signiWcant eVects for
three possible routes available, namely (1) absorption of gastrointestinal health.
intact antioxidant through the colonic epithelium and pas- Data on vitro physiological antioxidants may be useful
sage into the bloodstream (Rios et al., 2003); (2) breakdown for the design and interpretation of epidemiological studies
of the original antioxidant structure into metabolites (Jen- on the eVects of antioxidants and vegetable foods on health.
ner et al., 2005); or (3) simple availability in the colon where
they may counteract the pro-oxidant or toxic species pro- Acknowledgments
duced during colonic bacterial metabolism.
The antioxidant capacity available after in vitro colonic The present research was performed under the Wnancial
fermentation is shown in Table 2. Less antioxidant capacity support of the Spanish Comisión Interministerial de Cien-
was released than by digestive enzymes, probably because cia y Tecnología (Project AGL2005-04769-ALI) and J. Ser-
some of the antioxidants released from the food matrix rano wants to thank the scholarship of the Agencia
during colonic fermentation may served as a substrate for Española de Cooperación Internacional, Becas MAE. We
bacterial metabolism. thank the technical assistance of Mrs. Ma. Rosa Redondo.
The diVerences between physiological and chemical
extraction are more evident in the analysis of antioxidant References
capacity intake. Table 3 shows the contribution of solid
plant foods to the antioxidant capacity of the Spanish diet Benzie, I. F. F., & Strain, J. J. (1996). The ferric reducing ability of plasma
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2000 (MAPA, 2001). No signiWcant changes in plant food Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Study Group The Alpha-Tocopherol
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2004). The total antioxidant capacity of a whole diet must lung cancer and other cancers in male smokers. New England Journal of
include also the antioxidant capacity of beverages. Includ- Medicine, 330, 1029–1035.
ing the antioxidant capacity from beverages (Pulido et al., Brighenti, F., Valtuena, S., Pellegrini, N., Ardigo, D., Del Rio, D., Salva-
tore, S., et al. (2005). Total antioxidant capacity of the diet is inversely
2003), is estimated that about 9000 mol Trolox equivalents and independently related to plasma concentrations of high sensitive
of antioxidant capacity (small + large intestine bioaccesibil- C-protein in adult italian subjects. British Journal of Nutrition, 93, 619–
ity measured by ABTS) from solid plant foods would be 625.
available in the gut. Cereals and beverages groups were the Castan, S., Villard, C., Jakob, S., Puigserver, A., & Ajandouz el, H. (2005).
major contributors to the estimated antioxidant capacity A fast, sensitive method for simultaneous determination of alpha-
tocopherol and alpha tocopheryl acetate in mixed micelles. Journal of
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Science, 822, 339–346.
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Several diVerences were found between the chemical and the bioavailability, uptake and distribution of diVerent isomers of lyco-
the in vitro physiological approaches. In all plant food pene? Journal of Nutrition, 135, 2046S–2047S.
J. Serrano et al. / Food Research International 40 (2007) 15–21 21

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