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Descriptive essay

A Wedding You Attended

Last weekend, my family and I went to wedding ceremony in our neighbourhood. On our way to
the wedding, my sister and I started to argue about who wanted to hold the wedding present. As
we arrived the wedding, my mother said, “ let your sister hold the wedding present, it is more
safe compare when you hold that present.” I started to cry. “Pang!Pang!” it is sound of
‘kompang’! The sound attracted me so much until I forgot about the present. I saw a group of
people were carried the dowry. “Wow!” suddenly I saw a handsome groom and I was too amaze
with his clothes. He was smartly wore ‘baju melayu’ in gold colour. He also put ‘keris’ in his
‘samping’. The groom also wore ‘tengkolok’ that made him so handsome and smart. At the
wedding, I saw many colourful of ‘bunga manggar’ and a few of children were happily played
with ‘bunga manggar’. It was shiny and hot day, one of bridesmaid was hold an umbrella so that
the groom did not felt hot. The bridesmaid wore black spectacles and ‘kurta’ that cream in colour.
Then, I and my family just followed the group until they reached at bride’s house.

When we reached the entrance of the ceremony, it was blocked with a group of old women. They
wore red in colour with a grumpy face. One of them started to ask the groom to do the a few
task. However, the groom still smiled and did the task calmly. He sang a song and make a poem
about the old women, just like what they asked. Everyone clapped their hand and cheered up. At
the same time, the bride came to the groom. She is very beautiful, wore a glittering gold dress
and a crown on her head. Suddenly, my stomach made a sound, “ggrrr”. I was so hungry. Then, I
ran as fast as lightning, went to the ice cream booth at the side of the entrance. There were too
many kids like my age. Then, I saw a boy who took 5 ice creams. I went towards him and said
“Why are you too greedy?”. His face turned red and offered me 2 ice creams. I grabbed the ice
creams and asked his name. Since that, we become friends. He is a shy boy, love to eat ice cream
and friendly. Later, a man shouted from a car, “Aiman, let go home now” . The boy ran away and
said goodbye to me. “Oh no, I have to search me mom or she will be mad” , I was monolog to

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