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Please fax or email this information back to:

Alberta Association of Optometrists
#100, 8407 Argyll Rd NW
Edmonton, AB T6C 4B2

Referral Report
FAX: 780-452-9918

Patient Name F i r s t n a m e , L a s t n a m e q Male q Female

Date of birth D a y / M o n t h / Y e a r


City / Province

Postal Code

Alberta Health Care Number

School Name

Date of Eye Examination D a y / M o n t h / Y e a r

Name of Optometrist

Clinic Name

If the child has refractive issues, the child has If the child has binocular vision issues, the child has
(check all that apply): (check all that apply):
❏❏ Myopia that requires an Rx ❏❏ Constant strabismus
❏❏ Hyperopia that requires an Rx ❏❏ Intermittent strabismus
❏❏ Astigmatism that requires an Rx ❏❏ Strabismic Amblyopia
❏❏ Refractive amblyopia ❏❏ Non strabismic binocular vision problems:
❏❏ Refractive error that does not require an Rx at this time ❏❏ Convergence insufficiency
❏❏ Other (please specify) _________________________ ❏❏ Convergence excess
❏❏ Accommodative insufficiency
The management plan for this child’s refractive issue(s) is: ❏❏ Accommodative excess
(check all that apply): ❏❏ Accommodative infacility
❏❏ Monitor ❏❏ Other (please specify): ________________________
❏❏ Prescribe glasses ____________________________________________
❏❏ Patching/ atropine/ penalization
❏❏ Other:_______________________________________ The management plan for this child’s binocular vision issue is:
❏❏ No intervention; monitor
If the child has ocular health issues, the child has ❏❏ Refer to ophthalmology
(check all that apply): ❏❏ Refer to BV clinic for vision therapy
❏❏ Visually significant cataract ❏❏ In office vision therapy
❏❏ Red eyes (please specify your findings) ❏❏ Pencil push ups
____________________________________________ ❏❏ Prescribed glasses
❏❏ Other: ______________________________________
❏❏ Itchy eyes (please specify your findings)
❏❏ Swollen eyelids (please specify your findings) Confidentiality Notice: This fax contains confidential and/or
privileged information and is intended only for the ISEE program
____________________________________________ at fax number 780-452-9918. Any disclosure, copying, distribu-
❏❏ Dry Eyes tion, or reliance upon the contents of this fax not otherwise au-
thorized by the ISEE program is strictly prohibited. If you have
❏❏ Other (please specify your findings) received this fax transmission in error, please immediately con-
tact the Clinic Name noted on the report, so that proper delivery
____________________________________________ of the fax can be effected, and then please destroy the fax.

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