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Sir Sales


Israel Sacapaño



From a communist-atheist to one of the most powerful preachers of God’s Word in

the world today… From a radical activist to the founder-pastor of one of the largest Christ-
centered, Bible-based, full-gospel churches in the world… From a battle-scarred street
parliamentarian to one of the most respected Christian leaders in the Philippines whose
spiritual counsel is sought after by high-ranking officials and distinguished leaders of the
nation… From a persecuted “small, country preacher’ to a world-renown radio-TV
evangelist, prophet and apostle whose vision and mission is to see the nations of the world
evangelized and transformed by the same Gospel that changed his life.

This in a capsule captures the exciting life story of Eddie Villanueva, fondly called
Bro. Eddie or Bishop Eddie.


Bro. Eddie had a life-changing encounter with the Lord in 1973 while at the forefront
of a leftist movement fighting against the evils of a vicious system that has perpetuated social
injustice and massive deprivation in the country. At that time, he was also leading his family
and other families in his home province of Bulacan (an hour away north of Manila) in an
uphill, protracted legal battle against a notorious land-grabbing syndicate.

Five days after that dramatic encounter with God, Bro. Eddie was brought face to face
with a miracle he could never forget: the land-grabbers were arrested and detained. But a
greater miracle took place in Bro. Eddie’s heart: The Holy Spirit “arrested” him. He became
a true believer in the reality of a loving and powerful God! He surrendered his life to the Lord
Jesus Christ and soon after, his wife Dory also gave her life to the Lord.


Attributes of a Glorious Church

1. We are a Worshiping Church

We are a Church that consistently takes part in experiences of God’s love and
forgiveness and is unashamed to present our love to God. As a Church seek to lead others to
truly see, hear and experience God’s presence and to show how they, too, can be confident in
discovering, responding and expressing their love to God.

2. We are a Healing Church

We are a Church that testifies of the wholeness that God gives to the hurt, the sick and
the lost. As a Church, we recognize the power and willingness of the Great Physician to heal
the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual wounds of every man, woman and child
and thus undertake to be used as both testimonies and instruments of His healing.

3. We are a Soul-Winning Church

We are a Church whose heart is to see each man with the eyes of eternity. As a
Church, we witness for our Lord and teach others to witness for the Lord so that, for
eternity’s sake, souls are won not just for the Kingdom but for the King of kings.

4. We are a Praying Church

We are a Church whose backbone is prayer. As a Church, we, along with others in
the Body of Christ, plot with the Lord in prayer for the battles that have yet to be fought but
are already won.

5. We are a Visionary Church

We are a Church that looks toward the future. As a Church we concede the futility of
walking and planning without God’s revelation. Hence, we endeavor, by example, to show
the way to others so that, they too, can live out lives governed by vision.

6. We are a Spirit-Filled Church

We are a Church whose way of life is to seek out the Spirit’s baptism as well as His
anointing in everything – sharing, preaching, writing, teaching, praying, listening,
performing, and so forth. As a Church, we educate others to guide them into resolving for
themselves that any ministry without the flight plan of the Spirit is a misdirected ministry that
will never really hit God’s mark.

7. We are a Nation-loving Church

We are a Church whose conviction is that our own nation is our God-given Jerusalem.
As a Church, we’ve made it our drilled principle to be uncompromising about God’s statutes
for our country so that, by honoring Him in every pillar – government, business and
economics, education, science and technology, media and entertainment, arts, church and
family - we can persuade and disciple others to also choose to be instruments in freeing our
nation from its curse of corruption, poverty, violence and immorality.

8. We are a Faith-filled Church

We are a Church that trusts in the revealed truths of God. As a Church, we steadfastly
devote ourselves in leading others to believe, with confidence, in who and what God is, that
is, to have authentic faith.

9. We are a Prophetic Church

We are a Church that is led by a man who is a mouthpiece of God to the nation and to
the Body of Christ. As a Church, we have been enabled by God to identify for others what
God has set to do and what He wants to be done. Thus, we demonstrate to others how to also
step out in faith in obedience not just to the prophecy of God’s chosen men and women but,
ultimately, in obedience to the will of God.

10. We are an Apostolic Church

We are a Church that has painstakingly identified the necessity of operating under the
apostolic offices in order to glorify the Lord with true excellence. As a Church, we condition
ourselves and others to hone the knowledge, wisdom and character necessary to achieve
exceptional merit as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers for the Lord.

11. We are a Giving Church

We are a Church that counts the cost and gives what costs us so much – in terms of
money, possessions, time, faith, patience, hope, understanding and love. As a Church, we
help others to distinguish, act out and test with us the joy of giving with open unsparing

12. We are a Serving Church

We are a Church that agrees and follows the truth that true discipleship to the Lord
compels servitude. As a Church, we pattern our minds, hearts and wills – and disciple others
as well – to reach as His hands and walk as His feet no matter to what class, race or creed we

The founder of the Iglesia Ni Cristo organization was Felix Manalo. Born On May 10,
1886 to a Catholic family, near Manila in the Philippines. His name Felix (happy) was chosen
from the roster of saints from that month. was baptized a Catholic, His mother a devout
Roman Catholic who had Felix attend Catechism class where he learned the fundamentals of
the Roman Catholic faith.


When he became a teenager he went on a spiritual quest through five known

denominations. He became a follower of the ''Colorum'' spiriting sect in the Philippines which
was secretive and had pilgrimages to a sacred mountain. He left the Church as a teenager In
1904 after witnessing a debate between a Roman catholic priest and a Protestant minister on
the use of images, he joined the Methodist Episcopalian Church, attended their Seminary and
became a pastor. Iglesia puts it this way" He found that the arguments of the Protestant
minister' seemed nearer to the biblical truth, than the pointless rambling of the priest."
(GOD'S MESSAGE 1 July - September 1994)


1. The words of God are written only in the Bible. The Bible should be the only
basis of service to God. This is the truth which will teach man salvation from punishment on
Judgment Day.

2. The Father who created all things is the only true God. There is no Trinity, no
three persons in one God.

3. The belief that all churches belong to God is false. Christ founded only one true
Church - the Church of Christ (Iglesia ni Cristo).

4. The Church of Christ is the Church that Jesus will save (Acts 20:28 Lamsa)
because he made this Church His body and heads it Himself - before God, the Church and
Christ are one new man (Eph.2:15 NKJV; Col.1:18 NKJV). This is the reason why Christ is
able to answer for the sins of His Church without violating God's law that whoever commits a
sin, the same must die for that sin (Dt.24:16). Hence, the belief that salvation can be attained
by means of faith in Christ alone, even without membership in the Church of Christ is false.
The Church is necessary, not because it saves, but because it is the entity that Christ will save
(Eph.5:23 TEV).

5. The Church built by Christ during the first century has apostatized (Acts 20:29).
It was led away by false prophets which arose in the Church after the time of the Apostles
(Mt.24:11 RSV), and those who remained firm in the faith were slain by ravenous wolves
(Mt.7:15). The prophesied false teachers who led the Church away were the Catholic priests.
They introduced false teachings (1 Tim.4:1,3) into the Church, until the Church became the
Catholic Church - a church essentially different from the Church of Christ as described in the
6. The apostasy of the Catholic Church from the Church established by Christ in the
first century took place with their turning away from the teachings of God taught by Christ
and His Apostles (Worship of Images, Mass, Popes and Priests as vicars or successors of
Christ, Mediator Saints, Purgatory). Therefore, the apostasy takes place whenever there is a
teaching of God the Catholic Church violates. In view of this, all the doctrines and practices
of the Catholic Church should be rejected.

7. We should not be surprised at the number of churches today that are not of Christ.
It is not Christ who established them but the enemy or the devil (Mt.13:24-30,36-39 NKJV).
These churches that do not belong to Christ are the Catholic Church and her offspring, the
various Protestant denominations and sects. Only one Church belongs to Christ, the Church
of Christ.

8. Many Protestant groups uphold the belief that faith alone in Christ is sufficient
for salvation. They have excluded other conditions such as baptism (Mt.16:15-16), church
membership (Jn.10:9,Acts 2:47, 20:28 Lamsa), suffering for Christ's sake (Phil.1:29), works
(Js.2:14,17,20), preaching by the messenger of God (Acts 16:32-33), remaining in the true
church (Jn.15:5-6), holding firm and obeying the Gospel (1 Cor.15:1-2 NIV) and enduring
and remaining until the end (Mt.24:13). Their faith-alone concept of salvation is in direct
conflict with the Bible where we can find pronouncements that man is not justified by faith
only (Js.2:24).

9. One should not deny the necessity of one organized church as the Church of

10. The Church of Christ which emerged in the Philippines in these last days was
established by virtue of the fulfillment of the prophecies of God (Isa.43:5 Moffatt) and of
Christ (Jn.10:16;Acts 20:28 Lamsa). This is the third group (Acts 2:39) of people in the
Church established by Christ. Even the spread of this Church in the Far West (Isa.43:4-
6;59:19 NKJV) is a fulfillment of God's prophecy written in the Bible.

11. The messenger of God (Rom.10:15 NKJV) in these last days (Isa.43:6) is
Brother Felix Y. Manalo (Rev.7:2-3). It was not he who built the Church of Christ but it was
Christ Himself (Mt.16:18) by virtue of the fulfillment of the prophecy (Jn.10:16). Felix
Manalo was only utilized by God as His instrument to preach the pure Gospel of salvation in
these last days. His authority as God's messenger is clearly stated by various prophecies in
Scriptures (Is.41:9-10; Is.46:11-13; Rev.7:2-3). Hence, it behooves man to have faith in the
commissioning of Brother Felix Y. Manalo.

12. Persecutions cannot be avoided because overcoming it serves as the basis for
inheriting the kingdom of heaven (Mt.5:10-12). Thus, whatever kind or extent of persecution
a member of the Church of Christ may face, he should not falter or withdraw. He should
instead pray to God for assistance in order to overcome religious persecutions.
13. The proper way of joining the Church of Christ is that which is done because of
faith (Rom.5:2) in God and in Christ (Jn.14:1-2), as well as the recognition and acceptance of
the Church and of God's commissioning of His messenger in these last days (Jn.6:29). If the
motive for joining the Church of Christ is pure and proper, the man who joins the Church
would be able to perform all the commandments and Church disciplines, the performance of
which proves that he is a true member of the Church of Christ. He does not easily
discouraged and neither does he drew back. Instead, he remains firm in his election.

14. Christ should be highly honored and worshiped by members of the Church of
Christ because this is the will of God (Phil.2:9-11). Christ should be recognized as the Son of
God (Mt.3:7), Lord (Acts 2:36), Saviour (Acts 5:31), Mediator (1Tim.2:5), a holy man who
did not commit sin (1 Pet.2:21-22). The attributes mentioned here give no indication to His
nature which we believe is of a man (Jn.8:40); He is not the true God. (Ezek.28:2) Man
should also renounce the belief that Christ is true God and true man (Hos.11:9)

15. The clear distinctions of Christ from God are proofs that the true God is not
Christ. Jesus possesses attributes surpassing the ordinary man, but this does not mean that he
is God. God has attributes which we do not find in Christ. If Christ can do wonders such as
miracles, all these are done by God, through Him as God's instrument. On his own powers
alone, Christ cannot do anything. Christ Himself states, "I can of my own do nothing."

16. Teachers of the "Christ is God" doctrine also use the Bible. But we should not
allow ourselves to be deceived by them because we cannot read any text in the Bible where
Christ says He is the true God. If that is the case, why do they have biblical texts to prove
their contentions? Those biblical texts have been given erroneous interpretations (Jn.1:1,14;
Isa.9:6) or wrong meanings (1 Jn.5:20) or even based on verses wrongly translated

17. It is not enough for man to join or become a member of the Church of Christ to
be saved. He should lead a new life, too. Members who lead a new life are truly of Christ and
of God. Thus, all sinful ways should be renounced and he should live by the teachings he has

18. Each member of the Church of Christ believes that constant attendance in
worship services is one of his obligations. Great blessings accrue to those who constantly
attend worship services while great sins are committed by those who disregard this

19. The Church of Christ believes that it is God who gave the command to contribute
and give thanksgiving offerings to support the needs of the Church. To fulfill these
obligations is to lay up a good foundation for the attainment of eternal life.

20. The Church of Christ believes that it is the will of God for us to love one another
as true brothers and sisters. Hence, if anyone has sinned against us, we should forgive him
and we should reconcile with those who are mad at us.
21. The members of the Church of Christ believe that it is God who forbids the
eating of blood and prohibits marriage with those of other faiths. Elopement is an act of
disrespect for parents and this is a sin in the eyes of God.

22. The Church of Christ believes that baptism is necessary for one to become a
disciple of Christ and for the attainment of eternal salvation. But this should be done in
accordance with the teachings of the Bible.

23. The Church of Christ believes that each member should do missionary work or
share his faith with others. Each one should learn how to pray to God so that he would not
weaken in faith and thus be able to resist temptations.

24. Each member should submit to the Administration placed by God in the Church
by means of total agreement with the teachings and rules observed in the Church of Christ.

25. The Church of Christ believes that unity is God's teaching and that division
within the Church is an evil thing. This unity is implemented by the Church of Christ not only
during election time but also in all its works in the service of God.

26. The Church of Christ believes that God has determined the Day of Judgment
which will take place at the second coming of Christ. This is the great day when the Church
of Christ will receive the reward promised by God—the everlasting home for God's chosen

Rev. Fr. EMIL A. URRIQUIA (2007 - present)

Completion of the new and beautiful San Vicente Ferrer Parish structural church was
made possible through various fund raising programs including concerts. Spirituality and
formation of the community will be the top priority of Fr. Emil by conducting spiritual
formation such as bible study, recollection, etc. To date, only on his 3rd year as parish priest
of San Vicente Ferrer Parish many projects (social, spiritual, etc.) were accomplished.



First chapel of San Vicente Ferrer was built located at Purok 1 better known as
“Acacia”, currently the Barangay Hall, Health and Day Care Centers of Brgy. San Vicente.
Foundation of San Vicente Youth Circle headed by Bro. Isaias Reyes . Dry masses were held

Rev. Fr. NAPOLEON PANTAS (1969 - 81 & 1983 - 96)

On December 19, 1969 Rev. Fr.Napoleon M. Pantas was installed as the 1st Parish
Priest of San Vicente Ferrer by the late Bishop Pedro Bantigue. The Parish was then called
the “Golden Cross Parish of San Vicente Ferrer” On March 13, 1972 blessing and
consecration of the new Church was done in time with Fr. Pantas’ 25th year anniversary in
the priesthood. The construction of the church was made possible because of the undying
support and cooperation of the community of San Vicente Ferrer. The Belizario family
donated the lot where the church is located. During the 1980’s our enthusiastic Parish Youth
Council won various competitions in group singing as well as socio-civic cultural activities
Rev. Fr. TED REAL II (1981 - 83)

Rev. Fr. Ted Real II took over temporarily as Parish Priest. On August 23, 1983 Rev.
Fr. Pantas returned after 2 years of new assignment and remained as the Parish Priest until

Rev. Fr. LEO DEL CARMEN (1996 - 2001)

Our beloved Rev. Fr. Napoleon Pantas died ON 1996. The administration of the San
Vicente Ferrer Parish was assigned to Rev. Fr. Leo Del Carmen. As the new parish priest, he
spearheaded the Parish Renewal Experience (PREX) Seminars. Construction of SVFP Multi-
Purpose Hall and unification of 10 mini parishes under the umbrella of San Vicente Ferrer
Parish was also done during Fr. Leo's leadership.

Rev. Fr. MARIO P. RIVERA (2001 - 2007)

Rev. Fr. Mario initiated the construction of the new structural church. He instituted
the devotion to St. Vincent Ferrer by acquiring a relic of our patron saint. He introduced
different fund raising programs for the continuous construction of the church

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