Argumentative Essay

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Name : Shelvya Rahmatul Irman

Early Marriage

Could early marriage be the best solution for teenager’s problem? Early marriage is a
marriage for young person who is under 18 years old. Free lifestyle of teenager that lead to
free sex is increasingly rife happened. The reason someone does the most common early
marriage is to keep the honor and get away from the unwanted. According to a survey
conducted by KPAI and KemMenKes in 2013, approximiately 62,7% of teens in Indonesia
have had sex outside of marriage.

Islam has give the oppurtunity for anyone who already have the ability to get married. So
the majority of Islamic jurists legalize early marriage. Married at a young age is legalize as it
can prevent of free and spread of venereal disease. In addition, early marriage is also able to
ensure the context of the lineage in two families. Besides, history has recorded that Aisyah
married the Prophet Muhammad SAW in very young age.

On the other hand, according to research from UNICEF, there are many negative impacts
caused by early marriage, namely:

1. 85% of girls terminate education after marriage

2. Girls age 10-14 years old have a five time greater risk to die during pregnancy and
childbirth than girls aged 20-24 years old
3. It can has a great chance to experience physical, psychological, emotional, and social

Ibnu Taimiyyah told in Majmu al-Fatawa taht the ability to marry is the ability to bear the
brunt of marriage, not the ability to get in touch. For those who can’t ber the burden of
marriage is recomended to fast.

I agree that early marriage is not the best solution for teenager’s problem. There are
many problem await the children whether forced or not to marry early. Such as impact to the
psychological, emotional, and the health of body. Especially in the young age, they still need
education because it is known that being a parent or a husband and wife is not as easy as it
looks like.

Early marriage is not the best solution overcome free sex. There are other solution better
than early marriage. Parents have to directing their children in order to avoid things that are
not desirable. Control can be done with sex education and religious undrstanding in depth. It
would be better if the children incorporated into Islamic boarding house.

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