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17975780 - SIMPSON Ami-

Marie, A2
by Ami-Marie Simpson

Submission date: 17-Oct-2018 10:43PM (UT C+1100)

Submission ID: 1021588392
File name: 17975780_SIMPSON_Ami-Marie_-_A2.docx (59.84K)
Word count: 3519
Character count: 21605
17975780 - SIMPSON Ami-Marie, A2

33 %


Submitted to University of Western Sydney
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Submitted to Flinders University
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Submitted to Australian Catholic University
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Submitted to University of New South Wales
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17975780 - SIMPSON Ami-Marie, A2



40 /50

T his was a creative and very clear and well

scaf f olded task on the core. T he range of sources
was outlined ef f ectively f or the students to f ocus
on and the choice of topics. Sound dif f erentiation in
terms of choice of presentation mode. T his f lexibility
is of ten not af f orded high stakes Year 12
assessments and is much needed to motivate and
produce more realistic assessments.

Overall some valid components to the criteria- yet

avoid numeric scores that have ranges of pass and
f ail with sound descriptors this is very conf using.
Ensure that numeric f ails and descripors align. If it is
out of 30 ensure that you do not receive a f ail mark
and descriptors that imply success. You do not need
to have consistent 5 mark ranges. Keep numeric and
qualitative descriptors aligned.

A quality, critical and lively discussion on

assessment. I have spoken with Geof f Masters
twice in my academic career and read many of his
articles and I think you have summed these
arguments up well and integrated these within a rich
socio-cultural argument. T his was sophisticated and
well substantiated.

Strong assessment practices and critical thought

has been demonstrated- commendable!









Comment 1
Ref erencing correction- use semi colon not brackets






Constructs a quality, prof essional, rigorous and original assessment task f or year 12 that aligns to the
syllabus and the course perf ormance standards. Prepares an assessment task that demonstrates
assessment f or learning and of learning principles, is accessible f or stage 6 diverse learners, shows
dif f erentiation and discrimination in the scope, presentation and choice of task.

FAIL 0- 24 Unsuitable assessment task f or stage 6 and the syllabus outcomes f or the T eaching
Area. Assessment task FAILS to demonstrate assessment f or learning and of
learning principles, is not readily accessible in language and instructions f or stage 6
diverse learners, shows limited or poor dif f erentiation and discrimination in the
scope, poor presentation and choice of task.

PASS 25- 32 Suitable original assessment f or the Syllabus and f or Stage 6 students and relevant
outcomes and perf ormance standards that is of a reasonable rigour and quality.
Assessment task satisf actorily demonstrates assessment f or learning and of
learning principles, is readily accessible in language and instructions f or stage 6
diverse learners, shows some dif f erentiation and discrimination in the scope, is
prof essionally presented and shows appropriate judgment in the choice of task.

CREDIT 33- 37 Quality original and rigorous assessment f or the Syllabus and f or Stage 6 students
and caters f or relevant outcomes and perf ormance standards. Assessment task
demonstrates sound assessment f or learning and of learning principles, is clear,
precise and accessible in language and instructions f or stage 6 diverse learners,
shows sound dif f erentiation and discrimination in the scope, is prof essionally
presented to a high standard and shows sound judgment in the choice of task.

DIST 38- 42 High Quality original and rigorous assessment f or the Syllabus and f or Stage 6
students and relevant outcomes and perf ormance standards. Assessment task
demonstrates substantive assessment f or learning and of learning principles, is
clear, precise and accessible in language and instructions f or stage 6 diverse
learners, shows good levels of dif f erentiation and discrimination in the scope, is
prof essionally presented to a very high standard and shows good judgment in the
choice of task.

HD 43- 50 Ef f ective, creative, well targeted, rigorous high quality assessment f or the Syllabus
and f or Stage 6 students that caters well f or relevant outcomes and perf ormance
standards. Assessment task demonstrates high level critical understanding and
application of assessment f or learning and of learning principles, is very clear,
precise and accessible in language and instructions f or stage 6 diverse learners,
shows strong levels and modes of dif f erentiation and discrimination in the scope, is
prof essionally presented to a exemplary standard and shows critical judgment in the
choice of task.


Presents a critical discussion and prof essional ref lection on assessment using a range of scholarly and
teaching literature that shows applied knowledge and understanding of the syllabus and assessment
practices. Presents work prof essionally, with clear academic writing and within the word limit Uses the APA
ref erencing style correctly f or both in-text citations and ref erence list
FAIL 0- 24 Presents a poor, limited or incoherent discussion of assessment with limited or
inappropriate ref erence to the syllabus, scholarly and prof essional literature. Work
lacks structure; little evidence paper has been edited; terminology inappropriate;
f requent spelling/ typographic errors. Poor paraphrasing or overreliance on quotes.
Submitted to T urnitin; originality report detects some insignif icant matches.
Signif icantly below or above the word/time limit. A ref erence list was not included or
demonstrated multiple errors. In-text citations were omitted or were used incorrectly

PASS 25- 32 Presents a coherent prof essional discussion of assessment using relevant examples
f rom a range of scholarly and prof essional reading. Shows a satisf actory
understanding of how this could be applied to the syllabus. Has made connections to
the assessment practices within education contexts and understands how teachers
use assessment methodology. Generally clear; paper/presentation has introduction,
body and conclusion; developed with student’s voice; sentences coherent and
grammatically correct; within word/time limit; some typographic and /or spelling errors.
Some appropriate use of evidence but needs to be better integrated; submitted to
T urnitin; originality report detects some insignif icant matches.

CREDIT 33- 37 Presents a coherent, critical and prof essional discussion of assessment using
relevant and current examples f rom a sound range of scholarly and prof essional
reading. Shows a sound understanding of how this could be applied to the syllabus.
Has made critical connections to the assessment practices within a range of
education contexts and understands how teachers use assessment methodology
appropriately within their practice. Well structured and coherent text; ef f ective
grammatical expression; adheres to word/time limit; uses appropriate terminology;
minor typographic and /or spelling errors. Analysis well developed with student’s voice
and supported by literature and research. As f or pass, additionally all ref erences and
citations consistently demonstrate correct f ormatting. Italics, capitalisation, regular
text and spacing f ollow APA conventions f or particular ref erence types.

DIST 38- 42 Presents a coherent, critical, sustained and prof essional discussion of assessment
using insightf ul and substantive examples f rom a broad range of scholarly and
prof essional reading. Shows a substantive understanding of how this could be
applied to the syllabus. Has made strong critical connections to the assessment
practices within a range of education contexts and understands how teachers use
assessment methodology ef f ectively within their practice. Clear and concise
structure; strengthened by relevant research; grammar and syntax mostly correct;
cohesive text within word/time limit; discriminating use of appropriate vocabulary; f ew
typographic or spelling errors. As f or credit, additionally all ref erences and citations
consistently demonstrate correct punctuation. Full stops, commas, colons,
parenthesis f ollow APA conventions f or particular ref erence types.

HD 43- 50 Presents an insightf ul and provocative discussion of assessment using robust and
well synthesized examples f rom an extensive range of scholarly and prof essional
reading. Shows a deeply critical and ref lective understanding of how this could be
applied to the syllabus. Has made compelling connections to the assessment
practices within a range of education contexts and understands how teachers use
assessment methodology ef f ectively and reliably within their practice. Well structured
paper or innovative presentation within the word/time limit; explicitly identif ies the key
issues; cohesive, grammatically correct structure; very f ew typographic or spelling
errors. With competent integration of evidence, submitted to T urnitin; original work
with insignif icant matches. As f or distinction, additionally complex citations or unusual
source materials are cited and ref erenced correctly, f ollowing APA conventions.

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