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Talking About English Assignment

Jazil : Vi, let us go to Eva’s house after school

Evi : I want to go to Internet cafe
Jazil : Why do you go there? It is a waste of money.
Evi : I have an assignment to search for narrative text in internet
Jazil : Is English assignment, is’n it?
Evi : Yes
Jazil : When will it be collected?
Evi : Tomorrow, therefore I have to go to internet cafe today
Jazil : I think my class also has this assignment as well; might you search it for me?
Evi : Why don’t we go together to internet cafe?
Jazil : I can’t, I have promised to Eva. Would you mind searching it for me?
Evi : Ok, but you should paid for the printing cost.
Jazil : all right, Rp. 2.000,- is enough, right?
Evi : Yeah, it is more than enough
Jazil : Thank you, my lovely friend Evi, I have to go to Eva’s house right now
Evi : Ok
Jazil : Don’t forget to search for my assignment. See you tomorrow.

Borrowing A Dictionary
Jazil : Do you bring English dictionary, va?
Eva : Yes, what’s the matter?
Jazil : May I borrow it, please? I have English lesson but I forgot bringing it.
Eva : No problem.
Jazil : Thank you Eva, you are my best friend.
Eva : But you have to promise me. You have to give it back after school because
tomorrow I have English lesson.
Jazil : Ok, I promise you.

Percakapan Terjadi Sebelum Liburan

Ayu : Do you really want to go to Bromo?

Uya : Yeah, my boss has given me a break.
Ayu : Why don't you visit Bali? You wanna go there, don't you?
Uya : Yes I really want to go there... (Uya stops talking, he thinks something)
Ayu : Hey.. What are you thinking about?
Uya : Sorry, I just don't wanna go to Bali, except...
Ayu : Except what? You said you want to go there... this is your right time.
Uya : No, no, it aint my right time. Bromo is as beautiful as Bali, isn't it?
Ayu : Yes, Bromo is. You always talk about Bali, I think Bali is your favorite place.
Uya : Hmm.. You're right, Bali is my favorite place. But I don't wanna go there right
now, because...
Ayu : Because of what. . .
Uya : Because I don't wanna go to Bali without you...
Ayu : (Silent, looking at Uya's eyes)
Uya : I don't wanna go to Bali without you, Ayu.
Ayu : (Keep silent, smiling)

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