Ventas Inmobiliarias de Goodyear2

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Hypothesis Test: Mean vs.

Hypothesized Value

220.0000 hypothesized value

221.1029 mean Precio de Venta
47.1054 std. dev.
4.5970 std. error
105 n
104 df

0.240 t
.4054 p-value (one-tailed, upper)

209.0406 confidence interval 99.% lower

233.1651 confidence interval 99.% upper
12.0623 margin of error

t -3 -2 -1 0 1


df = 104 P(lower) P(upper) t
.9900 .0100 2.363
.4054 .5946 -0.240

Hypothesis Test: Mean vs. Hypothesized Value

2,100.000 hypothesized value
2,223.810 mean Pies
248.659 std. dev.
24.267 std. error
105 n
104 df

5.102 t
### p-value (one-tailed, upper)

2,160.135 confidence interval 99.% lower

2,287.484 confidence interval 99.% upper
63.674 margin of error

t -3 -2 -1 0 1
< -5.102

df = 104 P(lower) P(upper) t
.9900 .0100 2.363
7.60E-07 1.0000 -5.102
1.0000 7.60E-07 5.102

Hypothesis test for proportion vs hypothesized value

Observed Hypothesized
0.6762 0.6 p (as decimal)
70/105 63/105 p (as fraction)
71 63 X
105 105 n

0.0478 std. error

1.59 z
.0555 p-value (one-tailed, upper)

0.5867 confidence interval 95.% lower

0.7657 confidence interval 95.% upper
0.0895 margin of error

z -3 -2 -1 0 1
1.59 1.64

Normal distribution
P(lower) P(upper) z
.9500 .0500 1.64
.9445 .0555 1.59

Hypothesis test for proportion vs hypothesized value

Observed Hypothesized
0.6381 0.6 p (as decimal)
66/105 63/105 p (as fraction)
67 63 X
105 105 n
0.0478 std. error
0.80 z
.7872 p-value (one-tailed, lower)

0.5462 confidence interval 95.% lower

0.73 confidence interval 95.% upper
0.0919 margin of error

z -3 -2 -1 0 1
-1.64 0.80

Normal distribution
P(lower) P(upper) z
.0500 .9500 -1.64
.7872 .2128 0.80

Hypothesis Test: Independent Groups (t-test, pooled variance)

Suma de Precio de Venta ecio de Venta

202.797 231.485 mean
33.705 50.569 std. dev.
38 67 n

103 df
-28.6877 difference (Suma de Precio de Venta - Suma de Precio de Venta)
2,046.7201 pooled variance
45.2407 pooled std. dev.
9.1874 standard error of difference
0 hypothesized difference

-3.122 t
.0023 p-value (two-tailed)

-46.9088 confidence interval 95.% lower

-10.4666 confidence interval 95.% upper
18.2211 margin of error

F-test for equality of variance

2,557.258 variance: Suma de Precio de Venta
1,136.031 variance: Suma de Precio de Venta
2.25 F
.0088 p-value

t -3 -2 -1 0 1
-3.126 -1.983 1.983

df = 103 P(lower) P(upper) t
.9750 .0250 1.983
.0250 .9750 -1.983
.9989 .0011 3.126
.0011 .9989 -3.126

Hypothesis Test: Independent Groups (t-test, pooled variance)

Suma de Precio de Venta ecio de Venta

185.450 238.176 mean
28.005 44.876 std. dev.
34 71 n

103 df
-52.7261 difference (Suma de Precio de Venta - Suma de Precio de Venta)
1,619.9341 pooled variance
40.2484 pooled std. dev.
8.3941 standard error of difference
0 hypothesized difference

-6.281 t
### p-value (two-tailed)

-69.3738 confidence interval 95.% lower

-36.0783 confidence interval 95.% upper
16.6477 margin of error

F-test for equality of variance

2,013.896 variance: Suma de Precio de Venta
784.257 variance: Suma de Precio de Venta
2.57 F
.0037 p-value

t -3 -2 -1 0 1
< -6.282 -1.983 1.983

df = 103 P(lower) P(upper) t
.9750 .0250 1.983
.0250 .9750 -1.983
1.0000 4.05E-09 6.282
4.05E-09 1.0000 -6.282

Hypothesis Test: Independent Groups (t-test, pooled variance)

Suma de Precio de Venta ecio de Venta

196.913 227.450 mean
35.784 44.193 std. dev.
15 20 n

33 df
-30.5367 difference (Suma de Precio de Venta - Suma de Precio de Venta)
1,667.7275 pooled variance
40.8378 pooled std. dev.
13.9488 standard error of difference
0 hypothesized difference

-2.189 t
.0358 p-value (two-tailed)

-58.9157 confidence interval 95.% lower

-2.1577 confidence interval 95.% upper
28.3790 margin of error

F-test for equality of variance

1,953.054 variance: Suma de Precio de Venta
1,280.498 variance: Suma de Precio de Venta
1.53 F
.4251 p-value

t -3 -2 -1 0 1
-2.035 2.035
-2.035 2.035

df = 33 P(lower) P(upper) t
.9750 .0250 2.035
.0250 .9750 -2.035
.9821 .0179 2.189
.0179 .9821 -2.189

Hypothesis Test: Independent Groups (t-test, pooled variance)

Suma de Precio de Venta ecio de Venta

182.862 183.442 mean
20.360 20.600 std. dev.
52 53 n

103 df
-0.5800 difference (Suma de Precio de Venta - Suma de Precio de Venta)
419.4966 pooled variance
20.4816 pooled std. dev.
3.9978 standard error of difference
0 hypothesized difference

-0.145 t
.8849 p-value (two-tailed)

-8.5086 confidence interval 95.% lower

7.3487 confidence interval 95.% upper
7.9287 margin of error

F-test for equality of variance

424.377 variance: Suma de Precio de Venta
414.521 variance: Suma de Precio de Venta
1.02 F
.9339 p-value

t -3 -2 -1 0 1
-1.983 -0.1450.145 1.983

df = 103 P(lower) P(upper) t
.9750 .0250 1.983
.0250 .9750 -1.983
.5576 .4424 0.145
.4424 .5576 -0.145

Hypothesis test for two independent proportions

p1 p2 pc
0.4952 0.5048 0.5 p (as decimal)
52/105 52/105 105/210 p (as fraction)
52 53 105 X
105 105 210 n

-0.0095 difference
0 hypothesized difference
0.069 std. error
-0.14 z
.8902 p-value (two-tailed)

-0.1448 confidence interval 95.% lower

0.1257 confidence interval 95.% upper
0.1352 margin of error

z -3 -2 -1 0 1
-1.96 -0.14 0.14 1.96

Normal distribution
P(lower) P(upper) z
.9750 .0250 1.96
.0250 .9750 -1.96
.5549 .4451 0.14
.4451 .5549 -0.14

Hypothesis Test: Independent Groups (t-test, pooled variance)

Precio de Venta recio de Venta

258.623 182.862 mean
33.676 20.360 std. dev.
53 52 n

103 df
75.7611 difference (Precio de Venta - Precio de Venta)
777.7957 pooled variance
27.8890 pooled std. dev.
5.4436 standard error of difference
0 hypothesized difference

13.917 t
### p-value (two-tailed)

64.9650 confidence interval 95.% lower

86.5572 confidence interval 95.% upper
10.7961 margin of error

F-test for equality of variance

1,134.084 variance: Precio de Venta
414.521 variance: Precio de Venta
2.74 F
.0004 p-value

t -3 -2 -1 0 1
< -9.356 -1.983 1.983

df = 103 P(lower) P(upper) t
.9750 .0250 1.983
.0250 .9750 -1.983
1.0000 1.00E-15 9.356
9.99E-16 1.0000 -9.356

Hypothesis test for proportion vs hypothesized value

Observed Hypothesized
0.638095238 0 p (as decimal)
0.638095238 0 p (as fraction)
67 0 X
105 105 n

hypothesized difference
0 std. error

Hypothesis test for proportion vs hypothesized value

Observed Hypothesized
0.638095238 0 p (as decimal)
0.638095238 0 p (as fraction)
67 0 X
105 105 n

hypothesized difference
0 std. error
Hypothesis test for proportion vs hypothesized value

Observed Hypothesized
0.6381 0.6 p (as decimal)
66/105 63/105 p (as fraction)
67 63 X
105 105 n

0.0478 std. error

0.80 z
.7872 p-value (one-tailed, lower)

0.5462 confidence interval 95.% lower

0.73 confidence interval 95.% upper
0.0919 margin of error
Hnula menor o igual 220
Haltern mayor 220


Pvalue < X
.4054 0.01

Zp > Zc
0.240 2.363

Se Rechaza? Si
No X

2 3

Hnula menor o igual 2100
Haltern mayor 2100


Pvalue < X
0.00000076 0.01

Zp > Zc
5.102 2.363

Se Rechaza? Si X

2 3
2.363 5.102 >

Hnula menor o igual 60%
Haltern mayor 60%

Pvalue < X
0.0555 0.05

Zp > Zc
1.594 1.645

Se Rechaza? Si
No X

2 3

Hnula mayor o igual 60%
Haltern menor 60%

Pvalue < X
0.7872 0.05

Zp > Zc
0.80 1.645

Se Rechaza? Si
No X

2 3

Hnula sin alberca igual con alberca
Haltern sin alberca no igual con alberca


Pvalue < X
.0023 0.050 1
Zp > Zc
3.122 1.983 1

Se Rechaza? Si X

2 3
1.983 3.126

Hnula Sin cochera igual Con cochera
Haltern sin cochera no igual Con cochera

Pvalue < X
.0000 0.050 1

Zp > Zc
6.281 1.983 1

Se Rechaza? Si X

2 3
1.983 6.282 >
Hnula ts1 igual ts2
Haltern ts1 no igual ts2


Pvalue < X
.0358 0.050 1

Zp > Zc
2.189 2.035 1

Se Rechaza? Si X

2 3
2.035 2.189
2.035 2.189

Hnula ts1 igual ts2
Haltern ts1 no igual ts2


Pvalue < X
.8849 0.050 0

Zp > Zc
0.145 1.983 0

Se Rechaza? Si
No X
2 3
2 3
2 3
1.983 9.356 >
Alberca 0 Alberca 1

No. Sum - Precio de Venta No. Sum - Precio de Venta

1 263.1 2 182.4
6 245.4 3 242.1
9 221.1 4 213.6
17 172.7 5 139.9
18 207.5 7 327.2
19 198.9 8 271.8
20 209.3 10 266.6
22 192.9 11 292.4
26 173.1 12 209
34 166.2 13 270.8
36 182.7 14 246.1
41 206 15 194.4
42 232.2 16 281.3
43 198.3 21 252.3
44 205.1 23 209.3
45 175.6 24 345.3
46 307.8 25 326.3
49 171.6 27 187
51 192.6 28 257.2
56 147.4 29 233
59 166.5 30 180.4
63 269.9 31 234
66 209.7 32 207.1
67 190.9 33 247.7
68 254.3 35 177.1
69 207.5 37 216
70 209.7 38 312.1
72 176.3 39 199.8
74 224 40 273.2
76 236.8 47 269.2
81 220.9 48 224.8
84 199 50 216.8
92 155.4 52 236.4
93 186.7 53 172.4
94 179 54 251.4
95 188.3 55 246
97 173.6 57 176
102 188.3 58 228.4
Total Result 7706.3 60 189.4
61 312.1
62 289.8
64 154.3
65 222.1
71 294
73 294.3
75 125
77 164.1
78 217.8
79 192.2
80 125.9
82 294.5
83 244.6
85 240
86 263.2
87 188.1
88 243.7
89 221.5
90 175
91 253.2
96 227.1
98 188.3
99 310.8
100 293.7
101 179
103 227.1
104 173.6
105 188.3
Total Result 15509.5
Datos Cochera 0
sin alberca igual con alberca
sin alberca no igual con alberca No. Sum - Precio de Venta
2 182.4
3 242.1
4 213.6
5 139.9
9 221.1
15 194.4
17 172.7
18 207.5
23 209.3
27 187
30 180.4
36 182.7
37 216
41 206
44 205.1
49 171.6
51 192.6
53 172.4
56 147.4
59 166.5
64 154.3
69 207.5
72 176.3
75 125
77 164.1
78 217.8
79 192.2
80 125.9
84 199
90 175
92 155.4
93 186.7
98 188.3
103 227.1
Total Result 6305.3
Cochera 1 Datos
Sin cochera igual
No. Sum - Precio de Venta sin cochera no igual
1 263.1
6 245.4
7 327.2
8 271.8
10 266.6
11 292.4
12 209
13 270.8
14 246.1
16 281.3
19 198.9
20 209.3
21 252.3
22 192.9
24 345.3
25 326.3
26 173.1
28 257.2
29 233
31 234
32 207.1
33 247.7
34 166.2
35 177.1
38 312.1
39 199.8
40 273.2
42 232.2
43 198.3
45 175.6
46 307.8
47 269.2
48 224.8
50 216.8
52 236.4
54 251.4
55 246
57 176
58 228.4
60 189.4
61 312.1
62 289.8
63 269.9
65 222.1
66 209.7
67 190.9
68 254.3
70 209.7
71 294
73 294.3
74 224
76 236.8
81 220.9
82 294.5
83 244.6
85 240
86 263.2
87 188.1
88 243.7
89 221.5
91 253.2
94 179
95 188.3
96 227.1
97 173.6
99 310.8
100 293.7
101 179
102 188.3
104 173.6
105 188.3
Total Result 16910.5
x6 1 x6
Con cochera
Con cochera No. Sum - Precio de Venta No.
5 139.9 4
6 245.4 8
9 221.1 16
42 232.2 22
43 198.3 33
48 224.8 34
50 216.8 37
51 192.6 40
56 147.4 46
57 176 54
60 189.4 64
74 224 66
80 125.9 69
81 220.9 70
84 199 71
Total Result 2953.7 79
Total Result
2 Datos
ts1 igual ts2
Sum - Precio de Venta ts1 no igual ts2
m1 igual m2
m1 no igual m2 No. Precio de Venta No. Precio de Venta
1 263.1 2 182.4
3 242.1 5 139.9
4 213.6 12 209
6 245.4 15 194.4
7 327.2 17 172.7
8 271.8 18 207.5
9 221.1 19 198.9
10 266.6 20 209.3
11 292.4 22 192.9
13 270.8 23 209.3
14 246.1 26 173.1
16 281.3 27 187
21 252.3 30 180.4
24 345.3 32 207.1
25 326.3 34 166.2
28 257.2 35 177.1
29 233 36 182.7
31 234 39 199.8
33 247.7 41 206
37 216 43 198.3
38 312.1 44 205.1
40 273.2 45 175.6
42 232.2 49 171.6
46 307.8 51 192.6
47 269.2 53 172.4
48 224.8 56 147.4
50 216.8 57 176
52 236.4 59 166.5
54 251.4 60 189.4
55 246 64 154.3
58 228.4 66 209.7
61 312.1 67 190.9
62 289.8 69 207.5
63 269.9 70 209.7
65 222.1 72 176.3
68 254.3 75 125
71 294 77 164.1
73 294.3 79 192.2
74 224 80 125.9
76 236.8 84 199
78 217.8 87 188.1
81 220.9 90 175
82 294.5 92 155.4
83 244.6 93 186.7
85 240 94 179
86 263.2 95 188.3
88 243.7 97 173.6
89 221.5 98 188.3
91 253.2 101 179
96 227.1 102 188.3
99 310.8 104 173.6
100 293.7 105 188.3
103 227.1
Conjunto de datos 1: Ventas inmobiliarias de Goodyear, Arizona

x1 Precio de venta en miles de dólares
x2 Número de recámaras
x3 Tamaño de la casa en pies cuadrados
x4 Alberca (1 sí o 0 no)
x5 Distancia del centro de la ciudad en millas
x6 Colonia
x7 Cochera (1 sí o 0 no)
x8 Número de baños
105 casas vendidas

No. Precio de Venta x2 Pies Alberca x5 x6 Cochera x8

2 182.4 4 2,100 1 19 4 0 2
5 139.9 2 2,100 1 28 1 0 1.5
12 209 2 1,700 1 8 4 1 1.5
15 194.4 2 2,300 1 11 3 0 2
17 172.7 4 2,200 0 16 3 0 2
18 207.5 5 2,300 0 21 4 0 2.5
19 198.9 3 2,200 0 10 4 1 2
20 209.3 6 1,900 0 15 4 1 2
22 192.9 4 1,900 0 14 2 1 2.5
23 209.3 5 2,100 1 20 5 0 1.5
26 173.1 2 2,200 0 21 5 1 1.5
27 187 2 1,900 1 26 4 0 2
30 180.4 2 2,000 1 11 5 0 2
32 207.1 2 2,000 1 11 5 1 2
34 166.2 3 2,000 0 16 2 1 2
35 177.1 2 1,900 1 10 5 1 2
36 182.7 4 2,000 0 14 4 0 2.5
39 199.8 3 2,100 1 19 3 1 2
41 206 3 2,100 0 9 3 0 1.5
43 198.3 4 2,100 0 19 1 1 1.5
44 205.1 3 2,000 0 20 4 0 2
45 175.6 4 2,300 0 24 4 1 2
49 171.6 3 2,000 0 16 4 0 2
51 192.6 6 2,200 0 14 1 0 2
53 172.4 3 2,200 1 23 3 0 2
56 147.4 6 1,700 0 12 1 0 2
57 176 4 2,200 1 15 1 1 2
59 166.5 3 1,600 0 19 3 0 2.5
60 189.4 4 2,200 1 24 1 1 2
64 154.3 2 2,000 1 13 2 0 2
66 209.7 5 2,200 0 13 2 1 2
67 190.9 3 2,200 0 18 3 1 2
69 207.5 3 2,100 0 10 2 0 2
70 209.7 4 2,200 0 19 2 1 2
72 176.3 2 2,000 0 17 3 0 2
75 125 2 1,900 1 18 4 0 1.5
77 164.1 4 2,300 1 19 4 0 2
79 192.2 2 2,400 1 16 2 0 2.5
80 125.9 2 2,400 1 28 1 0 1.5
84 199 3 2,500 0 18 1 0 1.5
87 188.1 2 1,900 1 8 4 1 1.5
90 175 2 2,500 1 11 3 0 2
92 155.4 4 2,400 0 16 3 0 2
93 186.7 5 2,500 0 21 4 0 2.5
94 179 3 2,400 0 10 4 1 2
95 188.3 6 2,100 0 15 4 1 2
97 173.6 4 2,100 0 14 2 1 2.5
98 188.3 5 2,300 1 20 5 0 1.5
101 179 3 2,400 1 8 4 1 2
102 188.3 6 2,100 0 14 2 1 2.5
104 173.6 4 2,100 1 9 4 1 2
105 188.3 5 2,300 1 11 5 1 3

Haltern menor 60%

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