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Chapter I


Businesses are growing all over the globe. It makes the economy growing

which generates jobs and make a country prosperous. According to Griffin and

Ebert (1996), business is an organization that provides goods or services in order

to earn profit. But running a business is not only about having a great product or

service and earning profit but also requires certain licenses from several

government agencies. Business licenses are permits issued by government

agencies such as Municipality or City government to allow individuals or

companies to operate a business within the government geographical jurisdiction.

Obtaining a business permit follow procedures and this procedures can be time

consuming because before a permit is issued there are also certain documents

that needs to be secured from other government agencies.

In the Philippines, a newly approved Expanded Anti Red Tape Act is

implemented. The Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service

Delivery Act of 2018, or Republic Act 11032 gives government agencies deadlines

to approve applications and provides sanctions for delays and violations. The

simple transactions at the local level should be processed within three (3) days,

more complex transactions such as building permits are given seven (7) days. At

the national government level processing time for highly technical transactions

such as environmental certificates from the Department of Environment and

Natural Resources are capped at twenty days. This law will develop the standards

in good governance and further improve government services in the country.

Cities and municipalities implements the newly approves Anti Red Act.

In the Philippines, specifically in Region VIII, one example is the Municipality of

Lawaan, Eastern Samar. This municipality issues permit manually and is time

consuming because the clients must go personally to the Municipal Treasurers

Office and visit other government agencies to secure other requirements. It also
takes time to release the license because it needs to be approved by the Mayor

and Municipal treasurer which makes the client to return back again several times.

If data are need to be accessed, the clerk have a particular difficult time of finding

it because documents are stored on folders and drawers. It also generates high

cost on paper and if natural disaster occurs documents should be still be placed in

a safer area so as not to break and lost the documents.

With the technological advancements, new procedures are introduced and

that is through Online Business Registration and Licensing. It allows a client to a

one stop transaction and one-click process of applying a certain permit and

reduces manual efforts on issuing the license. The client will provide the necessary

details of the business to process it for registration and this details is stored to the

database. The goal of this system is to make the transaction faster and so the

business owners and applicants of the permit do not go to other government

agencies to secure requirements such as police permit, fire permit, sanitary permit,

and environmental permit. The database is accessed and maintained by the City

or Municipal Treasurers Office. The system monitors every transactions and

provide information about every issued permit. It also provides the information of

the proprietor, owner, and operator of business and has the ability to monitor which

permit is expired and needs renewal.

To innovate the Business Permit and Licensing of Municipality of Lawaan

by making it online should be given importance. If Online Business Permit and

Registration is implemented, business owners will no longer need to go to the

treasurer’s office several times because the system can be accessed on

computers and mobile devices where everyone uses it today. If the client can pay

it online then it will also reduce his visit to the treasurers office because the system

also provides online transactions on payments. In fact, if the permit is approved

and ready for release the client will no longer come to the treasurer’s office to follow

up the status of the application because the system also provides SMS notification

once all necessary documents from other government agencies is secured. The

old way of securing a permit which is time-consuming can be change by making it

online and digital

Project Context

Online Business Registration & Licensing System is a web-based process

that uses computer or any other mobile devices that can access internet to apply

for a certain permit. The client will open an internet browser on his/her device, go

to the website, then select what kind of permit does he or she needs, and provide

the necessary information of the business to the textboxes in the user interface.

The system provides online transactions but they can also visit the Municipal

Treasurer’s Office to secure payments or pay at partner remittance centers such

as Palawan Pawnshop. Proof of payments is needed and once payments is

secured, those information of the permit is stored on the database and process it

for approval. If the permit is ready for release the system notifies the applicant via

SMS that the documents such as mayor’s permit,police permit, fire permit, sanitary

permit and environmental permit is ready to be received. The Security is given

importance because the information of the permit are only accessed by the clerk

and the Municipal Treasurer once he/she is registered as an administrator.

The researchers will conduct the study to the Municipal Treasurer’s Office

of Lawaan, Eastern Samar. The said office has a rough estimate of one-hundred

fifty (150) applicants for business permit, thirty (30) for building permit, one

hundred (100) for vehicle franchise and permit, sixty (60) for pedicab permit

annually. This office owns six (6) computers which is used by the clerks and the

Municipal Treasurer. The researchers will conduct the research to the said office,

since the employees and applicants are having a hard time on processing this

permits and licenses due to that all the documents must be manually processed

and the applicant must visit personally to the Municipal Treasurer’s Office to

comply for the requirements.

The proposed system is an upgrade to the current manual business

registration of the Municipal Treasurer’s Office of Lawaan, Eastern Samar. This

Online Business Registration and Licensing System will no longer require

applicants to visit the office to follow up the status of their request. Employees will

use computers and applicants can use any other mobile device which will make

the transactions automated. The system is a solution to the problems encountered

by the normal or manual business permit application, which is time-consuming,

requires more human interaction and costly materials.

Framework of the Study

Theoretical Framework

In order to fully understand the proposed system, the researchers applied

different kinds of theories to help in making the proposed system better and to

make the business registration and licensing of the Municipality of Lawaan,

Eastern Samar automated.

The System Development Life Cycle according to Motea Alwan (2015)

is a series of six main phases to create a hardware system only, a software system

only or a combination of both to meet or exceed costumer’s expectation. A system

is a set of interacting or independent components forming an integrated whole. It

is a term that can be used in different industries, therefore SDLC is a limited term

that explains the phases of creating a software that intergrates with other software

components to create the whole system. To create the system the researchers will

use different kind of software so this theory is a great help because planning is

deciding in advance what to do, how to do, and who is to do it. Planning bridges

the gap from where we are to where we want to go. It makes it possible for things

to happen,(Koontz and O’Donnell, 1964).

According to the Activity Theory by Kuutti, K. (1996), the major driving

force in the development of first computers was the need to automate human

calculating operations, and one of those forces behind the expansion of

information technology has been the need to automate administrative data

manipulations operations. By automating and substituting human operations,

information technology can become part of an activity and vastly expand the scope

of actions available to the participants. In relation to our system, the systems

approach is to substitute more human-interaction, eliminate costly materials and

to have an automated transaction

The Relational Theory for Computer Professional by C.J. Date

(2013), state that a database can be thought of as a kind of electronic filing cabinet;

it contains digitized information (“data”), which is kept in persistent storage of some

kind, typically on magnetic disks. Users can insert new information into the

database, and delete, change, or retrieve existing information in the database, by

issuing requests or commands to the software that manages the database—which

is to say, the database management system (DBMS for short). In relation to our

system, the researchers will have a better idea on how to use and connect

database to our system.

The Information Systems Design Theory for e-Learning according to

Gregor and Jones (2004), it is inetended to guide design,development and

maintenance of an information system to support e-learning. In addition, systems

should be easy to use and to make this possible it must have a good design to

inform the users what is it all about. In fact, according also to Gregor and Jones

(2007), design work in information systems is important for both research and

practice. This theories will help the researchers to come up a well organized

system design and a user-friendly system.

The Systems Security Planning according to M. Swanson, J. Hash, and

P. Bowen (2006) provides an overview to the security requirements of the system

and describe the controls in place or planned for meeting those requirements. The

system security plan also delineates responsibilities and expected behavior of all

individuals who access the system. The system security plan should be viewed as

documentation of the structured process of planning adequate, cost-effective

security protection for a system. It should reflect input from various managers with

responsibilities concerning the system, including information owners, the system

owner, and the senior agency information security officer (SAISO). The proposed

system stores confidential information and as far as security is concerned this

theory will help the researchers to form a good plan to make those information

secured and safety from online intruders.

Conceptual Framework

The proposed system is about making an Online Business Registration and

Licensing of the Municipality Of Lawaan, Eastern Samar. To have a clearer picture

on what is the approach of the researchers to complete the proposed system a

diagram is shown.

Schematic Diagram for Online Business Registration and Licensing

Objectives of the Study

This study aims to develop an Online Business Registration and Licensing

of Lawaan, Eastern Samar, in order to improve the services given by the Municipal

Treasurers Office to the clients. This system seeks to create solutions to the

problems encountered by both the office and the applicants.

Specifically this studies would like to:

1. To develop a web-based business registration and licensing system which

will make the processing of documents much faster and reliable.

2. To develop a system which will make the Business Registration and

Licensing of Lawaan digital and automated.

3. To create a system which enables applicants of permit on the Municipal

Treasurer’s Office to apply on a one-stop-shop transaction.

4. To design a system which enables the Municipal Treasurer’s Office to

release all the necessary requirements needed on opening a business and

constructing a building in the municipality, such as police clearance, fire

permit, sanitary permit and environmental permit.

5. To create a web-based system that can record all the necessary

informations of the issued permit in the municipality and store it on the


6. To design a system that will keep track all the permits and sends

confirmation via SMS to the proprietor or operator of a business if that

permit is expired and needs renewal or its approved and ready to be


Scope and Limitations

This study will be focusing on the Online Businesss Registration and

Licensing of the Municipality of Lawaan, Eastern Samar only. The aim of this study

is to make a faster transaction on the issuance of business permit, building permit,

vehicle franchise and permit, and pedicab permit in the municipality. The proposed

system is a web-based system that uses three (3) types of user which is the

Municipal Treasurer, clerk, and the applicants. The Municipal Treasurer which is

designed as the super admin will be in different interface who approves the

registration of the clerk. The clerk will be the admin and has the ability to view the

applications and process it for approval of the Municipal Treasurer. It also has the

ability to manipulate the permits on the database which is to delete those permits

that are expired, update those renewed and save those that are approved. The

applicants delimits only on accessing the user interface because only the clerk and

the Municipal Treasurer has the ability to access those documents on the

database. The system requires usernames and passwords of the Municipal

Treasurer and Clerk for security purposes.

The permit is only approved for processing if payments is secured. The

system provides different kinds of payments such as payment through online, pay

through the Money Remittances center such as Palawan Pawnshop, or client can

visit the Municipal Treasurers Office. Those approved permit will be automatically

saved to the database. The system will monitor every issued permit and notifies

the clerk and the Municipal Treasurer on their dashboard which permit is expired

and needs renewal. This proposed system wil be delimited to the process of

registration and licensing only in the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Lawaan,

Eastern Samar. If there are clients that are not from the municipality but they are

operating inside the municipality then they are advise to process their registration

and licensing in the Municipal Hall.

Definition of Terms :

Business – is the activity of making one's living or making money by producing

or buying and selling products (such as goods and services)

SMS - stands for “Short Message Service” and also commonly referred to as a “text

message” up to 160 characters to anther device.

SMS Gateway Domain – an identifier of network of the cellphone/ mobile number

of the student or admin

Super admin – designed to be used by the principal; approves the registration of

the admin.

Database - is a collection of information that is well organized.

Municipal Treasurer – the one who approves the renewal of permits and the

registration of the admin account.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and System

This chapter indicates studies and literature that are related to the study.

These studies and literature are briefly discussed to provide the foundation of the

proposed studies. In order to develop a new method and procedure, careful review

of the literature and studies must be done for the development of the study.

Related Literature

Multi-agency information management projects are becoming increasingly

common. Yet, there is relatively limited research in this area, particularly in the

context of electronic government (e-government). This paper fills this gap in the

literature by examining a successful information project called the Online Business

Licensing Service (OBLS) that aims to streamline the various licensing (managed

by different agencies) required to operate a business in Singapore. The findings

suggest that multi-agency projects are inherently more complex than single agency

projects. A set of lesson on managing such project is presented and these lessons

should prove useful to researchers and practitioners as multi-agency information

management projects become increasingly more widespread. Teo, T. S., & Koh,

T. K. (2010). Lessons from multi-agency management projects.

Whenever a business enterprise is established, it explicitly or implicitly

employs a particular business model that describes a design or architecture of the

value creation, delivery, and capture mechanism it employs. The essence of

business model is in defining the manner by which the enterprise delivers value to

customers, entices customers to pay for value, and converts those payments to

profit. It thus reflects management’s hypothesis about what customers want, how

they want it, and how the enterprise can organize to best meet those needs, get

paid for doing so, and make a profit. The purpose of this article is to understand

the significance of business models and explore their connection with business

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strategy, innovation management, and economic theory. Teece, D.J. (2010).

Business models, business strategy and innovation. Long range planning, 43(2-

3), 172-194.

Licensing of business by local governments is a common practice in many

countries. While business licensing has its origins in regulation, it is often seen a

little more than a revenue source of local government. This article reviews the

potentially conflicting objectives of regulation and revenue generation, and outlines

the various forms which local taxation of business has taken in a number of

countries. In practice, the regulatory aspects of local business licensing in many

developing countries are ineffective in best and counterproductive at worst, and

there are pressure to sweep away most local business licenses as part of

deregulatory reform. Yet local governments in many countries are in dire need og

revenue sources I order to finance local service provision. The article analyses the

reforms that have been introduced to business licensing in Kenya. There, tradition

licenses have been replaced with a Single Business Permit, with the twin

objectioves of increasing local revenues and reducing regulatory compliance costs

on businesses. Initial results suggest that, while there have been some start-up

problems, both these objectives are being achieved. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley

& Sons, Ltd. Devas, N., & Kelly, R. (2001). Regulation or revenues? An analysis

of local business licenses.

Related System

The article explores faculty perceptions of Loughborough’s Online Reading

List System (LORLS) at Dublin Business School (DBS), where it was installed in

2014. Data generated by the study will inform, advocacy, marketing and training

initiatives to promote the platform. LORLS provides library users with access to

online reading lists with live links to library catalogue records, e-book, e- journal

articles, e-journal titles and websites. A mixed method research style, comprising

quantitative and qualitative approaches was carried out for the purpose of this

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study. Data was gathered from fulltime and part-time lecturers from the Business,

Law and Arts facilities. The study concludes with a number of deductive and

inductive findings. The first is that although DBS faculty are highly predisposed to

using LORLS, there a number of variables that impact its use. Non-arts faculty who

were teaching part-time and for shorter period of time tended not to be as aware

of LORLS> These variable must be considered in the context of advocacy,

marketing and training initiatives in relation to LORLS implementation,. Grounded

theory analysis of the focus group data also revealed that faculty would like LORLs

to have greater interoperability with virtual learning environment (VLE) Model

which is used at DBS> A key output of the study is a LORLS Process

Implementation Chart for proposed inclusion on the LORLS developers’

implementation blog to assist other organizations with LORLS adaptation. The

chart synthesizes the key findings of the literature review and of the data generated

in this study. Author keywords: Reading Lists Management Systems, Reading

Lists, Higher Education, reading strategies, resource lists. Musto, L., & O’Niel, M.

(2016). Faculty Perceptions of Loughborough’s Online Reading List System

(LORLS) at Dublin Business School (DBS).

This article contributes to the public administration and environmental

governance literature by proposing the notion of “institutional subversion” as a way

of describing how the strategies adopted by local actors may change and even go

against the initial aims of institutional development initiatives. The article discusses

the case of the system for the environmental licensing of rural properties (SLAPR),

an institutional development initiative by the state government of Mato Grosso in

the south eastern portion of the Brazilian amazon. It will be shown that even though

this initiative has earned the status of ‘best practice’ in controlling deforestation. A

closer look SLAPR reveals that it has led to contradictory outcomes. During the

first 8 years of SLAPR, it had no significant impact on reducing deforestation and,

in some cases, even permitted the increase of total deforestation by providing

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authorization for this. According to an institutional analysis of the case study, the

article draws particular conclusions that could be relevant to public administrators

in the region and other countries. In particular it is argued that by accepting the

possibility of institutional subversion, public administrators may become more

attentive to unexpected consequences and be able to take the corrective action.

Furthermore, in order to avoid institutional subversion, public administrators should

integrate intuitional initiatives into broader governmental, technological and

economical dimensions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Rajao, R.,

Azevedo, A., & Stabile, M. C. (2012). Institutional subversion and deforestation:

Learning lessons from the system for the environmental licensing of rural

properties in Mato Grosso.

The use of ICT in Indonesia’s public services is still limited. For example, in

Bogor District, the use of ICT in the licensing service system especially industrial

business license is still at the preparation stage, website is only used in delivering

information. The ongoing license service is still conventional, applicants must

register and apply for an industrial business license by visiting licensing agency

office and it takes more than ten working days to process the application. ICT is

expected to improve efficiency economy and transparency. This paper amis to

develop a prototype system of online licensing services. Analysis conducted by

using Work Center Analysis (WCA) method, which includes six elements such

user, product, business process, participants, information and technology. And

consider four aspects: simplification process, elimination of unnecessary process,

reengineering; or automation. Application can apply an application anytime and

anywhere just sit with a computer connected to the internet to register, submit the

document and get response. Response is obtained as an internet information

validation, verification and also certificate can be obtained through e-mail if the

application is approved. This system will shows the value of transparency in public

services that can enhance public trust to the government. (Nurhaddryani) Y. 2009.

13 | P a g e
Memahami konsep e-Governance serta hubungannya dengan e-Government dan

e-Demokrasi. Seminar Nasional Informatika 2009; 2009 May 23; Yogyakarta,

Indonesia. Yogyakarta (ID): ISSN 111-117).

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Chapter III

Technical Background

Current System

With the widespread use of technology, Municipal Treasurer’s Office of

Lawaan Eastern Samar follows the traditional and manual processing of issuing a

certain permit, which requires materials such as pens and papers. It also requires

more time to process due to that the client must go to the other government

agencies to secure other requirements and all that process is manual.

The process is done by securing permits from other government agencies

such as police clearance, sanitary permit, fire permit, environmental permit before

going to the Municipal Treasurer’s Office to formally apply and fill out the

application form. Usually, securing a business permit, building permit, or vehicle

franchise permit in the Municipal Treasurer’s Office takes 10 - 15 days due to that

from the start the client must personally visit those government agencies and wait

for approval. Before a permit is release it needs to be approved by the Municipal

Mayor which is from another office.

Proposed System

The proposed system is a web-based system which requires the use of

computers, smartphones, or any other mobile devices that meets the required

specification to access the internet and launch a web browser. The system can be

viewed or access by entering the URL of the website to a web browser.

The system has three types of user, which is the Municipal Treasurer, Clerk,

and the Client. The Municipal Treasurer’s Account which is the admin does not

need registration because it has a different interface due to that he/she approves,

update, and delete the clerks account. It also has the privilege to view the permits

on the database. The most privilege goes to the clerk who processes all the

applications for final approval and manages the approved permits. The clerks

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account has the ability to update and delete permits on the database. The Client

which is delimited on accessing the application forms only and does not need to

create an account

The system allows online transactions to pay the dues of the permit applied

and also allows payment from the partner money remittance centers. The system

can also generate a code and sent it via SMS to the client once his/her application

is approve. That code can be used to download the soft copy of the permit on the



The following are the specific hardware needed for the development of the

proposed system. The hardware specification includes :

- Laptop or desktop computer that has a chrome browser and an internet


 Ex. PC with a microprocessor of Intel Core product

including i3, i5, i7.

- Mobile devices with a browser and internet connection.

 Ex. Android mobile including from Kit-Kat 4.4 – 4.4.4,

Lollipop 5.0 – 5.1.1, Marshmallow 6.0 – 6.0.1, Nougat 7.0 –

7.1.2, and Oreo 8.0.

iOS mobile including iOS 5, iOS 6, iOS 7, iOS 8, iOS 9,

iOS 10, iOS 11, iOS 12.

The server of the proposed system must be connected to a printer for

printing of hard copies. For best performance in using the proposed system, the

researchers recommend to use the higher specifications of computers and


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The software needed by the proposed system is composed of the following :

Back end :

 .NET v4.7.2 – in order to make the server, application, and database

communicate with each other, the proposed system uses .Net to build the

application. Since, .Net can be used to create applications for both Windows

operating system and the Web.

 SQL (Structured Query Language) – is standard computer language for

relational database management and data manipulation. The researcher

used SQL to query, insert, update and modify data to the database.

Front end :

 HTML5 (Hyper Text Markup Language) – the researchers use HTML5

because it supports the traditional HTML and XHTML. It is also a markup

language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide


 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) – the researchers use CSS to set the

appearance of any elements on the page other than Web server controls.

 Bootstrap 3.3.6 – since the proposed system needs to be accessed on

computers or any other mobile devices the researchers use bootstrap

because it is an open-source framework and can be used for desktop and

mobile software development.

Database :

 Microsoft Access – the researchers use access database because it is well-

known relational database management system (RDBMS) and uses SQL

(Structured Query Language) on adding, accessing, and managing a

content on the database.

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One of the most important part of the technical scope is human

interaction/peopleware. This includes the user of the system, which is the

Municipal Treasurer, Clerk, and the Client. The system requires the interactions of

the user to perform a transaction on the system.


The network that will be used by the system so that it can be easily access

everywhere by the users on their election is composed of the following:

 Online SMS platform - for sending text messages of unique code to

every student

 Online Network - It is a supportive system of sharing information and

services among individuals and groups having a common interest to the

design, establishment, or utilization of a computer network.

 Host - store (a website or other data) on a server or other computer so

that it can be accessed over the Internet.

 Domain - network that are administered as a unit with common rules and

procedures. Within the Internet, domains are defined by the IP address.

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Chapter IV


Requirements Analysis

Requirement analysis plays an important role in developing systems. This

determines the needs and requirements of the proposed system. These features,

called requirements, must be quantifiable, relevant and detailed. Requirements

analysis also state what the development of the study is for and its purpose.

By conducting an interview, the researchers examined the existing system

which helped in determining the requirements of the proposed system. The

information gathered serves a great help in developing the proposed system.

Performance Requirements

Minimum Requirements (Server PC)


Operating System Windows 7 or newer

Processor Intel core i5 at 2.40 GHz

Memory 8GB capacity of RAM and 500 GB capacity of ROM

Browser Chrome (64 bit or 32 bit)

Table 1.1 – Server PC Minimum Requirements

Minimum Requirements (User)

For Desktop/Laptop For Smartphones

Operating System Windows 7 or newer KitKat v4.4 – 4.4.4 to

higher version or iOS 5

to higher vewrsion

Processor Intel Celeron to higher Android or iOS

Memory 2GB capacity RAM 500 MB to higher

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Browser Chrome (64 bit or 32 bit) Chrome application or


Table 1.2 – User PC/Smartphones Minimum Requirements

The Online Business Registration and Licensing for the Municipality of

Lawaan, Eastern Samar is basically an improvement to the manual registration

into an automated web-based online business registration. The requirements

shows in Table 1.1 and Table 1.2 are the components of the device that will be

used to operate the system. Server PC is recommended to meet the required

specifications to avoid any problems during operation.

The system requires a server PC with a processor of at least Intel core i5

and a minimum of 8 GB capacity of RAM and 500 GB capacity of Hard Disk Drive.

This is to ensure that the system which is at the server side will not meet any

interruption during a transaction when applications received from the clients come

at the same time. The system also needs a fast response when contents on the

database is needed because database is embedded on the application Another

requirement is the OS and is recommended to use win 7/win 8/ win 8.1/ win 10.

The client PC can have the average specs, and the mobile device can be android

version or iOS. The mentioned requirements are needed in order for the system to

fully function properly.

Safety Requirements

Faulty syntax and coding of insert data process can lead to problems such

as wrong information stored, and spread of false information of the registration

process. A computer (pc) or smartphone OS with a slow processing power can

lead the system to freeze and crash, to avoid such problems the devices used for

accessing the system must meet the required specifications. Power loss can result

into data loss, since the system is processing important documents the use of

Uninterrupted Power Source is required. To make sure that the proposed system

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is error-free and bug-free, the system will be tested first for a number of times

before the implementation. Any issues or errors found during the test will be fixed,

and anything that needs improvement will be done to make the system much more


The proposed system requires registration which the information that is

inputted is stored in the database. During the operations, it is possible that

databases maybe corrupted or deleted due to malfunctions which can result to

failure. So, it is important to have backup file of the data wherein admin has the

capacity to update and manipulate the data. This safety measures will prevent

other external entities to misinterpret the information provided in the system. Bad

signal reception of the modem could cause registration process to fail, the system

must be placed wherein good signal reception is present.

Security Requirements

The researchers develop a system with 3 types of users mainly the

Municipal Treasurer, Clerks, and the Clients but only requires registration of 1

account, the Clerk. The Municipal Treasurer’s account which is the super admin

verifies and approves the clerk’s account and will be on a different interface and

has the most privilege to access the database of the proposed system. The Clerks

account which is the admin can access the database but has limitations, it can only

view and save those approve permit. Access to the database of the proposed

system is limited to make sure sensitive data will be protected. The system must

have security credentials that may only be changed by the admin and verified by

the super admin. Registration of accounts of the Clerks can be done on the main

page. Username and Password can be set to their own likings upon the


The device where the system is installed must be placed in a location

where it is out of reach of an unauthorized people. The location must be secure

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enough from identity theft, and other information threats. The two accounts have

different interfaces since each account has a different role in the system and this

is also to limit each entities access to the system.

Systems Design

SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle. It is a process that

describes how to develop, design and maintain the software project ensuring that

all the functional & user requirement, goals and objective are met. SDLC is a step

by step procedure need to be followed by the organization to design and develop

a high quality product. This methodology improves the quality of the software

project and over all process of software development.

The researchers used the Waterfall model as an SDLC approach on the

development of the system. Figure 1.0 shows the Waterfall model, it is the earliest

SDLC approach that was used for software development. It is also referred to as

a linear-sequential life cycle model. In this waterfall model, the phases do not

overlap. The waterfall Model illustrates the software development process in a

linear sequential flow. This means that any phase in the development process

begins only if the previous phase is complete. Because of this nature, each phase

of waterfall model is quite precise well defined. The advantages of waterfall

development are that it allows for departmentalization and control. A schedule can

be set with deadlines for each stage of development and a product can proceed

through the development process model phases one by one. Development moves

from concept, through design, testing, troubleshooting, implementation, and ends

up at operation and maintenance. Each phase of development proceeds in strict


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Figure 1. System Development Life Cycle (Waterfall Model)

Table 2 - System’s Development Life Cycle Phases

Phase Description
Requirement Analysis Phase First phase is the Requirements Analysis Phase
in this phase the researchers conduct a survey
to the respondents and get the possible
requirements needed to make the system.

System Design Phase The second phase is the System Design Phase,

the researchers consolidated and studied the

data gathered from the survey and prepare the

systems design.

23 | P a g e
Testing Phase Testing Phase is the third phase of the cycle,

where the researchers tested the system to

ensure if it is working and to distinguish

problems that could affect in the


Troubleshooting Phase Troubleshooting Phase is the fourth phase of

the cycle where the researchers fix and solved

the problems encountered in the testing phase.

Implementation Phase After testing and troubleshooting the process

proceeds to implementation where the

researchers implemented the system and

deployed to the clients environment.

Maintenance Phase Lastly, Maintenance Phase follows up where

the researchers create random check-ups and

debug issues which appears in the


Test Plan

Usability Testing

Usability testing is performed to understand how user-friendly the software

is. The goal of this testing is to allow end users to use the software, observe their

behavior, their emotional response and collect their feedback on how the software

can be made more useable or user friendly and incorporate the changes that make

the software easier to use.

24 | P a g e
Accessibility Testing

The aim of the testing is to determine if the contents of the software can be

easily accessed by disable people. Various checks such as colour and contrast,

font size for visually impaired, clear and concise text that is easy to read and


Security Plan

The purpose of a security plan is to show procedures that will secure the

system from any threats. This contains vary of security measures, daily procedures

and plans.

Physical Protection

This will deal with the security of the tangible components of the system like

the computer where the system will be deployed. This also deals with the security

of the area where the system is deployed.

Virus Protection

Malwares and viruses can cause data loss and even machine corruption.

Protection from virus is necessary to a security of a system. One to Two virus

scanning per week is required. Plugging peripherals like flash-drives and external-

drives are strictly prohibited if no permission is given.

Admin Control Only

This ensures that the systems database can only be accessed by the

system administrators only. It will prevent unauthorized access that will cause

harm to the system.

Maintenance Plan

Maintenance plans create a workflow of the tasks required to make sure

that the system is optimized, regularly backed up, and free of inconsistencies.

Maintenance plans helps in improving the system and fixes problems after its
25 | P a g e
deployment. During a system failure or system, a crash log file will be generated

for troubleshooting purposes. Maintenance of the system will not only be done

during a system failure, it will be done monthly to ensure the good health of the


Gantt Chart

26 | P a g e
Pert Chart

27 | P a g e
Context Diagram

Online Business Registration and Licensing Context Diagram

28 | P a g e
Data Flow Diagram

Municipal Treasurer Data Flow Diagram

29 | P a g e
Client Data Flow Diagram

Clerk Data Flow Diagram

30 | P a g e
System Flow Chart



No Yes Yes
No Yes
Renewal Employee Register Clerk

Request ed? Login

Yes No

Create Login B
Permit Application Account

Details Request

Registration A
Datab Payment

ent Datab



31 | P a g e


Manage Account Manage Permit Renewal

Requests Requests

Registered? Update Permit


Create Account Edit Account


Account Account
Details Details

Permit Database

Login Database
Login Database



32 | P a g e

Clerks Interface

Permit No

Edit Account

No Permit
New? Details

Clerk Registration
Yes Form
Verify Payment

Verify Payment

Login Database
Treasurers Approval
Permit Database

Issue Permit


33 | P a g e
Program Considerations/Issues

Internet Connection Availability

Internet connection is required in the online platform in able for the user to access

the system. Absence of internet connection will result to malfunction.

Skill of Users

Teaching and training the user on how to use the system is required in the

implementation. Although, technology oriented people will find it easy to use the system.

Device Specification

To have a best result in using the system, the researchers recommend the users

to use device/s that meet the required specifications to avoid unnecessary interruptions

or problems during operations.

Program Tools

 .Net – is a software development framework that provides a controlled

programming environment where software can be developed, installed and

executed on both Windows-based and web-based opratin systems.

 Microsoft Access – is a database that can store information in an organized

structure and can also provides a visual interface for creating custom forms,

tables, and SQL queries.

 HTML5 (Hyper Text Markup Language) - is a markup language for

describing web documents (web pages).

 Cascading Style Sheets - is a style sheet language used for describing the

presentation of a document written in a markup language.

 Ajax - a client-side script that communicates to and from a server/database

without the need for a postback or a complete page refresh.

34 | P a g e
Software Requirements Specification

For Computer Specification:

 Operating System – Such as Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

 Web Browser – Such as Google Chrome (64-bit & 32-bit)

For Smartphones Specification:

 Operating System – Android version or iOS for iPhone

 Web Browser – Such as Google Chrome application or Safari

Hardware Requirements Specification

For Computer Specification:

 Intel core i5-1.90 GHz up to 3.80 GHz

 RAM - DDR3 1333 or DDR3 1600

 Hard Disk Space: HDD 500 GB

35 | P a g e

Date, C.J. (May 2013). Relational Theory for Computer Professionals

Retreive from:

Gregor, S., & Jones, D. (2007). The anatomy of a design theory. Journal of the
Association for Information Systems, 8(5), 312.
Retrieve from:
Kuutti, K. (1996). Activity theory as a potential framework for human-computer
interaction research. Context and consciousness: Activity
theory and human- computer interaction, 1744.
Retrieve from:

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