English Lesson Plan 4 W Self Reflection

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Student-Teacher: Aisha Ali Alowais Date: November 4th 2018

EPC 2903 Primary Lesson Plan Year 2, Sem 2

Grade Level: 5
Subject: English
Learning Outcome : By the end of this lesson students will be able to..
Write a short story including an opening, dilemma and closing.
Use figures of speech such as metaphors (HA) and similes (MA).
Use expanded noun phrases (LA).
Resources Preparation (what do you need to do/make before
Pre-writing: class?)
• PowerPoint presentation to teach main points. Make a PowerPoint presentation to include slides that will be
• Images to prompt writing ideas. used to teach.
• Atmospheric video that allows students to form Select suitable images that will help with the students ’
an idea for a setting. (video from: writing.
https://www.literacyshed.com/draculas- Download a video from online that shows an atmospheric
whitby.html) setting.
• Literacy books to write down ideas Write down a short paragraph as an introduction to model for
• Flipchart with an example for an opening to the students.
story. Create differentiated writing sheets for students to have their
• White board to write down words that could writing on.
make the story more suspenseful and Create differentiated word banks for three levels of learners.
prepositional phrases that can be used. Prepare white papers for students to write on.
Write a criteria in which students who have completed writing
While-writing: can revise their work.
• Differentiated writing sheets Plan B:
Have printed versions of the images in case computer
• Word banks that aid writing:
doesn’t work.
HA: list of metaphors
MA: list of similes
Key vocabulary/ Target Language
LA: list of expanded noun phrases
Opening, dilemma, closing, cliffhanger
Suspense words
Prepositional phrases
• Literacy books
HA: metaphors
• Criteria that lists what students need to have in MA: similes
their writing for them to self-assess
LA: expanded noun phrases
• Containers
• White papers and pencils for students to write
down what they’ve learned.
Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)
Show students a video and have them take notes in their literacy books on the different things that are
happening and what they can see, hear and feel.

Teacher pre-teaches similes and metaphors, while recapping on expanded noun phrases using PowerPoint
Time: 25 min

Teacher shows students some images which they need to form sentences about.
-What is happening in the image?
-How can we use a metaphor/simile/expanded noun phrase to describe it?
Teacher models the opening of the story in which students get an idea how theirs should look like.
Teacher gathers words from students that can be used in writing i.e. suspense words and prepositional
phrases then writes them down on the whiteboard.
Extension activities:
Students draw a picture of the setting of their story in their literacy book.
Students go through their writing and make sure it fits the criteria which will be displayed on the screen.
Guided Experience (group working with the teacher) LA
2 Groups
Students will write a short scary story on a more structured writing sheet. They must include an opening,
dilemma and closing to their story. The writing needs to have prepositional phrases and the closing must
contain a cliffhanger. The teacher will have compiled a list of suspense words and prepositional phrases on the
board, which will assist the students in writing.
LA will need to include expanded noun phrases in their writing.

TA will be guiding one of the LA groups, while the teacher helps the other group.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1) MA

1 Group
30 min

Students will write a short scary story on a paragraphed writing sheet. They must include an opening, dilemma
and closing to their story. The writing needs to have prepositional phrases and the closing must contain a
cliffhanger. The teacher will have compiled a list of suspense words and prepositional phrases on the board,
which will assist the students in writing.

MA will need to include similes in their writing.

Independent Experience (small group activity 2) HA

2 Groups
Students will write a short scary story on a writing sheet. They must include an opening, dilemma and closing
to their story. The writing needs to have prepositional phrases and the closing must contain a cliffhanger. The
teacher will have compiled a list of suspense words and prepositional phrases on the board, which will assist
the students in writing.
HA will need to include metaphors in their writing.

Closing (review learning -LO)

5 min

Students write down what they’ve learned on a piece of paper.

After writing, students will swap papers with their groupmates and read what they’ve written. This way,

students are sharing with their classmates the different points they’ve taken from the lesson.

Assessment (to be done during activity time, who and what will be assessed?)
Students will be assessed on their ability to properly structure their writing and include three main paragraphs (opening,
dilemma, closing). They will also be assessed on their usage of prepositional phrases and suspenseful vocabulary.
HA will be assessed on the metaphors they use.
MA will be assessed on the similes they use.
LA will be assessed on the expanded noun phrases they use.

Fitz, A. L. (n.d.). Retrieved from Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/pin/340303315590693834/
Julivespa. (n.d.). Retrieved from Weheartit: https://weheartit.com/entry/233725019
MistyBlue2010. (n.d.). Haunted House. Retrieved from Deviant Art :
Mowson, B., Pacel, E., Couper, E., McAvinchey, F., Hallaron, K., & Grande, K. (n.d.). Dracula's Whitby. Retrieved from
The Literacy Shed: https://www.literacyshed.com/draculas -whitby.html
Pinterest. (n.d.). Retrieved from Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/340303315590693818/
Pinterest. (n.d.). Retrieved from Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/340303315590693795/
Spider Web Border . (n.d.). Retrieved from Clip Art ETC: https://etc.usf.edu/clipart/86500/86538/86538_spider-web-
Reflection WWW/EBI
I taught all the material that the students would need in their writing, while recapping some things they already
knew of before. I got a lot of the students to share their answers and ideas with the class. The students took
notes when the video was shown. I used a lot of resources for modelling and used the white board to write. I
modelled the opening of my own story so that students would know what to write in theirs. A lot of the students
used some of the sentences I had written in their writing and I found that having different resources for students
to look back at is a good way to learn. The social cognitive theory states that learning comes from the
observation of others and that after observing, students reproduce the behavior. (Arends, 2015) In order for the
students to perform the way the teacher would like them to; first, there must be proper modelling and
information provided in which students can use in their own creations. As a closing to the lesson, students
wrote down what they learned on pieces of paper and shared it with everyone which allowed them to reflect on
what they had learned.

I could have spent less time on things like the video. It would have been good to relate the video with the
students’ writing instead of only having it as an option for a setting. The lesson started late, so it would have
been good to cut some things short, but there was too much material to cover so this was a little difficult for me
to adjust to. Another thing that was time consuming was handing out the writing sheets and word banks to each
group, maybe next time I could have them on the tables beforehand or find a different way to speed up this
process. My instructions could have been clearer and more detailed.

Behaviour management
I tried to attract the attention of students who were talking by calling out their names. Those who seemed like
they were day dreaming or not paying attention were asked questions so that they know that I am aware of
their behavior. I used a bell to gain students’ attention, and used it to end the activity as well. Then, I used a
timer for students to tidy up after the closing of the lesson.

There were five groups in total in the classroom, with three levels of learners. Low achievers were given word
banks that contained expanded noun phrases, something they have studied before this lesson and their writing
sheets were more detailed including titles for each paragraph. Middle achievers received word banks with
similes, a figure of speech that they have studied previously, and had writing sheets that were paragraphed, but
no words or titles were written for them. High achievers were given word banks with metaphors, which is
something they had just learned in this lesson, so that is why I chose the HA to have the metaphors as a focus
in their writing. High achievers received writing sheets that had no paragraphs or titles, only lines to write on.
The low achievers were using the titles I gave them on their sheet as a guideline and it helped them workout
where each event needs to be. Some students who were HA were a bit confused and started writing at the
back of the paper instead of at the front, which is probably because they were not given hints like the LA were.

Next Steps in learning and teaching

After this lesson, I have reflected on a lot of aspects of teaching. In the future, I’d like to be able to give clearer
instructions before handing out tasks, while managing to properly divide the time of the lesson and closing the
lesson earlier than I did.

Arends, R. (2015). Learning to Teach. New York City: McGraw-Hill Education.

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