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Trojan Bldg., Poblacion City of Biñan, Laguna

Tel No. (049) 511-9278


Course Code : ECO 1

College : Business Department
Department : Business Department
Degree Program : Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology
Instructor :
Consultation Period :

Course Description :

Basic principles of economics are taken up as they apply to the agrarian program and other
development thrusts of the government. The study of the principles and characteristics of taxation are
also taken up to create greater awareness of the benefits and obligations relevant to the payment of

Course Learning Outcomes (LO):

On the completion of the course, student is expected to be able to do the following:

Institutional Graduate Program Graduate Outcomes LO Learning Outcome

Outcomes No.
Discuss basic principles, concepts and
processes of economics based on its
Globally Competent Globally Competent LO 1 relevance in social transformation and
nation building
Correlate and appreciate the
importance of taxation as a means of
Service-Oriented Responsive Leaders supporting the government in
Professional LO 2 sustaining its program and other
development thrust of the government

Explain the significance of the land

reform program as a means of state’s
Globally Competent Globally Competent LO 3 pursuit of social justice Globally

Solve current and existing issues on

Goal-Oriented Goal-Oriented Professional LO 4 socio-political and economic problems
Professional of the country

Final Course Output:

As evidence of attaining the above learning outcomes, the student has to do and submit the following:

1. Solution Documentation that highlights the following:

1. Topic (LO1)
Detailed Explanation here

2. Topic (LO2)
Detailed Explanation here

3. Topic (LO3)
Detailed Explanation here

4. Topic (LO4)
Detailed Explanation here

5. Topic (LO5)

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Detailed Explanation here

2. Assessment Report on another student’s database design that highlights the following:

1. Assessment – Topic (LO1)

Detailed Explanation here

2. Assessment – Topic (LO2)

Detailed Explanation here

3. Assessment – Topic (LO3)

Detailed Explanation here

4. Assessment – Topic (LO4)

Detailed Explanation here

5. Assessment – Topic (LO5)

Detailed Explanation here

3. Personal Realizations that highlights the following:

Detailed Explanation here

Rubrics for Assessment:

Throughout the course, the level of achievement will be measured using this rubric. The same rubric will
be used for your self-assessment during each learning, assessment activities and consultations.

CRITERIA 4 – Exemplary 3 - Satisfactory 2 - Developing 1 - Beginning 0 - Unacceptable

Knowledge of Other works can Given a complex All concepts and All concepts and A few to all
Concepts and be assessed and situation, principles can principles are concepts are
Principles sound appropriate be applied to a remembered, merely
recommendations concepts and non-complex can be remembered but
can be developed principles are situation consistently cannot be
through the use of selected and explained explained and
concepts and applied through own demonstrated
principles words and through an
demonstrated example
through an
Solution Documentation

Assessment Report

Personal Realizations

Other Requirements and Assessments:

Aside from the final output, the student will be assessed at other times during the term by the following:

 Requirements / Assessment (LO No.)

 Requirements / Assessment (LO No.)

Grading System:
Concepts and Principles with Understanding

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And Application Assessments and Oral Exam 20% Knowledge of Concepts and Principles x 0.2
Solution Documentation 50% Solution Documentation Rubric Rate x 0.5
Assessment Report 20% Assessment Report Rubric Rate x 0.2
Personal Realizations 10% Personal Realizations Rubric Rate x 0.1

Passing Grade: 1.0

Passing Grade conditions: All rubric rates are 1.0


Week Topic Learning Teaching and Methodologies /

Outcome Learning Activities Assessment Tasks
. Create phrases/
1.1 Explain the concept of economics as a terms related to Lecture/discussion
1 powerful science in solving social economics and its concept mapping
problems LO 1 scope and
relationship with
other sciences

Discuss the Basic

1.2 BASIC Principles of Economics Economic Analysis using
2 Principles and pictures
1.3 Economic Activities relate each one to Oral recitation
LO 2 present social Power point
condition presentation on
Present various Historical Table with
human activities sociological context
and categorize
each one based on
the economic

Justify the three

1.4 Scarcity and the basic economic basic economic
3 questions questions Oral Recitation
LO 3 Class discussion
1.5 Needs and Wants , Hierarchy of Explain Maslow’s Report on Selective
Needs Hierarchy of needs Topics
and compare and
contrast human
needs and human


Interpret various Analyze a particular

1.6 Economic Resource and their types of resources life course and give
5 importance, Commodities, Public and LO 2 based on culture, feedback based on
Private Goods geography and sociological
availability perspective

Interpret various Power point

6 1.7 World Resources and types types of resources presentation
LO 2 based on culture, Discuss observable
geography and cultural functions
availability and its relation to a
particular culture

Create a mini
7 group forum to Exemplifying a
1.8 Prevailing Environmental Issues LO2 discuss chosen particular culture and
Concerning Resources environmental identifying its level

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issue and present
remedy/action to it


Discuss how a
9 -10 1.9 Economics and Ecology as the road LO 3 Construct a particular cultural
towards conservation, protection and retrieval chart change happened
preservation for the future showing the
current state of

Construct and Oral recitation, Buzz

1.10 World Resources and its relation to interpret graph session
Demand and Supply base to the Law of Power point
11 LO 3 Supply and presentation
1.10 The Law of Supply, Law of Demand with
Demand, Equilibrium Point and the emphasis on the
Law of Diminishing return elasticity

Construct and
12 1.11 Market Economy interpret graph Brainstorming/
base to the Law of Reporting
LO 3 Supply and Case Analysis
Demand with
emphasis on the

Discuss the
1.2 Market System and Competition importance of Presentation of social
13 LO 3 Market system and issues affecting
Capitalism Communism and Socialism the influence of Filipino society
various ideologies
that gave rise to
world market


Compare and
1.12 Taxation in the Philippines contrast the
15 1.13 Nature and History of Taxation LO 4 nature of taxation Case Analysis
and it’s imposition
in the Philippines
base on historical
Justify that tax Oral recitation,
regulation law Buzz session
1.14 Types of Taxes, Double Taxation, must be improved Power point
16 Tax Exemption and Tax evasion M LO 4 in the Philippines presentation
Residence Tax and Income Tax Reflect on the Tax
evasion cases of
personalities in the
Generate item Presentation of social
1.15 Land Reform of the Philippines and banks concerning issues affecting
17 its relation to poverty positive Filipino society
LO 4 accomplishments
1.16 CARP program and related issues of the Agrarian

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Reform Program of
the Philippines
Criticize the
Hacienda Luisita



Gabay, Romatin and Uy 2012 Economics: Concepts and Principles 2012



1. Be God-loving. Always offer everything to God. Pray before and after class.
2. Be punctual. Classroom doors will be closed when class discussion and or others class activities
starts. Pass requirements on time or ahead of time.
3. Be always ready. Quizzes are either announced or unannounced.
4. Be output-oriented. Every meeting counts. There is always a recorded output which can be in a
form of a graded recitation, quiz, and seatwork or research paper.
5. Be honest. The professor or other students may not see a bad dishonest deed but the all
powerful Lord is seated in everyone’s heart and sees everything.



Submitted by: Checked/Evaluated by: Approved:

Mr. Roberto C. Agnabo III Ms. Wenifreda P. Miranda Mr. Rito A. Camigla Jr.
Instructor Program Head Academic Head

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