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0935 186 966 IELTS I-inh







0935 186 966 IELTS T6 Linh



Personalities Pessimistic # Optimistic Friends Use her as my sounding

Extroverted ti Introvcrtcd Soul mate

Unsociable Gregarious Teacher Old-aged pensioner

Strong-willed Well-respected tcacher

She has a heart of gold Put things in plain words

Hc's rather a cold fish Turn to for advicc
She's as gentle as a lamb Tutor/ mentor
Maintain a happy outlook on Dedicated teacher
Appearance Charming Film/star Bring a depth and realness
to the character
Gorgeous Glamorous/'glæ

Elegant (nü) Muscular

Well -dressed Muscular build

Appealing Renowned/ well-known

Music Celebrity Music Turn us on
A piece of classical/pop Jump for joy
Convey a spectrumof Cause permanent damage
A nice sadness Trigger feeling(s)
Chill out Soothing

Feelings Happy
Contented She looks contented after she Vui ( nOi Chung)
gets married
To be + Over the moon Trén cung trång
To be + On cloud rune After I win a basketball, I feel Trén 9 tang may
like I'm on cloud mne
On cloud number nine
To be + In seventh heaven Do you know what kind of Trén trOi
things make you feel like in
seventh heaven?
Walk on air I walked on air when he said Di tren may
he had been falling in love
with me.
Have stars in your eyes When you are in love, you Sao trong mat cm
have stars in your eyes

0935 186 966 ' IELTS I-inh

In high spirits I'm always in high spints tinh thin lén cao
when I go out with my friends
Eyes brighten Her eyes brighten when she mit sing Ién
saw him enter the room
Chccr sb up/ cheer myself up Shc was ill so I sent her some låm ai dö vul
flowers to cheer her up.
Feel blue /dcpresscd J felt blue In my heart when Cåm thäy huon
he said he wanted to break up
with me.
To be/fccl + in thc I usually feel dou rn In the Roi Xu g råc ( dp ngpc)
dumps dumps if my football team
Depression Fall into/ go into in a fivbout
of deep(black depression
To be + In a black mood Gian giü


0935 186 966 IELTS Linh

Topic 14: Friends
How much time do you spend with your friends?
I don't know —it depends on types of friends and my workload. For some, it's once per month,
for others, it's once per week. I seldom decline invitation ror outings with soul mates as I feel too
lonely to stay alone. However, sometimes, I have way too many work obligations, so I find it
hard to have work-life balance:
What do you usually do with your friends?
Well, a lot of things. For my soul mates, I will have one-on-one chat with them, topics vary from
personal relationships to heavy work obligations: I think that's a good way to bond our
Do you prefer spending time with your family or your friends?
I love spending time with both friends and family. I struggle to find the right balance for my
friends and family. Family shelters me when I have nowhere to go, gives me unconditional love
without any thought about what they might have out of the relationship. Or we can say, it's a
love without any strings attached. We don't have to do anything to earn a love from our parents.
But.. .sometimes we need fresh air, with less control from them.
Is friendship important to you?
I place an importance on my friendships. Friends are with us most of the time. Parents nurture us
to become grown-up people. And from then onwards, friends teach us to become better people to
adapt to different working environment and also give us many opportunities in life. Luckily, all
of my jobs up to now are introduced by friends of mine.

1-0 Topic 16: Meeting new people

Do you often meet new people?
Quite often I am a teacher, so each time I open a class, I know some new people. For other types
of people...ahhh, I think...No. Let's see. I have a hectic pace or life, I complete my work at 9
every day, I don't think it's that easy to come across people with shared interest. And even if yes,
I am way too shy to be the first one to break the ice.
In your country where can you meet new people?
We can go to many different places to for example bars, clubs or even
social media sites.
How easy is it to meet new people in your city?
J think it's a piece of cake to meet new ones. As long as you desire to get outside your
comfort mne and be proactive ip approaching people, you have lots of opportunities tonget_up
people of different backgrounds.

0935.JÉ6 966 IELTS Linh

Is it possible to meet people from other countries where you live?
Yes, foreigners are all around me in HCM city. They come here as there are lots of tourist
attractions. One another reason is that Vietnamese girls are gorgeous. So I bet these foreign guys
come to Vietnam to find a life partner.

Topic 14: Friends

Friends = companions = soul mate
Place an importance on st
Family shelters you when you have nowhere to go, gives you unconditional love
o Caring for you without any thought what they might have out of the relationship
o Don't have to pay for their love
Unconditional love is like muscle, it needs a daily workout
o Practice it all the time
Share to be shared, love to be loved
O It's a love without strings attached —child doesn't have to do anything to earn a love
o Don't set limits on your feelings —let it grow as it can be. Don't think too much about
what u might get out of it.
Distance and time can tear friends apart.
Topic 16: Meeting new people
At the back of my mind
Work commitment
Great places, where shared interest, have a common interest. Online: sporting events, join a
singles group)
Socialize/ approach new people.
Topic 23: Happiness
I : come in all shapes and sizes, bring me immensejoy
Get away from the hustle and bustle of urban areas -> mature, go through a bad time
3: Get stuck in my negative emotions, engage in the world around, feel connected and feel
Topic 30: Family
2: take age appropriate responsibilities, clean the house, get involved to reduce workload for
mother, discuss our day, explore each other's day
3: Share household chores, mother: does majority of housework.
Topic 44: Museums
2: Visit all the time.
3: Archaeology, war, history museum
4: Fundamental to the conservation of.. center for informal learning, personally view
artifrcts, fossils.

0935 186 966 ieltstolinh. vn IELTS Tb I-inh

Make them available for public viewing.

Topic: A happy person who you know

Paraphrase: Happy = contented

3 Person = my neighbor

Redundant language: Ok then, you know what, to be honest, nccdlcss to say, 2()%

Ok then, I would like to answer the first question about who the person is, I would like to choose
my neighbor, an absolutely charming guy. You know what, I sce him smile every day. It seems
like nothing can bother him. In addition, he always cheers me up when I meet troubles, but J can't
do thesame thing to him, coz probably he's always tougher than me in every situation.. J really
think....I have a crush on him.
For the 2ndquestion about how know him, how to say. ...probably from the day I moved to my
apartment block, I met lots of troubles in settling down. He was the one who helped me get my
stuff unpacked, move to my room, and then gave me a shining smile.

The third question about what things we do together: Well, lots of things. For example, we go
jogging together in the morning coz both ofus are such early birds. We also go shopping together,
from shopping for food to shoppingfor clothes. He likes me choosing clothes for him as he
believes in my fashion taste while I need him to stop me from buying things coz I am a
shopaholic, 1m gonna spend even the last dollar in my pocket.

Why you think this person is happy? He is able to give himself joy every day, and to forget all
worries and cares. In other words, he harnesses his happiness. He told me when I was sad: "Hey
Linh, happinesscomes in all shapes and sizes. Don't just stuck in unhappymoments. Lots of
happy things are waiting for you." Moreover, he can find happiness in very ordinary moments,
just like watching TV, or just simply talking to me. He even can feel happy when encountering
problems. He believes difficulty is a chance for him to grow up. Each time one problem is solved,
I see stars in his eyes.
Some other words:

Define happiness
Encounter problems
Place more value on ordinary moments

0935 186 966 ieltstolinh,vn IELTS T6 1-inh

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