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GRUNGE RUBBER STAMP Step 4: Select your text layer in the layers
palette and rasterize the text via Layer >
Rasterize > Text. This will allow you to
modify the text like a brushed object. At
Lets face it - rubber stamps are an amazingly quick and easy way of marking something in real life, but
this point you can further enhance your text
recreating them in Photoshop is a little more difficult. Unlike real media, the electronic canvas does not
as you see fit before going any further. I
have creases, folds, and underlying texture to distort the ink. Neither does an electronic stamp have
chose to add a simple border using the
problems with ink adherence, creating a unique effect every time it is used. That is not to say, of
Rectangular Marquee Tool and
course, that Photoshop cannot reproduce these little nuances of real media. The aim of this tutorial is
PaintBucket Tool.
to describe a simple method to create grunge brushes, and to detail how these brushes can be used to
reproduce realism in our rubber-stamped logos. Interested? Read on...

Step 1: Open up a stock image in

Photoshop of any size and/or format. The
best results for this tutorial usually involve Step 5: This stage is entirely optional, but I
large photographic images with effective find that it often helps to give the logo a
color separation. Since the overall grunge little skew via Edit > Transform >
effect will come out of this source image, it Rotate. Logos at perfect right-angles to
is best to select a photo with lots of vertical the canvas look fake and ruin the illusion of
lines and straight edges going off at real media that are are trying to create.
different angles. Rounded objects
(especially 'natural' objects) do not work
very well. From personal experience I can
say that construction-yard pictures are
ideal... although you may still need to
experiment a little to obtain the optimal

Step 6: Go back to your original photo

document that you created in steps 1 & 2.
Step 2: Ensure your background layer is Switch to the Magic Wand Tool and click
selected in the layers palette, and prepare directly inside a black-color area of your
to vastly overexpose the contrast by photo. Expand your selection to all black
selecting Image > Adjustments > areas via Select > Similar. Now that you
Threshold from the main menu. A dialog have all the black areas selected, its time to
box should pop up. Drag the slider nearly Edit > Copy and Edit > Paste them over
all the way to the left, leaving only the most to your logo document that you made in
prominent lines and details present. When step 3. The 'grunge' layer should
you are finished, press the OK button to automatically go to the top of the layers
finalize your changes. palette.

Step 7: Hold down CTRL on the keyboard

(OPT if you are using a mac) and click on
the grunge layer's thumbnail in the layers
palette with your mouse to reselect the
grunge object. Then, without losing your
selection, make the logo layer active and
Step 3: Open up a new blank document press DELETE on your keyboard. Now all
(via File > New) of any size with a single you have to do is lose your selection,
white-filled background layer. Click on the hide/delete your grunge layer... and its
foreground color swatch at the bottom of done! All quite simple really!
the tools palette and set it to red. Select
the horizontal Type Tool and create your
type. In my example to the left I used the
'Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold' font with
a size of 250pt.

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

Open a new 100+100 document.

Now select the brush tool with a 20px brush and create a image like this.I used #FF0000 as the

Now go to Filter / Distort / Pinch and set to this.

While the layer style pallet is open click on the bevel and emboss tool and set to this.

Save this as a pattern.(Edit / Define Pattern)and save as candy.

Open a 800+600 document and open a new layer (Layer / New / Layer)

Select the text tool from the tool pallet and wright your text.I used Arial Black with a size of 72.

Now we need to add the candy pattern to the text.(Layer / Layer Style / Pattern Overlay) and set
to this.

Now click on drop shadow and set to this.

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo


Were nearly done now we just need to angle the pattern on the text.

Go to Image / Rotate Canvas / Arbitrary and set to 45 CCW.

Now go to Layer / Merge Visible.

We just need to rotate the image back, Image / Rotate Canvas / Arbitrary .and set to 45 CW and
were done.

You should now have a image like this.

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo


Photoshop Tutorial: Highlighted 2. On the new channel fill the selection with white, then deselect (CTRL +D).
Go to Filter » Blur » Gaussian Blur, and use a radius of 8. Repeat Filter » Blur
Chrome » Gaussian Blur, this time using a setting of 4. Again, Filter » Blur » Gaussian
Blur and enter 2. Aaaaannnd, you guessed it... once more Filter » Blur »
Gaussian Blur and enter 1. When you've completed this, go back to the
Layers palette and click on the type layer.
Note: If your font is very "thin" overall, you may get a bevel in the following
step that looks too rounded - if that's the case, consider using lower values
during the multiple-gaussian-blur step (such as beginning with 6 or 4 instead
of 8).

Create some cool smooth chrome with soft blue highlights, great as a
text effect or on all kinds of other... eh, chrome stuff.

1. This technique can be applied either to text or any other "thing" you'd like
to add some cool chrome to. For the purposes of this tutorial, I'll be using
text in my example, however feel free to apply the technique to any other
Begin by creating a new image 500x500 px with a dark gray background. Set
your foreground color to white and use the Type Tool to create whatever text
you'd like to use - make it as big as possible (the example uses the Times
3. Now with the type layer active, go to Filter » Render » Lighting Effects and
New Roman font). Next choose Layer » Type » Render Layer. After that's
use these settings.
done, hold CTRL and click on the text to select it. Now go to the Channels
palette and create a new channel.

4. Next go to Image » Adjust » Curves and match your settings with those in

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

the example below... by this point things should be starting to look a lot
more like chrome. You can, of course, alter the curves as you wish, as long as
you're happy :)
If you're having trouble getting it right, here's a Curves setting file I've made,
similar to the example, that you can load to give you the right starting point.
Download this file and unzip it, and in the Curves dialog box, click Load and

select this file.

7. As I mentioned before, you don't have to use this effect only on text. Here
is something completely different that I made using this effect, this time
applied to a fancy shape.

5. Now that the chrome is all set, it's time to add the highlight. Go to Filter »
Render » Lighting Effects and use these settings.

I've made a Lighting Effects setting similar to what is used in the

tutorial, that you can download and use if you're stuck. The Lighting
Effects menu doesn't have an option to load settings though, so you'll
need to follow a few quick steps.
Download this file and unzip it. If you're using Windows, copy the file

(Highlighted-Chrome-Blue-Light) into the following directory...

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop CS\Plug-Ins\Filters\Lighting
Styles\ (or wherever Photoshop is installed for you).
The new setting should then be available in the Style drop down menu
in Lighting Effects. If anyone using Photoshop on a Mac would like to
contribute info on how to copy the file to the correct location, please You don't have to stop there though. You can add a whole other level
contact me.
of depth and detail to your design by creatively messing around with
Photoshop's layer styles.
6. That's it - just resize your type down to about half the size and add a drop
A few suggestions to get you going... perhaps try Satin (with lower
than default opacity), or some variations with the Inner Shadow, Outer
Glow, and Inner Glow. Also consider a Gradient Overlay, with low
Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo
opacity and an angle such as -35. Make sure to also try the different
blending modes, as most will look more interesting than Normal. On
Inner Shadow, consider raising the Choke value for a really cool
looking angular bevel effect.

It's amazing how many great looking ideas you can come up with while
digging around in the various Layer Style options. Remember that you
can save snapshots of any cool ideas you come up with along the way -
just press the New Style button (and don't forget to save them all later
by clicking Styles at the top left of the window, clicking the arrow
button to the right, and choosing Save Styles.

Here's an example with many of the above suggestions applied:

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

(Mac). This brings up Photoshop's New Document dialog box. Choose
Photoshop Text Effects: Easy whichever size you like. I'm going to use the preset size of 640x480, as
circled below:
Plastic Text with Layer Styles
Learn Photoshop with Free Photoshop Text Effects at

Written By Steve Patterson, Photoshop

In this Photoshop text effects tutorial, we're going to learn how to use
Photoshop's Layer Styles to easily make text look as if it's made out of
plastic. To create the effect, we're going to be using some "contours"
that we'll be loading in, since they're not readily available to us by
default, but don't worry, loading them is easy, and so is everything else
we'll be doing.

Here's the effect we're going for:

Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Create a new Photoshop document.

Step 2: Fill The Document With Black

Press the letter D on your keyboard to reset your Foreground and

Background colors, so black becomes your Foreground color and
white becomes your Background color. Then use the keyboard shortcut
Alt+Backspace (Win) / Option+Delete (Mac) to fill your new
document with the Foreground color, which in this case is black:

Let's get started.

Looking for more Photoshop Text Effects tutorials? View our complete list here.

Step 1: Open A New Photoshop Document

The first thing we need to do is open a new document, so let's do that

quickly using the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+N (Win) / Command+N
Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo
installed on your system. A larger, thicker font tends to work best for
this effect:

Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Choose your font in the Options Bar.

Press the letter X on your keyboard to swap your Foreground and

Background colors, so white becomes your Foreground color. We're
going to choose a better color for our text using Layer Styles, but for
now, white will do just fine. Then, with your font chosen and white as
your Foreground color, click inside your document and add your text.
I'm going to type the word "plastic":

Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Press "Alt+Backspace" (Win) /

"Option+Delete" (Mac) to fill the new document with black.

Step 3: Add Your Text To The Document

Grab your Type tool from the Tools palette, or press T to quickly
access it with the keyboard shortcut: Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Click inside your Photoshop document and
add your text.

Resize your text as needed using Photoshop's Free Transform

Adobe Photoshop Text Effects: Select the Type tool from command by pressing Ctrl+T (Win) / Comand+T (Mac), which brings
Photoshop's Tools palette. up the Free Transform box and handles around your text. Hold down
Shift to constrain your text's proportions and drag any of the corner
Then, with the Type tool selected, go up to the Options handles to resize the text. Hold down Alt (Win) / Option (Mac) as well
Bar at the top of the screen and select your font. I'm as you drag to force the text to resize from its center point. Press Enter
going to use Helvetica Rounded Black for mine. You can (Win) / Return (Mac) when you're happy with the size of your text to
choose whichever font you like from the ones you have accept the change.
Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

Liquid Text Photoshop Tutorial

In this tutorial we are going to create some water-like text on a leaf
background. First find a suitable background image, and write some
text over it. It is best to use a text with rounded edges so that the final
result will be more dew-like. Here is what I started with.

Lets distort our text a bit so that it looks more like a collection of water. Next choose Layer > Layer Style > Bevel and Emboss. Use the settings
Click on your text layer and choose Filter > Distort > Wave, and below.
choose a type of "sine." Bring down the number of generators, and play
with the rest of the settings until you get something you like. This filter
is very touchy, do your best to get something similar to the image

Now we are going to use layer styles to create a liquid feel. Right click
on your text layer from the layer window, and choose "blending
options." Use the settings I have below.

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

From the same window, click on the "drop shadow" button from the list 0 image below is magnified slightly, this will help to reproduce this
of options to the left, and use the settings below. effect.

Your text should be looking rather transparent by now Lets heighten

the experience a little. Hold Ctrl and click on your text layer to give
you a clean selection, as shown below. While you still have your selection, choose Image > Adjust >
Brightness Contrast, and increase the brightness and contrast slightly.
Finally I added a 1 pixel stroke of dark green by choosing Edit >
Stroke. Here is how mine turned out.

Click on your photo layer, the leaf picture that is below your text, and
choose Filter > Distort > Spherize When water is collected and held the
Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

Reflective Liquid Type 2 system just use the font of your choice. The attributes for the characters
are seen below:
Al Ward Home of 50,000+ Photoshop and Elements Presets

Tutorials on creating metal type abound online, as do variations on

simple liquid effects. Most are fairly short, offering a good foundation
for the reader on how certain effects are achieved but fail to take that
extra step (or few steps) to make the piece really shine. Once you have
an idea of how different techniques fit together in a piece, it is fairly
easy to combine, say, the process to create metal and the process to
create liquid to create something that exists in both sides of the FX
Note that the color is gray in the #666666 range and NOT stark black.
Type a word across the face of the image.
Create a new image with the
following attributes:
Width: 11 inches
Height: 11 inches
Resolution: 300 ppi, 8
or 16 bit
Background Color: White

Rasterize the type layer, then paint a few additional gray dots around
Since the desired effect is to the type.
appear liquefied, a font that
appears to have been made with a
crayon or round brush will work
perfectly. Select the Type tool
and open the Character palette
from the Options bar. The font
I’ve chosen is called
‘WallowHmkBold’… if you do
not have this installed on your
Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo
3 6

Open the Filter menu and select

Blur>Gaussian Blur. First, blur the channel at a 25 pixel radius. Blur
the channel again at a radius of 15 pixels.

Open the Channels

palette and duplicate a channel… the Blue channel will work fine. Go
to Image>Adjustments>Invert.

Turn off the Blue copy channel, but don’t delete it… you’ll need it in a
moment or two.

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

4 Channel.

Go to Filter>Render>Lighting Effects. Set it up as outlined in the

image below… be sure to select the Blue copy channel as the Texture The
result of all that is a pretty basic bevel, and yes, you could do pretty
much the same thing with a layer style. Some habits die hard, however,
and I like the end result better when channels come into play. What can
I say? I’ve been doing it this way since at least PS 6, and if it ain’t
broke, don’t fix it!


Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo


Duplicate the text layer and go to Filter>Sketch>Chrome. Set up the

reflections as seen in the dialog box below:


Now you can play with Layer Styles a bit. Open the Layer Styles dialog
box and select Bevel/Emboss. Enter the following settings… note that Let’s shine this up a bit. Command/Control+Click the text layer to
the Shadow color is again gray in the #666666 range and not black. generate a selection, then make a Curves adjustment layer and Levels
Once done click OK. adjustment layer with the settings seen here:

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

6 14

Turn off the background layer or layers (if

you added the black separately) and merge all the others together.

Against a black background the shine really comes out.

To give the type an enhanced liquid quality, go to Filter>Liquify. Use

the Bloat tool to expand or otherwise warp areas of the text as seen
here. Once you are happy with the distortions, click OK.

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

16 7

You can now throw the text into any image you so
choose. In the following example, I’ve blurred a tech-style background,
placed the type in that document, then placed a duplicate of the blurred
layer above the text. The Blend mode of the top layer is changed to
Soft Light to serve as reflections off the type, or making the type
appear transparent allowing you to see the background through it. I’ll
let you decide what is actually happening.

That’s it for now. Until next time, I’ll see you at Take care!

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

Photoshop Tutorial - Ancient Rough Gold Effect 8 used 'Yikes!' for this tutorial.

Free PSD file of this tutorial is available for registered forum members. Click Here to

Ok, yesterday I posted that old gold pic I made and Dale asked for a tutorial
so here we go... in case you forgot what am I talking about, we are going to
make this text effect:

Go to Layer >> Layer Styles >> Blending Options, and apply the following

Inner Glow
Bevel and Emboss

- you can use our texture image, just download the PSD file and pull it

from there, or alternatively load it yourself. Click HERE to download the

pattern image.
- Do not skip this step, else your gold will look too dull without
Pattern Overlay

soft shades that this pattern overlay gives. If you do not have the pattern
image, you may use ours, from Herringbone Text Effect - yes, I used the same
one, how creative

This is what you got so far:

So... Make a new canvas, and fill it with black colour (#000000). Please note
that this tutorial will only good against dark, ideally - black background. We
leave a dark border around the text, which is invisible to you now, though if
we take a lighter hue for the bg, you will notice that the effect looks
different, a lot less interesting.

Next, type a word on your canvas. Make sure you use a very bold font. We
Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo
question below or just download the psd file and analyze yourself

Now, take the eraser tool, round, 9px, and draw a straight horizontal line in
the middle of the text, as shown on the image below:

That's it. Your result is ready. Hope you enjoyed the tutorial, please ask any

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

Gold Text effect 0

Again a very easy and basic tutorial that doesn't require much knowledge
and experience with photoshop.

Final result:
Now, for the final touch, click on Filter >> Render >> Lightening effect. Apply
these settings on the background layer (not to the text!) in order to give your
canvas a little bit more depth. Naturally, this is an optional step, but is highly
recommended in order to make your final result look truly polished.

create a new layer, dark brown or any hue. Select the typing tool and type
any word / letter on it. I have chosen to use the #d99003 colour for my text,
font called 'Ballpark Weiner' (available for a free download : ) However, if you select any other

orange hue, it would still be great.. dont forget that in order to achieve
this also gonna look good with any other font, for example... "SF Gushing
"gold", you need to start off with orange colour. Meadow" (available for free download at )

that is it, aint it easy? and i think the result is good. anyway, good luck with
Click on Layer >> Layer Style >> Shadow. the tut!
leave the default photoshop shadow and click on the Bevel and Emboss tab.
Apply the following settings:

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

Photoshop tutorial - Midnight Text effect 1

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

2 1
Chrome Text and Frame Effect
We'll start with the textured background we created in the Lined
The key to making any type of material look good in Photoshop is a Background Tutorial. You might want to follow that tutorial first and then
combination of surface texture and lighting. For chrome, the surface is come back here to add the text and chrome effect. The lined
very smooth and shiny. So we need the shape and lighting to reflect background will make a very nice reflection effect in the chrome as we
that (pun intended!). The good news is that with the addition of Layer shall see. Here's our starting point:
Styles in Photoshop several versions ago, chrome is now an easy effect
to achieve. The effect works equally well on text and other objects.
Here's what our final product will look like:

chrome text effect, shiny metal lettering, reflection Now we'll add our text. I wanted a blocky looking oblique font, so I
Keywords: picked Serpentine-Medium Oblique and set the font size to 200 points.
effect, chrome look, chrome frame
Text Tool, Distort Transformation, Paths, Stroke Path, Choose white for the color and enter the desired text. Don't worry if
Features Used: yours didn't come out perfectly centered. We'll fix that in a moment.
Layer Styles, Drop Shadow, Bevel and Emboss, Stroke

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

3 Here's how mine ended up:

The first part here is optional. I include it just to give you some ideas 4
for the options you can consider when working on a project like this.
Layer Styles will give us the chrome look we want. Let's begin with
I'd like my text to be a bit more angled than the font provides, so we'll Layer->Styles->Bevel and Emboss. Use these settings:
fix that ourselves. We'll use the Distort transformation, but this
transformation only works on pixel data, not text. So we first have to
rasterize the text. Therefore, select Layer->Rasterize->Type. Then
select Edit->Transform->Distort. Grab the middle handle on the upper
edge and drag it a little ways to the right. I also raised it a little to
increase the height just a bit as well. Stop when you get the look you

Now let's get things nice and centered. Make sure the layer containing
the text is still selected and choose the Move Tool and use cmd-A
to Select All (cntl-A on Windows). Now go to the toolbar and click the
Align Vertical Centers button , then the Align Horizontal Centers
button . Then Deselect (cmd-D on Mac OS or cntl-D on Windows).
Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

You can raise or lower the Altitude to make your text more shiny or 6
more dull looking. The color for the Shadow Mode should be a color
that's a darker shade of your background color, but not black. Since I'm The Stroke Effect is next. The effect is subtle, but it adds a little more
using a red background, I picked a dark red here (color #6f1d10). Using red around the edges to reinforce the reflection. Use a color that's
a dark color from the background helps create the illusion of the similar to your background for the color. I used #b10000. Here are the
background being reflected on the text, which is important for the settings:
chrome look.

Now we'll add a Contour effect. The effect this gives is a matter of
taste, but I like the way it flattens out the metal. To me it seems more
like real chrome lettering.

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo


7 These settings create a sort of optical illusion. When you apply these,
you'll notice that there appears to be a reflection of the background on
Lastly, we'll add a Drop Shadow. This is an important aspect to the the right side edges of the text. This is pure illusion, but it's very
overall effect: effective. What's happening is that the Contour setting is causing a gap
in the effect that lets the background show through between the text
and the drop shadow. This makes you think it's a reflection, even
though it really isn't. The trick is to keep the Spread at zero and the Size
small. This makes it seem like the shadow is at the base of the raised
lettering. You can make the letters appear to be taller or shorter by
changing the Distance setting.

Here's what we have at this point:

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

6 9
Now we'll color the path by using the
Stroke Path function. Set the foreground
color to white and select the Paint Brush
tool . Pick a round brush and set the
diameter of the brush to how ever thick
you want the frame to be. I picked 21
pixels. Make sure the new layer is still
selected. Now go to the Paths palette
(pictured to the right) and make sure Work
Path is selected. Go to the bottom of the
palette and click on the Stroke Path
button. This will use the paint brush to
stroke around the entire path, leaving you
with a nice rounded 21 pixel wide border.


Time to center it. Choose the Move Tool and use cmd-A to Select
All (cntl-A on Windows). Now go to the toolbar and click the Align
Vertical Centers button , then the Align Horizontal Centers button
Let's plus this a bit further by adding a frame. We'll do this by using the . Then Deselect (cmd-D on Mac OS or cntl-D on Windows). Lastly,
select Merge Down. When the frame is merged with the text layer, the
Rounded Rectangle Tool to create a path. In the toolbar, make layer style already in that layer will cause the effect to be applied to the
these selections for the settings: frame, giving a nice looking chrome frame around the text to make a
sort of license plate look. And here's our finished result:

First create a New Layer above the layer containing the text. Now draw
out a nice rectangle around the text to form a frame. Don't worry if it
isn't centered; we'll fix that in a moment. Just get it to be the right size
for the text. Since you're just drawing a path, you'll only see a very thin

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo


Colorful 3D text
In this tutorial you will learn how to create this colorful 3D text effect:

This is what your layer paletter should look like:

Step 1

Create a blank document, size depends on the size of your text.

Type your text with every new letter on a new layer.

Step 2

Give your text some color and align it to your liking.

The colors that are used here are:

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo
#bd64fa 8 Select your 2d text layer and hit CTRL-E to merge it into the first layer.

#a8ed76 Repeat until you only have one text layer (+background) left.

and Now add a gradient for the background.


Step 5

Step 3 With your text layer selected hold down ALT and press down and then
left about 4 or 5 times.
Hit CTRL+T at every layer and rotate the letters a bit so it looks
something like this: It'll look like this now:

Step 4 Step 6

Right click your first text layer and choose Rasterize. This is your layers palette right now:

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo


Move your original text layer to the top:

Again, merge down until you are left with only two text layers:

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

Step 7 0

Select your copy text layer, hit CTRL-U and set it to something like

Merge the two text layers.

That's it, there's your colorful 3D text:
Apply this Drop Shadow to your text layer:

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

Cheetos-Text 1

Learn how to make the text used in the logo from the potato-chips,
Cheetos. This very "cheesy" tutorial will teach you in less then 2
minutes how to do so!

Cheetos Text

Can you smell the cheese? Can you..? Cause I can't!

Step 1 On a new layer, create some cool lookin' black text;

Step 3 Then add a yellow color-overlay;

Step 2 With the text-selection still on click this button to activate a

shape in which the text should be moven;

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

Step 4 Duplicate the layer by pressing CTRL+J and place the bottom 2
layer a bit below the other and change the color to orange;

Step 6 And add a white stroke.

You can do this by selecting the text and place a layer behind the text
and fill it with white. Then give that a white stroke that reaches far
Step 5 Add a thick black stroke; beyond the black ;)

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

3 Step 8 And finally you got some nice cheese-scented Cheetos-text!

Step 7 Then add this layer-style to the yellow text;

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

Stone Letters 4

Start with a new image in RGB mode

and write the text with black foregroundcolor.

Open a pattern that looks like marble. copy and paste it into your Stone
image (this image can be found on my website)

Mark the content in your textlayer and select inverse. Press delet while
standing on the pattern layer.
Use the texture nebula in the Bevel/emboss layerstyle.
Go to Layer/layer styles and use the settings in Bevel/emboss as you can see
here below.

And this is the final result

Efectos de texto con Photoshop Nelson Pardo

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