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Nama : Iis Ismawati

Nim : 2119130028
Tanggal Pembuatan : 18 Oktober 2015
Kelas : 3D Karyawan Biologi

Muscle is an organ or instrument that can move this is a sufficiently important for the organism.
Motion occurs because the cytoplasm of cells change shape. In the cytoplasm of cells is subtle threads of
the long-called myofibrils. If the muscle cells get rangasangan the myofibrils will be shortened, in other
words, the cells will shorten her bibs certain direction.
Muscle is the body tissue of animals that are characterized by able to contract, the activity is
usually influenced by the stimulus of the nervous system. The basic unit of all kinds of muscle is the
myofibril that the structure is very small filaments composed of the protein complex, the actin and
myosin filaments. At the time of contracting, filameb-filament is interlocked that get energy from
mitokondriadi around miofibil.
There are also a variety of different muscles in vertebrates. The first is the heart muscle, namely
the muscles that make up the walls of the heart. Smooth muscle found in the walls of all the hollow
organs (except heart). Smooth muscle contraction which is generally not controlled, reduce the size of the
structures of this hollow. Blood vessels, intestines, bladder and uterus are some examples of structures
whose walls consist largely of muscle poos.
So that smooth muscle contraction carry out various tasks such as forwarding our food from the
mouth to the gastrointestinal tract, passing urine, and sends a baby into the world. Skeletal muscle, as its
name suggests, is a muscle that melengkat on the framework.
This muscle is controlled by deliberately. Contractions allow for a deliberate action such as
running, swimming, working tools, and playing ball. However, if the cardiac muscle, smooth muscle,
striated or skeletal muscle or giving out a characteristic, then the muscle is a tool that uses chemical
energy and food to make the mechanism work.
Various Kinds of Muscles
In the outline of muscle cells can be divided into three (3) categories, namely:
Muscle Polos
Smooth muscle is composed of smooth muscle cells. Muscle cell is shaped like gelendongan, the
largest mid section dankedua tapered. Smooth muscle fibers that direction have the direction of the length
of the cell myofibrils. Miofilamen fiber and each mifilamen teridri of muscle proteins are actin and
myosin. Smooth muscle to move regularly, and not quickly lelahg. Although sleep. Muscles are still able
to work. Smooth muscle found on the tools in the body wall, for example on the intestinal wall, the wall
of blood vessels, lymph vessels, the walls of the digestive tract, takea, bronchus, in the eyes of the ciliary
muscle, smooth muscle in the skin, genital tract and excretion channel.
The characteristics of smooth muscle is as follows:
1. Shaped spindle
2. One cell in each cell.
3. Not having transverse lines.
4. Work out of our consciousness, so-called unconscious brain.
How it works smooth muscle:
When the smooth muscle contraction, then the middle part of the muscle becomes enlarged and
short. Wrinkles that happen slowly, if it gets a stimulated muscle, the reaction to come from involuntary
nervous system (involuntary muscle), therefore the smooth muscle is not under the will. So work out of
our consciousness.
Muscles Lurik
Striated muscle cells such as cylindrical or tube and multinucleated, located on the edge, the
length of 2.5 cm and a diameter of 50 microns. Striated muscle cells ends his cell showed no clear
boundaries and consequently homogeneous myofibrils not seem fibers latitude. Striated muscle
differentiate into three kinds, namely: skeletal muscle, striated muscle, and the muscle circumference.
Skeletal muscles have a relationship with bone and bone move the function. This muscle when
viewed under a microscope, it looks arrangement long fibers that contain a lot of the cell nucleus, and
looks for the bright streaks interspersed dark transverse (Ville, 1984).
The muscles of the skin as well as on the lineaments including striated muscles are under our will.
Pda attachment to the bone and skin, but there are also present in the whole skin. The muscles which is
circular in a circular muscle, for example, muscles surrounding the mouth and eyes.
This muscle has several characteristics including:
1. striated muscle cells berbentuik cylindrical, elongated and have a cell nucleus. Alternating
stripes seen when viewed with a microscope.
2. These muscles work in the control of the mind and consciousness klita. This muscle is called
voluntary muscles.
How it works striated muscle
When striated muscle contracts, it becomes shorter and every fiber contributed by contract. This
jeis muscles contract only if the stimulus by stimulus daraf conscious (muscle valunter). Striated muscle
work is to be aware of, as it is called voluntary muscles, meaning that work according to the will, because
it is called voluntary muscles, meaning that work according to the will or commands of the brain. Striated
muscle reaction to the stimulus work fast but not lasting fatigue.
Heart muscle
The heart muscle is a muscle "special". This muscle is shaped like striated muscle the difference is
that serabutnya branched and connected to one another. Characterized by a distinctive red and can not
control the will. Contraction is not influenced nerve, nerve function is only to speed up or slow down
contractions therefore called involuntary muscles. The heart muscle is found only in the heart (cor), has a
special ability to conduct automated contraction and movement irrespective of the presence or absence of
nerve stimulation. The workings of the heart muscle is called miogenik that distinguishes it from
This muscle is found only in muscle jantung.Otot are grouped separately because of differences in
its attempts to discuss the other two groups. Judging from the cross-sectional structure, the heart muscle
mmirip with striated muscle because of the dark color of the light ddddi along the muscles. However,
unlike the striated muscle, cardiac muscle has ssifat as smooth muscle, namely: work outside of
awareness and control our minds.
Muscles are sensitive excitatory network (eksitabel) which may be induced by chemical, electrical and
mechanical to generate an action potential.
Skeletal muscle is composed of muscle fibers with a diameter of 10-8- um, wherein each muscle
fibers will be subdivided into smaller fibers. The main function of skeletal muscle contraction is to be the
basis of the body movement. Activity of approximately 600 skeletal muscles in the body which are
coordinated by the nervous system so as to form a harmonious movement and body position right.
Each muscle fiber sarcolemma which is surrounded by a cell membrane of muscle fibers. At the
end of the fiber, will join the sarcolemma tendon fibers which will form the muscle tendon attached to the
bone. Each muscle fiber is composed of several myofibril and each myofibril contains miofilamen (actin
and myosin). Mechanisms of skeletal muscle contraction depends on the interaction of these contract.
Myofibrils are in sarcoplasmic are similar in composition to the composition of intracellular fluid.
Sarcoplasmic contain many ions K, Mg, Phosphate and enzymes. There is also a large number of
mitochondria in between myofibril. It is formed on mitochondrial ATP as a source of energy for muscle
contraction. Sarkplasma will expand inward as T tubules. Through these tubules T wave of depolarization
during excitation process can achieve that is located inside the myofibril.
Among there myofibril sarcoplasmic reticulum (RS), which plays an important role in the process
of excitation-kontrksi coupling. Muscle contractions quickly RS has more. At the end of the RS dilation
called terminal cisternae that position very close to the T tubules and called junctional sarcoplasmic
reticulum. This structure is very large role in the process of excitation-kontrksi coupling, and the
possibility of a calcium channel. RS function is release of Ca ions during the process of contraction and
retrieval and storage of Ca ion again during the relaxation process.
Mechanism of muscle contraction begins with the action potential in the motor neuron (action
potential at postsinaps cells are propagated from cell presynaptic nerve fibers that innervate the muscles).
This will lead to impulse (action potential) in the muscles. The action potential in the muscle resulting in
the release of calcium ions from the RS, also activates Ca channel on the T tubules so will a lot of
calcium ions released into the sarcoplasmic. Ca ions bind to troponin C so that it will change the
configuration of actin-tropomyosin-troponin complex, where the active sites of actin will be open so that
it can be bound to the myosin head (cross bridge). Bonding which causes muscle contraction due to
attraction of the actin toward the myosin cross-bridge structure is out of myosin.
In the relaxation process, calcium ions will be returned to the hospital in active transport.
Troponin the loss of calcium ions will affect the structure of actin-tropomyosin-troponin complex, so that
the active site is covered by tropomyosin actin back and the bond between actin and myosin does not
happen again. The release of the bond between actin and myosin This causes muscle relaxation.
Types of muscle contraction
1. isotonic contraction
In the isotonic contraction of muscle length changes which muscles will shorten against a light
load and constant. This contraction is formed on the external work without accompanying changes in
tension in the muscles. This type of contraction occurs when mengangkan light weights.
2. The isometric contraction
No changes in muscle length, despite a contraction. Muscle shortening can be prevented and there
is no external work, but to create a tension and energy production occurs in the form of heat. These
contractions can occur when lifting a heavy load. In everyday life is happening is a combination of the
two is called contraction contraction auksotonik.
3. Isokinetic Contraction
A maximum muscle contraction at a fixed speed in the movement. This type of movement is
usually in the field of sports, such as swinging movement of the hand in freestyle swimming.
A source of energy for muscle contraction. Muscle contraction requires energy, and muscle called
a machine that converts chemical energy into mechanical energy. Immediate source of energy that can be
obtained from high-energy phosphate bonds contained in the ATP. This high-energy phosphate bonds off
in case of hydrolysis of ATP to ADP as the following reaction:
ATP → ADP + Pi
This reaction is released at 7300 calories for every molecule of ATP. Hirolisis ATP occurs
through enzyme myosin ATPase found on. Most of this energy is used to form the cross bridge between
actin and myosin, a small portion is used for Ca pump activity in RS and Na-K pump. ATP
concentrations are found in skeletal muscle contraction can only sustain approximately 1-2 seconds. But
after the ATP is broken down into ADP, the ADP will direfosforilasi to form new ATP, which even this
process only lasts a few seconds. There are several sources of energy for ATP refosforilasi process,
1. Phosphocreatine
Phosphocreatine bring high-energy phosphate bonds and will be hydrolyzed keratin and phosphate.
Phosphate bonds derived from phosphocreatine will be used for resintesa ATP from ADP with the help of
keratin kinase enzyme.
2. Glycogen
Glycogen is found in muscles will be broken down into pyruvic acid and lactic acid by the enzymatic
process and will produce energy that will be used to resintesa ATP from ADP. ATP is used directly for
muscle contraction or reshaping phosphocreatine. This process is called glycolysis. This process occurs in
the absence of oxygen so that the muscle contraction can take place in the short term. Likewise, the
formation of ATP through this process is 2.5 times faster than with oxygen. It's just that there is a final
outcome that will accumulate (lactic acid) in the muscle. If only rely on the process of muscle contraction
lasted only 1 minute
3. Glycogen
In this process oxygen more join the glucose, fatty acids or proteins to produce ATP. 90% of the ATP
formed is derived from glucose mechanism. Most of the ATP needed for muscle contraction long process
derived from this process.
Muscle Polos
Smooth muscle has a smaller structure of the skeletal muscle and no representation striata. RS is
not well developed as a skeletal muscle. There is also an actin, myosin and tropomyosin but there are no
troponin. Smooth muscle mitochondria also contain a small amount and depends on the metabolic
Types of smooth muscle
1. The smooth muscle multiple unit (multi-unit)
Composed of smooth muscle fibers are different and each muscle fibers to work on their own without
depending on other muscle fibers. The most important characteristics of this smooth muscle is every
muscle fiber to contract the muscle fibers do not depend on others. Also rarely cause spontaneous
contraction. Examples of this muscle is smooth muscle ciliary eye muscle piloerektor which led to the
founding of hair due to sympathetic stimulation.
2. Smooth muscle a single unit (single unit)
Consisting of hundreds of millions of fibers that contract as a whole as a whole. Muscle fibers together to
form a single unit and cell membrane attached to one another in some places so that the excitation on the
fibers easily propagated to other fibers. This smooth muscle mainly constituting the walls of internal
organs such as the intestines, stomach, bile duct, ureter, uterus and blood vessels. This muscle is also
commonly called visceral muscle.
Smooth muscle contraction
Also smooth muscle actin and myosin filaments have the same chemical characteristics of the actin and
myosin filaments in skeletal muscle. In the smooth muscle troponin is not there, so that the different
regulatory mechanisms of contraction. Actin and myosin contraction mechanism with each other as well
as skeletal muscle and the process is activated by Ca ions and ATP as an energy source.
Therefore the RS smooth muscle is not so developed as skeletal muscle, the primary source of
calcium ions to muscle contraction derived from extracellular calcium ions entering through calcium
channel into the cell. Calcium ion binds to calmodulin that has functions such as troponin in skeletal
muscle. Although the structure of calmodulin and troponin almost the same, but the mechanism is
different in starting contractions. Ca-calmodulin bond activates myosin kinase enzyme that causes
phosphorylation of ATP in the myosin head. Phosphorylase myosin head will lead to actin to form the
myosin cross bridge and there was a contraction.
When the Ca ion concentration falls below a concentration sufficient to induce contractions, there
will be a process defosforilase of myosin heads are catalyzed by the enzyme myosin phosphatase. This
enzyme will separate from head misoin phosphate group so that the interaction of actin and myosin
filaments will stop, and there relaxation.

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