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The capacity to do work

● Food = chemical energy
○ Can be used for
■ Mechanical purposes
■ Heat
■ Electrical system
○ Food energy has three major functions
■ Basic bodily functions
■ Physical activity
■ Food processing

Metabolic Equilibrium
Input should equal output
● If too much food
○ Stored in fat
● If too little food
○ Burns away fat

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

60-65% of consumed energy
● To calculate BMR
○ Men
■ 10.9 Cal per lb per day
○ Women
■ 9.8 Cap per lb per day

How many calories are consumed by doing nothing each day?

● 20-25% of energy is used for physical activity
● 10% of energy is used for thermic effect
○ The energy used to process food

Total Energy Requirement

BMR*physical activity factor
● Physical activity factors
○ 1.2 if in bed all day
○ 1.3 if barely walking
○ 1.6 average activity
○ 2.0 highly active

Ideal Body Weight

● For men:
○ 106 lb + 6 lb per inch taller than 5 ft
○ For women:
■ 100 lb + 5 lb per inch taller than 5 ft
○ Result +/- 10%

Regulation of Body Weight

● Cal = energy to raise 1 g water by 1 C
● Cal - kilocalorie
● Excess Cal is stores as fat
○ Provides energy when on low Cal diet
● Adequate nutrition is consuming all essential nutrients
○ Increases immune function
○ Boosts tissue repair
○ Improves circulation
○ Increases bone strength
○ Improves body system synergy
■ Improving one thing improves all things

BMI vs. % Fat

● Body Mass Index
○ (Weight lb * 703)/(height in)^2
○ Normal: 18-25
○ Overweight: 25-30
○ Obese: 30+
○ Can be misleading for muscular athletes
■ Are heavy but not fat

Five Major Food Groups

● Grains
○ Consume complex carbs for majority of energy intake
○ They release energy slowly
○ Eat whole grains, preferably fermented
● Fruits and vegetables
○ Carbs, fiber, vitamins, minerals
○ About fiber
■ Coats/cleans digestive system
○ Fats + oils
■ Should be limited
● Especially when separated from whole foods
○ Meat
■ Should limit
■ Causes cancer + heart disease
● Especially processed meat
○ Beans and legumes
■ Plant + protein

Makes us crave specific nutrients when we are low on them; is control center
● We consume when we are bored, tired, or stressed
● Can be conditioned for sweets/other hyper palatable food

Physical Activity
● Increases metabolism
● Increase stroke volume
● Decreases swelling
● Better joint lubrication
● Increases muscle tone
● Improves mental health/thinking
● Increases stamina
● Improves ability to maintain homeostasis
● Lowers fat
● Lowers resting heart rate
● Increases bone strength
● Lowers stress
● Lowers injury risk

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