Inventor Function Keys PDF

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Function Keys:

F1 – Help Topics
F2 – Pan
F3 – Zoom
F4 – Orbit
F5 – Previous View
Shift+F5 – Next View
F6 – Home View
F7 – Slice Graphics in Sketch
F8 – Show All Constraints
Alt+F8 – Open Macros Dialog Box
F9 – Hide All Constraints
F10 – Unconsumed Sketch visibility toggle
Alt+F11 - Open Visual Basic Editor
General Environment:
Ctrl+C - Copy to Clipboard
Ctrl+Shift+E Assembly Degrees of Freedom visibility toggle
M Measure Distance
Ctrl+N New File
Ctrl+O Open File
Ctrl+P Print
Ctrl+Shift+Q iMate Glyph visibility toggle
Ctrl+S Save File
Ctrl+V Paste from Clipboard
Ctrl+W SteeringWheels
Ctrl+Shift+W Weld Symbols visibility toggle
Ctrl+X Cut to Clipboard
Ctrl+Y Redo
Z Zoom Window
Ctrl+Z Undo
Esc Ends Active Command
Home Zoom All
Page Up Look At
Delete Delete selected object
End Zoom Select
Ctrl+/ Origin Axes visibility toggle
Ctrl+] Origin Planes visibility toggle
Ctrl+. Origin Points visibility toggle
Alt+/ User Work Axes visibility toggle
Alt+] User Work Planes visibility toggle
Alt+. User Work Points visibility toggle

Drawing Annotation Shortcuts:

A Baseline Dimension Set
B Balloon
D General Dimension
F Feature Control Frame
O Ordinate Dimension Set
T Text
Ctrl+Shift+T Leader Text
Sketching Shortcut:
A Center Point Arc
C Center Point Circle
D General Dimension
F Fillet
H Fill/Hatch Sketch Region
I Vertical
L Line
O Offset
T Text
X Trim
= Equal
Part-Modeling Shortcuts:
D Face Draft
E Extrude
F Fillet
H Hole
Ctrl+Shift+K Chamfer
Ctrl+Shift+L Loft
Ctrl+Shift+M Mirror
Ctrl+Shift+O Circular Pattern
Q Create iMate
R Revolve
Ctrl+Shift+R Rectangular Pattern
S 2D Sketch
Ctrl+Shift+S Sweep
; Grounded Work Point
/ Work Axis
] Work Plane
. Work Point

Assembly-Modeling Shortcuts:
A Analyze Interference
C Constraint (Assembly)
Ctrl+Shift+E Degrees of Freedom visibility toggle
G Rotate Component
Ctrl+H Replace
Ctrl+Shift+H Replace All
N Create Component in Assembly
P Place Component in Assembly
V Move Component
W Fillet Weld (weldment environment)
Tab Demote
Shift+Tab Promote
Ctrl+Enter Return
/ Work Axis
] Work Plane
. Work Point
Ctrl+= Parent
Ctrl+- Top
Presentation Shortcut:
T Tweak Components
Drawing View Shortcut:
Ctrl+Shift+N Create New Sheet

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