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9. veer-De Plar Si Cagayan de Oro Cy 9000 Republi ofthe Philipines Department of Education REGION X — NORTHERN MINDANAO’ DIVISION OF MISAMIS ORIENTAL MEMORANDUM No. 4! 70 , series 2018 Division Chiefs Public Schools District Supervisor Division Section Heads Division Office Personnel Elementary School Heads (Full-Fledged) Secondary School Heads (Full-Fledged) ‘This Division FROM : RANDOLPH B. TORTOLA, sul Da’ Schools Division Superintendent BUECT SUBMISSION OF NARRATIVE REPORT RELATIVE TO THE CONDUCT OF ‘THE ORIENTATION ON DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE POLICY TE : March 16, 2018 1, Relative to the implementation of DepEd Order No. 37, series of 2017 re: A Drug-Free Workplace Policy, schools are hereby requested to submit a brief narrative report.of the conduct of the orientation along with some pictures. 2. The deadline for the submission of narrative report will be on March 21, 2018, Wednesday (ATTN: HRD/Medical Section). Along with the report, copies of the Commitment / Affirmation Form signed by teachers and non-teaching personnel and attested by the school head should be attached. Further, please provide the Division Office a copy soft copy of the report along with the pictures through email ( on the same date. 4. For schools with DepEd-paid Job Order employees, a copy of the clause to be integrated in the contract is attached to this Division Memorandum. (Enclosure No. 1) 5. Wide dissemination of this Memorandum is hereby enjoined. RBT/romvikm, Encl: None To be indicated in the Perpetual index Lnder the fellowing subjects: Poucy HEALTH EDUCATION DRUG EDUCATION ExLOvEES OFFICIALS isOr UP Uplifng People Through K ta 12 Education epublica the Phiipings Bepartment of Education REGION X ~ NORTHERN MINDANAO The said Job Order shall automatically cease upon its expiration as stipulated above, unless renewed. However, services of any or all of the above-named can be terminated prior to the expiration of this Job Order for lack of funds or when their services are no longer needed. The above-named hereby attests that he/she is not related within the third degree (fourth degree in case of LGU’s) of consanguinity or affinity to the:1) hiring authority and/or 2) representatives of the hiring agency; that he/she has not been previously dismissed from government service by reason of an administrative offense; that he/ she has not already reached the compulsory retirement age of sixty- five (65); that he/she is aware of the Department of Education’s Policy on Drug abuse in the Workplace, and affirm and confirm his/her commitment to unconditionally abide to all that is provided therein, and that, in the event that within the effectivity of his/her contract with the Department, he/she be found positive on the use of drugs, this contract is automatically pre-terminated. Furthermore, the service rendered hereunder is not considered or will never be accredited as government service. Upliping st Through Kto 12 Education Republic of the Philippines Bepartment of Education CONFIRMATION/AFFIRMATION TO THE POLICY As an official /employee of the Department of Education, I hereby certify that I have read the Department of Education Policy on Drug Abuse in the Workplace and affirm and confirm my commitment to unconditionally abide to all that is provided therein and I shall be answerable to the office /agency for whatever violation that | may commit. Name and Signature of Employee Date: Attested by: Name and Signature Designation

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