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Final assessment example

This is an anonymised copy of a recent final assessments. This is a well-structured final


Please note, the latest version of the assessment templates also includes a section for
‘any areas for concern’. This aspect was not included in previous paperwork.

Part 1- Teaching:

1. Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils

Strengths Evidence
NQT has established a safe and stimulating environment for pupils, rooted in mutual
• Lesson observations
respect. She is familiar with the school behaviour code and works within it confidently, 1-6
logging all incidents on Bromcom and recording sanctions in PSDs .
• Bromcom records/
behaviour logs
NQT is aware of the need to support, stretch and challenge all pupils within her care,
and is aware of the different approaches required for different teaching groups, and
• Sanctions in PSDs
individuals within those groups. • Positive notes &
detention slips
She differentiates work routinely and plans to meet the needs of her teaching groups.
• Star of the week
display/ information
NQT has very high expectations of her students, and works hard to ensure that these
are clearly communicated to all students, and that they are meeting them. Consistent • CPD passport- body
policies are used with all students . language

NQT models the courteous and polite attitude she expects from her students, and has
developed good supportive relationships with her teaching groups.

NQT uses a range of strategies which promote the positive attitudes, values and
behaviour which are expected of pupils. She has adopted the school's policies and
regularly gives out positive notes and house points, as well as developing her own "Star
of the Week" awards, which promote and reward positive behaviour and attitudes in
the classroom.

Areas for development

Ensure that work is differentiated by task in all lessons, to enable all students to make
progress and to be stretched and challenged.
Continue to develop cross-curricular resources to motivate and interest students.
Work with departmental colleagues to improve consistency and quality of feedback
across the maths department.

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2. Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils
Strengths Evidence
NQT identifies students that need extra support and uses a range of techniques to • Lesson observations
provide these students with opportunities to progress. 1-6
These include seating plans, smaller group or 1:1sessions, and additional learning
• Show my Homework
opportunities both in and out of the classroom.
record overview
NQT is fully aware of all students within her classes that have AEN, are Pupil Premium
or are G&T, and works to ensure that all students make comparable progress. • Differentiated
In addition, NQT teaches several EAL students, and has provided resources such as homework (SMHW)
translations of key mathematical terms and definitions, targeted additional work, and • Seating plans
tailored tasks to assist with their learning. • Feedback forms and
Red Amber Green
NQT plans her lessons to build on pupils' capabilities and prior knowledge. The work is sheets used with all
differentiated, both in and out of the classroom. classes
She discusses planning, feedback and schemes of work with other members of the
department regularly, sharing resources and ideas. • Example slides
showing self-
Feedback is routinely given verbally within lessons, and more formally in exercise
evaluation strategies
books, and is designed to help students identify and address their weaker areas, and to
close the gap. Time and resources are used in class and for homework to complete next • Links to ICT resources
steps in learning. provided to students
to close the gap (e.g.
NQT demonstrates a good knowledge and understanding of how pupils learn and how
this impacts on teaching; this influences her planning to help secure good outcomes for • CPD passport-
her students. differentiation
NQT has developed strong positive relationships with her teaching classes, and sessions to share and
individuals within them, which enables her to target work and use appropriate gather ideas to
resources to engage and challenge students. implement in the
NQT encourages pupils to take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own
work and study. This is achieved through self and peer marking, and feedback review
sessions, completed in red pen in line with whole school policy.
Students are encouraged to take an active role in verbal feedback or discussions.

NQT encourages her students to evaluate their own understanding and level of
confidence to determine their next steps.
Learning outcomes are revisited throughout her lessons so that students can reflect on
their own progress.

Areas for development

Ensure that work is differentiated by task in all lessons, to enable all students to make
progress and to be stretched and challenged.
Continue to develop cross-curricular resources to motivate and interest students.
Work with departmental colleagues to improve consistency and quality of feedback
across the maths department.

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3. Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge
Strengths Evidence
NQT has secure knowledge of the relevant curriculum areas. • Lesson observations
She is happy to seek advice from different members of staff to support her, where 1-6
• Department meeting
NQT continues to reflect on and develop her practice to foster and maintain pupils'
interest in the subject, and plans appropriately so that she is able to address • CPO passport-
misconceptions routinely during lessons. Specific tasks are designed to help eliminate sessions on GCSE
these misconceptions whenever possible. statistics and
problem solving
NQT plans lessons to ensure that whenever possible students are provided with tasks • Example worksheets
that are relevant and contextual to engage them as fully as possible in their learning. and activities

NQT takes responsibility for the promotion of whole school targets within her teaching,
e.g. literacy targets and events such as Literacy week and DEAR day are incorporated
into her teaching as appropriate.

CLL activities are completed according to a weekly schedule, and students in NQT's
form take part in a range of literacy, numeracy and pastoral activities during this time.

Areas for development

Continue to work with departmental colleagues to increase familiarity with the new
specification for mathematics across KS3 and 4.
Attendance at external CPO to support this e.g. National Mathematics Teacher
Conference (1st Oct 16, Birmingham)

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4. Plan and teach well-structured lessons
Strengths Evidence
NQT's lessons are always well planned and prepared. • Lesson observations
She teaches at an appropriate pace and her lessons are well-structured to enable 1-6
progress, developing understanding through effective use of lesson time.
• Lesson plans/ slides
Differentiated work is provided routinely, and students are encouraged to evaluate
their own understanding and decide on their next steps. • Differentiated
homework (SMHW)
NQT uses a range of different approaches to teaching and learning in the classroom; • CPD passport-
group work, investigative tasks, quizzes, challenges and independent work are all differentiation
regularly used within her lessons. sessions to share and
gather ideas to
NQT always reflects on the effectiveness of lessons and approaches to her teaching, implement in the
and uses this reflection to inform her practice going forward. She discusses good classroom
practice with colleagues, and is always keen to incorporate new ideas into her own • Department meeting
teaching. minutes

NQT also takes the time to keep up to date with the wealth of ideas and resources
available through a range of electronic media such as pixl, other websites, teacher blogs
and twitter, and works to ensure that appropriate resources are both used within her
own lessons and circulated to colleagues within the department.

NQT aims to promote interest and enthusiasm in mathematics, and uses cross-
curricular and topical activities to help her to achieve this.

NQT sets homework on a weekly basis for all year groups, and utilises a range of
methods and resources for this, as well as using a range of techniques to provide
marking and feedback.

NQT has been observed by: a specialist maths colleague; her induction mentor; her
subject mentor; a member of SLT; her HOD; and her second induction mentor.
Feedback has been positive, and where appropriate NQT is willing and able to take
advice on areas for development.
Areas for development

Ensure that work is differentiated by task in all lessons, to enable all students to make
progress and to be stretched and challenged.
Continue to develop cross-curricular resources to motivate and interest students.

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5. Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils
Strengths Evidence
NQT includes differentiated resources in lessons and homework whenever appropriate • Lesson observations
and employs a range of strategies within her teaching to achieve this. 1-6
She continually works to ensure that the level of challenge is appropriate for all of her
• Show my Homework
record overview

NQT teaches a range of abilities across I<S3 and 4 and works with teaching assistants for • Example slides
showing self-
some of these groups, developing ways to use them appropriately to enable pupils to evaluation strategies
be taught as effectively as possible.
• CPD passport
• Example e-mails
NQT has a good awareness of how a range of factors can inhibit pupils' ability to learn,
and how best to overcome these. Developing positive working relationships with her
students allows NQT to work with them to boost their attainment.

NQT has, when appropriate, sought advice from the Pastoral Team and the SENCo
regarding the progress and interventions with students in her classes, and has used
their input to inform her teaching.

Areas for development

Ensure that work is differentiated by task in all lessons, to enable all students to make
progress and to be stretched and challenged.
Continue to develop cross-curricular resources to motivate and interest students.

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6. Make accurate and productive use of assessment
Strengths Evidence

NQT makes good use of formative and summative assessment to secure pupils' • Lesson observations
progress, and takes the outcomes into account when planning future teaching and
learning. • Example feedback
from books, and
feedback responses
She gives pupils regular feedback, both orally and through detailed written feedback,
including identifying "what went well" and "even better if..." as well as suggestions for • CPD attendance
closing the gap. records
NQT encourages pupils to respond to the feedback provided by ensuring that time is set • Department meeting
aside for students to act on it and/ or complete differentiated follow-up tasks. minutes

• Completed annual
NQT uses relevant data to monitor progress, set targets, provide grade predictions and and progress reports
plan subsequent lessons.
She uses the school systems (SISRA and Bromcom) to monitor progress and complete
reports, as necessary.

NQT is able to give her students personalised feedback via a range of methods including
some used as standard across the department such as feedback forms and Red Amber
Green sheets that are completed after each assessment to allow students to identify
and reflect on their strengths and weaknesses and how to address them.

NQT employs a wide range of AFL techniques in lessons, and uses the outcomes to
inform her teaching.
Areas for development

Continue to work with departmental colleagues to increase familiarity with the new
specification for mathematics across KS3 and 4.
Continue to encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning, both in and
out of the classroom.
Work with departmental colleagues to improve consistency and quality of feedback
across the maths department.

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7. Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment
Strengths Evidence
NQT has clear rules and routines for behaviour in the classroom, and she takes
responsibility for promoting good and courteous behaviour both in classrooms and
• Lesson observations
around the school, in accordance with the school's behaviour policy.
• CLL monitoring
feedback forms/ e-
NQT communicates with or meets tutors, Heads of Houses and/ or parents if behaviour mails
has been an issue, and rewards positive behaviour appropriately, using house points,
positive notes and by using her "Star of the Week" system. • Example e-mails re.
student issues
(Subject and form
NQT has clear strategies for promoting high expectations of behaviour, and models this
• Star of the week
NQT manages her classes effectively, using approaches which are appropriate to pupils'
needs in order to involve and motivate them. • Rapport with
She regularly refers to the Pupil Passports of her AEN students to ensure that she is students
using the strategies highlighted as being effective for key students, and has
communicated with the AEN department when she has identified additional helpful
strategies or ones that do not appear to be effective .

NQT maintains good relationships with ·pupils, taking the time to discuss issues with
them in and out of the classroom, and to be aware of any particular concerns they may

As a form tutor NQT aims to be approachable as well as professional, and this has led to
several students coming to her with concerns. These have been dealt with quickly and
with respect and professionalism, using the relevant channels to escalate concerns
where appropriate.

Areas for development

Continue to ensure that lessons are started promptly and that students are ready to

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8. Fulfil wider professional responsibilities
Strengths Evidence
NQT makes a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the school.
• Example e-mails re.
student issues
She has helped out with events outside the normal school day, such as Open Evening, a (Subject and form
Numeracy Evening, weekend and evening revision sessions etc. and is also been on two related)
school trips for off-site EEL Days where she has further developed her understanding of
safeguarding students off site and the systems and procedures related to this.
• EEL day timetables
• Department meeting
NQT is always ready to develop her professional relationships with colleagues, knowing
• CPD attendance
how and when to draw on advice and specialist support both within her department
and across the wider school. records
• Example positive
NQT deploys support staff within her lessons and plans work appropriately so that they notes (BBS and
are able to support students at the correct level of challenge for them. maths whizz)

NQT runs a breakfast revision club on Mondays for invited year 11students, as well as
an after schooii<S4 revision club on a Tuesday. In addition, she helps out at another I<S4
revision session on Thursdays after school.

NQT takes responsibility for improving her teaching through appropriate professional
development, responding to advice and feedback from colleagues and actively seeking
out opportunities to develop her pedagogy and subject knowledge.

NQT communicates effectively with parents with regard to pupils' achievements and
well-being, in both her role as form tutor and as a subject specialist.
She is approachable and always tries to make herself available if parents or guardians
want or need the opportunity to meet face to face and discuss progress, successes and
Areas for development

Continue to develop pastoral responsibilities and to get to know individual students,

both in form and in teaching classes.

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Part 2- Personal and professional conduct:
Strengths Evidence
NQT treats pupils with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect, and at
all times observing proper boundaries appropriate to a teacher's professional position.
• Lesson observations

NQT realises the need to safeguard pupils' well-being, in accordance with statutory • Attendance records
provisions. • Example e-mails
(form tutor}
She shows tolerance of and respect for the rights of others. • CPD attendance
NQT does not undermine fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of • Duty rota
law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths • Rapport with staff
and beliefs. and students
She ensures that personal beliefs are not expressed in ways which exploit pupils'
vulnerability or might lead them to break the law.

NQT is a form tutor, and in this role takes responsibility for discussing a range of issues
with her tutees.
During form time there is a different focus each day, which includes a literacy or
numeracy focus, and a pastoral focus, dealing with different sensitive issues each week.
In addition she is the first port of call for a number of more vulnerable students within
her form, and for those with any AEN.

NQT is part of the school team.

She is always punctual and has good attendance.
She has attended numerous CPD sessions and will continue to do so, using her CPD
Pa!>sport of at least 10 hours per academic year.

NQT also completes a weekly duty (before school and at break} and attends daily
briefings (whole school, subject or pastoral}.

She has taken on board the policies of the school and maintains a high standard in all
her practices.

NQT has a good understanding of the framework within which she works and her
professional duties.
Areas for development
Continue to work within the school policy framework effectively.

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Targets for the next year
Target (SMART) Support
TS2- Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils

NQT should continue to develop cross-curricular resources to

encourage engagement and motivation in her students, especially
those in vulnerable groups .
Knowledge of individuals within teaching groups can aid in this.

TS6- Make accurate and productive use of assessment

NQT should continue to encourage students to take responsibility for

their own learning, by setting regular but varied homework tasks,
assessments etc., and by providing opportunities for students to
challenge themselves and further their learning.
Closing the gap should be used routinely to ensure that students are
given the opportunity to build on their existing knowledge.

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Comments by the NQT:
The NQT should record their comments or observations on their induction to date.
Please reflect on your time throughout your entire induction period and consider :

• Whether you feel that this report reflects the discussions that you have had with your induction tutor and/or head
teacher/principal during this assessment period; and,
• you received your full range of entitlements in accordance with regulations and guidance
(http://www uk/schoolslleadership/deployingstaff/b0066959/induction-newly-qualified-teachers)
• areas where you feel you require further development/support/guidance when looking towards the next stage in your career?
Please indicate these are part of your comments in the box below.

I have discussed this report with the induction tutor and/or head Yes No
I have the following comments to make:

I am delighted to have successfully completed term 3 of my NQT year of teaching at School.

I have good working relationships with both staff and students, and am able to draw on a wide range
of experienced colleagues for support in any area that I require.

I am able to work confidently within the school frameworks provided in all key areas, and am aware
of procedures and protocols to be followed.

I am clear about my strengths and areas for further development, and am looking forward to
continuing to work with my departmental colleagues and the wider school to further enhance my
pedagogy and role within the school going forward .

This form should be signed below and returned to Kerriann Jones/Kerry Brownhill - NQT
Administrator to the address at the top of this form or email

Signed: Head teacher/principal Date

Full name CAPITALS)


Signed: Induction tutor (if different from head teacher/principal) Date

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