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Translated and Published by

Japanese Standards Association

IS C 331,6 2000

,iiJ 3 licaiE 0uor !el Ca.r GiaL ll\

Polyvinyl chl ffi&6i tl ri.dili$t'bd.:WitB

for electrical appara.fusa,re hy i,,r,rirari,ir
.nlIIl l0f star]dsrd8, M8lr,0l0gy and ualily

ICS 29 060.20
Descriptors polnio-"-l chlonde, sheathed coDductors' flexjble coDductorc' sheathed
auEber JIS C 3316:2000 (F')

C 3316:2000

Ttris translation has been made based on the original Japalese lndustiial
Standard revised by the Minister of IDternational Trade and Industry
through deliberations at the Japanese lndust al Standards Colnmittee,
as the ,esult of proposal for revision of Japanese Industrial Standard
submitted by the Japanese Electric Wire & Cable Maker's Association
(JCMA) with the draft being attached, based on the provision ofAiticle 12
Clause 1 of the Industrial Standardization Law. Consequentlv JIS C
3316: 1993 is replaced with this Standard.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some parts of this Standard
Ioay conflict with a patent ght, application for a patent after opening
to the public, utility model ight or appiication for registration of utility
model after opeDiag to the public which have technical properties. The
relevaat Minister and the Japanese Industrial StaDdards ComElittee
are not responsible for identifying the patent right, application for a
patent after opening to the public, utility model ght or application for
registration of utility model after opening to the public which have the
said technical properties.

Date of Establishmetrti 1966-05-01

Date of Revision: 2000-12-20
Date of Public Notice in Official Gazette 2OOO-12-20
Investigated by: Japanese Iadustrial StaDdards Committee
DivisioDal Council on Electricity

IIS C 3316:2000, Iirst English edition published in 2001-11

Translated and published by: Japarese Standards Association

4-1'24, Alasaka, Minato-ku, Tok),o, 107-8440

In the event of any doubts adsing as to rhe contents,

the original JIS is to be the final aurho ty.

<) JSA 2001

1] ,,lql,:-':'.1,:! rnr.ssorherBr.,ped,,ed no parr or rhrs pubrr.a.ron mar be reprodJ.ed ur

means. .lp. -"r.(
m.(lorrlo q,thout ,n.tud,hg pnoro;op!,ns .nd
p.rbrseon in wlrrnt fron rt"€ puD!rh.r
&.'l i17i64268. Far: (8{.1) 38361556

Polyvinyl chlorideinsutated
for electrieal.dpli dutiiU irire hy irtormaiiofl
ir $iarJirls [,!utI'0t0[y and 0ualily

Introduction This Japanese Iodustrial Standard corresponds to IEC 6O22Z.8 poly-

vinyi chioride ilsuiated, cables ol rated uoltages up to and. 4S0l?50 V-
Port 3 : Non-sheathed cables for fixed a,Irlng published as the second edition iD 199?.
but includes the technical deviations due to national reasons.
There is another Japanese Industrial Standard, JIS C 3662.9 i 1998 (Japanese
laoguage) Polyuinyl chloride insulated cables of rated uoltages up to and
450/750 Y-Part 3 : Non-sheathed cables for f$ed wiring, wh).ch is iust translation
of IEC 60227-3 : 1997 without technical deviations

I Scope This Standard specifies electrical wires insulated with compound mainly
composed of polyvinyl chloride (hereafter referred to as .PVC'), whose conductors
are flexible stranded wires (hereafter referred to as "wires") to be used mainlv in
wiring of electrical machinery aod appalatus of not exceeding 600 V.
Remarks: The International Standard corresponding to this Standard is given
In addition, abbreviations which denote the degree of correspoD-
dence in the contents between the relevaot International Standard
and JIS are IDT (identical), MOD (modifred) and NEe (not equiva-
IeDt) according to ISO/IEC Guide 2t.
IEC 60227 -3 : lg97 Pollui.nyl chlorid.e insulated cables af rated uolt-
ages up to and. 4501750 V-Part 3 : Non-
sheathed. cobles for fixed wiring (NEQ)

2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through

reference iD this Standard, constitute provisions of this Standard. The most receDt
editiors of the standards (including amendEents) indicated below shall be applied.
JIS C 3005 Tesl method.s for rubber or plostic insulated bires and cables
JIS C 3102 Annzaled coppet uires for electrical purposes
JIS C 3f52 Tin coated, annealed. copper wires

3 Classification and symbols The classification and s),mbols shall be as shown

in Table 1.

Table 1 Classification and symbol

C)assification S)']nbol(r)

P\:C usrnated Eires for electrical appaJatus KI1'

Heat'resistant PVC iDsular€d riles for electncal apparatus HI'N'

Note (r) The meanings of symbols are as given below
K: for electrical apparatus
IV: PVC insulated wires
H : heat-resistaDt insulatioD
C 3316:2000

4 Characteristics The characteristics of wires shall conform to Table 2 when the

tesrs of 6 are ca"ried out

Table2 Charaeteristics
Item Applicable

PVC inlulated e'ire Heat-lesistant PVC

fo. €iectical apparatus
electncal appeatus

Conductor res)staDce Not more thsn the values iD Attached Table 1 6.3

Dielectic srthstald Spdk To witlstaDd the test voltage of Altached Table 1 6.4

60 'c Not less tlaE the lalues 6.5

in Altached Tabl€ I
75.C Not less than the values
in Attached lab1€ 1

Not )ess ibaD 10 VPa Not less lhan 15 MPa 6.6


EloDgatjon Not less thaD 100 q. Not less th& 150 7.

Therloal asiDg Tensile Not less than 85 c' of h-ot less than 90 % or i 6.7
strenglh the value before aging th€ value before asiDs J

Elongation Not less ihe 80 7. oftb€ value b€fore a€]ng

Not less ihaD 85 7. of th€ value b€fore iDEe.sion 6.8
in on


No cracl Dor flar io develop oD the suface. I


Cold be!d 6.r0

Heat sbrinkage 6.11

PerceDtage of thickness PerceDrage of thickness 6.12

reductioD shal b€ not reduction shall be Dot

FlaDe shall go out naturally rithiD 60 s 6.13

5 Materials, coEstruction ard rDethod of manufacture The materials, coD-

structioa and method ofmanufacture ofthe wires shall be as given in Attached Table 1
aud shall follow the items belo\r:
a) Conductors The coDductor shall be as stranded wires composed of the tiD-
plated annealed copper wires specified in JIS C 3f52, or of the aooealed cop-
per for electrical purposes specified in JIS C 3102, or shali be as hard-drawn
copper wire annealed afLer straoded.

b) Insulatioa As the insulation, PVC shall be applied oD the conductor of a) con-

ceDtrically in circular form with the thickness given in Attached Table 1. The
tolerance on the average thickaess ol the insulatiotr shall be a 10 7o of the value
C 3316:2000

iD Attached Table 1, and the miniEuln thickDess measured shall be not less
than 80 qo of the vaiue in Attached Table 1.
The surface of wires shall be free from flaws and voids detrirnental to prac-
tical service.
c) €olors of wires The colors of wire surface shall be black, white, red, 8reen,

6 Test Eethods

6.1 Appearance The appearance test shall conform to 4.1 of JIS C 3005.

6,2 CoEstruction The construction test shall conform to 4.3 of,JIS C 3005.

6.3 Conductor resistance The conductor resistance test shall conform to 4.4 of
JIS C 3005.
6.4 Dielectric withstand voltage The dielect c withstand voltage test shall coo'
form to 4.6 c) of .JIS C 3005.

6.5 lDsulation resistaace at high teoperature The insulation resistance test

at high temperature shall conform to 4.7.2 of JIS C 3005
The specified temperature shall be 60 "C for PVC insulated wires for electrical
apparatus, and ?5'C for heat-resistant PVC iEsulated wires for electrical appara-

6,6 Teasile Properties of iasulation The test for tensile properties of insula-
tion shall conform to 4.16 ol JIS C 3005'

6.7 TherEal aging The thermal aging test shall conform to 4'17 oJJIS 5
C 3005'
in 4'17'2
ii" t"-p"t"tor"-^ni duration of aging shall be those riven iD BaDd
those given iD F
iSCsooS for PVC insulated vires for electrical apParatus \'!'ires for elec-
"i i"Uf" S in 4.1?.2 of JIS C 3005 for heat-resistant PVC insulated
trical apparatus.

6.8 Oil resistance The oil resistance test shall conform to 4'18 of JIS C 3005
in1 a"-p"".t"* and duration of imoersion shall conform to Aand in Table 6 in 4'18 of
jii i;"i6ol r". pvc insulated qrires for elecrrical appararus, ro B in Table 6 in
;.18;i;S c aoos to, heat-resistalt PVC insulated *'ires for electrical apparatus
6,9 lleat shock The heat shocL test shali aodconforo to 4'19'1 of JIS C 3OO5' The
i"ra;"" i"-o"**re shall be 120 'C t 3 given
'C, the number of winding turos and
.i" iiu--"."i of rhe mandrel shall be as ln Table 3'
C 3316 : 2000

Table 3 Number of winding turns and diameter of mandrel

Noninal sectioDal area Dianete! of DaDdrel

0.?510 8 ii Equal to rhe overall diameier

t4 T*ice th€ overall diameter

6.10 Cold bend The cold bend test shall conform to 4.20.1 of JIS C 3005. The
cooling temperature shall be -10 "C:t 1 "C. aDd the number of winding turns aDal
the diameter of the mandrel shall be as given in Table 4.

Table 4 Number of .$r'indiEg turns and diameter of mandrel

NoDinal sectional aiea DiaEet€r of Dard.el

075to8 6 3 1jmes rbe ov€rall diae€ter

1.1 3 4 tires the ov€rall diameter

6'11 Heat shrinkage The heat shriokage test shalr conforrn Lo 4.2L or.rrs c goo5.

6.12 I{eat deforaratioD The heat deformation test shal} conform to 4.ZB oI JIS
C 3005. -The heatins temperature shall be 720.C=B
given in Table S when a test piece of prate form is "C,;;J;h;-i;;; shal be as
usei, trr" roua-.rrurr uu rorv.
Table 5 Load
NoEiral sectioEal area Load
0 ,_5 3

12s 4


6.13- Flahe retardaace The fla6e retardance shalt be

- as specified in 4.26 oI JIS
C 3005. The test hethod shau conform
;r;" ;;;;.fi;;f CfiH: "
7 Iaspectiou The inspection shall be carried out oD the
test rnethods of 6 and rhe results shall folloq,ing iteros by the
*til il;ilr;;,ir:
of 4. 5 and
e.r. rhe ile.os mav. hqwseq,. b".-irled "o-pty
the parttes corcerned with acceptaDce.

a) Appearance
b) Coqstructio!
c) Conductor resistance
d) Dielectric withstand voltage
C 3316 : 2000

e) Insulation resistance at high temperature

o Tensile properties of insulation
c) Thermal aging
h) Oil resistance
i) liear shock
j) Cold bend
k) Heat shrinkage
t) Heat deformation
m) Flame retardanee

8 Designation The designation of products shall be made by the name and the
nominal sectional area of conductor, or by the symbol and the nominal sectional area
of conductor.
Example 1 PVC insulated wire for electrical apparatus 0.?5 mm2
or KIV 0.75 mm2
Example 2 Heat-resistant PVC insulated wire for electricai apparatus 0.ZS mmz
or HKIV 0.?5 mm,

I Markings and packaging

9.1 Marking on wire The following items shall be indelibly marked on the sur-
face of wires repeatedly.
a) Symbol
b) Manufacturer's ljame or abbreviation
c) Year of manufacture or its abbreviatioa

9.2 Marking o!1 package The following items shall be suitably marked on each

a) Name or its sl,mbol

b) Nominal sectional area of conductor
c) Color of wire
d) Length
e) Mass
f) MaDufacturer's name or abbreviation
s) Year of maoufacture or its abbreviation

9.3 Packaging Each Iength of wire shall be coiled into a bundle and shall be suitably
packaged so as not to be damaged during transportation.
C 3316 : 2000

-Attached Table I PVC iosulated wires for electrical apparatus

atld heat-resistant PVC insulted wires for
electrical apParatus

120.C1 (Mo kn)


60 1l

0.t5 30/0.18 1.1 0.8 21 258 24.4 ? 500 0.2 0.05 l4 300

50,/018 31 15.3 t4.1

2 3',i /t 26 1.8 34 991 950 0.15 2E

3.5 4s/0.32 4t 5.3€ s09 46

?0/0 32 31 1.0 51 346 ?0

8 50/045 3? 1.2 61 r00

14 88?/0.45 49 l4 1.,' 139 10 000 0.1 0.04 110


Errara for JIS (Englisb edilion) are prilted iD S&andardizorion lolnal, pibtished montbl,
by the ,apaiese Sraldards Associatio!, ard also Ptovided to subscribers of Is CEDglish
ediioa) i Monthry Inlon arion.
u.ill be plovided upoD tequ€st, please coDtact
StaDdarditatioD ProDotio! DcpanineEq J.PaDese St tdards AssociatioD
+1-24, A-kasaka. Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-8440 IA?AN
TEL. 03-3583-8002 FAX. 03-3583-0452
Translaied and Published by
Japanese Standards Association

IIs c 3316 ,oo8

0cMA) (
ldl. i Hoang ouoc Vrel, Cau
ie r8i a)37554268 Fa lgj-4
6iay, HN

Polyvinyl chlori ted wires for

electrical appar atUS r!ri ilrr: he&i made by jfll0rrnali0n
i;strr i0r S1;tn ards, lelr,0l0"[y and 0uillity

JIS C 3316 : 2OOO has been revised under date of December 20

2008- The revised items are included in this Amendment 1 an
use this in combination with JIS C 3316 : 2000'

ICS 29.060.20

Referetrce nuEber: JIS C 3316:2008 G)

c 3316 : 2008

This translation has been made based on the Amendment to the o gi'
nal Japanese Industrial Standard re\.ised by the Minister of Economy,
Trade and Industry through deliberations at the Japanese Industrial
Standards Committee as the result of proposal for revision of Japanese
Industrial Standard with the draft being attached. based on the provi-
sion of Article 12 Clause 1 of the Industdal Standardization Law ap'
plicable to the case olrevision by the provision ofArticle 14-
Consequently. JIS C 3316:2000 is partially replaced wlth this Amend'

Date of Establishment: 1966-05-01

Date of Revision: 2008.72.20
Date of Public Notice in Official Gazette: 2008.12-22
Investigated by: Japanese Industrial Standalds Committee

Standards Board
Technical Committee on Electricity Technology

JIS C 3316 :2008, First English edition publjshed in 2009-02

Translat€d and published b],: Japanese Standards Association
4-1-24, Akasaka, Minaro-ku, Tokyo, 107-8440 JAPAN

In the event of anv doubts arising as to th€ .onrents,

the oriFnal rls is to be the fjnal authority.
@ lsA 2009
AI.ights reserv.d U e$ otleMse specified, no pan oI rhis publi.ati on nar be reprodu.ed or urilt€d
in ahy fom sr by ey means, eledroni. or, rhctudin8 photo.opyin8 ahd m.,ofilm, dthout
pem,ssion jn writing from rhe poblisler

Printed hlapan SW

I iid 8 hoanq ouo€ Viel Cau oia y Hi!

Polywinyi chloride insulate electrical appar tus

bsrer www rsmq org vn
Tiis c0ty itas [rei: mads Iy i[lormati0[
lellsr l0n Startdat'ds, MsU0l0gV and 0llalily I

JIS C 3316 : 2000 is revised as follows

4 Characteristics
Replace table 2, by the following (addition of the row "In water" in the row "Dielectric
withstand voltage").

Table2 Characteristics

PVC insulated *ire for

elect;cal appdatus

CoDductor rcsis!ance Not morc than the vaues in attached table r 6.3

Dielectric To $jthstand the t€st voltage iD attacbed table l for 6.4 a)

voltag€ Spak To withstand the test volrage in attached table ] 6.4 b)

Not less than rhe lalues

60 'c 6.5
hish Not less &an the values
Tens e Tensil€ Noi less than 15 MPa
Not less ihan 10 MPa 6.6

EloDsaiion N.t less thaD 100 % Not less than 150 %

Te.sile Not less than 85 % ofthe Not ]ess thari 90 Yo of the

value befor€ agug 6.1
thmal asins
Elonsatjon Notless than 80 % ol tbe value before asrng
on Not less thaD 85 % of rbe value befoE rmEersion m 6.8
Heat shocl
No cmcL nor flaw to develop oD th€ surfac€
Cold berd

of thichess
rcductioD shal be lot reduction shall be not 6.12

-P*centage 613

6 Test methodE
Replace 6.4 by the following.

c 3316 : 2008

''6.4 Dielectric withstand voltaqe

The dielectrjc withstand voltage test shall conform to either one of following d or b)
a) In water The test in water shall be in accordance with 4.6 a) olJtS C 3005
b) Spark The test by spark shall be in accordance with 4.6 c) of JIS C 3005".

9 Markines and oackasine

Replace d in 9.2 by the following
"a) Classification or its symbol"

PVC insulated wires for electrical aooaratus

Replace attached table 1. by the following (addirion oI the cojumn "In water,, in the
column "Test voltage" ).

Attached Table 1 PVC insulated wires for electrical apparatus attd heat-resistance
PVC insulated s/tes for electrical apparatus

&o lm)


60.c ii.c

0.i5 30/018 tl 06 21 ,0oo 005 lt 300 Bun

1.25 54,011 ta 3l l5i 14i 2Q
Sita 2a 3,1 t9l 0.15 26
,15 4ata 32 2a 1.1 53E s09 ,16
iota 32 lu 3a6 3.2i i0
40i015 3t )2 6l
ri 88/0 45 T4 132 r0 000 0l 1i0

Errara for JIS (Enelrsh edrtio are pdbied in Srardtdrzatjan Jouia] Pnblished Eont v bi
(Enslish editlon)
ihe Japanese Standdds Associaiion, and also provided ro subs'dbers of JIS
ia Mobt y lnfotaation.
E$ata {ill be prolided upoh requesr. piease cortact:
Stededs PublbhiDg DepartroeDt, Japanese Steddds AlsociatioB
4 l_24. Alasaka, Minato_ku. TokXo, r0? 8440 JAPAN
TFI- 03.3583'8002 FAX 03 3563 0462


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