USFSP Debate Cir Bad Trigaux 2010: Liberals Thought Some of The Enforcement

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USFSP Debate CIR BAD Trigaux 2010

CIR won’t have a prayer of passing before the new congress sits

Daily Record 2010

October 5th, 2010,


Liberals thought some of the enforcement 

A bill with similar aims failed — twice — in the Bush Administration.

provisions were too strict; conservatives objected to what they called an "amnesty"
provision. No bill will ever emerge unless there is compromise from those on the far end of
both parties. The good news is that Menendez is trying to forge  such a compromise. But the good news really doesn't go all that far. The
senator introduced his bill at a time when it is guaranteed to get no consideration. The Senate has recessed

for the November election. Senators will return after the election, but major legislation is
seldom acted on in a "lame duck" 
session. A new Senate will reconvene in January, which will be the proper time for Menendez to re-introduce his bill. We hope
he does so.

Nobody wants to deal with CIR before the election

Fisher 2010
Max, The Atlantic Wire, September 26th,

Nobody Wins' in Immigration Fight  Politico's Jonathan Martin warns that neither Democrats nor Republicans really
want to deal with "the contentious, no-win issue of immigration reform in the midst of an
election year. ... the polarizing issue is fraught with peril for both parties." Democratic "party leaders would have
to force members from conservative-leaning districts to cast yet another tough vote that
could raise the ire of swing voters. But Republicans face longer-term peril — if they
continue to push aggressive legislation cracking down on illegal immigrants, Hispanic
voters are likely to continue their exodus to the Democratic Party."
USFSP Debate CIR BAD Trigaux 2010

CIR trades off with Climate Change legislation

Fisher 2010
Max, The Atlantic Wire, September 26th,

has "sought to quell growing anger from environmentalists and

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
liberal Democrats frustrated by his decision to focus on comprehensive immigration
reform at the likely expense of climate legislation." By putting immigration first, the
climate bill may have to wait until after the November elections, which could kill the bill's

Climate change should happen before CIR

Fisher 2010
Max, The Atlantic Wire, September 26th,

"Climate change is much likelier to pass than immigration reform. For one thing, it's already
passed the House," he writes. "Indeed, when I talk to people about the two issues, the difference is this: When people talk
about climate change, they talk about passing a bill. When they talk about immigration
reform, they talk about the electoral usefulness of bringing up the issue . ... Moving a climate change
bill this year is more important than moving an immigration bill. There's a point-of-no-return on climate change: If
you don't start getting carbon emissions down in the near future, it'll be too late.
Immigration, conversely, is bad, but it's not getting dramatically worse or harder to fix
with each passing month."

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