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Section A

Anekdot Record

Name: Jenny (Short Curly hair)

Age: 4 years old
Date: 17Th March 2018
Time: 10.a.m
Name of the Teacher: Ms.Hamalah

Observation Comment

She is very helpful and this made her friends

Jenny seems like she is very active and she knows
happy. Jenny is very obedient towards the
what to do and what not. She was also very helpful
teachers and friends. She is also might be the first
with the boy opposite her in handing over some
daughter because she seem to be very
plastic beads. I can also see that she is very active
responsible. Jenny also cooperates constantly
in her doings and attention spans are excellent.
and I can say that she is an enthusiastic learner
She was also one of the kids who chose to not sit
who seems to enjoy her playtime. When she was
down while playing with plastic beads. At the end
confused on which toys to take, she uses her
of the observation.
instincts to deal with matters independently and
in positive way. She seems like a girl who will
faithfully perform any task given to her at any
time of the school.
Name: Jeremy Tan (Red Shirt)
Age: 4 years old
Date: 17Th March 2018
Time: 10.a.m
Name of the Teacher: Ms.Hamalah

Observation Comment

Based on my observation, I can see that Jeremy is Jeremy gets bored of his task easily. He has a
quite unsure of what he wants. This can be seen short span of attention. As for Jeremy everything
when he was choosing which toys to play with. needs to be quick and tactful. He seems like he is
From there I can say that he needs to be trained to not interested in the same way again and again.
be surer of things he wants. He might be allergic to Lessons for him should be more interesting and
dust because he sneezed once during the different way of teaching everyday should be
observation. He likes to help others too. Jeremy introduced everyday or else he can be rebellious.
loves playing what he likes. This can be seen in his He probably a middle child or maybe trying to be
repetitive acts of playing. At the end of the hyperactive to gain extra attention from the
observation, Jeremy chooses to walk away from parents. At the end of the observation, Jeremy
the play area. He might get bored. Jeremy Tan asks just walked away showing that he is either tired
for clarification when needed. This can be seen or bored of playing with plastic beads. As such I
when he wants something, he started asking his can conclude that he gets bored of certain thing
peers to use it. or even lesson in a short period of time.
Antecendent: Playtime in a group of four with
colourful plasctic beads in a big blue tubs with
four chairs around it
Behaviour: Plays with objects and toys filled with
plastic beads. The use scoop to fill in their toys

Consequnces: Students receive positive actions

and peers start playing with them.

Name: Sarah (White shirt)

Age: 5 years old
Date: 17Th March 2018
Time: 10.a.m
Name of the Teacher: Ms.Hamalah

Observation Comment

Sarah is a quiet girl. She chooses not to Sarah is very quiet and maybe she is upset during
communicate to anyone when she is playing. She the playtime. Her social interactions are quite
didn’t know what to do with the toys she is playing low. I believe we can start public speaking in
and she started spinning the wheel instead. As for small scale to allow kids like Sarah to participate
Sarah I can say that she can play well when she is and be more outspoken. She is also very soft-
seated comfortably. This can be seen during the spoken and very timid. She should be train by
observation that she is the only one who chooses teachers to be more bold and brave when she is
to seat among the others during the early stages of interacting with someone. From the observation,
observation. I can see that Sarah is the type of girl who is
obedient and obey the rules anywhere she goes.

She will be able to survive and she should also be

taught more on communication skill as well to
not feel intermediated by anyone around her.

Antecedent: Playtime with colourful plastic

beads in a big blue tub with chairs arranged
around it.

Behaviour: Whispers and talks as well mutters to

her self. Quite for sometime and not well aware
of her surroundings.
Consequences: She wasn’t able to communicate
with peers efficiently. She needs someone to be
with her always.

Name: Paris (Blue dress)

Age: 4 years old
Date: 17Th March 2018
Time: 10.a.m
Name of the Teacher: Ms.Hamalah

Observation Comment

Paris enjoys playing at the play area. She seems to Paris is helping her friends and she enjoyed the
be very helpful with Sarah. She was helping her to playtime. She looks normal and showed a very
dig the plastic beads for here for plenty of times. neutral behavior throughout the observation.
She plans to save time and be more efficient I She is lacking in creativity but she seems like she
would say. Based on the observation she dug is enjoying it. This can be observed during the
handful of plastic beads and she uses a toy to usage of the toys give. Paris is a smart girl but
collect her plastic beads in a smart ways. This are she should be taught of different methods of
the examples of learn while playing. She also trying out certain activities. This is also applicable
seems to be very peaceful which shows us that she in daily lesson for her. She also created her own
is use to play with this plastic bead for quite ways afterwards, which shows us that she is a
sometime. slightly slow learner. She takes thing slowly but
eventually she’ll get it because she remained
focused on the activity at the hand. Not only that
she also shows that she treats school property
and other belongings with care.

Antecedent: Playtime with Colourful plastic beads

in a big blue tub with four chairs around it.

Behaviour: calls out peers with instructionally

relevant comment. Communicate while doing
other task shows the ability to multitask.

Consequences: Effective communication takes

place among the peers.

Section 2

From the findings of the observation, the kids are into playing but it depends on what it is and
the environment. These four kids have different characteristics during their playtime and this can also
be reflected during the learning process. It is important to observe children, as this will enclose their
strength and behaviors. Not only that, there are many ways we can conclude the child behavior during
observation but it’s the best to not just judge and differencing the kids with negative thoughts. During
the observation the teacher need to highly alert of every little things that are taking place. The teacher
also needs to work with extreme care to avoid any slip or even on classifying the children’s during the
observation. There were four children in these behavioral observations; Jeremy Tan, Jenny, Sarah and
Paris. They were given a tub of colorful plastic beads, some toys and some equipment’s made out of safe
plastics that can play by the kids. The four-minute observation took place in a play area where there four
chairs prepared for them. The sample behavioral programme (ABC) has been used during this
observation, which consists of Antedecent, Behaviour and Consequences.
Jenny communicates through her eyes with her friend. This can be seen when she just looked at
her friend to pass the plastic beads. This behavior shows us that she can also perform well in her
academic because she is a smart girl and works her bond out with people around her. Behavior like
these will create positive vibes. Her body posture shows her well mannerism, her jumping up and down
shows that she loves what she is doing. Jenny chooses to pick the toys up and invited her friends to join
her. She initiates communication with her friends which shows that she is never afraid to start. I can
conclude that she is a happy child and she believes everyone should take part equally as her. Reflection
of Jenny is that she is very helpful and this made her friends happy. Jenny is very obedient towards the
teachers and friends. She is also might be the first daughter because she seem to be very responsible.
Jenny also cooperates constantly and I can say that she is an enthusiastic learner who seems to enjoy
her playtime. When she was confused on which toys to take, she uses her instincts to deal with matters
independently and in positive way. She seems like a girl who will faithfully perform any task given to her
at any time of the school. In class session, Jenny should be more communicate and outspoken with
friends. She also might be very engaging during her lesson. Learning languages for Paris shouldn’t be a
big time problem she handles can handle it very well.

Jeremy as soon as he starts to play, he wants to get the biggest toys in the tub. He makes the
choice of what he wants. He also seems restless, might be something related to his health status. Well,
he sneezed for some time but he was interested in what he is doing. Since he is the only boy among the
girls might be looking for his friends. Boys are always well known for engaging in loud, physical and
tumble play. He will have a different learning style based on my observation; he might be a fast learner.
Jeremy doesn’t mind in helping others but he wants to finish his task first. He is interested in fast
forward games such as bingo and Pictionary. Reflection for Jeremy everything needs to be quick and
tactful. He seems like he is not interested in the same way again and again. Lessons for him should be
more interesting and different way of teaching everyday should be introduced everyday or else he can
be rebellious. He is probably a middle child or maybe trying to be hyperactive to gain extra attention
from the parents. At the end of the observation, Jeremy just walked away showing that he is either
tired or bored of playing with plastic beads. He enjoys being in outdoor and participates well which
show about his good production of his motor skills. In class lesson, Jeremy most probably one of the
most notorious kids in class. He seems to prefer games to books. The teacher should be able to create
different types of games to keep students like Jeremy engage throughout the lesson
Sarah is a great girl. She is very quiet girl and I am assuming she might be the only daughter to
her parents. This is why she seems to be afraid when she wants to communicate with others. She also
might have a slow learning rate compared to the others but learning rates doesn’t portray competencies
either. Sometimes, children express and pursue their interest at home and that’s why they seem to be
uncomfortable at the play area. Sarah is new in play school and 4 years old and she takes time to do
certain things. She is excellent in letting her friends to help her and she doesn’t mind that at all.
Reflection for Sarah; Her social interactions are quite low. I believe we can start public speaking in small
scale to allow kids like Sarah to participate and be more outspoken. She is also very soft-spoken and
very timid. She should be train by teachers to be more bold and brave when she is interacting with
someone. From the observation, I can see that Sarah is the type of girl who is obedient and obey the
rules anywhere she goes. She will be able to survive and she should also be taught more on
communication skill as well to not feel intermediated by anyone around her. In class lesson, Sarah will
be most probably completes her homework on time and always in front of the others as she is a fast
mover. She also has the capabilities of becoming a prefect or leader in classrooms or schools.

Paris has been a pleasure to her friends. She communicates and seems like easy going during
the observation. I can also say that she is a hearty eater from her appearance and happy during the
playtime. She typically said hello to her friends and her friends nearby her. I can also see that she is
building interest while playing although it wasn’t a fun activity. She is very attentive and this can also be
seen during her studies. She is a girl who has siblings and she is very dearly to her parents. Thus she is
always spreading love to her friends. Emotional wise she seems to happy and enjoying her playtime.
Reflection for Paris would be she is lacking in creativity but she seems like she is enjoying it. This can be
observed during the usage of the toys give. Paris is a smart girl but she should be taught of different
methods of trying out certain activities. This is also applicable in daily lesson for her. She also created
her own ways afterwards, which shows us that she is a slightly slow learner. She takes thing slowly but
eventually she’ll get it because she remained focused on the activity at the hand. Her creativity will be
expressed through artwork and it can also be seen that she is a visual learner. I can also conclude that
long conversations bore her and she prefers to do anything at her own pace. In class lesson, Paris will be
most probably the one of the slowest kids in learning reading and writing. This is because her motor
coordination skill doesn’t cooperate well. She needs to be taught the drilling practice to produce
efficiency. I believe that students like Paris will pass with flying colour after sometime because they
learn at their very own rate.

In conclusion, each child has their own dimension of learning and it takes time and effort to
study their characteristics. These observations have shown us their behavior, strengths and weakness
too. This observation is carried out to examine the children activity. All of them reacted differently and
it was indeed exciting to study their behavior. Findings from these observations indicate that all these
kids have their own learning rate and each of them have different ways of taking things into action.
There are also implications that should be taken into account that not all the observable behavior are
always precise and it is not measurable. A continuous assessment also should be taken into account to
conclude a child’s behavior. I as a teacher believe that all kids deserve the same treatment despite being
different because they are the future leaders of the world.

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