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By Group 5 :
Bimo Priambudi 19717079 / 19217018
Dian Oktariani 19717067 / 19217003
Jessica Nauli N. 19717023 / 19217010
Safirah Nur Shabrina 19717176 / 19217068
Tsaniya Millah S 19717095 / 19217043



Empathy Map………………………………………………………………………...……6
User’s Needs………………………………………………………………………………8
Reframe Challenge………………………………………………………………………..8
Second Observation……………………………………………….………………………9
Problem Statement…………………………………………………….…………………10
Ideation Method………………………………………………………….………………12
Added Value………………………………………………...……………..…………….13
PROTOTYPE ………………………………………………………………………...…………14
Prototype 1…………………………………………………………………….…………14
Prototype 2…………………………………………………………………….…………15
Prototype 3…………………………………………………………………….…………16
In design thinking, we have to propose a solution based on the problem we found in the
society. On this report, our team try to find any problems in SBM ITB which the facilities
problems. We decided to focus on seating facilities problems. Because as the SBM students, we
felt that there’s a problem in the seating facilities.
We want to accommodate a new seating to solve the SBM ITB Users. To get the right
solution or product, we do the design thinking method. By doing it step by step, we got three
prototype which describes our product. On this report, we try to resolve the problems with our
solutions and explains the way we solve the problem with using design thinking approach.
In this case, our position is actually same with the users as we all are SBM ITB
Building’s users so we can basically already observe, immerse, and engage with the users. But
due to lack of the data and it is not available in internet to use secondary data, we do an
observation and survey to get more data from SBM ITB building’s users.

Departing from our problems, we feel the unconducive condition in the old building
corridors of SBM ITB at certain times such as rest hours, class change, and others. This
condition is not conducive due to SBM users who often crowded in the corridor. They swarmed
without realizing that the corridor was a common road that people often passing by in there. This
is very disturbing for us, especially this unfavorable condition occurs because some students
often sit in the corridor and block the way for people to passing by. Maybe if the students see it
has become a common sight, but some of them are also quite restless and when there are guests
from outside SBM the conditions are certainly disturbing.
● SBM ITB Old Building

On the SBM ITB Old Building, we found three students were sitting in front of the class
on the second floor. When we passed them, we found that they’re blocking our way. Even
though there’s still space for us to pass. To correct our assumption, we interviewed them. We
asked the reason they were sitting on the floor. They said they were waiting for the next class.
The reason they waited on there is because it’s near the class and their class still used by other
students. So, they can enter the class when the class will start.
Unfortunately, this behaviour make the condition of SBM ITB building’s looks messy.
So from it, we assumed that student needs to be conditioned to sit neatly on a chair or sofa in
order to make the people who want to passing by feel the neatness of the corridor and hallway.
We conclude that it is not only at old building that there’s student there’s student who sits on the
floor, but in the new building also have it, like in the hallway and in front class too.

To complete our data, we did a survey. We asked some questions to the students which
is our user. We use an online survey on Instagram. Not only that, we also use polling. First
question starting from “Do you think sitting on the floor can disturb people passing by?”. The
results are 80 percent of people voted for yes and 20 percent of people voted for no. The second
question is “What’s the reason you guys sit there?”. In the second question, we use instagram’s
new question feature so we can see all of the responses. The last question is “If we take initiative
to request addition of seats in SBM, which place do you think fit the most?”. From the third
question, the results are most of them around 80 percent of people voted hallway on the second
floor fit the most rather than in the old building corridors.

There are the screenshot of online survey that we did. We use instagram ask and polling to do the
survey because we think it’s more effective and efficient than using google form. To make the
Q&A more clear, this are some answers from the respondents that we got.
Empathy Map ​(nanti dibikin pake smart art)

1. Who are we empathize with? All of the SBM ITB building’s users, they are doing
activities in there which is related to SBM or / and ITB, the users can be student, lecturer,
employees, dean, vice-dean, and the others SBM’s staffs.
2. What do they need to do? They need to do work there and studying there, they have to
study or work from 7 or 8 AM to 3 or 5 PM, including waiting for next class, discuss
something out of class, searching for seating place.
3. What do they see? They see other users and basically doing same purpose in SBM ITB
Building. In some part of the building, there’s not much seating facilities, and also many
of them just casually sit on the floor. The impact of those users is make too much people
blocks the corridors make it looks messy.
4. What do they say? “We need more seating facilities in the SBM”, “The corridor looks
messy”, “Why people sit on the floor, isn’t there seating facilities her?”
5. What do they do? Doing work, go around the building to get the work done, if the
students don’t have class and there was not much seating facilities, they sitting on the
floor, blocking the way in corridors and hallways
6. What do they hear? “it’s impolite to sit in front of or near the classroom doors”, “it’s hard
to pass when they just out of class and many people are sitting on the floor” “ugh, why so
many people here, it is makes me uncomfortable”
7. What do they think and feel? [pains & gains]
Pains: afraid makes others got annoyed with unconducive condition in the hallway, no
seating facilities that provide them to discuss or wait
Gains : added more facilities like chair or desk to help them do their activity

The users are people who is using both SBM ITB Buildings, the old and new one. There
are students, teachers, mentors, employees, janitors, mechanical controller, etc. And also
someone who’s having a necessities in the buildings.

User’s Needs
A new facilities in SBM ITB buildings which they can use for seating, working, eating
and others. But in this case, we are focusing on seating facilities, mostly in corridor or hallway
that often used to sit on the floor.

● There is lack of seats inside SBM
● There is no places to wait for many student at one time inside SBM because there’s only
some chairs for a lot of SBM students
● There is lack of destination for waiting classes besides canteen in SBM
● Many students sits on the floor because there is no sufficient chair inside SBM
● There is many sitting facilities, but not in the hallway and corridor, so students tend to sit
on the floor instead

So, we can conclude that for now SBM lacks of some facilities such as chairs for students
or others users when they have a free time inside the building. This lack indirectly forcing the
students to sit on the floor. This activity becomes a behavior and it made cluttered scenes inside
the SBM building.

Reframe Challenge
First, we assume that the main problem of SBM ITB facilities is the lack of sitting
facilities on the old building corridors. So, we think about a portable chair that we can put on the
corridors. But, when we do an observation and survey, the majority of users did not choose the
corridors as their favourite place to sit. They chose the hallway on the second floor as their
favourite place to sitting on the floor. Then, we do a brainstorm to get the right solution about
this matter. Finally, we came out with the idea of combining sofa and stairs on the hallway on the
second floor. By using a quarter of the area of the hallway, we want to accommodate the
comfortable place to SBM user’s for their waiting or seating area. Also, this facilities can be the
right spot to students inside the SBM ITB buildings when they don’t know where to go. So, in
the end there’s no cluttered scene anymore inside the buildings.
The second observation on Freeport Building ( SBM ITB New Building)

We found 2 SBM students, who is the SBM ITB building’s user, they sit on the floor.
They were sitting at 2nd floor hallway. The hallway is connected the old SBM ITB building’s
and the new one which is the Freeport Building. In front of it, there was a mushola which is now
replaced with photocopy center. Normally there are so many students sitting on the
hallway.Since they sit on the floor, we think that it is good idea to interview them as the users
who sits on the floor, though our first target in the problem is the one who sits on the old
building’s floor.
So, we asked the two students that we saw about their activity. The questions are ​what
they did there, how long they’ve been sit in there, the reason why they chose to sit in there, and
others. After we asked some questions, we knew that they already sit about 10 minutes on the
floor because they didn’t know where to go. According to them, sometimes they also feel
disturbed by the unconducive situation in the corridor of the old SBM building. They told us if
there is any chair in the corridor of the old SBM building, it will not make the situation better.
Because they think it will make more unconducive situation. And there is not enough available
space in there.

Problem Statement
SBM ITB users especially the students need a place that could fits up to many people.
They want a special spot to gather with their friends before or after the class started inside SBM
ITB Building. Because until now, there is no such places inside the buildings. So, it could be
really good if we create a product that can help them. Also, we would like to prevent the students
from sitting on the floor with our product because it will be clustered looks and disturbing other
when people passing by.
Ideate is the stage where we have to do brainstorming. We already did brainstorming
together to find a possible solution. After this step, we decided to make a comfort sofa in the 2nd
floor hallway. Based on the survey we made, mostly the respondent (user) chose the 2nd floor
hallway as the place they would like to sit. We want to provide a new seating facilities especially
for SBM ITB students since they are the main user.
To improve the products, we also have to know the user’s opinion. By knowing what
their wants and need, we can create the perfect product. So, we decided to interview some users.
We asked some questions and gain insight from them. Below are the questions we ask to the
users :
1. Which one is better between adding the inserts of hard part to be some like desk or not?
2. Which one is better between adding the foam in the backrest or not?
3. Which one is better between put sofa in one side(in left) or both sides?
4. Which one is better between adding footrest and place for shoes or not?
5. Which one is better between adding pillow or not?
6. Will it be good if we add charging slots?
7. What kind of color that will be good for the design?
8. How long it should be if we adding the sofa at the flat hallway?
9. Which one is better between the edge is taper or blunt?

Brainstorming is a process for generating creative ideas and solutions through intensive
and freewheeling discussion. It is one of the most effective and efficient way to get the right
solutions. Our team have already done the brainstorming session together. When we do the
brainstorming, we immediately write some possible ideas that come to our minds into a paper.

Here’s some ideas from our brainstorming session :

From all the ideas that we got when doing brainstorming, we got one idea. It is that we
are planning to add a chair in the corridor, make a folding chair in the corridor, make a sofa
covered with glass, and etc. From this, we dig deeper the possible solution itself and choose one
idea to solve our initial problems.

Ideation Method
In this case, we choose dimensional analysis and analogical as the ideation methods of our
products. Because the common sofa is designed straight and placed on the flat floor, and we
redesign it to be on the declining plains which is located as a hallway that connect the old and
new building of SBM ITB. The design is the analogy from terraces in the rice field and the stairs
to become sofa-stairs.
Added Value
● Saving space, as we use big hallways and only use one side of it
● Aesthetically it has good design by the different style of designing sofa, we chose
terracing sofa as the analogical of the design
● Adding electric socket at the sofa, so the users can be advantaged as they use electronic
so often these days
● Sofa’s material is water-resistant, and easy-to-clean


Explanation of prototype 1 :
Our first prototype is sketch. This is the first visual impression about our idea. We
combine the comfortness of sofa and the function of stairs to use as minimum spaces as possible
because we want to put it in 2nd floor hallway. To make it more comfortable, we want to cover
all the surfaces with fluffy cushion. Not only that, we also put a pillow on it. The space of each
sofa will be spacious enough. We will also provide an electric sockets. The point of our first
prototype is to add backrest at the largest sofa on the flat floor, while the lower sofa having
backrest to the upper sofa.

Explanation of prototype 2 :
To make it easier to people understand our product, we decided to make a 3D mock up.
This mock up is made based on the initial sketch. Our product is combining the sofa and chairs.
As we planned, this product will be put on the hallway on the second floor. On this mockup, we
put the sofa on the left side (if we walk from the Freeport Building) and near a window. We
designed the number of sofa levels same as the number of the windows. In addition, we also like
to cover all sides with the cushion. The purpose of this is to make the people who use this
product or facilities feels more comfortable. Not only that, we also want to add an several extra

In this prototype we want to described the inner feeling of SBM ITB student on possible
way of thought about the problem. The storyboard itself to make the problem more clear and not
misunderstood. To make the storyboard more relate to our targeted market, we made the
storyboard in their perspective, that is SBM student. Uncertain feeling within SBM student
feeling after or before their class that might be occur because lack of spot where could gather
students at once for relaxing or else inside SBM ITB building.
After we made some prototypes, in order to improve it we’d like to ask the real users
opinion about our product. We get positive feedback from some of them. Some people who gives
feedback for our prototype are:

No Name Feedback Photo

1 Debby ● The design of the sofa is

already good
● Add a pillow in the sofa
to be more comfortable
when the people sitting
in there
● Give a charging station

2 Fani ● The prototype of the

sofa already provides
comfort but reduces the
capacity of people to sit
there, whereas most
students sit there
discussing in a circle
● It doesn’t matter if the
circular takes more
place and only on one
side of the hallway
because the hallway
itself don’t need to be

3 Mia ● The design of the

prototype is good
● The sofa is suitable for
a group of people, but it
will be uncomfortable if
a person sit there alone
because the space
between sofas too close

4 Mira ● It’s answered the

problem that the team
wants to solve
● Between one sofa to the
others, maybe it should
be more spacious than
what’s already designed
on the prototype

5 Novi ● Like the idea that

combining the sofa and
● Maybe the team have to
think that is it okay to
put a sofa on the
hallway because maybe
some people will think
it’s disturbing
● Maybe the sofa can
have a semi circle shape
because mostly people
who sitting on floor is
not only one person, but
a group of people

6 Ika ● It’s a good idea to make

a sofa on the hallway
● The amount of sofas is
too much. It makes the
sofas seem narrow and
tight even there’s no
one use the facilities.

7 Nafisah ● It’s good idea, its add

the value of given space
● Also it is the fact that
people often sit on the
floor there
● But you have to
reconsider if it took
much space, as people
will crowd around sofa
and makes the space for
people to pass is taken
● So the number of the
sofa may can be

8 Uli Since you put the sofa on

the declining plains,
you have to consider the
comfortness of users
who want to put their
foot since it is skewed

9 Amira The selection of the sofa

materials needs to be
consi dered for easy

10 Aulia ● You can add more

pillows to add a sense of
● Your idea actually can
solve the problem

Some of us also ask people who are in Interior Design Major to gain insight from the
design of the sofa interior.

No Name Feedback Photo

1 Afina, DI You have to make the

ITB’17 connection between each sofa,
as i see you put the interior of
the foundation of the sofa is
separated each others

2 Nada, DI It is good already, maybe you

ITB’17 should cover the part of foam
in the sofa a bit, as its look the
foundation smaller than the

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