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308 Acta Orthop Scand 2001; 72 (3): 308–317

Pathophysiology of bone pain

A review

Glenn A T Haegerstam

Medical Department, Astra Läkemedel AB, SE-151 85 Södertälje, Sweden. Correspondence: Dr G. Haegerstam, Ynglingagatan 13,
SE-113 47 Stockholm, Sweden. E-mail:
Submitted 00-10-17. Accepted 00-11-02
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Bone pain differs in many respects from other types results in secondary hyperalgesia and allodynia
of pain (Mercadante 1997). While skin pain is (Houghton et al. 1997), suggesting central sensiti-
characterized as sharp, pricking, stabbing or burn- zation. Morover, some clinical evidence indicates
ing, bone pain is frequently perceived as aching. It that central sensitization is involved in human pain
may be accompanied by referred pain and muscle mechanisms (Arendt-Nielsen and Petersen-Felix
spasm which hardly ever occur with skin pain. The 1995), including bone nociception (Mercadante
response to treatment with opioids and prostaglan- 1997).
din inhibitors often differs between skin and bone Far more knowledge is available about periph-
For personal use only.

pain. eral mechanisms. Nerves containing nociceptive

The mechanisms of bone pain are obscure in sev- peptides are particularly interesting in this review.
eral respects. It is difŽ cult to explain why some Substance P-immunoreactive Ž bers were found
disease processes of bone cause pain while others, in human periosteum by Grönblad et al. (1984)
very similar, do not. It is well known that even the and, together with calcitonin gene-related peptide
same pathology—e.g., cancer metastases in bone— (CGRP)-immunoreactive Ž bers, were also seen in
may give rise to pain at some locations but not in bone and bone marrow (Bjurholm et al. 1988,
others (Front et al. 1979, Patt 1993). Imai et al. 1994, 1997). These peptides were pres-
It may be asked whether the central processing ent in nerve Ž bers and terminals characterized as
of nociceptive information is different for bone belonging to types IVa and IVb by means of PGP
pain. Bone nociception is probably processed by 9.5 synaptophysin-immunoreactivity. The possi-
the CNS in a way similar to that in other tissues of ble relation between nocicep tion and in amma-
the same mesodermal origin as joint and muscle. tion has been discussed by Hukkanen et al. (1992).
Of particular interest is the recent Ž nding that a Although SP-containing nerves in healthy subchon-
change in CNS behavior (central sensitization) can dral bone may not be nociceptive, similar Ž bers in
be seen as a consequence of strong and/or long- bone beneath chondral defects may play a nocicep-
lasting nociceptive C-Ž ber input from skin, joint tive role (Fortier and Nixon 1997). Furthermore,
and muscle (Ma and Woolf 1996). This phenom- it was recently suggested that nerve Ž bers contain-
enon is due to the plasticity of the CNS in the same ing SP and CGRP, found in the proximal sesamoid
way as the wind-up phenomenon that gives rise to bone of the horse, are nociceptive (Cornelissen et
a gradual increase in dorsal horn neuron activity al. 1998). A recent review describes nerves con-
in response to repetitive stimuli (Mendel and Wall taining SP and CGRP as sensory and involved in
1965) and frequently outlasts the noxious stimuli the neurogenic in ammation (Iversen 1998) and
in both time and response-amplitude (Woolf 1986, in amed subchondral plate of the patella (Wojtys
1996). Furthermore, central sensitization appears et al. 1990).
as secondary hyperalgesia and allodynia (Woolf Osteoid osteoma, a very painful bone tumor
1996)—e.g., drilling a hole in the tibia of the rat surrounded by nerves, is of particular interest

Copyright © Taylor & Francis 2001. ISSN 0001–6470. Printed in Sweden – all rights reserved.
Acta Orthop Scand 2001; 72 (3): 308–317 309

Nociceptive agents in bone tissue during different pathological conditions

Nociceptive agent a Conditions Authors

SP b Neurogenic in ammation Iversen 1998

SP Subchondral bone in ammation Wojtys et al. 1990
SP Osteoarthritis Fortier and Nixon 1997
CGRP c Neurogenic in ammation Iversen 1998
CGRP Subchondral bone in ammation Wojtys et al. 1990
PGE2 Osteomyelitis Plotquin et al. 1991
PGE2 Osteoid osteoma Wold et al. 1988
PGE2 Osteoblastoma Wold et al. 1988
Prostaglandins Bone metastasis Eisenberg et al. 1994
IL-6 d Bone metastasis Siris 1997
Histamine Intraosseous edema Bennet 1988

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These agents are very often correlated to nociception

b Substance P
c Calcitonin gene-related peptide
d Interleukin-1

(O’Connell et al. 1998). Surgically-removed tissue

was examined histologically by using a traditional In ammation
silver staining technique (Esquerdo et al. 1976). A comparison with in ammation in joints may be
Unmyelinated Ž bers were found in the immediate relevant since bones and joints have the same meso-
vicinity as well as separated from blood vessels. dermal origin. Hyperalgesia, caused by in amma-
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To reach the sclerotic region (nidus), primarily thin tion, appears to play a crucial role in joint pain
myelinated (Ad ) Ž bers were seen to penetrate the (Schaible and Blair 1993). It has been established
bone along vessels (Greco et al. 1988). When the that the hyperalgesia typically seen in in ammation
nidus was located in the cortex, the nerve Ž bers depends on the presence of prostanoids (Schmidt
reached the lesion via the haversian perivascular et al. 1994). Recent Ž ndings show that prostaglan-
space or from the periosteum. By using polyclonal dins are produced in bone tissue—e.g., in response
antibodies to PGE2, S-100 protein and protein gene to mechanical loading. Furthermore, prostaglan-
product 9.5 (PGP 9.5), Hasegawa et al. (1993) dins are probably involved in the mechanisms of
characterized the nerve Ž bers. While the antibod- bone loss seen during in ammation and immobili-
ies to S-100 protein bind to myelinated Ž bers, the zation (Klein-Nulend et al. 1997). The synthesis of
antibodies to PGP 9.5 bind to all nerve endings. prostaglandins PGE2, PGI2 and PGF2a is catalyzed
Nerve Ž bers positive to PGP 9.5 and S-100 pro- by cyclooxygenase (COX). The production of this
tein were detected around the nidus in most cases enzyme is stimulated by cytokines, growth factors,
and within the nidus in some. A close connection in ammatory mediators, tumor promoters, and hor-
between nerves and blood vessels was seen. mones (DeWitt 1991). Two isoenzymes have been
Under normal conditions, sensory Ž bers are identiŽ ed. COX-1 is permanently present in most
unaffected by sympathetic stimulation. However, tissues. The other form (COX-2) is induced, e.g.,
in—e.g., arthritis—sensory Ž bers of the joint may during in ammation (Siegle et al. 1998). However,
respond to sympathetic activity (Kidd et al. 1996). the physiological production of prostaglandins in
It is reasonable to assume that the same phenom- bone seems to depend on COX-2 (Forwood 1996).
ena are also valid for bone. The presence of adren- Over all, experimental data suggest that bone
ergic Ž bers in the haversian canals (Milgram and can produce prostaglandins, i.e., the conditions
Robinson 1965) strengthens this view. for hyperalgesia are present in bone. Recent clin-
ical studies show the importance of prostaglan-
dins in bone pain. Thus, the production of prosta-
glandin in—e.g., human osteomyelitic bone—has
been demonstrated. Plotquin et al. (1991) showed
310 Acta Orthop Scand 2001; 72 (3): 308–317

that PGE2-production increased by 5–30 times in tion, hard callus formation and remodeling (Soames
infected bone. The role of prostaglandins in medi- 1995). During the in ammatory phase, hyperal-
ating nociception associated with osteoid osteoma gesia and pain may well be related to released
and osteoblastoma has been studied. Compared to cytokines, prostanoids, histamine and bradykinin.
normal bone, extracts from homogenized tissue Secondary mechanical hyperalgesia and allodynia
of osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma showed were found after a hole was drilled through the tibia
increased concentrations of PGE2. Such an increase or calcaneus in the rat (Houghton et al. 1997).
in prostaglandin production is not seen in giant- Osteophytes and pain in osteoarthrosis are
cell tumor of bone (Wold et al. 1988). In accor- common (Spector et al. 1993). It has been sug-
dance with these Ž ndings, pain is reported only gested that pain is caused either by stretching of
at an advanced stage of giant cell tumor of the nerve endings in the periosteum or by microfrac-
bone (Edeiken et al. 1990a). On the other hand, tures in the fragile bone in the spurs (Brandt 1999).
pain is the principal symptom in osteoid osteoma A correlation between microfractures and bone
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(Esquerdo et al. 1976, Greco et al. 1988, Hasegawa pain has been suggested in a series of other clini-
et al. 1993). Typically, nocturnal pain occurs, but cal conditions. Bone pain frequently seen in Pag-
is relieved by nonsteroidal anti-in ammatory drugs et’s disease (Meunier et al. 1987, Kaplan 1994)
(NSAIDs). is normally reduced within 2 weeks by treatment
Prostaglandins also appear to play an important with calcitonin. The pain reduction lasts for sev-
role in pain caused by bone metastases. It has been eral months and correlates with a reduction in
reported (Eisenberg et al. 1994) that NSAIDs are serum alkaline phosphatase and urinary hydroxy-
particularly effective in reducing bone pain caused proline values. Plicamycin (a cytotoxic antibiotic)
by bone metastases. Pain caused by cancer metas- also reduces bone pain and bone turnover. Simi-
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tases has been found to respond also to radiation larly, bisphosphonates reduce bone pain together
in doses of 40–50 Gy fractionated at 2 Gy per day with reductions in serum concentrations of alka-
(Bagshaw et al. 1992). The radiation is effective in line phosphatases, urinary excretion of hydroxy-
70%–80% of the cases, and it has been suggested proline, pyridinoline and collagen-derived N-telo-
that this is due to inhibition of release of medi- peptides (Delmas and Meunier 1997). The high
ators of the in ammatory response (Mercadante bone turnover in Paget’s disease may cause frag-
1997). Bisphosphonates, such as etidronate, alen- ile bone structure and microfractures, resulting in
dronate and clodronate, inhibit IL-1- and TNF-a - bone pain.
stimulated IL-6 production in some human bone Bone involvement is common in Gaucher’s dis-
cells (Giuliani et al. 1998). Since pain caused by ease. Three types of pain have been described in
bone pathology is frequently relieved by bisphos- patients with Gaucher’s disease type I. First, non-
phonates (Siris 1997), it seems reasonable to assume speciŽ c mild pain is felt, which is caused by Gau-
that the pain experienced in this and similar condi- cher cells packing the bone marrow. Secondly,
tions is related to IL-6 and indirectly to prostaglan- bone infarction causes severe bone pain. This bone
dins. crisis subsides within a week or two, but the risk
of fracture remains. Finally, vertebral collapse is
associated with pain (Edeiken et al. 1990b, Katz et
al. 1993a, b).
Pain caused by fractures In 2 patients, transient bone pain was experienced
A well-known reason for bone pain is fracture after an intravenous injection of rhG-CSF (recombi-
caused by trauma. It has also been suggested that nant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor).
small fractures—microfractures—due to mechani- Simultaneously, an increase in total alkaline phos-
cal stress can cause pain. Whether microfractures phatase activity in serum and an increased number
commonly cause bone pain has yet to be estab- of neutrophils were found. Since CSF stimulates
lished. the formation of the early osteoclast precursor,
Bone fracture healing consists of a series of over- increased osteolytic activity can be expected (Fuku-
lapping events: in ammation, soft callus forma- tani et al. 1989, Froberg et al. 1999). Hence, the
Acta Orthop Scand 2001; 72 (3): 308–317 311

bone pain may be due to transient osteoporosis and tion of the lytic bone lesions. The bisphosphonates
microfractures. affect the osteolytic process by reducing osteoclast
Bone lesions caused by mechanical stress were activity (Siris 1997). The analgesic effects of pami-
studied by bone scan in 23 ballet dancers (Nuss- dronate and clodronate are documented (Fulfaro et
baum et al. 1988). In 10 of 13 dancers, stress frac- al 1998). Pain due to bone metastases from pros-
tures, microfractures of trabeculae with associated tatic carcinoma frequently responds to clodronate
bone repair, mostly in the tibia, resulted in pain. when given intravenously for 10 days (Creswell
Pain was reported by 6 of 19 with stress reactions, et al. 1995). One study (Coindre et al. 1985) con-
areas of accelerated remodeling and resorption of cerned patients with sclerotic bone metastases from
bone, located in the feet. This study clearly shows prostatic carcinoma. 3 patients with osteomalacia
that not all fractures give rise to pain. The location, and fractures of the neck of the femur differed
size and form of lesion may determine the degree from the rest in having more intense and persis-
of motion at the site of the injury, which may be tent pain more often, which suggests that bone pain
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of importance for nociception. Fracture seems to in patients with prostatic carcinoma was mainly
be more likely to cause pain than reparatory pro- caused by fracture.
cesses. Microfractures at the origin or insertion of
a muscle in the lower extremity have also been
found to cause pain which gets worse with physical
activity (Mills et al. 1980). Furthermore, in 64 mil- Change in intraosseous pressure
itary recruits, 124 sites of stress fractures related Bone exposed to mechanical forces such as bend-
to exercise were found. In 26% of the cases, no ing causes  uid to  ow into the canaliculi of the
pain was reported (Groshar et al. 1985). 3 pain- cortical bone, which, as in the dentinal tubules, may
For personal use only.

free patients showed abnormal uptake of radioac- stimulate nociceptive nerve endings. In ammation
tive isotopes (stress reaction) 7–14 days before the and other similar pathological processes in bone,
development of pain. This Ž nding indicates that which increase the intraosseous pressure, may also
pain is not caused by the fracture per se. cause pain (Bennett 1988).
Pain is common in osteoporosis. In a clinical trial How mechanical energy is transferred into ner-
(Agnusdei et al. 1989), osteoporosis was treated vous elements in bone is not well understood, but
with placebo or ipri avone (an iso avone deriva- it has been extensively studied in teeth. The two
tive). In the latter group, restoration of bone mass types of tissues are rather similar, which makes a
was accompanied by a signiŽ cant reduction in pain. comparison meaningful; soft tissues and nerves are
Similar results were found when postmenopausal encased in hard tissue; tubules containing cell pro-
osteoporosis was treated with salmon calcitonin cesses and  uid are present in both cases (Soames
(Tolino et al. 1993). The pain relief paralleled 1995). In the tooth, drilling or rapid drying of
the increase in bone mineral content. Presumably, exposed dentine with—e.g., blasts of air—mostly
microfracture is the cause of pain in osteoporosis. produces sharp pain. It has been shown that such
Patients with sclerotic bone metastases and a low procedures induce  uid  ow in dentinal tubules
incidence of fracture have less frequent pain than (Brännström 1966) which, in turn, causes intraden-
those suffering from lytic bone metastasis which tal nerve activity (Närhi and Haegerstam 1983). In
results in more fractures (Van Holten-Verzantvoort clinical studies, such activity has been shown to
and Bijvoet 1989). The osteolytic process is due cause pain (Ahlquist et al. 1984, Fors et al. 1984).
to an uncoup ling of bone formation from bone Axon re ex is probably active in bone since vari-
resorption, which frequently results in fractures, ous peptides—e.g., SP, CGRP together with VIP—
hypercalcemia, and pain (Kanis 1995, Berruti et al. have been found in the nerves of bone (see above).
1999). Treatment with pamidronate (Purohit et al. Such peptides are normally related to hyperalgesia
1994) reduces pain in about half (59%) of those and pain in—e.g., the joint (Kidd et al. 1996).
treated. In a review by Hortobagyi et al. (1996), the To what extent PGI2 and PGE2 released by strain
effect of pamidronate on pain caused by bone metas- (Zaman et al. 1997) contribute to hyperalgesia and
tases seemed to be related to healing or stabiliza- bone pain is not known. Pain caused by pulpitis,
312 Acta Orthop Scand 2001; 72 (3): 308–317

however, may be relevant in this context since it has and Schiller 1994) and cause pain related to high
been suggested that a slight increase in intrapulpal intraosseous pressure. It has been suggested that
pressure due to in ammatory edema stimulates the bone pain at rest may be due to this mechanism
nociceptors (Skidmore 1991) and the same mecha- (Chigira et al. 1984). In addition to the mechanical
nism may be active in bone marrow. In the bone effect of an increase in intraosseous pressure, the
with its rigid walls, neurogenic in ammation and in ammation induced by tumor growth contributes
the resulting vasodilatation and edema may increase to pain (Bruera and Ripamonti 1993).
pressure and cause pain (Pilmore et al. 1998). Neu-
rons are sensitive to pressure to a greater or lesser
degree; Ž rst, the myelinated Ž bers are blocked, and
then the unmyelinated Ž bers. Therefore, the clini- Impaired circulation
cal consequences should be an increase in sharp Experimental data suggest that edema caused by
pain due to stimulation of sensitized myelinated in ammation in bone increases intraosseous pres-
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Ž bers, followed by a dull pain when the myelin- sure (Rosier 1993). Even a moderate increase in the
ated, but not the unmyelinated, Ž bers are blocked, pressure in low-compliance compartments, such as
and then analgesia, when both types of Ž bers are teeth and bone, may cause venous occlusion and
blocked. Such a sequence has been seen in pulpitis impair blood  ow (Wann fors and Gazelius 1991).
(Ngassapa 1996). Pain is common in acute osteo- Although arterial occlusion results in more severe
myelitis (Norden 1985). As in pulpitis of the tooth, hypoxia, venous occlusion leads to a moderate
the pain eventually fades away. reduction in partial oxygen tension in bone (Kiaer
Since the trabecular bone is connected with the et al. 1992). However, when the venous pressure
subperiosteal space via Volkmann’s canals, trans- rises to the same level as the arteriolar pressure
For personal use only.

portation of sterile or infected  uid through these in a closed system such as bone, the blood supply
canals may explain the periosteal hyperalgesia. Ele- almost stops (Mankin 1992). Thus ischemia of
vated intraosseous pressure may eventually reach bone for 3 hours or more causes an in ammatory
a level when  uid is forced through Volkmann’s response (Kalebo et al. 1986). Endothelial cells
canals to the subperiosteal space. The result will stimulated by hypoxia produce arachidonic acid
be a painful separation of the periosteum from metabolites, such as PGD2, PGF2a , PGI2 and PGE2,
the bone (Clawson 1980). On the other hand, if which are involved in hyperalgesia (Michiels et
extensive nerve compression is caused, the nerves al. 1993). High local levels of histamine are also
are blocked (Rydevik 1979) and no pain is felt. thought cause intraosseous edema, elevated intraos-
In untreated osteomyelitis, local in ammation and seous pressure, and pain (Bennett 1988).
pain together with a raised erythrocyte sedimen- During an infection, the blood  ow in bone
tation rate may occur now and then over several becomes impaired (Norden 1985). Infectious pro-
years (Bouvier et al. 1993, Lew and Waldvogel cesses may eventually result in thrombosis of small
1997). blood vessels. In ammation with resulting edema
Adult patients with thalassemia sometimes have increases the intraosseous pressure, with a further
bone pain, which is ascribed to expansile bone reduction in the circulation. However, in the initial
marrow processes that increase the intraosseous phase of an infection and during an exacerbation,
pressure (Angastiniotis et al. 1998). The severe blood  ow increases, in contrast to the reduced
pain in osteoarthrosis, which typically continues bone blood  ow in the inactive phase of the dis-
during the night and is relieved by bone drilling ease (Wannfors and Gazelius 1991). In patients
(Pedersen et al. 1995), is caused by an increase in with active Paget’s disease of bone, laboratory Ž nd-
intraosseous pressure (Dieppe 1999). ings indicate that accelerated bone turnover and
Neoplastic bone lesions may vary from purely increased blood  ow to the bone tissue in untreated
lytic lesions to dense areas containing foci of patients go parallel with bone pain (Wootton et al.
woven bone, cartilaginous and Ž brous elements. 1981, Agnusdei et al. 1992). A substantial increase
Fast growing tumors may completely destroy the in alkaline phosphatase is accompanied by dou-
cortex (Hasegawa et al. 1993, Longo 1994, Krane bling of the blood  ow. Treatment with calcitonin
Acta Orthop Scand 2001; 72 (3): 308–317 313

reduces the blood  ow to normal before any change production of bone pain (Horvath 1978). Further-
in alkaline phosphatase is seen. It has been sug- more, focal bone marrow ischemia has also been
gested that rapid relief of the bone pain is related to suggested as the cause of limb pain in patients
reduction in blood  ow. When recruitment of osteo- with dysplastic and proliferative marrow disorders
clasts is inhibited by a drug (ipri avone), serum (Vande Berg et al. 1993).
alkaline phosphatase and urinary hydroxyproline /
creatinine excretion are reduced simultaneously
with a signiŽ cant reduction in bone pain (Crisp et
al. 1989, Agnusdei et al. 1992). The Ž ndings in Painless bone conditions
osteomyelitis and Paget’s disease suggest that bone The fact that some bone metastases of cancer cause
pain can occur together with an increase in intraos- pain but others do not (Walley and Hager 1995)
seous blood  ow. suggests that local production of pain-modulating
Osteonecrosis caused by infarction of medullary agents may be responsible for analgesia in some
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bone is usually silent. In a more expanded form cases. According to Elhassan et al. (1998), opioids
involving medullary and cortical bone, osteonecro- produced in bone tissues are involved in the control
sis is painful. Mankin (1992) has pointed out that of bone formation and in nociception. Rosen and
thrombotic occlusion of venous drainage increases Bar-Shavit 1994) and Rosen et al. (1998) found that
venous pressure in bone. The resulting reduction in osteoblastic cells were able to synthesize proen-
blood supply may cause bone necrosis. The pain is kephalin m-RNA. Thus enkephalin is also formed
usually mild and diffuse in chronic forms of osteo- in bone. According to these authors, opioids are
necrosis, but with large infarcts in Gaucher’s dis- involved in bone development and remodeling and
ease, hemoglobinopathy and dysbaric conditions, their production is initiated when rapid growth
For personal use only.

it can be intense (Mankin 1992, Mont et al. 1997). is required, such as fracture repair. According to
Severe bone pain is a side-effect of treatment with Stein (1995), the peripheral antinociceptive effect
cyclosporin after organ transplantation (Barbosa et of opioids is more marked in in amed tissue,
al. 1995). It mainly affects the knees and ankles, partly because of easier access to peripheral opioid
is typically of acute onset, episodic in nature, and receptors after disruption of perineurium during
bilateral. Severe osteoarticular pain of the lower an in ammation. Moreover, a subpopulation of
limbs develops in some patients after renal trans- immune cells in lymph nodes—e.g., memory CD4+
plantation (GofŽ n et al. 1993). It frequently occurs T-cells-produce b -endorphins, which may control
when lying down and is usually relieved by sitting pain at the site of in ammation (Sharp and Yaksh
up or walking. Since bone pain is relieved by cal- 1997).
cium channel inhibitors, and some patients have a
coexisting osteonecrosis, the pain may be caused
by a vascular mechanism. In 2 patients with bone
pain following renal transplantation, edema and Conclusion
avascular necrosis of the bone tissue was seen with The purpose of this review was to summarize clin-
MRI (Pilmore et al. 1998). ical data on pain caused by various disease pro-
Sickle cell disease, a genetic disorder, is common cesses in bone and to integrate such data with
in some African areas (Berde and Shapiro 1995). experimental Ž ndings of relevant pathophysiolog -
It is caused by a change in shape of the red cells. ical mechanisms. In ammation seems to play an
These cells are less deformable, which hampers important role in bone nociception. Some data indi-
their passage through small vessels. The resulting cating that in ammatory mediators cause hyperal-
sludging of red cells in vessels frequently causes gesia in bone, as in many other tissues. Pain in pri-
ischemia or infarction. Such vaso-occlusive epi- mary bone tumors, in lytic metastatic lesions and in
sodes are manifested as “crises” or “painful epi- Paget’s disease is partly due to immune responses
sodes” (Dickerhoff and von Ruecker 1995). The but it is uncertain whether this is exclusively by
similar location of pain and caisson-induced bone release of substances which stimulate nociceptors
infarcts suggest that infarcts may play a role in directly, or via an initiated in ammation and sub-
314 Acta Orthop Scand 2001; 72 (3): 308–317

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