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Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223

Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

Lecture 6
Flow Rates and
Mass Conservation
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

Flow Rates and Mass

Conservation Equation
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

Lecture Summary
n Introduction
n Flow Rates and Discharge
n Control Volume Analysis : Reynolds Transport
n Mass Conservation Equation (MCE)
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.1 Introduction

n Fluid motions are govern by 3 conservation

laws - mass, momentum and energy
n Basic concepts for analyzing fluid motion
have been described in last lecture
n General control volume analysis
n Application to conservation of mass
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.2. Flow Rates and Discharge

Volume Flow Rate :

Af u

udt Velocity profile

• Volume flow rate across dA :

• Total Volume flow rate :

• Note - Variation of u with A (equation of velocity profile) needed to

evaluate the volume flow rate.
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.2. Flow Rates and Discharge

Volume Flow Rate : Example 1 : -
Air flow between 2 parallel plates 80 mm apart. The following velocities
were determined by direct measurement : -
Distance from one plate (mm) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Velocity (m/s) 0 23 28 31 32 29 22 14 0
Plot the velocity distribution and calculates the discharge
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.2. Flow Rates and Discharge

Volume Flow Rate : (Practical Application)
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.2. Flow Rates and Discharge

Volume Flow Rate : (Practical Application)
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.2. Flow Rates and Discharge

Volume Flow Rate : (Practical Application)

Average velocity for every j-th sector

Flow Rate in eight sectors of measurement

Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.2. Flow Rates and Discharge

Volume Flow Rate :
Special case of uniform velocity: -

Mean velocity : -

The uniform value of velocity which

corresponds to the same volume flow rate
as in real flow
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.2. Flow Rates and Discharge

Mass Flow Rate :
Definition : -

Incompressible flow : -

Incompressible and uniform flow : -

Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.2. Flow Rates and Discharge

Flow Rate of any extensive property :
Recall : Extensive property is property that varies directly
proportional to the mass of the system e.g. momentum, kinetic
energy, enthalpy etc.
Define x = X/m : the intensive / specific property of X.

Thus the flow rate :

To evaluate requires to know variation of u, r and x with Af

Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.2. Flow Rates and Discharge

Flow Rate of any extensive property :
Mean value, x , of any extensive property X is defined as the
uniform value of X which would give the same flow rate as the
real flow .
Define as : -
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.2. Flow Rates and Discharge

Cylindrical Coordinates :
Commonly used in engineering to describe axi-symmetric flow
eg. Flow in circular pipe. Problem becomes 2D.

Elemental area, dA

The flow rates for cylindrical axi-symmetric flow are : -

Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.2. Flow Rates and Discharge

Example of extensive properties flow-rate :
Equation for
Extensive Value per unit General flow axi-symmetric
property, X mass, x rate equation flow
Kinetic Energy,
KE u2/2

Momentum in x
direction : Mx ux

Momentum in y
direction : My

Enthalpy, H h
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.2. Flow Rates and Discharge

Example 2 : -

The velocity profile for a pipe flow is given by :

where uo is the maximum velocity, R the radius of the pipe. Determine :

• Mass flow rate
• x- momentum flow rate
• Mean value of x-momentum
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.2. Flow Rates and Discharge

Example 3 : -
Air enters a square duct at section 1 with the velocity distribution as shown.
The velocity varies in y direction only. Determine : -
• the volume flow rate
• the mean velocity
• the mass flow rate if the density is 1.3 kg/m3
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.3. Reynolds Transport Equation

General equation derivation : -
Basic laws (e.g. Mass conservation, Newtons 2nd law and 1st
law of thermo) are applicable and formulated in term of
SYSTEM i.e using LAGRANGIAN View point
Thus for EULERIAN viewpoint (i.e. with CV fixed in space)
need to be reformulated.
Recall :
Control Volume (CV) : Any volume of constant shape, size,
position and orientation with respect to an observer. Can be
finite size or infinitesimal element
Control surface (CS) - The surface of CV. Matter as well as
heat and work can cross the control surface.
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.3. Reynolds Transport Equation

General equation derivation : -
Consider a CV with multiple inflows and outflows. Consider
what happen to the CS and the system boundary (S) initially
and after fluid has entered and leave the CV.

CV boundary at
time t and t+dt
CS boundary at
time t
CS boundary at
time t+dt
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.3. Reynolds Transport Equation

General equation derivation : -

Consider CS and S at time t (initially) and t+dt (final)

Time, t

Xc,t Xs,t

Xc,t+dt XS,t+dt
Control Volume, C System, S
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.3. Reynolds Transport Equation

General equation derivation : -

At timet (initially) :
At time t+dt (final) :
Rate of change of X in CV :

General CV Eqn for multiple inflows and outflows (dt -> 0) :

or for non-uniform flow :

Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.3. Reynolds Transport Equation

Steady Flow CV equation : -
For steady flow - properties do not change with time at all
points in the CV
Thus :

Hence, for steady flow equation becomes : -

Note that dXs/dt is related to the system based physical law to
other quantities. Eg. When X = momentum, dXs/dt is related to
external force by the Newton’s 2nd law
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.4. The Mass Conservation Equation (MCE)

Derivation of the MCE : -

Let : X = mass = m
General CV Equation becomes :
By the law of conservation of
mass applied to system :

Thus the MCE applied to CV is :

Or for general
non-uniform flow :

For constant density flow:

Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.4. The Mass Conservation Equation (MCE)

Steady Flow MCE : -
for steady flow : dmc/dt = 0

Thus the equations become :

Notes on Applicability :
- Single fluid with or without change of phase
- Mixture of fluids with or without chemical reaction
- Mixture of fluids with solid particulates
- If without reaction - applicable to individual species as well
as total flow.
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.4. The Mass Conservation Equation (MCE)

Example 1 : -
Water flows in the pipe system as given in figure below. At C, the pipe
branch into 2 parts. The flow rate divides between the branch such that the
discharge at D is twice that at E. Determine : -
• The volume flow rate and mean velocity at A
• The volume flow rate at B
• The diameter of pipe CD
• The men velocity in pipe CE.
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.4. The Mass Conservation Equation (MCE)

Example 2 : -
A 3 cm jet of water issues from a 60 cm diameter tank, as shown. Assume
that the velocity in the jet is Ö(2gh) m/s. How long will it take for the water
surface in the tank to drop from ho=3m to hf=30cm ?
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.4. The Mass Conservation Equation (MCE)

Example 3 : -
The open tank shown has a constant inflow discharge of 20 m3/s. A 1-m
diameter drain provides a variable outflow Vout = Ö(2gh) m/s. What is the
equilibrium height heq of the liquid in the tank ?
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

6.4. The Mass Conservation Equation (MCE)

Example 4 : -
Water drain out of a trough as shown. The
angle with the vertical of the sloping sides is
a, and the distance between the parallel sides
is B. The width of the trough is Wo+2htana,
where h is the distance from the trough
bottom. The velocity of the water issuing from
the opening in the bottom of the trough is
equal to Ve=Ö(2gh). The area of the water
stream at the bottom is Ae. Derive an
expression for the time to drain to depth h in
terms of h/ho, Wo/ho, tan a and Aeg0.5/(ho1.5B),
where ho is the original depth. Find the time
to drain to one half the original depth for
Wo/ho=0.2, a =30o, Aeg0.5/(ho1.5B)=0.01s-1
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 6: Flow Rates & MCE

End of Lecture 6

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