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CTM Release Notes 7.5.

CTM Release Notes 7.5.1

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CTM Release Notes 7.5.1

1 CTM RELEASE NOTES 7.5.1 ....................................................................................................................3

1.1 TENDER MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.1.1 TYPE OF CONTRACT WORKS/SERVICES/SUPPLIES ............................................................................... 3
1.1.2 PUBLISHED TENDER NOTICE AVAILABLE AFTER DEADLINE............................................................ 3
1.1.3 OPENING PROTOCOL .................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.4 PDF-PRINT VIEW OF TENDER...................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 TENDER EVALUATION TOOL ................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.1 VALUE ADDED IN ONLINE EVALUATION TOOL .................................................................................... 4 Prepare evaluation ...................................................................................................... 4 Evaluate ....................................................................................................................... 6 Not included ................................................................................................................ 8
1.2.2 AUTOSCORING FOR BIDS SEPARATE PER PACKAGE ............................................................................ 8
1.2.3 REMOVED MAX 100% FOR DEDICATED AUTOSCORE FACTOR .......................................................... 8
1.2.4 EVALUATION REPORT.................................................................................................................................. 9
1.3 CONTRACT MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................................... 10
1.3.1 AUTOMATIC NUMBER OF CONTRACT AMENDMENTS ....................................................................... 10
1.3.2 CONSEQUENCES OF AMENDMENT.......................................................................................................... 10
1.4 PLANNED PROCUREMENT ..................................................................................................................... 12
1.4.1 AUTOMATIC DATE CALCULATION ......................................................................................................... 12
1.5 ADMINISTRATION ................................................................................................................................. 13
1.5.1 VIEWER USERS ............................................................................................................................................. 13
1.6 INTEGRATION WITH ACCOUNTING SYSTEM ........................................................................................... 13
1.7 KNOWN BUGS CORRECTED AND SUPPORT CASES UPDATED................................................................... 14

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CTM Release Notes 7.5.1

1 CTM Release notes 7.5.1

This document describes the version 7.5.1 of CTM.

None of the current features or changes in this release has any impact on the pre-existing
functionality if not mentioned explicitly in this release notes, any training may thus be done post-
release, if desired.

1.1 Tender management

1.1.1 Type of contract Works/Services/Supplies

The type of contract works/services/supplies is now added at main creation page for a tender and
possible to control for the procedure template.

The value selected here is pre-populated in the publication forms, and in the opening-and tender

By default, in the procedure template, the setting is hidden and the administrator have to update the
procedure templates if you as authority want to use this functionality.

1.1.2 Published tender notice available after deadline

As part of the new EU regulation the tender published notice should be publically available also after
the deadline has passed. In CTM 7.5.0 it was implemented as default in the CTM public tenders in
order for all our public clients to easy comply with the new EU regulation.

To be able to facilitate full flexibility within the application, it is now instead created as a setting
within each tender, to allow the tender notice to be publically available after the deadline.

The value is within the procedure template and also within each tender. By default for our public
clients this is set to Yes and hidden and for the private clients it is set to No and hidden.

The checkbox within public tenders list “Search within expired tenders”, will only search for those

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CTM Release Notes 7.5.1

tenders having the choice of allow view tender notice after deadline. If you, as the authority, has
selected No at “Allow tender notice to be publically available after response deadline”, your tender
will not show up in the search result.

1.1.3 Opening protocol

The opening protocol has restrictions when it is allowed to be edited within the tender. It can only be
edited within the step of the tender as long as the step is not completed, i.e. yet shortlisted and
invited to the following step or awarded any supplier.

The restrictions of edit are now removed for the administrators, they are now allowed to edit the
opening protocol at any time during the tender process as long as the tender is open.

1.1.4 Pdf-print view of tender

The pdf-print view of a tender has been updated to include more and full information about the
tender. Refer to support case 34133.

The pdf-print only includes the information that have been entered by the end user.

• Long description shown

• All dates from tender date planning are listed, omitted dates are not shown
• Sections from questionnaire visible and more information about each question
• Bill of quantities / price schedule including all information
• Line breaks are corrected to show correctly

1.2 Tender evaluation tool

1.2.1 Value added in online evaluation tool

In CTM ™ there have been support of the value added evaluation model using the old ActiveX
evaluation engine. The functionality for value added evaluation is also added using the online
evaluation tool (which does not require any installation of any component). Selecting the value
added model in the tender is done from the checklist point of evaluation.

The option to use the ActiveX for value added evaluation is not removed and can still be used in
existing and new tenders. Prepare evaluation

The preparation consists of two parts (i) select value added as evaluation model in the main

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evaluation checklist item and (ii) prepare the items to be evaluated.

The online tool with value added offers possibility to select which of the questions/requirements in
the questionnaire that should be part of the evaluation and possible to put value add for. The
preparation is available from the checklist as Prepare evaluation. This step has to be completed
before the evaluation of supplier responses is possible.

First part is to prepare everything by clicking the ‘Prepare evaluation items’.

Once that is completed the full tree for the evaluation items is displayed and it is possible to deselect

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the requirements that should be part of the evaluation. By default all requirements are part of the
evaluation, once the first preparation is done. Evaluate
Evaluation of the supplier responses are the same process as when using relative weighting in online
evaluation tool. The evaluator drills down the tree for evaluation items, the requirements that can be
evaluated are marked with hyperlink in the tree.

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Automatic “scoring” for each of the pre-defined requirements are visible for each supplier response,
in order to save all pre-defined value add, use the ‘Save all automatic…’, this will save all pre-selected
valued add within the whole tender. Use the Save button to save the values for the active page.

Selecting the Bid node in the tree displays an overview of the total value added for each supplier and
also displays the comparison bid and rank for each supplier. The supplier with the lowest comparison
bid is ranked highest (1).

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CTM Release Notes 7.5.1 Not included

In this first version of the value added evaluation model within the online evaluation tool, some
things are not complete yet and thus not part of this CTM ™ version. They will be completed as soon
as possible and mentioned in coming release notes.

- Team evaluation and consensus scoring

Team evaluation with assigning evaluators to different parts of the questionnaire to evaluate.
The consensus scoring within the team evaluation is not available.
- Reporting
The detailed evaluation reports for value added in online evaluation are not complete.

1.2.2 Autoscoring for bids separate per package

The autoscoring formula and calculation for bids are now moved to be separate per package and
step, instead of the complete tender. The setup is available from a new tender checklist point “Set
autoscore formulas”.

The functionality of assigning the formulas and available formulas are the same and authority
administrators does not have to take any additional action.

1.2.3 Removed max 100% for dedicated autoscore factor

When setting the dedicated formula for automatic scoring on bids, it was before a limit max to 100%
(e.g. 1) for the factor. This limit is now removed and the factor can be any positive value.

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1.2.4 Evaluation report

The evaluation report is extended with two versions, one that includes evaluators name for
comments and another that is anonymized. The anonymized version can be used for sending to
suppliers as part of the award letter and the one with names is intended for internal use within the

The two different reports can be generated separately.

With evaluator names

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Anonymized report

The change applies only to the tenders which are using the online evaluation tool.

1.3 Contract management

1.3.1 Automatic number of contract amendments

The contract amendments are numbered automatically starting from #1 in each contract. The
number is automatically generated at creation of the contract amendment.

The number is shown to the supplier as well.

1.3.2 Consequences of amendment

When there is an amendment to a contract, it is now possible for suppliers to enter information
regarding the consequences of the amendment. Selecting the below checkbox allows suppliers to
enter a small description when they acknowledge the amendment.

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The supplier can enter the practical and economical consequences making sure the authority knows
what they are for the amendment.

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1.4 Planned procurement

1.4.1 Automatic date calculation

Entering dates in the date planning of planned procurement, the planned and forecast dates will be
pre-populated based on the lead time template. It is not always required for all planned
procurements to have this automatic calculation for the planned and forecast. It is now possible to
not use the automatic date calculation.

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The value is saved per planned procurement.

1.5 Administration

1.5.1 Viewer users

Today it is possible within each tender or project/workspace or contract to set users as viewers, but
it has not been possible for an administrator to prohibit a user from creating new tenders, projects or
contracts. This possibility has now been added for the administrator.

For each user the three settings from above are available. Selecting all of these plus making the user
a viewer for already created tenders, projects or contracts, will make the user a completely restricted
viewer within CTM ™. Note, the access to create a tender within a project, is still controlled by the
access to the project.

Only the administrator can change these settings, not the user himself.

1.6 Integration with accounting system

CTM™ has been integrated with an external accounting/ERP system to allow receiving orders/spend
from accounting system and sending CTM™ contract information to the accounting system.

The orders/spend value received from the accounting system is deducted from contract value in CTM
™ and the remaining value for the contract is shown.

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CTM Release Notes 7.5.1

This is a sub-module and integration within contract management, contact your local CTM™
distributor for more information.

1.7 Known bugs corrected and support cases updated

Support case No Description
3861 32353 Print preview of questionnaire is now showing weights properly
34497 32544
16330 296556 Automatic scores for bids now available per package, see above chapters for
20694 more information
17588 29605 Deletion of tenders having more than 100 BoQ/PS items is now corrected
19404 29986 Line breaks fully supported in pdf-download of tender
19954 29284 Import questionnaire now have full validation for too long alternative text
32961 30088
27010 31281 QnA module and issues with long tender descriptions corrected
29211 31811 Supplier search within contract module and number of supplier count when
dummy/test suppliers are included are now correct
30079 19684 Issues with large estimated values in tender (above 2 000 000) corrected
30436 31627
32236 32172 Automatic message for final contract created (using manual signing) is now set
as default Yes for all new supplier registrations
32898 32040 Corrected the issue with updating internal documents to trigger the “Notify

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supplier” warning
33912 32325 Issue with selecting CPV-codes in contract is corrected
34133 14165 Pdf-print of tender corrections
32367 See above
37090 32696 Print forms and issues with updates for French customers
29209 It is now possible to select (and do actions) for system notifications within the
tender messaging
32229 Date format in planned procurement report is now configured based on the user
regional settings in CTM.
32543 Pre-population of actual values in planned procurement date planning are now
copied correctly from the contract module.

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