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Health Pattern Patient Parameters Patient Data

Nutritional Pattern Eating Habits appraisal of  Patient due to his

appetite, weight loss or work, buy food in
gain, changes in skin hair or “carinderia ” and
nails most of the time ate
meat. His favorite
foods are chicharon
and lechon, mostly
fatty foods. He
seldom eat fruit or
vegetables and
occasionally drinks
 At present his
doctor orders food
low in sodium and
Activity Exercise Pattern Duration of physical  Patient has no
activity, length of time exercise except his
client exercised, height and daily routine of
weight, number of hours being a “pahinante”
per day spent on leisure where he seats on
activities the truck for more
or less eight hours
until he reach their
 At present he is
ordered to take a
rest and refrain from
lifting heavy objects.
Sleep and rest Pattern Number of usual hours of  His sleeping pattern
sleep and rest, number of varies depends upon
hours needed to feel the schedule of their
rested, medications and delivery. He sleeps
dose for sleep on the truck and
says it’s enough for
him to have a dose
of rest.
Elimination Pattern Frequency and amount of  The patient has
defecation and urination normal bowel and
bladder elimination.
 Upon admission the
client has not yet
defecate for 2 days.
client has 500cc
urine output
Self Perception Pattern Note non-verbal  The client seems to
communication, nature of be quiet, most of
client dressing, any scars, the time his wife
deformed body parts or talks for him. He
alteration in function, smile and nod for
whom client interacts with, agreement.
clients affect, grooming.  He has a big tummy.
Frequency of eye contact
Health perception Frequency of hygiene,  For him he perceives
pattern/ health dental visits, number of himself as healthy
management pattern cigarettes smoked during individual and never
interview, number of drinks view his being fat as
per day, a threat to his
 Only goes to the
dentist for tooth
 Patient does not
smoke cigarette but
occasionally drink
alcohol with 4-6
glasses of liquor per
session or depends
upon the situation.
Cognitive Perception Level of education. Note  Patient is college
Pattern verbal ability, concrete undergrad.
thought, simple sentences,  Can communicate
formal operational thought, verbally but with
complex sentences, discomfort due to
vocabulary used and ability chest pain.
to conceptualize.
Role Relationship Pattern Age of family members.  He is a husband and
Assessment is focused on a father of 5 children
the person’s roles in the  He is the only one
world and relationship with working in the
others. family financing the
household needs.

Sexuality-Reproductive Inquire about problems  Patient has a normal

Pattern with reproductive system reproductive system
and sexual response fertile and
 Upon admission he
says that he has
decreased libido.
Coping-Stress Tolerance Note non-verbal  The client seems
Pattern communication, eye quiet, with facial
contact, gesture, body grimace and
language, tone of voice and answers questions
affect. only when asked.
Assess also support system.  He is supported by
his family especially
his wife who is
always on his side to
care for him.
Values-Belief Pattern Amount of time spent for  He is a roman
religious activities catholic but seldom
goes to church
because of work.
 He said that he
seldom pray before
but upon his
admission he
realized that praying
helps in this time of

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