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Snake is a legles carnivorous reptile. There are around 3.000 species of snakes in the
word. All of them come in different size and color. Some of them venom which strong
enough to cause death to human. They live in various habitat such as underground burrow,
lake, swamp, mountain, tree branches and also in the sand.
Snake have scaly skin. Their skin have various patterns and colors depending on their
species. Some of their skin patterns are: black and white stripes all over the body, black-red-
yellow stripes, diamond shapes and also a very unique symbols like on the back of a King
Cobra. Snake from different species also have different body size. The smallest snake, the
long thead snake, have a body size of 10 cm. The largest snakes such as Python can reach the
size of 12 m long.
Snakes have a very flexible body which allow them to enlarged it when they want to eat
a prey that has larger body than theirs. The tongue of a snake is split into two, it is called the
forked tongue. They use this tongue to smell the track of their prey. If they open their mouth,
we will see that they have two fangs on their upper side of the mouth which they use to bite
the prey or to deliver their venom to the enemy


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