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UMTS U900 and U850 Network

Solution Guide

Issue 01
Date 2014-10-15


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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide Contents


1 About This Document..................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope..............................................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Intended Audience..........................................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Change History...............................................................................................................................................................1

2 Solution Overview........................................................................................................................3
2.1 Background.....................................................................................................................................................................3
2.2 Application Scenarios.....................................................................................................................................................4
2.3 Overall Solution..............................................................................................................................................................5

3 Solution Application Guidelines...............................................................................................7

3.1 Scenario 1 Wide Suburban Coverage.............................................................................................................................7
3.1.1 Scenario Description....................................................................................................................................................7
3.1.2 Solution Purpose..........................................................................................................................................................7
3.1.3 Solution Description....................................................................................................................................................8
3.1.4 Implementation............................................................................................................................................................9
3.2 Scenario 2 Offloading for Hotspots in Urban Areas....................................................................................................10
3.2.1 Scenario Description..................................................................................................................................................10
3.2.2 Solution Purpose........................................................................................................................................................10
3.2.3 Solution Description..................................................................................................................................................10
3.2.4 Implementation..........................................................................................................................................................13
3.3 Scenario 3 Urban Intensive Coverage..........................................................................................................................15
3.3.1 Scenario Description..................................................................................................................................................15
3.3.2 Solution Purpose........................................................................................................................................................16
3.3.3 Solution Description..................................................................................................................................................16
3.3.4 Implementation..........................................................................................................................................................20
3.4 Scenario 4 Stacked Networking...................................................................................................................................23
3.4.1 Scenario Description..................................................................................................................................................23
3.4.2 Solution Purpose........................................................................................................................................................24
3.4.3 Solution Description..................................................................................................................................................24
3.4.4 Implementation..........................................................................................................................................................26
3.5 Scenario 5 External Interference..................................................................................................................................27
3.5.1 Scenario Description..................................................................................................................................................27
3.5.2 Solution Purpose........................................................................................................................................................28

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide Contents

3.5.3 Solution Description..................................................................................................................................................28

3.5.4 Implementation..........................................................................................................................................................29
3.6 Scenario 6 Non-standard UMTS Bandwidth................................................................................................................29
3.6.1 Scenario Description..................................................................................................................................................29
3.6.2 Solution Purpose........................................................................................................................................................30
3.6.3 Solution Description..................................................................................................................................................30
3.6.4 Implementation..........................................................................................................................................................31

4 List of Features Involved in the Solution...............................................................................33

5 Acronyms and Abbreviations...................................................................................................35
6 Reference Documents.................................................................................................................36

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 1 About This Document

1 About This Document

1.1 Scope
This document describes the U900 and U850 network solution, which is used to improve user
experience for UMTS networks.

In different scenarios, the solution employs different features and signaling procedures.
However, this document does not detail the principle, deployment, and maintenance of the
involved features. For these details, see the related feature parameter descriptions.

1.2 Intended Audience

This document is intended for personnel who:
l Need to understand the U900 and U850 network solution
l Work with Huawei products

1.3 Change History

This section provides information about the changes in different document versions.

RAN17.0 01 (2014-10-15)
This is the first commercial release of RAN17.0.

Compared with Issue 01(2014-05-15) of RAN16.0, Issue 01 (2014-10-15) of RAN17.0 has the
following sections optimized:

l 2.2 Application Scenarios

l 3.1.4 Implementation
l 3.2.4 Implementation
l 3.3.4 Implementation
l 3.4.4 Implementation

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 1 About This Document

l 3.5.4 Implementation
l 3.6.4 Implementation

Issue 01 (2014-10-15) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 2 Solution Overview

2 Solution Overview

2.1 Background
The core UMTS frequency bands are UMTS 2100 MHz (band I) and UMTS 1900 MHz (band
II) frequency bands, which are used in multiple commercial UMTS networks around the world.
UMTS networks require spectrums with satisfactory transmission performance because of rapid
packet switched (PS) service development and the exponential growth of smartphone use in
recent years. To satisfy this need, the UMTS 900 MHz (band VIII) and UMTS 850 MHz (band
V) frequency bands are put to use.

Table 2-1 lists all of the UMTS frequency bands.

Table 2-1 UMTS frequency bands

Band Center Total Uplink Downlink Main

Frequency Spectrum (MHz) (MHz) District

I 2100 2x60 1920 - 1980 2110 -2170 -

II 1900 2x60 1850 -1910 1930 -1990 PCS band in


III 1800 2x75 1710 - 1785 1805 - 1880 Europe, Asia

and Brazil

IV 1700/2100 2x45 1710 - 1755 2110 - 2155 New 3G

band in USA

V 850 2x25 824 - 849 869 - 894 USA,

and Asia

VI 800 2x10 830 - 840 875 - 885 Japan

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Band Center Total Uplink Downlink Main

Frequency Spectrum (MHz) (MHz) District

VII 2600 2x70 2500 - 2570 2620 - 2690 -

VIII 900 2x35 880 - 915 925 - 960 Europe and


IX 1700 2x35 1749.9 - 1844.9 - Japan

1784.9 1879.9

X 1700/2100 2x60 1710 - 1770 2110 - 2170 -

XI 1500 2x25 1427.9 - 1475.9 - Japan

1452.9 1500.9

XII 700 2x18 698 - 716 728 - 746 -

XIII 700 2x10 777 - 787 746 - 756 -

XIV 700 2x10 788 - 798 758 - 768 -


In this document, the networks using either UMTS band I or UMTS band II or both are referred to as U2100
networks, the networks using UMTS band VIII are referred to as U900 networks, and the networks using
UMTS band V are referred to as U850 networks.

2.2 Application Scenarios

U900 and U850 networks differ from U2100 networks in the following ways:

l Radio propagation performance

Compared with U2100 networks, U900 and U850 networks have less path loss and wider
The path loss in U900 and U850 networks is 12 dB less than that in U2100 networks. U900
and U850 networks use the "Okumura-Hata" radio frequency (RF) propagation model
while U2100 networks use the "Cost231-Hata" RF propagation model.
Working in low frequency bands, U900 and U850 networks provide wide coverage, thanks
to which they require fewer base stations.
Therefore, U900 and U850 networks are ideal for suburban areas requiring wide coverage.
When U900 and U850 networks are deployed in suburban areas, network deployment costs
are greatly reduced.
l Intensive coverage
With the same outdoor signal level, test results show that U900 and U850 networks have
a better penetration than U2100 networks and that the penetration loss in U900 and U850
networks is 1 to 3 dB less than that in U2100 networks. Therefore, U900 and U850 networks
can also be deployed in urban areas requiring intensive coverage.

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 2 Solution Overview

l External interference
Studies of numerous worldwide networks have shown that U900 and U850 networks suffer
interference from many objects, such as street lights, walkie-talkies, TV amplifiers, and
even electronic billboards, not to mention common obstacles. All these obstacles negatively
affect the coverage and capacity of U900 and U850 networks.
l Spectrum quantity
In UMTS bands V and VIII, the spectrums specified by 3GPP are limited. Most of these
spectrums are occupied by GSM and CDMA networks, and therefore only a spectrum of
less than 5 MHz is available for U900 and U850 networks. In this case, U900 and U850
networks must support non-standard frequency spacing, such as the 3.8 MHz bandwidth.

Because of these differences, the following scenarios may exist when deploying U900/U850

l Scenario 1: Coverage in suburban areas is weak.

l Scenario 2: Hot spots in urban areas require traffic offloading.
l Scenario 3: Coverage in urban areas is not intensive.
l Scenario 4: An operator already deploys a U2100 network using a vendor's devices in an
area and wants to deploy a U900/U850 network using another vendor's devices in the same
area to form a stacked network.
l Scenario 5: External interference is strong.
l Scenario 6: Spectrums are limited and standard frequency spacing is unavailable.

Scenarios 1, 2, 3, and 4 are basic scenarios. The U900/U850 network deployment scenario must
be one of them. Scenarios 5 and 6 are added scenarios, which require special processing. For
example, if a site uses 4.2 MHz in urban areas to improve intensive UMTS coverage and there
is interference in the uplink, this scenario is a combination of scenarios 3, 5, and 6.

U900 and U850 networks require terminals that support UMTS bands V and VIII. As of 2008,
mainstream terminals support these bands.

This document describes how the U900 and U850 network solution addresses different issues
in any of the preceding scenarios.

2.3 Overall Solution

Figure 2-1 shows the major processes that are employed by the solution to improve the
experience of UEs in the URA_PCH, CELL_PCH, CELL_FACH, CELL_DCH, or system
access state and of UEs in idle mode.


The major processes are the same for UEs in the CELL_PCH state and UEs in the URA_PCH state.
Therefore, this document does not cover UEs in the URA_PCH state.

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 2 Solution Overview

Figure 2-1 Major processes

The following are full names of the abbreviations in Figure 2-1:

l SHO stands for soft handover.

l IFHO stands for inter-frequency handover.
l MC LDR stands for load-based inter-frequency handover based on measurement.
l CLB stands for inter-frequency load balancing based on configurable load threshold.
l BlindHO stands for blind handover.
l "During UE Access" indicates the system access state where UEs have initiated a service
setup request and are waiting for permission from the universal terrestrial radio access
network (UTRAN).

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

3 Solution Application Guidelines

3.1 Scenario 1 Wide Suburban Coverage

3.1.1 Scenario Description

In this scenario, U2100 networks already provide contiguous coverage in urban or densely
populated areas. To expand coverage to rural areas, U900/U850 networks are deployed. Because
U900 and U850 networks are less costly, deploying them greatly reduces the deployment costs
in rural areas. Figure 3-1 shows this scenario.

Figure 3-1 Scenario 1

3.1.2 Solution Purpose

U900/U850 networks are deployed in rural areas and they overlap the existing U2100 networks.

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

In this scenario, the objective of the solution is to ensure that UEs can be successfully handed
over between cells in U900/U850 networks (hereafter referred to as U900/U850 cells) and cells
in U2100 networks (hereafter referred to as U2100 cells).

3.1.3 Solution Description

The following are the major processes that are employed by the solution to hand over UEs
between U2100 cells and U900/U850 cells:

l Coverage-based cell reselection for UEs in idle mode and for UEs in the CELL_PCH or
l Coverage-based inter-frequency-band handover for UEs in the CELL_DCH state

List of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-1 lists the features involved in this scenario.

Table 3-1 Features involved in this scenario

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced Reference Document


WRFD-010401 System Information RAN2.0 UE Behaviors in Idle

Broadcasting Feature Parameter

WRFD-010202 UE State in Connected RAN2.0 URA/Cell Update Feature

Mode (CELL-DCH, Parameter Description

WRFD-010801 Intra RNC Cell Update RAN2.0 URA/Cell Update Feature

Parameter Description

WRFD-010802 Inter RNC Cell Update RAN2.0 URA/Cell Update Feature

Parameter Description

WRFD-020302 Inter Frequency Hard RAN2.0 Handover Feature

Handover Based on Parameter Description

WRFD-020110 Multi Frequency Band RAN10.0 Multi-Frequency Band

Networking Networking Management
Management Feature Parameter

Description of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-2 provides the brief descriptions of the features listed in Table 3-1.

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Table 3-2 Feature description

Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

WRFD-010401 System Information Broadcasting This feature is used to enable UEs

to perform cell reselection
between different frequency

WRFD-010202 UE State in Connected Mode This feature is used to support UEs


WRFD-010801 Intra RNC Cell Update This feature is used to support

intra-RNC cell update triggered
by the causes specified by 3GPP.

WRFD-010802 Inter RNC Cell Update This feature is used to support

inter-RNC cell update triggered
by the causes specified by 3GPP.

WRFD-020302 Inter Frequency Hard Handover This feature is used to support

Based on Coverage coverage-based inter-frequency

WRFD-020110 Multi Frequency Band This feature is used to enable

Networking Management inter-frequency-band mobility

3.1.4 Implementation
Activate all of the features listed in Table 3-1. These features can be activated simultaneously.


This section only provides the items you need to pay attention to when using these features. For details on
how to deploy and activate the features, see the related reference.

When planning and configuring data, configure U900/U850 cells as mutual neighboring cells
for U2100 cells on the boarder of the U2100 networks and U900/U850 networks. In addition,
set HOCovPrio and SIB11Ind to 0 and TRUE, respectively.


The HOCovPrio parameter indicates the priority of coverage-based inter-frequency handover in a

neighboring cell. When the parameter is set to 0, the neighboring cell does not support coverage-based
inter-frequency handover. When the parameter is set to 1, coverage-based inter-frequency handover has
the highest priority in the neighboring cell. When the parameter is set to 3, coverage-based inter-frequency
handover has the lowest priority in the neighboring cell.
For details about parameters involved, see BSC6900 UMTS Parameter Reference or BSC6910 UMTS
Parameter Reference.

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

3.2 Scenario 2 Offloading for Hotspots in Urban Areas

3.2.1 Scenario Description

U2100 networks with contiguous coverage are deployed in urban areas. To expand UMTS
capacity, U900/U850 networks are deployed in some hot spots and some of the load from the
U2100 networks is shifted to the U900/U850 networks. The coverage in the U900/U850
networks is not contiguous. As a result, coverage-triggered inter-frequency handovers as well
as ping-pong handovers are easily triggered. Figure 3-2 shows this scenario.

Figure 3-2 Scenario 2


In Figure 3-2, CoSector indicates that a U2100 cell shares a site and an antenna azimuth with a U900/U850
cell, and CoSite indicates that a U2100 cell only shares a site with a U900/U850 cell.

3.2.2 Solution Purpose

In this scenario, the objective of the solution is to ensure that U900/U850 networks can offload
a certain amount of traffic from U2100 networks.

The coverage in the U900/U850 networks in this scenario is not contiguous. As a result,
coverage-triggered inter-frequency handovers as well as ping-pong handovers are easily
triggered. In this case, another objective of the solution is to control coverage-triggered inter-
frequency handovers and prevent ping-pong handovers.

3.2.3 Solution Description

The following are the major processes employed by the solution:

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l For UEs in idle mode and UEs in the CELL_PCH or CELL_FACH state:
Enabling UEs to randomly camp on U2100 or U900/U850 cells using cell-reselection
(Recommended) Setting a threshold for camping on the target cell to reduce the number of
UEs that camp on U2100 cell edges and the number of coverage-based inter-frequency
l For UEs in the CELL_DCH state:
– When U900/U850 cells share a site and an antenna azimuth with U2100 cells:
Shifting PS UEs in U2100 cells in the basic congestion state to U900/U850 cells using
load-triggered inter-frequency blind handover
– When U900/U850 cells only share a site with U2100 cells:
Shifting PS UEs in U2100 cells in the basic congestion state to U900/U850 cells using
load-triggered measurement-based inter-frequency handover. This operation prevents
UEs from being blindly handed over to incorrect U900/U850 cells when U2100 cells
and U900/U850 cells use different frequencies but cover the same area.

Perform the following operations to prevent ping-pong handovers between U2100 cells and
U900/U850 cells:

l Disable UEs in U900/U850 cells from being shifted to U2100 cells that do not share a site
with the U900/U850 cells using coverage-based inter-frequency handover.
l Enable UEs in U2100 cells to be shifted to U900/U850 cells that share a site with U2100
cells using coverage-based inter-frequency handover.

List of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-3 lists the features involved in this scenario.

Table 3-3 Features involved in this scenario

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced Reference Document


WRFD-010401 System Information RAN2.0 UE Behaviors in Idle

Broadcasting Feature Parameter

WRFD-010202 UE State in Connected RAN2.0 URA/Cell Update Feature

Mode (CELL-DCH, Parameter Description

WRFD-010801 Intra RNC Cell Update RAN2.0 URA/Cell Update Feature

Parameter Description

WRFD-010802 Inter RNC Cell Update RAN2.0 URA/Cell Update Feature

Parameter Description

WRFD-020302 Inter Frequency Hard RAN2.0 Handover Feature

Handover Based on Parameter Description

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced Reference Document


WRFD-020106 Load Reshuffling RAN2.0 Load Reshuffling Feature

Parameter Description

WRFD-020103 Inter Frequency Load RAN2.0 Inter Frequency Load

Balance Balance Feature
Parameter Description

WRFD-020110 Multi Frequency Band RAN10.0 Multi-Frequency Band

Networking Management Networking Management
Feature Parameter

WRFD-020160 Enhanced Multiband RAN12.0 Multi-Frequency Band

Management Networking Management
Feature Parameter

Description of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-4 provides the brief descriptions of the features listed in Table 3-3.

Table 3-4 Feature description

Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

WRFD-010401 System Information This feature is used to enable UEs to

Broadcasting perform cell reselection between
different frequency bands.

WRFD-010202 UE State in Connected Mode This feature is used to support UEs in


WRFD-010801 Intra RNC Cell Update This feature is used to support intra-
RNC cell update triggered by the
causes specified by 3GPP.

WRFD-010802 Inter RNC Cell Update This feature is used to support inter-
RNC cell update triggered by the
causes specified by 3GPP.

WRFD-020302 Inter Frequency Hard Handover This feature is used to support

Based on Coverage coverage-based inter-frequency

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

WRFD-020106 Load Reshuffling This feature provides multiple load

reshuffling policies that a cell in the
basic congestion state can use to
decrease the cell load and increase the
access success rate.

WRFD-020103 Inter Frequency Load Balance This feature enables some UEs in a
cell in the basic congestion state to be
handed over to an inter-frequency co-
coverage cell to reduce the load of the
source cell. This feature employs
load-triggered inter-frequency blind
handover and load-triggered
measurement-based inter-frequency

WRFD-020110 Multi Frequency Band This feature is used to enable inter-

Networking Management frequency-band mobility
management on UEs in co-coverage

WRFD-020160 Enhanced Multiband This feature is used to support load-

Management triggered measurement-based inter-
frequency-band handover.

3.2.4 Implementation
Activate all of the features listed in Table 3-3. These features can be activated simultaneously.


This section only provides the items you need to pay attention to when using these features. For details on
how to deploy and activate the features, see the related reference.

When planning and configuring data, note the following for UEs in different states.

l For UEs in idle mode:

You are advised to set the IdleSintersearch parameter to a large value (for example 6 or
127) for U900/U850 cells to enable UEs to initiate signal quality measurement on inter-
frequency cells as early as possible. You are also advised to set the IdleQoffset2sn
parameter to 3 dB for cells and their neighboring cells to enable UEs in idle mode to
preferentially camp on U2100 cells. This reduces the load of U900/U850 cells.
l For UEs in the CELL_PCH or CELL_FACH state:
You are advised to set the ConnSintersearch parameter to the recommended value for
U900/U850 cells. If the FACHs in the U900/U850 cells are congested, set this parameter
to a large value (for example, 6) to enable UEs to initiate signal quality measurement on
U2100 cells as early as possible. Doing so allows UEs in U900/U850 cells to be shifted to
U2100 cells in time through cell reselection.

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Table 3-5 lists the cell-reselection parameter settings generally recommended for UEs in idle
mode and UEs in the CELL_PCH or CELL_FACH state.

Table 3-5 Cell-reselection parameter settings generally recommended for UEs in idle mode and
UEs in the CELL_PCH or CELL_FACH state

Parameter ID Recommended Value for Recommended Value for

U900/U850 cells U2100 Cells


Qqualmin -18 dB (-18) -18 dB (-18)

Qrxlevmin -115 dBm (-58) -115 dBm (-58)

Qhyst2 2 dB (1) 2 dB (1)

IdleSintrasearch 127 10 dB (5)

IdleSintersearch 127 8 dB (4)


ConnSintrasearch 10 dB (5) 10 dB (5)

ConnSintersearch 8 dB (4) 8 dB (4)


InterNCellQualReqFlag TRUE NA

Qqualmin -12 dB (-12) NA

Qrxlevmin -101 dBm (-51) NA

l For UEs in the CELL_DCH state:

– When U900/U850 cells share a site and an antenna azimuth with U2100 cells:
For U2100 cells, set the BlindHoFlag parameter to TRUE to ensure that UEs in U2100
cells can be blindly handed over to U900/U850 cells.
For U900/U850 cells, select the InterFreqLDHO check box under the parameters
related to uplink or downlink LDR actions in the ADD UCELLLDR command.
– When U900/U850 cells only share a site with U2100 cells:
For U900/U850 cells, select the InterFreqLDHO check box under the parameters
related to uplink or downlink LDR actions in the ADD UCELLLDR command. In
addition, set the InterFreqLDHOMethodSelection and DrdOrLdrFlag parameters to
MEASUREHO and TRUE, respectively.

Table 3-6 provides the recommended settings for parameters related to inter-cell interoperability
for U900/U850 and U2100 cells.

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Table 3-6 Recommended settings for parameters related to inter-cell interoperability for U900/
U850 and U2100 cells

Cell Neighb Cell Parame IdleQof HOCov BlindH DrdOrL

oring Relatio ter: fset2sn Prio oFlag drFlag
Cell nship SIB11

U2100 U900/ CoSecto TRUE 3 2 TRUE FALSE

cells U850 r



U900/ U2100 CoSecto TRUE -3 2 FALSE TRUE

U850 cells r




In Table 3-6 No-CoSite indicates that U2100 cells do not share a site with U900/U850 cells.

3.3 Scenario 3 Urban Intensive Coverage

3.3.1 Scenario Description

U2100 networks provide contiguous coverage in urban areas. To achieve intensive coverage in
these areas, U900/U850 networks providing contiguous coverage are deployed. Figure 3-3
shows this scenario.

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Figure 3-3 Scenario 3

3.3.2 Solution Purpose

In this scenario, the objective of the solution is to ensure that U900/U850 networks can address
the weak coverage issue and provide services in coverage holes. Another objective of the solution
is to prevent U900/U850 cells from being overloaded by loads from the U2100 cells.

3.3.3 Solution Description

The following are the major processes employed by the solution:

l For UEs in idle mode and UEs in the CELL_PCH or CELL_FACH state:
Enabling UEs to randomly camp on U2100 or U900/U850 cells using cell-reselection
(Recommended) Setting a threshold for camping on the target cell to reduce the number of
UEs that camp on U2100 cell edges and the number of coverage-based inter-frequency
l For UEs in the system access state:
– When U900/U850 cells share a site and an antenna azimuth with U2100 cells:
Shifting HSDPA UEs in U900/U850 cells to U2100 cells through load-balancing-
triggered DRD-based blind handover
Using UE-location-based multi-frequency-band directed retry to prevent UEs on U900/
U850 cell edges from being blindly handed over to U2100 cells. This operation can
prevent UEs from U2100 cell access failures.
– When U900/U850 cells only share a site with U2100 cells:
Redirecting PS UEs in U900/U850 cells to U2100 cells
l For UEs in the CELL_DCH state:

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– When U900/U850 cells share a site and an antenna azimuth with U2100 cells:
Shifting PS UEs in U900/U850 cells in the basic congestion state to U2100 cells using
load-triggered inter-frequency blind handover
– When U900/U850 cells only share a site with U2100 cells:
Shifting PS UEs in U900/U850 cells in the basic congestion state to U2100 cells using
load-triggered measurement-based inter-frequency handover. This operation can
prevent UEs from being blindly handed over to incorrect U2100 cells when U900/U850
cells and U2100 cells use different frequencies but cover the same area.

To prevent ping-pong handover between U2100 cells and U900/U850 cells, you are advised to
ensure that UEs in U2100 cells can be shifted to U900/U850 cells through coverage-based inter-
frequency handover. Furthermore, you are not advised to allow UEs in U900/U850 cells to be
shifted to U2100 cells through coverage-based inter-frequency handover.

List of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-7 lists the features involved in this scenario.

Table 3-7 Features involved in this scenario

Feature ID Feature Name Introduc Reference Document

ed in...

WRFD-010401 System Information RAN2.0 UE Behaviors in Idle Feature

Broadcasting Parameter Description

WRFD-010202 UE State in Connected RAN2.0 URA/Cell Update Feature

Mode (CELL-DCH, Parameter Description

WRFD-010801 Intra RNC Cell Update RAN2.0 URA/Cell Update Feature

Parameter Description

WRFD-010802 Inter RNC Cell Update RAN2.0 URA/Cell Update Feature

Parameter Description

WRFD-020302 Inter Frequency Hard RAN2.0 Handover Feature Parameter

Handover Based on Description

WRFD-020106 Load Reshuffling RAN2.0 Load Reshuffling Feature

Parameter Description

WRFD-020103 Inter Frequency Load RAN2.0 Inter Frequency Load Balance

Balance Feature Parameter Description

WRFD-020400 DRD Introduction RAN3.0 Directed Retry Decision

Package Feature Parameter Description

WRFD-020110 Multi Frequency Band RAN10.0 Multi-Frequency Band

Networking Networking Management
Management Feature Parameter Description

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Feature ID Feature Name Introduc Reference Document

ed in...

WRFD-0204000 Traffic Steering and RAN10.0 Directed Retry Decision

4 Load Sharing During Feature Parameter Description
RAB Setup

WRFD-020120 Service Steering and RAN11.0 Intelligent Access Control

Load Sharing in RRC Feature Parameter Description
Connection Setup

WRFD-020160 Enhanced Multiband RAN12.0 SingleRAN Multi-Frequency

Management Band Networking Management
Feature Parameter Description

WRFD-150232 Multiband Direct Retry RAN15.0 Directed Retry Decision

Based on UE Location Feature Parameter Description

Description of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-8 provides the brief descriptions of the features listed in Table 3-7.

Table 3-8 Feature description

Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

WRFD-010401 System Information This feature is used to enable UEs to

Broadcasting perform cell reselection between
different frequency bands.

WRFD-010202 UE State in Connected Mode This feature is used to support UEs in


WRFD-010801 Intra RNC Cell Update This feature is used to support intra-
RNC cell update triggered by the
causes specified by 3GPP.

WRFD-010802 Inter RNC Cell Update This feature is used to support inter-
RNC cell update triggered by the
causes specified by 3GPP.

WRFD-020302 Inter Frequency Hard This feature is used to support

Handover Based on Coverage coverage-based inter-frequency

WRFD-020106 Load Reshuffling This feature provides multiple load

reshuffling policies that a cell in the
basic congestion state can use to
decrease the cell load and increase the
access success rate.

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Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

WRFD-020103 Inter Frequency Load Balance This feature enables some UEs in a cell
in the basic congestion state to be
handed over to an inter-frequency co-
coverage cell to reduce the load of the
source cell. This feature employs load-
triggered inter-frequency blind
handover and load-triggered
measurement-based inter-frequency

WRFD-020400 DRD Introduction Package This feature is used to ensure that UEs
can perform directed retry and
redirection between inter-frequency
co-coverage cells.

WRFD-020110 Multi Frequency Band This feature is used to enable inter-

Networking Management frequency-band mobility management.

WRFD-0204000 Traffic Steering and Load This feature provides load-balancing-

4 Sharing During RAB Setup based directed retry for HSDPA UEs.
In addition, this feature allows the
UTRAN to consider cell loads and
service types during RAB assignment
to implement traffic steering and load
sharing between different frequencies
or frequency bands.

WRFD-020120 Service Steering and Load This feature allows the UTRAN to
Sharing in RRC Connection consider cell loads and service types
Setup during RRC connection setup to
implement service steering and load
sharing between different frequencies
through redirection.

WRFD-020160 Enhanced Multiband This feature is used to support load-

Management triggered measurement-based inter-
frequency-band handover.

WRFD-150232 Multiband Direct Retry Based This feature allows the UTRAN to
on UE Location consider path loss during service setup
or service reconfiguration when multi-
frequency-band networking is applied.
In this way, this feature allocates UEs
to different frequency bands and U900/
U850 cells can serve cell edge UEs.

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3.3.4 Implementation
Activate all of the features listed in Table 3-7. These features can be activated simultaneously
except the three described in the following paragraphs. The activation of these three features
depends on the scenario.

l Traffic Steering and Load Sharing During RAB Setup

You are advised to activate this feature for carriers within the same frequency band.
l Service Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup
You are advised to activate this feature when U900/850 and U2100 cells share the same
site but have different antenna azimuths.
l Multiband Direct Retry Based on UE Location
You are advised to activate this feature when U900/850 and U2100 cells share the same
site and have the same antenna azimuth.

This section only provides the items you need to pay attention to when using these features. For details on
how to deploy and activate the features, see the related reference.

When planning and configuring data, note the following:

l For UEs in idle mode:

You are advised to set the IdleSintersearch parameter to a large value (for example 6 or
127) for U900/U850 cells to enable UEs to initiate signal quality measurement on inter-
frequency cells as early as possible. You are also advised to set the IdleQoffset2sn
parameter to 3 dB to enable UEs in idle mode to preferentially camp on U2100 cells. This
reduces the load of U900/U850 cells.
l For UEs in the CELL_PCH or CELL_FACH state:
You are advised to set the ConnSintersearch parameter to the recommended value for
U900/U850 cells. If the FACHs in the U900/U850 cells are congested, set this parameter
to a large value (for example, 6) to enable UEs to initiate signal quality measurement on
U2100 cells as early as possible. Doing so allows UEs in U900/U850 cells to be shifted to
U2100 cells in time through cell reselection.

Table 3-9 lists the cell-reselection parameter settings generally recommended for UEs in idle
mode and UEs in the CELL_PCH or CELL_FACH state.

Table 3-9 Cell-reselection parameter settings generally recommended for UEs in idle mode and
UEs in the CELL_PCH or CELL_FACH state

Parameter ID Recommended Value for Recommended Value for

U900/U850 cells U2100 Cells


Qqualmin -18 dB (-18) -18 dB (-18)

Qrxlevmin -115 dBm (-58) -115 dBm (-58)

Qhyst2 2 dB (1) 2 dB (1)

IdleSintrasearch 127 10 dB (5)

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Parameter ID Recommended Value for Recommended Value for

U900/U850 cells U2100 Cells

IdleSintersearch 127 8 dB (4)


ConnSintrasearch 10 dB (5) 10 dB (5)

ConnSintersearch 8 dB (4) 8 dB (4)


InterNCellQualReqFlag TRUE NA

Qqualmin -12 dB (-12) NA

Qrxlevmin -101 dBm (-51) NA

l For UEs in the system access state:

– When U900/U850 cells share a site and an antenna azimuth with U2100 cells:
You are advised to set the BlindHoFlag parameter to TRUE to enable UEs in U900/
U850 cells to be blindly handed over to neighboring U2100 cells.
Set the LdbDRDSwitchHSDPA parameter to ON for U900/U850 cells to activate the
load-balancing-triggered directed retry algorithm for HSDPA services.
Set the BlindHOQualityCondition parameter to prevent UEs on U900/U850 cell edges
from failing to be blindly handed over to U2100 cells. This prevents UEs from U2100
cell access failures.
PROCESSSWITCH2 parameter to ensure that UEs can fall back to their source cells
if they fail to set up radio bearers (RBs).
Configure the following parameters related to the feature Multiband Direct Retry Based
on UE Location, as listed in Table 3-10.

Table 3-10 Recommended settings for parameters related to Multiband Direct Retry
Based on UE Location for UEs in the system access state

Parameter ID Recommended Value Recommended Value

for U900/U850 cells for U2100 Cells


BasedUELocDRDSwitch OFF ON

TraffTypeForBasedUE- RT-0&NRT-0 RT-0&NRT-1


BasedUELocDRDRe- 60 30

PathlossThdForEdge 113 133

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Parameter ID Recommended Value Recommended Value

for U900/U850 cells for U2100 Cells

PathlossThdForCenter 113 133


BlindHoFlag Collocated U2100 F2/F3/ Collocated U2100 F2/F3/

F4 F4

BlindHOQualityCondi- -85 -92 (default)


– When U900/U850 cells only share a site with U2100 cells:

For U900/U850 cells, configure the following parameters related to the feature Service
Steering and Load Sharing in RRC Connection Setup:
Set the TrafficType and RedirSwitch parameters to PSHSPA and
Set the RedirFactorOfNorm parameter based on the quantity of loads that are planned
to be shifted from U2100 cells to U900/U850 cells.
l For UEs in the CELL_DCH state:
– When U900/U850 cells share a site and an antenna azimuth with U2100 cells:
For U900/U850 cells, you are advised to set the BlindHoFlag parameter to TRUE to
ensure that UEs in U900/U850 cells can be blindly handed over to U2100 cells.
For U900/U850 cells, you are advised to select the InterFreqLDHO check box under
the parameters related to uplink or downlink LDR actions in the ADD UCELLLDR
– When U900/U850 cells only share a site with U2100 cells:
For U900/U850 cells, you are advised to select the InterFreqLDHO check box under
the parameters related to uplink or downlink LDR actions in the ADD UCELLLDR
command. Then, set the InterFreqLDHOMethodSelection and DrdOrLdrFlag
parameters to MEASUREHO and TRUE, respectively.

Table 3-11 provides the recommended settings for parameters related to inter-cell
interoperability for U900/U850 and U2100 cells.

Table 3-11 Recommended settings for parameters related to inter-cell interoperability for U900/
U850 and U2100 cells

Cell Neighb Cell SIB11 IdleQof HOCov BlindH DrdOrL

oring Relatio fset2sn Prio oFlag drFlag
Cell nship

U2100 U900/ CoSecto TRUE 3 2 TRUE FALSE

cells U850 r

Issue 01 (2014-10-15) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 22

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Cell Neighb Cell SIB11 IdleQof HOCov BlindH DrdOrL

oring Relatio fset2sn Prio oFlag drFlag
Cell nship



U900/ U2100 CoSecto TRUE -3 0 TRUE FALSE

U850 cells r



3.4 Scenario 4 Stacked Networking

3.4.1 Scenario Description

An operator already deploys a U2100 network using a vendor's devices in an area and wants to
deploy a U900/U850 network using another vendor's devices in the same area to form a stacked
network. Figure 3-4 shows this scenario.

Figure 3-4 Scenario 4

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3.4.2 Solution Purpose

In this scenario, the objective of the solution is to ensure the following:

l Services are properly allocated between U2100 and U900/U850 networks.

l The resource utilization in U2100 and U900/U850 networks is high.
l The deployment of the U900/U850 networks does not cause key performance indicator
(KPI) values to deteriorate or increase network reconstruction costs.
l UEs can be handed over between U2100 and U900/U850 networks.
l Load sharing can be achieved between U2100 and U900/U850 networks.

3.4.3 Solution Description

The following are the major processes that are employed by the solution to hand over UEs that
are located in weak-coverage areas or coverage holes in U2100 cells to U900/U850 cells:

l For UEs in idle mode and UEs in the CELL_PCH or CELL_FACH state:
Enabling UEs to randomly camp on U2100 or U900/U850 cells using cell-reselection
l For UEs in the system access state:
Redirecting PS UEs in U900/U850 cells to U2100 cells
l For UEs in the CELL_DCH state:
Compatibility tests are required because UEs in the CELL_DCH state are to be handed
over between U900/U850 and U2100 cells. To prevent compatibility issues, enable UEs in
these cells to shift to GSM cells through coverage-based inter-RAT handover and then fall
back to UMTS cells through cell reselection.
Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on Configurable Load Threshold (CLB) can be
performed to shift PS UEs in U900/U850 cells that are in the basic congestion state to
U2100 cells.
Major processes employed by the solution to prevent ping-pong handovers between U2100
and U900/U850 cells are as follows:
– If U900/U850 cells provide contiguous coverage, the recommended process is
coverage-based inter-frequency handover for UEs in U2100 cells to shift to U900/U850
cells. However, you are advised to prohibit UEs in U900/U850 cells from shifting to
U2100 cells through coverage-based inter-frequency handover.
– If U900/U850 cells do not provide contiguous coverage, the recommended process is
coverage-based inter-frequency handover for UEs in U900/U850 cells to shift to U2100
cells that do not share sites with U900/U850 cells and for UEs in U2100 cells to shift
to U900/U850 cells that share a site with U2100 cells.

List of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-12 lists the features involved in this scenario.

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Table 3-12 Features involved in this scenario

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced Reference Document


WRFD-010401 System Information RAN2.0 UE Behaviors in Idle

Broadcasting Feature Parameter

WRFD-010202 UE State in Connected RAN2.0 URA/Cell Update Feature

Mode (CELL-DCH, Parameter Description

WRFD-010801 Intra RNC Cell Update RAN2.0 URA/Cell Update Feature

Parameter Description

WRFD-010802 Inter RNC Cell Update RAN2.0 URA/Cell Update Feature

Parameter Description

WRFD-020120 Service Steering and RAN11.0 Intelligent Access Control

Load Sharing in RRC Feature Parameter
Connection Setup Description

WRFD-140217 Inter-Frequency Load RAN14.0 Inter-Frequency Load

Balancing Based on Balancing Based on
Configurable Load Configurable Load
Threshold Threshold Feature
Parameter Description

Description of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-13 provides the brief descriptions of the features listed in Table 3-12.

Table 3-13 Feature description

Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

WRFD-010401 System Information This feature is used to enable UEs to

Broadcasting perform cell reselection between
different frequency bands.

WRFD-010202 UE State in Connected Mode This feature is used to support UEs in the

WRFD-010801 Intra RNC Cell Update This feature is used to support intra-
RNC cell update triggered by the causes
specified by 3GPP.

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 3 Solution Application Guidelines

Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

WRFD-010802 Inter RNC Cell Update This feature is used to support inter-
RNC cell update triggered by the causes
specified by 3GPP.

WRFD-020120 Service Steering and Load During RRC connection setup, this
Sharing in RRC Connection features implements inter-frequency
Setup service steering based on connection
setup causes. Based on the load and
redirection proportion of the target cell,
this feature implements load sharing
between inter-frequency cells that cover
different areas.

WRFD-140217 Inter-Frequency Load This feature implements load balancing

Balancing Based on between inter-frequency cells that
Configurable Load Threshold belong to different RNCs.

3.4.4 Implementation
Activate all of the features listed in Table 3-12. These features can be activated simultaneously.


This section only provides the items you need to pay attention to when using these features. For details on
how to deploy and activate the features, see the related reference.

When planning and configuring data, note the following:

l For UEs in idle mode:

You are advised to set the IdleSintersearch parameter to a large value (for example 6 or
127) for U900/U850 cells to enable UEs to initiate signal quality measurement on inter-
frequency cells as early as possible. You are also advised to set the IdleQoffset2sn
parameter to 3 dB for cells and their neighboring cells to enable UEs in idle mode to
preferentially camp on U2100 cells. This reduces the load of U900/U850 cells.
l For UEs in the CELL_PCH or CELL_FACH state:
You are advised to set the ConnSintersearch parameter to the recommended value for
U900/U850 cells. If the FACHs in the U900/U850 cells are congested, set this parameter
to a large value (for example, 6) to enable UEs to initiate signal quality measurement on
U2100 cells as early as possible. Doing so allows UEs in U900/U850 cells to be shifted to
U2100 cells in time through cell reselection.

Table 3-14 lists the cell-reselection parameter settings generally recommended for UEs in idle
mode and UEs in the CELL_PCH or CELL_FACH state.

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Table 3-14 Cell-reselection parameter settings generally recommended for UEs in idle mode
and UEs in the CELL_PCH or CELL_FACH state

Parameter ID Recommended Value for Recommended Value for

U900/U850 cells U2100 Cells


Qqualmin -18 dB (-18) -18 dB (-18)

Qrxlevmin -115 dBm (-58) -115 dBm (-58)

Qhyst2 2 dB (1) 2 dB (1)

IdleSintrasearch 127 10 dB (5)

IdleSintersearch 127 8 dB (4)


ConnSintrasearch 10 dB (5) 10 dB (5)

ConnSintersearch 8 dB (4) 8 dB (4)


InterNCellQualReqFlag TRUE NA

Qqualmin -12 dB (-12) NA

Qrxlevmin -101 dBm (-51) NA

l For UEs in the system access state:

For U900/U850 cells, configure the following parameters related to service-based
Set the TrafficType and RedirSwitch parameters to PSHSPA and
Set the parameter based on the quantity of loads that are shifted from U2100 cells to U900/
U850 cells.
l For UEs in the CELL_DCH state:
For U900/U850 cells, select the UL_UU_CLB, DL_UU_CLB, CELL_CODE_CLB, or
CELL_CREDIT_CLB check box under the NBMLdcAlgoSwitch parameter. For U2100
cells, set the CLBFlag and CLBPrio parameters to appropriate values.

3.5 Scenario 5 External Interference

3.5.1 Scenario Description

Many objects cause external interference to U900/U850 networks. These objects include street
lights, walkie-talkies, TV amplifiers, and even electronic billboards. Figure 3-5 shows external
interference on U900/U850 networks from many objects.

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Figure 3-5 External interference that affects U900/U850 networks

3.5.2 Solution Purpose

In this scenario, the solution requires that the UTRAN support interference detection and
suppression. The objective of the solution is to reduce impact of external interference on U900/
U850 networks in the uplink. In the downlink, you must manually detect external interference.

3.5.3 Solution Description

In this scenario, the solution uses the Narrowband Interference Suppression feature to detect and
suppress external uplink narrowband interference of less than 400 kHz. You must manually
detect external uplink interference of greater than 400 kHz and external downlink interference.

List of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-15 lists the feature involved in this scenario.

Table 3-15 Feature involved in this scenario

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced in... Reference Document

WRFD-140225 Narrowband RAN15.0 Narrowband Interference

Interference Suppression Feature
Suppression Parameter Description

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Description of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-16 provides the brief descriptions of the feature listed in Table 3-15.

Table 3-16 Feature description

Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

WRFD-140225 Narrowband With this feature, the NodeB scans the frequency
Interference spectrum within the receive bandwidth of a UMTS
Suppression carrier to rapidly identify stable narrowband
interference (with millisecond-level changes in
frequency or power) and dynamically configures a
filter stopband on the receiver to suppress
narrowband interferences.

3.5.4 Implementation
Activate the feature listed in Table 3-15.


This section only provides the items you need to pay attention to when using the feature. For details on
how to deploy and activate the feature, see the related reference.

The Narrowband Interference Suppression feature enables the NodeB to rapidly identify stable
narrowband interference that lasts for more than 40 ms, has a bandwidth of less than 400 kHz,
and produces noise 7 to 35 dB louder than the background noise of the NodeB. After this feature
is activated, a filter stopband is added to a remote radio unit (RRU). This prolongs the uplink
delay and slightly affects uplink demodulation performance. Therefore, it is recommended that
this feature be activated only when there is external narrowband interference.

The prolonged delay may decrease the success rate of softer handovers between cells with this
feature enabled and cells without this feature. Therefore, it is recommended that this feature be
enabled for all the cells that use the same frequency and belong to the same NodeB.

3.6 Scenario 6 Non-standard UMTS Bandwidth

3.6.1 Scenario Description

The standard bandwidth for a UMTS carrier is 5 MHz. However, the limited spectrum resources
cannot meet the growing demands caused by UMTS service expansion. The conflict between
resource limitation and service expansion is especially evident in the 900 MHz and 850 MHz
frequency bands. Some telecom operators cannot reserve a standard bandwidth of 5 MHz from
the 900 MHz or 850 MHz frequency band. In this case, UMTS carriers are configured with a
non-standard bandwidth (for example, 3.8 MHz or 4.2 MHz).

The non-standard frequency spacing is implemented between:

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l UMTS carriers
The non-standard frequency spacing between UMTS carriers is less than 5 MHz, as shown
in Figure 3-6.
l GSM and UMTS carriers
The non-standard frequency spacing between GSM and UMTS carriers is less than 2.6
MHz, as shown in Figure 3-7.

Figure 3-6 Non-standard frequency spacing between UMTS carriers

Figure 3-7 Non-standard frequency spacing between GSM and UMTS carriers

3.6.2 Solution Purpose

In this scenario, the objective of the solution is to ensure that U900/U850 networks can work
with a non-standard bandwidth of less than 5 MHz.

3.6.3 Solution Description

In this scenario, UMTS carriers are configured with a bandwidth of 3.8 or 4.2 MHz.

List of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-17 lists the features involved in this scenario.

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Table 3-17 Features involved in this scenario

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced Reference Document


WRFD-021001 Flexible frequency RAN12.0 GU 900 MHz Non-standard

bandwidth of UMTS Frequency Spacing Feature
carrier Parameter Description

MRFD-221804 GSM Power Control on SRAN7.0 GU 900 MHz Non-standard

Interference Frequency Frequency Spacing Feature
for GU Small Frequency Parameter Description

MRFD-221703 2.0 MHz Central SRAN6.0 GU 900 MHz Non-standard

Frequency Point Frequency Spacing Feature
Separation Between Parameter Description
GSM and UMTS Modes

Description of Features Involved in the Solution

Table 3-18 provides the brief descriptions of the features listed in Table 3-17.

Table 3-18 Feature description

Feature ID Feature Name Feature Description

WRFD-021001 Flexible frequency This feature flexibly provides a

bandwidth of UMTS bandwidth within the range of 4.2 to 5
carrier MHz for UMTS carriers.

MRFD-221804 GSM Power Control on The power of the GSM center frequency
Interference Frequency for that is spaced 2.0 MHz away from the
GU Small Frequency gap UMTS center frequency is lowered,
thereby decreasing the downlink
interference of GSM to UMTS.

MRFD-221703 2.0 MHz Central This feature provides the 2 MHz

Frequency Point frequency spacing between a GSM
Separation Between GSM carrier and a UMTS carrier.
and UMTS Modes

3.6.4 Implementation
Activate all of the features listed in Table 3-17 according to the following instructions.

l Flexible frequency bandwidth of UMTS carrier

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Activate this feature when the UMTS carrier bandwidth is between 4.2 MHz and 5 MHz.
You do not have to activate this feature when the UMTS carrier bandwidth is 5 MHz.
l 2.0 MHz Central Frequency Point Separation Between GSM and UMTS Modes
Activate this feature when the UMTS carrier bandwidth is 3.8 MHz.
l GSM Power Control on Interference Frequency for GU Small Frequency gap
Activate this feature when the UMTS carrier bandwidth is less than 5 MHz.

This section only provides the items you need to pay attention to when using these features. For details on
how to deploy and activate the features, see the related reference.

Before activating the features, ensure that RF modules support these features.

To reduce the impact of non-standard frequency spacing on network KPI values, you are advised
to purchase Huawei professional services.

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 4 List of Features Involved in the Solution

4 List of Features Involved in the Solution

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced Reference Document


WRFD-010202 UE State in Connected Mode RAN2.0 URA/Cell Update Feature Parameter

(CELL-DCH, CELL-PCH, Description

WRFD-010401 System Information RAN2.0 UE Behaviors in Idle Feature Parameter

Broadcasting Description

WRFD-010801 Intra RNC Cell Update RAN2.0 URA/Cell Update Feature Parameter

WRFD-010802 Inter RNC Cell Update RAN2.0 URA/Cell Update Feature Parameter

WRFD-020103 Inter Frequency Load Balance RAN2.0 Inter Frequency Load Balance Feature
Parameter Description

WRFD-020106 Load Reshuffling RAN2.0 Load Reshuffling Feature Parameter


WRFD-020110 Multi Frequency Band RAN10.0 Multi-Frequency Band Networking

Networking Management Management Feature Parameter

WRFD-020120 Service Steering and Load RAN11.0 Intelligent Access Control Feature
Sharing in RRC Connection Parameter Description

WRFD-020160 Enhanced Multiband RAN12.0 Multi-Frequency Band Networking

Management Management Feature Parameter

WRFD-020302 Inter Frequency Hard RAN2.0 Handover Feature Parameter

Handover Based on Coverage Description

WRFD-020400 DRD Introduction Package RAN3.0 Directed Retry Decision Feature

Parameter Description

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 4 List of Features Involved in the Solution

Feature ID Feature Name Introduced Reference Document


WRFD-0204000 Traffic Steering and Load RAN10.0 Directed Retry Decision Feature
4 Sharing During RAB Setup Parameter Description

WRFD-021001 Flexible frequency bandwidth RAN12.0 GU 900 MHz Non-standard Frequency

of UMTS carrier Spacing Feature Parameter Description

WRFD-140217 Inter-Frequency Load RAN14.0 Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based

Balancing Based on on Configurable Load Threshold Feature
Configurable Load Threshold Parameter Description

WRFD-140225 Narrowband Interference RAN15.0 Narrowband Interference Suppression

Suppression Feature Parameter Description

WRFD-150232 Multiband Direct Retry Based RAN15.0 Directed Retry Decision Feature
on UE Location Parameter Description

MRFD-221703 2.0 MHz Central Frequency SRAN6.0 GU 900 MHz Non-standard Frequency
Point Separation Between Spacing Feature Parameter Description
GSM and UMTS Modes

MRFD-221804 GSM Power Control on SRAN7.0 GU 900 MHz Non-standard Frequency

Interference Frequency for Spacing Feature Parameter Description
GU Small Frequency gap

Issue 01 (2014-10-15) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 34

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 5 Acronyms and Abbreviations

5 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym and Full Name


BlindHO Blind Handover

CLB Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on Configurable Load


DRD Directed Retry Decision

GSM Global System for Mobile Communications

HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access

HSPA High Speed Packet Access

IFHO Inter-frequency Handover

KPI Key Performance Indicator

LDB Load Balancing

LDR Load Reshuffling

MSC Mobile Switching Center

RNC Radio Network Controller

SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node

SHO Soft Handover

UE User Equipment

UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

Issue 01 (2014-10-15) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 35

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UMTS U900 and U850 Network Solution Guide 6 Reference Documents

6 Reference Documents

1. Directed Retry Decision Feature Parameter Description

2. GU 900 MHz Non-standard Frequency Spacing Feature Parameter Description
3. Handover Feature Parameter Description
4. Intelligent Access Control Feature Parameter Description
5. Inter Frequency Load Balance Feature Parameter Description
6. Inter-Frequency Load Balancing Based on Configurable Load Threshold Feature
Parameter Description
7. Load Reshuffling Feature Parameter Description
8. Multi-Frequency Band Networking Management Feature Parameter Description
9. Narrowband Interference Suppression Feature Parameter Description
10. UE Behaviors in Idle Feature Parameter Description
11. URA/Cell Update Feature Parameter Description

Issue 01 (2014-10-15) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 36

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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