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Mesotherapy and Injection Lipolysis

Article in Clinics in plastic surgery · May 2009

DOI: 10.1016/j.cps.2008.11.002 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors, including:

Alan Matarasso
Lenox Hill Hospital


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Mesotherapy and
Injection Lipolysis
Alan Matarasso, MD, FACSa,b,c,d,*,Tracy M. Pfeifer, MD, FACSb,c,e

 Mesotherapy  Subcutaneous fat reduction
 Injection lipolysis  Phosphatidylcholine
 Sodium deoxycholate

Plastic surgeons continue to seek refinement, MESOTHERAPY

improvements, and safety in existing techniques,
and patients often seek less-invasive procedures, Recently, there has been a renewed interest in the
improved results and solutions for complex technique of mesotherapy as a method of
problems. reducing subcutaneous fat for body contouring.
These are some of the reasons that mesother- Most sources credit Pistor with having developed
apy and injection lipolysis have experienced the technique of mesotherapy in France in 1952.1
some popularity in the United States. Although Practitioners of mesotherapy in France, however,
some studies are emerging in the English medical can trace the roots of mesotherapy to 2000 BC in
literature to document the safety and efficacy of China (T Pfeifer and DI Duncan, personal commu-
injection lipolysis, in the United States the enthu- nication, 2008). Others place the time even earlier
siasm among patients and physicians largely has at 3000 BC. The modern era of mesotherapy,
been driven by reports in the lay press and the however, began in approximately 1952, when Pis-
quest for permanent fat reduction by nonsurgical tor injected a partially deaf patient with intravenous
methods. Because of this and for other reasons, procaine for the treatment of an acute asthma
controversy has surrounded mesotherapy and attack.2 This was a standard treatment for asthma
injection lipolysis. The primary concern is that the at the time. Surprisingly, the patient experienced
clinical application of these methods in patients improved hearing for several hours. Noting the
has preceded rigorous scientific study of these temporarily improved hearing after intravenous
agents and their application that would be neces- procaine injection, Pistor began injected procaine
sary to establish safety and efficacy required for into the superficial dermis in close proximity to
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. the ear. Surprisingly, in some patients a reduction
The purpose of the first part of this article is to in cervical pain was noted. According to Petit,
familiarize the reader with the evolution of meso- a mesotherapy practitioner in France, Pistor was
therapy, injection lipolysis, and the use of marginalized and seen as a healer rather than as
phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate for subcu- a physician. Pistor subsequently coined the term
taneous fat reduction. There is an emphasis on mesotherapy to describe treatment of the meso-
the underlying basic science of fat metabolism derm. He believed that the local injections had
and the biochemistry of phosphatidylcholine, so an effect on tissues originating from the meso-
that practitioners will be able to understand future derm, one of the three primary germ layers of the
published research on these topics. The second embryo, which develops into the dermis of the
half of the article details some personal experience skin, connective tissue, muscle, and the circula-
tory system. At its inception, mesotherapy referred

with injection lipolysis.

Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
Department of Plastic Surgery, Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, New York, NY, USA
Division of Plastic Surgery, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, NY, USA
Private Practice, 1009 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10028, USA
Private Practice, 565 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10028, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Matarasso).

Clin Plastic Surg 36 (2009) 181–192

0094-1298/08/$ – see front matter ª 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc.
182 Matarasso & Pfeifer

specifically to intradermal injections, and most rhytids. The theory is that mesotherapy helps
publications still define mesotherapy as intracuta- reverse the physiology of the condition. The
neous injections. Mesotherapy, however, has compounds injected are usually a combination of
evolved to include injections into the epidermis different ingredients and are chosen based on
and dermis, subcutaneous injections and regional the pathophysiology of the disease. For example,
injections. The French Society of Mesotherapy rheumatoid arthritis is treated using anti-inflamma-
was founded in 1964, and the applications of mes- tory medications and plant agents thought to
otherapy soon expanded. In 1980, the Cercles control inflammation.
d’Etude et de Recherche en Mésothérapie In the United States, the first reports of meso-
(CERM) was formed. The CERM is a research therapy appeared in the lay press in December
group formed to study mesotherapy. In 1982, Pis- 2001.4 In January 2003, People magazine reported
tor created the International Society of Mesother- that the singer Roberta Flack lost 30 pounds on
apy. In 1987, mesotherapy was recognized by a weight loss program that included mesotherapy
the French Academy of Medicine as a medical administered by a physician who studied meso-
specialty. Also in 1987, the first advanced degree therapy in Paris; the story also reported that mes-
in mesotherapy was established in Marseille, and otherapy treatments to the face resulted in ‘‘a
in 1996, Petit organized a degree program in youthful glow.’’5 After these initial reports, meso-
Bordeaux. Over the years, mesotherapy has therapy received a significant amount of press
gained acceptance in many countries, and in coverage in the United States. Patients began re-
France, both physicians and patients recognize it questing mesotherapy and very little, if any, scien-
as an integral part of health care. tific information written in English was available to
The goal of mesotherapy injections is to stimu- American physicians. At the time, most of the pub-
late the mesoderm for various biological purposes. lished medical literature was in French. Jacque
The substances injected include: vasodilators, Le Coz, former president of the French Society of
anti-inflammatory medication, muscle relaxants, Mesotherapy, has written extensively on the
proteolytic enzymes, vitamins, minerals, plant subject of mesotherapy.6 Although all of his books
extracts, vaccines, antibiotics, hormones, are written in French, in 2008 he translated his
hormone blockers, and anesthetics.3 Recently, most recent book into English.7 Recently, Mad-
phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate have been hère of New York edited a textbook on mesother-
used in subcutaneous injections. Most mesother- apy published in English. The book provides an
apy formulas contain a vasodilator. The reason overview on the topic and specific information on
for this is not entirely clear, but recent work by mesotherapy not readily available to American
Duncan has shown that the vasodilator results in physicians.8 The book includes chapters written
a more rapid clearing or uptake of injected phos- by widely respected French practitioners of meso-
phatidylcholine and deoxycholate (TM Pfeifer, therapy and American leaders in the field of
and DI Duncan, personal communication, 2008). mesotherapy.
Thus, the vasodilator may be useful for patients Multiple injection techniques exist for mesother-
who have conditions requiring vasodilation for apy, and there is debate within the community of
treatment or those in whom systemic uptake mesotherapy practitioners as to which techniques
of the injected medication is desirable. Generally, are most appropriate. Injections can be:
the formula or cocktail injected is determined by
the practitioner, according to the needs of the Intraepidermic (IED)
particular patient. Thus, standardized formulas Papule (IDS), in which a bleb is raised at the
for the most part do not exist. The lack of standard junction of epidermis with the dermis
ingredients and formulas further contributes to the Nappage, in which two to four injections are
inability to extrapolate data and compare results. made per second, spaced 2 to 4 mm apart
Mesotherapy has been advocated for treating an at an angle of 30 to 60
assortment of conditions as varied as chronic Point-by-point (PPP) injections are placed in
pain, vascular disease, psoriasis, and rheumatoid the dermis at approximately 4 mm depth
arthritis. In France, mesotherapy primarily is used Specific systemic mesotherapy injections are
to treat nonaesthetic conditions including sports placed in the deep dermis and hypodermis
injuries and chronic pain; its use for aesthetic for treating rheumatologic disorders and
purposes is limited. In the United States, practi- pain management
tioners primarily have used mesotherapy for Mesoperfusion injections involve the slow
aesthetic purposes including: the treatment of injection over 30 to 90 minutes of 2.5 to
cellulite, weight loss, spot weight loss, skin rejuve- 10 cc, placed 4 to 13 mm deep, for treating
nation, hair loss, and the treatment of facial insomnia and chronic pain
Mesotherapy and Injection Lipolysis 183

Subcutaneous injections, which are being that also manufactures and sells the products
used in the treatment of subcutaneous used mesotherapy.33 At this time, an English trans-
fat, as in injection lipolysis lation is not available. One publication in the English
medical literature describes the practitioner’s
Mesotherapy can involve 8 to 300 injections per protocols for reduction of subcutaneous fat, treat-
treatment; treatments are weekly or every other ment of cellulite, mesoglow (skin rejuvenation),
week. The number of treatments varies and ranges and mesohair (treatment of hair loss).19 Although
between 3 and 15 injection sessions, depending the exact formulas used are given, a precise
on the condition. Injections are administered either description of injection protocol is not provided.
by a standard syringe, usually either 5 or 10 cc, or As in any other aspect of medicine, physicians
using a hand-held device, called a mesogun, interested in practicing mesotherapy need training
which has a syringe and needle (27 or 30g) in its methods. This includes knowing the exact
attached; the volume of injection can be varied. medications used, understanding the pharma-
Injection needles are typically 4 mm long. The cology of medications used in mesotherapy, tech-
volume of injection is usually very small. Mesoguns nical training on appropriate delivery methods, and
may be either automatic or semiautomatic, and understanding the possible complications and
they can be purchased for approximately $2000 contraindications of the procedure. In some
to $8000.9 Fully automatic mesoguns advance instances, physicians can access this information
the needle and deliver the injection. Semiauto- only through courses for which there is a fee to
matic mesoguns require manual advancement of the physician participant. This commercialization
the needle or trigger-operated delivery of the injec- of the sharing of scientific information that may
tion. One mesogun is approved by the FDA, the benefit patients is somewhat in contradiction
Dermotherap by USA Meso. with the tenets of medicine. This proprietary
In the United States, the clinical application of approach conflicts with the time-honored tradition
mesotherapy in patients is controversial for several of an altruistic free and open exchange of scientific
reasons. The primary criticism of mesotherapy is information in the interest of providing care and
that it is unproven from a scientific standpoint. treatment for patients.34
The lack of standardized formulas and protocols Additional controversy arises from the fact that
makes it virtually impossible to validate results in some countries, including the United States,
and reports of efficacy by replication of studies. practitioners of mesotherapy include both properly
Widely practiced in Europe and South America, trained medical personnel and unlicensed practi-
the bulk of specific reports on mesotherapy are tioners. Brazil banned the use of Lipostabil in mes-
published in French, Italian, and Spanish litera- otherapy in part because of its use by unlicensed
ture.10–18 There is a paucity of rigorous scientific practitioners and resulting complications.35 In the
studies published in the English medical literature United States, many medispas offer mesotherapy
regarding the safety and efficacy of mesother- administered by unsupervised nurses or aestheti-
apy.19 The overall safety of mesotherapy is not cians to their clients without having a physician
well-documented. There are reports in the litera- evaluate and treat the patient. In addition, other
ture, however, of complications and side effects nonphysician professionals such as chiropractors,
including ulceration, prolonged swelling, pain, dentists, and massage therapists are starting to
panniculitis, skin ulceration, abscess, hematoma, offer mesotherapy. Nonsurgeon physicians may
psoriasis, atypical mycobacterial infections, urti- take a course to learn about mesotherapy. This
caria, and hyperpigmentation.20–31 leads to practitioners of mesotherapy who are
A second criticism is that although some of the not fully trained in the technique. Additionally,
individual ingredients injected during mesotherapy these practitioners do not have the ability to fully
are known, these substances usually are used in evaluate the patient’s condition and offer appro-
combination. The individual practitioner often priate alternative treatments. Moreover, they may
determines the particular combination of ingredi- not be able to diagnose and treat a complication.
ents used for a given treatment. There is concern Some states require a physician be on site and
about unknown interactions between the medica- have evaluated the patient before treatment;
tions combined in each cocktail. Furthermore, the others do not. Even in states requiring on-site
‘Tratado de Mesotherapia’ is a handbook only pub- supervision and evaluation by physicians, medi-
lished in Spanish, describing the various applica- spas staffed only by nurses or aestheticians
tions of mesotherapy, active agents used, and continue to offer mesotherapy to their clients.
recommended protocols; it includes an extensive The practice of mesotherapy by unlicensed
bibliography.32 It is available through Laboratories personnel has had several unfortunate conse-
Mesoestetic Limited, a company based in Spain quences. First, when complications occur, it is
184 Matarasso & Pfeifer

often when mesotherapy is performed by 3. Nonapproved (not approved by the FDA for any
nonmedical personnel. Second, with medispas purpose and ineligible for off-label use)
and salons offering mesotherapy, the public falsely
assumes that mesotherapy is a procedure akin to With a few exceptions such as collagenase,
other beauty treatments such as, for example, hyaluronidase, local anesthetics, and calcitonin,
waxing. Patients assume mesotherapy is not the the medications used in mesotherapy are not
practice of medicine and therefore harmless. approved by the FDA for intradermal or subcuta-
What should be considered a medical treatment neous injection.37 FDA drug approval includes
thus is trivialized, and the entire technique and the delivery method. Thus, if one injects a medica-
treatment modality is harmed. Patients are tion intradermally that is FDA approved for intrave-
unaware of the potential complications of meso- nous administration, this does not constitute
therapy, can be victims of unscrupulous practi- off-label usage. This would be a nonapproved
tioners of mesotherapy, and may fall prey to use. Off-label usage refers to the use of an FDA-
aggressive marketing practices by businesses approved drug, including method of administra-
commercializing mesotherapy for profit. Third, tion, for an indication other than for which it was
patients know that the practice of medicine is approved.
regulated by the state and federal government.
Therefore, patients believe that if mesotherapy is MESOTHERAPY FOR SUBCUTANEOUS
a medical treatment and being administered by FAT REDUCTION
nonmedical personnel, that the treatment must
be safe, because the government allows this prac- Mesotherapy has been used for several years in
tice. Most physicians probably would agree that Europe and South America for body contouring
procedures that can result in deformity and other and has been advocated as a nonsurgical alterna-
significant complications should be considered tive to liposuction.
the practice of medicine. What constitutes the Mesotherapy for fat reduction often is used in
practice of medicine, however, is defined by state conjunction with dietary modification, hormone
law, which varies from state to state. Some states replacement therapy, exercise, and nutritional
consider a procedure that results in penetration of supplements. Thus, it can be difficult to precisely
the skin to be the practice of medicine. Other identify the contribution of mesotherapy to any
states apparently do not consider mesotherapy reduction in subcutaneous fat, if there is one.
to be the practice of medicine. Even in states in Park recently examined the results of mesother-
which mesotherapy meets the definition of the apy in 20 women enrolled in a prospective, case-
practice of medicine, enforcement of state laws controlled study.38 The study was designed to
and statues may be difficult. evaluate the effectiveness of mesotherapy using
The aforementioned issues, including the lack of aminophylline, buflomedil (non-FDA approved
scientific information, unregulated practice and vasodilator) and lidocaine to reduce subcutaneous
failure to share information in the usual scientific fat in the medial thigh. The change in fat was eval-
tradition has led to serious doubt and skepticism uated by measuring circumference and by CT
about mesotherapy and the appropriateness of scanning. The authors found there was no differ-
physicians offering these nonproven treatments ence in circumference or any difference in cross-
to their patients. sectional area or thickness of the fat layer by
Mesotherapy injection ingredients are inexpen- CT scan. In contrast, other practitioners report
sive and easy to acquire. For example, aminoph- a reduction in subcutaneous fat after mesother-
ylline 25 mg/mL, 20 cc vial can be purchased for apy. In 1995, Greenway reported a reduction in
approximately $2.25 per vial.36 Although the thigh girth in women injected with isoproterenol.39
medications used in mesotherapy may be FDA- Patients in this study and in a second study by
approved for other indications, no medication is Greenway, who applied topical creams containing
approved by the FDA for use in mesotherapy. It aminophylline and other substances, also experi-
is important to clarify that the FDA does not enced a reduction in thigh girth.40
consider the use of FDA-approved drugs in mes- In 2004, two plastic surgeons presented an
otherapy to be an off-label use. The FDA has abstract evaluating the use of mesotherapy for
three categories for drugs and devices used in body contouring and cellulite treatment.41 Forty
people: patients were enrolled in a double-blinded,
prospective study; a single body region was
1. Approved for a specific use (labeled and treated by mesotherapy on a weekly basis for
approved by the FDA for marketing) 5 weeks, followed by monthly maintenance
2. Approved and permitted for off-label use therapy. The patients were separated into four
Mesotherapy and Injection Lipolysis 185

groups. Group 1 (N510) received mesotherapy epinephrine are injected, a transient increase is
treatments unilaterally; group 2 (N510) received seen in blood triglyceride levels. This might corre-
treatments bilaterally. Group 3 (N510) received spond to a temporary decrease in adipocyte
mesotherapy in association with dietary modifica- triglyceride levels. After the effects of beta-
tion and exercise, and group 4 (N510) received receptor stimulation have worn off, the triglycer-
saline placebo injections. Patients were surveyed ides are restored in the adipocyte. Under this
by questionnaire and evaluated by a physician hypothesis, one can presume no permanent
who was blinded. Objective evaluation included change in the adipocyte volume. The theory postu-
measurement of circumference and pinch test. lates that cell wall disruption and subsequent
Most patients treated with mesotherapy reported necrosis of the adipocyte must occur for a perma-
a noticeable difference in the treated area (groups nent reduction in subcutaneous fat to occur. With
1 and 3, 18 out of 20; group 2, 7 out of 10). Circum- respect to cellulite, enhanced lipolysis also has
ference measurements decreased in most been postulated as the mechanism by which cellu-
patients who were treated. The average decrease lite is improved after mesotherapy. One recent
in circumference was 2.6 cm at the waist and study using microdialysis assays, however,
1.8 cm at the thigh; the greatest circumference showed no difference in rates of lipolysis between
decrease was 3.8 cm at the waist and 2.5 cm at cellulite and noncellulite adipose tissue.47 Other
the thigh. In all treated groups, the appearance proposed mechanisms for how mesotherapy
of cellulite was reduced dramatically. No major results in spot fat reduction include enhanced
complications occurred; several minor complica- circulation and alterations in connective tissue.
tions were observed. These included transient
erythema of the treated area in six patients, one
localized infection at an injection site, minimal INJECTION LIPOLYSIS WITH
ecchymosis in five patients, and significant ecchy- PHOSPHATIDYLCHOLINE
mosis in one patient.
Research is starting to clarify the mechanisms As discussed previously, mesotherapy has been
by which mesotherapy for reduction of subcuta- applied to the reduction of subcutaneous fat.
neous fat and cellulite reduction possibly could Recently, there has been interest in injection lipol-
work. It is known that lipolysis of fat stored in ysis, the subcutaneous injection of phosphatidyl-
adipocytes is regulated by alpha-2 and beta-adre- choline and deoxycholate for subcutaneous fat
noreceptors on the adipocyte cell surface. Beta- reduction.
receptor activity increases lipolysis, and alpha-2 Phosphatidylcholine is a naturally occurring
receptor activity inhibits beta-receptors. glycerolphospholipid composed of glycerol with
A theoretic possibility is that compounds that two fatty acids and choline attached. It has three
promote beta-activation and alpha-2 inhibition important functions:
may increase rates of lipolysis. In the case of mes- 1. It emulsifies dietary fat, thereby playing a vital
otherapy for reduction in subcutaneous fat and role in digesting dietary fat.
cellulite reduction, the theory is that stimulation 2. It is a component of the apolipoproteins essen-
of the adipocyte beta-adrenergic receptor causes tial to cholesterol metabolism.
a resultant increase in lipolysis. Isoproterenol, one 3. It is an essential component of cell
of the agents commonly used in mesotherapy, is membranes.48
a beta-receptor stimulator. In addition to beta-
receptor stimulators, other substances including Phosphatidylcholine contributes to the proper
estrogen and thyroid as well as methylxanthines metabolism of fat and cell membrane integrity, is
caffeine and aminophylline are known to increase important in neuron conduction, increases the
lipolysis.42,43 Several publications describe solubility of cholesterol, is the precursor to acetyl-
enhanced lipolysis in adipose tissue perfused choline, and is a surfactant in the alveoli of the
with isoproterenol.44,45 In 2007, Caruso reported lungs. Phosphatidylcholine is able to emulsify
that isoproterenol, aminophylline, yohimbine, and blood fats, resulting in increased surface area of
Melilotus stimulate lipolysis as evaluated by an in chylomicrons, allowing quicker breakdown of
vitro assay.46 Others, however, believe that the triglycerides by the enzyme lipoproteinlipase.
increased lipolysis seen after beta-receptor stimu- Phosphatidylcholine is consumed in a normal
lation by mesotherapy injections is fundamentally diet and is also available as oral supplements.
different from that seen after injection lipolysis Oral phosphatidylcholine is considered a dietary
with phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate (DI supplement and therefore is not regulated by the
Duncan and P Rubin, personal communication. FDA. Oral phosphatidylcholine supplements are
When beta-receptor stimulators such as used to guard against low blood choline levels
186 Matarasso & Pfeifer

and to restore blood choline levels in patients INJECTION LIPOLYSIS USING

suffering from select brain disorders.49 It may PHOSPHATIDYLCHOLINE TO REDUCE
have a role for treating Alzheimer’s disease.50 SUBCUTANEOUS FAT
Lecithin, composed of a phosphate group,
choline, fatty acids, glycerol, glycolipids, triglycer- In 2001, Rittes, a physician practicing in Brazil, first
ides, and phospholipids including phos- reported in the English dermatologic literature on
phatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and the subcutaneous injection of phosphatidylcholine
phosphatidylinositol, is a common source of oral to reduce the size of infraorbital fat pads.61 Thirty
phosphatidylcholine. Phosphatidylcholine is also patients were studied. The longest follow-up was
available in an injectable form. Injectable phospha- 2 years. Twenty milligrams of phosphatidylcholine
tidylcholine is not approved by the FDA. Phospha- were injected into the central, medial, and lateral
tidylcholine, however, is a component of several fat pads; the distribution per fat pad varied accord-
FDA-approved intravenous drugs.51 Injectable ing to the patient’s needs. The patients received
phosphatidylcholine can be obtained through additional treatments at 15-day intervals if bulging
compounding pharmacies, the Internet, or over- fat pads persisted after the first treatment. Two
seas (Mesoestetic, Limited, Barcelona, Spain). patients received four treatments; five patients
In the Russian literature in particular, there are received three treatments. Twelve patients
many reports on the positive effects of phosphati- received two treatments, and 11 patients received
dylcholine on lipid profiles and cholesterol levels. It one treatment. Improvement was noted by obser-
has been used oversees to treat liver disease, vation, and cosmetic improvement was noted in all
including hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver, and drug- patients. After treatment, patients noted mild
or toxin-induced liver damage.52 In the United burning that lasted 15 minutes. Edema of the
States, basic science research has shown positive entire lower eyelid lasted approximately 72 hours.
effects of phosphatidylcholine on cholesterol There were no reported recurrences.
levels, alcohol-induced mitochondrial injury, Other clinical reports soon followed. In 2004,
alcohol-induced hepatocyte apoptosis, and liver Ablon and Rotunda reported on the use of phos-
fibrosis.52–56 phatidylcholine for treating lower eyelid fat pads;
In Europe, intravenous phosphatidylcholine, 7 of 10 patients demonstrated a clinical benefit.62
marketed under the brand name Lipostabil, manu- In 2006, Hasengschwandtner reported on the
factured by Sanofi-Aventis Group (Paris, France). treatment of 441 patients by injection lipolysis.63
It comes in 5 cc ampoules. Each ampoule The patients received a maximum of 2500 mg of
contains: 70% phosphatidylcholine (250 mg), phosphatidylcholine per session in a single
unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin B6, adenosine specific area; the number of sessions varied.
-50 -monophosphoric acid, nicotinic acid, and One injection contained 0.5 cc of mixture at
benzyl alcohol (preservative). Sanofi-Aventis also a depth of 12 mm and 1.5 cm apart; the mixture
offers an oral form called Essentiale. In 1966, consisted of phosphatidylcholine 50 mg/mL,
Kroupa reported the use of Lipostabil to prevent NaCl as dilutant, buflomedil (vasodilator) and
fat embolism.57 Lipostabil has been shown to B-vitamin complex. Pre- and post-treatment
restore the normal equilibrium between low- circumferences were measured and before and
density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipopro- after photographs taken. Post-treatment assess-
tein (HDL) levels in the blood and to promote ment was made at 8 weeks. Fifteen percent of
cholesterol transport.49 Based on these findings, patients were satisfied after one treatment and
in Europe, Lipostabil is indicated for treating 72% after two treatments. The average circumfer-
hyperlipidemia, atherosclerotic disorders, diabetic ential reduction was 3.7 cm on the upper belly,
angiopathies, angina pectoris, postmyocardial 3.9 cm on the lower belly, 1.9 cm on the hips,
infarction, hypertension of sclerotic origin, and and 1.6 cm on the upper arm.
thromboembolism pre- and postoperatively.58,59
The aesthetic applications of injectable phos- SAFETY OF SUBCUTANEOUS INJECTION
phatidylcholine evolved from the oral and intra- OF PHOSPHATIDYLCHOLINE
venous use of phosphatidylcholine for treating
hyperlipidemia and related disorders. In 1988, Phosphatidylcholine has been used for many
Maggiori reported the first use of phosphatidyl- years for preventing and treating fat embolism
choline for aesthetic purposes when he used it (intravenous), severe liver failure (oral and intrave-
to treat xanthelasmas.60 Following Maggiori’s nous), and in surfactant preparations. Using intra-
report, the use of phosphatidylcholine injec- venous and oral phosphatidylcholine preparations
tions expanded to include subcutaneous for these indications, no significant toxicity is
injections. noted even at relatively high doses. The known
Mesotherapy and Injection Lipolysis 187

systemic adverse effects of subcutaneous injec- MECHANISMS OF LIPOLYSIS

tion of phosphatidylcholine are cholinergic GI
effects including nausea, increased salivation, Although some reports show a reduction in fat
and abdominal pain. Most practitioners recom- deposits after subcutaneous injection of phospha-
mend limiting the dose to 2500 mg per treatment tidylcholine and deoxycholate, the mechanism by
session to minimize these effects. These symp- which this would occur is not understood
toms are similar to the known effects of oral and completely. Furthermore, it is not known whether
intravenous phosphatidylcholine-containing prep- it is the phosphatidylcholine or deoxycholate alone
arations. Subcutaneous injections of phosphati- or a combination of both or neither that is
dylcholine are associated with burning, urticaria, producing the clinical effect. Theoretically, several
erythema, swelling, ecchymosis, and pruritis.64,65 mechanisms could exist alone or in combination.
Injections placed too superficially may cause skin For the purposes of understanding its possible
ulceration. mechanism of action in fat reduction, it is important
One potential outcome after subcutaneous to understand the multiple roles of phosphatidyl-
injection with phosphatidylcholine is an efflux of choline in the human body. The first is its role in
free fatty acids. Free fatty acids are known to the transport and emulsification of dietary
cause experimental myocardial infarction in fat.48,68–70 Phosphatidylcholine is found in bile
dogs, fat embolism, and steatosis of the liver and acts to promote the emulsification of dietary
(A Matarasso and J Kral, personal communication, fat. A necessary step in the digestion of dietary fat
2002). Additional concerns center on the potential occurs when fat globules, which are insoluble in
creation of high levels of lysophosphatidylcholine, water, are broken down into smaller sizes so that
the natural degradation product of phosphatidyl- water-soluble digestive enzymes can act on the
choline. Lysophosphatidylcholine is known to surface of the fat globule. The phosphatidylcholine
cause hepatic cholestasis, liver enzyme elevation. molecule has a polar (water-soluble) moiety,
and intravascular hemolysis.66 choline, and a nonpolar (fat-soluble) moiety, the
Serious allergic reactions, such as anaphylaxis, fatty acids. The fat-soluble portion of the phospha-
have not been reported. Experienced medical tidylcholine dissolves in the surface layer of the fat
practitioners report local adverse effects such as globule, with the polar portion projecting outward
pain, hematoma, edema, and nodules, which are into the aqueous environment.
mild and well tolerated; systemic adverse effects The polarity of phosphatidylcholine is important
are rare (Rittes, 2007). In Hasengschwandtner’s for several reasons. First, because the polar head
2006 report, no serious adverse effects or compli- of the phosphatidylcholine is very soluble in the
cations were noted. In 31 patients who had normal aqueous fluid, the interfacial tension of the fat
blood work within 6 months before treatment, total globule is decreased, and the fat globule can be
bilirubin and gamma glutamyl transferase were broken up into minute particles by the normal
checked 5 days and 8 weeks after treatments. All agitation that occurs during peristalsis of the intes-
blood values were within normal limits. All patients tine. In the digestion of fats, this emulsification of
reported a small-to-medium level of pain, swelling, fat can increase the total surface area of dietary
and erythema. Deep hematomas also were noted. fat by 1000 times. Thus, intestinal lipases can act
Patients additionally reported soft stools, and four upon a much larger surface area than would be
reported menstrual bleeding outside of the normal available without emulsification. Intestinal lipases
menstrual cycle. The skin overlying the treated break fat down into monoacylglycerol (glycerol
area was noted to be firm and excess skin with one fatty acid) and fatty acids.
contracted. Second, the polarity of phosphatidylcholine
In 2006, Duncan and Chubaty reported on contributes to the three different chemical forms
safety data for injection lipolysis using phosphati- of phosphatidylcholine. The first form is the lipid
dylcholine-based formulas.67 Data were collected bilayer, with the hydrophobic tail in the middle of
from 75 physicians practicing injection lipolysis in the lipid bilayer. The second is a vesicle or lipo-
17 countries; 17,376 patients were treated. There some, where the lipid bilayer or monolayer forms
were no reports of bacterial or atypical mycobac- a circle creating a hydrophilic interior core. The
terial infections, skin ulceration, dermatitis, or third is a micelle, where the phosphatidylcholine
chronic skin irritation. Disappointment with the exists in a single layer, with the hydrophilic heads
result was noted in 12% of patients. Transient projecting outward, creating a hydrophobic core.
hyperpigmentation (0.015%), allergic reaction Triglycerides and fatty acids are solubilized and
(0.0003%), and persistent pain beyond 2 weeks transported in the hydrophobic core of the phos-
(0.015%) were infrequent. phatidylcholine micelle.
188 Matarasso & Pfeifer

The role of phosphatidylcholine in cholesterol ADDING IT ALL UPçPOSSIBLE MECHANISMS

metabolism is also important. Phosphatidylcholine OF ACTION
is found in HDL, the apolipoprotein that carries
fatty acids and cholesterol from the peripheral The current theory is that the clinically observed
tissues to the liver. HDLs are so called, because reduction in subcutaneous fat after injection lipol-
they carry the highest percentage of protein. ysis is caused in part by cell wall destruction of
HDLs exist as spheres with a hydrophic core that the adipocyte followed by a reduction in adipocyte
is capable of storing cholesterol esters. As more fat. It is possible that either the phosphatidylcho-
cholesterol is accumulated, the HDL increases in line or deoxycholate or both could be responsible
size. Thus, in evaluating risk of atherosclerotic for cell wall destruction. Duncan has shown adipo-
heart disease, it is the ratio of large HDL particles cyte cell wall destruction after injection with
(those that contain more cholesterol) to total HDL compounds containing phosphatidylcholine and
that is important. deoxycholate.74 It is thought that the disruption
of the adipocyte cell membrane primarily is caused
THE ROLE OF DEOXYCHOLATE primarily by the deoxycholate contained in the
(DEOXYCHOLIC ACID) mixture, although phosphatidylcholine alone has
been shown to disrupt cell walls.75
Phosphatidylcholine alone is very viscous and thus Following cell wall destruction, there are several
not amenable to injection. For this reason, and as possible mechanisms that could lead to reduced
is the case with other injectable pharmaceuticals, volume of fat stored in adipocytes. One possibility
sodium deoxycholate, a bile salt, is added to solu- is the injected phosphatidylcholine acts to emul-
bilize the phosphatidylcholine, thus making the sify the stored triglycerides, which then are trans-
phosphatidylcholine suitable for injection. Debate ported to the liver, where they are metabolized.
exists as to which of the injected chemicals is Duncan showed in one patient injected with phos-
responsible for the noted clinical results in patients phatidylcholine containing formula that, after
treated for subcutaneous fat reduction. Until biopsy, the treated area showed cell wall disrup-
recently, it was assumed that the active ingredient tion and a reduction in adipocyte diameter. Inflam-
in the injectable preparations used for subcuta- mation and new collagen deposition also were
neous fat reduction was the phosphatidylcholine. noted. Because fat is stored in adipocytes in the
Recent data, however, suggest that the sodium form of triglycerides, it is possible that the smaller
deoxycholate also may be an active ingredient adipocyte diameter is caused by transport of
that causes cell lysis, which may lead to a reduc- triglycerides and fatty acids out of the adipocyte.
tion in subcutaneous fat, and not just a solubilizing Theoretically, phosphatidylcholine could dissolve
agent.71 In addition, deoxycholate without phos- the triglycerides and transport them elsewhere as
phatidylcholine has been shown to reduce micelles. The inflammation and new collagen
lipomas.72 This is further evidence that deoxycho- deposition Duncan noted could contribute to the
late may play an active role in reducing subcuta- skin tightening noted in treated subjects. Others
neous fat. speculate that after the cell membrane of the
Brown discussed the possible role of deoxycho- adipocyte is disrupted, lipase is activated and
late in injection lipolysis in a 2006 publication.73 breaks down the intracellular fats.
Brown believes that at the concentration used in Another possibility is that even if cell wall
Lipostabil, deoxycholate would exist as a monomer destruction does not occur, the injected phospha-
if injected alone. When injected with phosphatidyl- tidylcholine activates lipases, which break down
choline into the subcutaneous tissue, four distinct triglycerides to fatty acids, which then are trans-
forms of deoxycholate could exist: micelles, vesi- ported as lipoproteins. Phosphatidylcholine also
cles with excess deoxycholate present as mono- may exert its effect by stimulating beta-receptors
mers, and crystals. It is not known which of these or inhibiting alpha-2 receptors, thus producing
forms is acting on the adipocyte. Brown theorizes increased lipolysis activity. Lastly, concentrated
that several possibilities could exist: amounts of phosphatidylcholine injected subcuta-
Deoxycholate in vesicle form with excess neously could act to emulsify fat, allowing tissue
monomers; the monomers lead to cellular lipases to hydrolyze fat, producing glycerol and
necrosis free fatty acids.
Deoxycholate is presented in micelle form,
which could result in a mobilization of fat CONTROVERSIES IN INJECTION LIPOLYSIS
from the adipocyte
Crystals that are known to be damaging to Limited scientific data are available about injection
cells lipolysis. Medical professionals and organizations
Mesotherapy and Injection Lipolysis 189

including the American Society of Plastic 2007, the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, in
Surgeons (ASPS) and the American Society for a ruling that later was overturned, banned all
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) have criticized commercial use of Lipodissolve, a compound con-
the clinical use of phosphatidylcholine and deoxy- taining phosphatidylcholine used to reduce subcu-
cholate for subcutaneous fat reduction. Among taneous fat. The board voted to allow the use of
other reasons, there is concern that the clinical the drug only as part of FDA-sanctioned clinical
application of subcutaneous injection of phospha- trials under an investigational new drug applica-
tidylcholine and deoxycholate preceded IRB- tion.81 The company promoting Lipodissolve since
approved studies. Both the ASPS and the ASAPS has declared bankruptcy. Recently, the name
have issued press releases warning the general Lipodissolve was trademarked by a nonphysician
public to be wary of mesotherapy until safety and who offers courses on the lipodissolve technique.
efficacy have been proven.76,77 The ASAPS issued Furthermore, in the United States, it is illegal to
a position statement that contains recommenda- advertise the use of an unapproved product or
tions for aesthetic society members regarding an off-label use of an approved product. Although
mesotherapy and injection lipolysis. In the 2007 the enforcement of these regulations may seem
position statement, members were advised to lax, practitioners are exposed to enforcement
‘‘refrain from adopting these treatments until the actions by the FDA, actions by state medical
results of the Aesthetic Surgery Education and boards, and other sanctions.
Research Foundation (ASERF)-sponsored study To date, there are no published IRB-approved
are available to provide proof of safety and effi- trials evaluating the subcutaneous injection of
cacy, or lack thereof’’.78 phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate. One such
Furthermore, the products remain unapproved study recently began and, as of this writing, has
by the FDA for subcutaneous injection. Lipostabil several patients enrolled. In early July 2008,
is not a registered drug in the United States and Dr. V. Leroy Young, after obtaining an investiga-
is not approved by the FDA in the United States tional new drug (IND) permit from the FDA, began
for any use. The FDA’s current position is that Lip- an IRB-approved study evaluating the effects of
ostabil is a new drug under the Federal Food, Drug the subcutaneous injection of phosphatidylcholine
and Cosmetic Act and thus requires that a new and deoxycholate (TM Pfeifer and Young VL,
drug application be filed with the FDA before personal communication, 2008). The study is
marketing. In addition, no pharmaceutical is sponsored by the Aesthetic Surgery Education
approved by the FDA for use in mesotherapy or and Research Foundation of ASAPS. It is overseen
injection lipolysis for reduction of subcutaneous by the Western IRB and the IRB of Washington
fat. Practitioners are cautioned to inquire with their University. Early study results are anticipated in
malpractice insurance carriers to determine March 2009.
whether mesotherapy or subcutaneous injections
using non-FDA approved medications is covered SUMMARY
under the terms of their malpractice insurance
policy. The use of any of these agents for non- Localized deposits of excess adipose tissue and
FDA approved indications such as localized fat indeed obesity can be medically dangerous and
reduction may place the practitioner at some legal psychologically distressing to patients. With
and regulatory risk.79,80 respect to mesotherapy as a method of body con-
The extensive marketing of nonapproved prod- touring, more studies are necessary before advo-
ucts and treatments is a source of concern in the cating this as a safe and effective treatment.
medical community. Subsequent to the first Physicians practicing injection lipolysis are
reports in 2001 on the use of Lipostabil in aesthetic working to elucidate the safety and efficacy of
applications, Lipostabil has been marketed around the subcutaneous injection of phosphatidylcholine
the world under many names including Flabjab and deoxycholate.82 Finally, establishing stan-
and Lipomelt. Other formulas containing phospha- dards of practice to ensure patient safety is an
tidylcholine and deoxycholate for subcutaneous absolute priority for these physicians.
injection, such as Lipodissolve, also have been The lipolysis responsible for reduced subcuta-
marketed aggressively in the United States. The neous fat after injection lipolysis may result in
marketing by businesses promoting these prod- increased levels of free fatty acids and glycerol in
ucts and procedures preceded FDA-approved the bloodstream. To ensure the safety of injection
trials to evaluate the safety and efficacy of these lipolysis with phosphatidylcholine and deoxycho-
treatments; as such, this marketing was done late, it would be prudent to know the products of
without documentation of the results claimed or dissolution, whether free fatty acids are released
the identification of potential complications. In into the patient’s bloodstream, whether the
190 Matarasso & Pfeifer

injected chemical is absorbed into the blood- 15. Menkes CJ, Laoussadi S, Kac-Ohana N, et al.
stream, the effects on the liver and other organs, Controlled trial of injectable diclofenac in mesother-
the appropriate dose, among other things. More- apy for the treatment of tendonitis. Rev Rhum Mal
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rence are unknown. dum salt by mesotherapy. Acta Biomed Ateneo Par-
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patient, the results of body-contouring procedures 17. Guazzetti R, Iotti E, Marinoni E. Mesotherapy with
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tion lipolysis will increase. Physicians must strive culitis. Arch Dermatol 2008;144:808.
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