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Product is refers to a good, idea, method, information, object or service created as a

result of a process and serves a need or satisfies a want. It has a combination of tangible and

intangible attributes (benefits, features, functions and uses) that a seller offers a buyer for

purchase. A tangible product is a physical object that can be perceived by touch. An intangible

product is a product that can only be perceived indirectly. The definition of product according to

Philip Kotler is “a product is a thing that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or need.”

Product is something to offer to the market to get attention, buying, using or consume to fulfil

the desires or needs.

The product that we choose is smartphone that produced under the brand of OPPO.

According Cory Janssen (2015), smartphone is a mobile phone with highly advanced features.

A typical smartphone has a high-resolution touch screen display, WiFi connectivity, Web

browsing capabilities, and the ability to accept sophisticated applications. The majority of these

devices run on any of these popular mobile operating systems: Android, Symbian, iOS,

BlackBerry OS and Windows Mobile. A smartphone is expected to have a more powerful CPU,

more storage space, more RAM, greater connectivity options and larger screen than a regular cell

phone. High-end smartphones now run on processors with high processing speeds coupled with

low power consumptions. That means, they’ll allow you to play 3D games, browse the Web,

update your Facebook account, call, and text much longer than you used to. In addition to the

features mentioned earlier, smartphones are also equipped with innovative sensors like

accelerometers or even gyroscopes. Accelerometers are responsible for displaying screens in


portrait and landscape mode, while gyroscopes make it possible for games to support motion-


The earlier touch screen smartphones used resistive touchscreen displays, which required

the use of slender pointing objects known as styli (or stylus in singular form). Most of the later

models however, like the iPhone and most Android phones, employ capacitive displays, which

feature multi-touch finger gestures.

OPPO smartphone R5 as a product of our study. OPPO smartphone R5 was launched by

the company in 2014. We choose this product because from shaping perspective, in searching for

a reason for being for R5, OPPO challenged themselves, put the pen away, and visualized the

concept of what makes mobile technology amazing, and how we transform. The biggest selling

point for the OPPO smartphone R5 is its dimensions. It’s currently one of the thinnest

smartphones in the world, if not the thinnest, at a crazy 4.85mm. Just to give you an idea, this is

whopping 2mm thinner than the iPhone 6, even though that’s the only battle that it wins when it

comes to dimensions. The OPPO smartphone R5 is actually a full ounce heavier than the iPhone

6 at 155g, and since this is a much bigger smartphone, its height comes to 148.9mm, and its

width 74.5mm.

Other specifications include a gorgeous 5.2-inch 1080p AMOLED display at 423 PPI. On

top of that screen, even if you’ll barely be able to see it, there’s a factory-placed screen protector

that you should probably remember to remove once it picks up a scratch or two. That display is

fully available to you as the device features capacitive navigation buttons, which won’t light up,

by the way. We also have a 2.1GHz Snapdragon 615 OCTO-core chip (with an ADRENO 405


GPU,) 2GB of RAM, 16GB of non-expandable storage, and a 2,000 mAh battery compatible

with OPPO’s rapid charging technology.

Image 1: OPPO smartphone R5

OPPO is a global electronics and technology service provider that delivers the latest and

most exquisite mobile electronic devices in over 20 countries, including the United States, China,

Australia and many countries throughout Europe, Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East

and Africa. OPPO is dedicated to delivering customers with the most extraordinary mobile

experience through meticulous designs and smart technology. At OPPO, we’re here for those

that expect more from their smartphone than a run-of-the-mill experience. This is the reason for

the dedication and effort OPPO put into bringing users the very best, which is why OPPO put as

much effort into what OPPO phones can do for you.


This product in term of consumer purchasing behaviour is a shopping product. According

Hitesh Bhasin (2015), Shopping products generally involve more time, cost and efforts from the

consumer part as they are considered as a higher risk proposition by the consumer. Let take a TV

for example. Before buying a TV, a customer will have a look at all different brands, products

and product features. Once the customer knows what kind of features he is looking for, he would

compare the costing of each brand.

Finally after he has been convinced of one particular product and its value for money, he

will go ahead with the purchase. Even in shopping products, there are two types. Heterogeneous

shopping products as well as homogenous shopping products. A segmentation strategy begins by

dividing the market for a product into groups that are relatively homogeneous and share

characteristics that are different from those other groups.

Targeted Consumer for the product (new consumer, middle income, simple person,

active people, and young.)

Demographic segmentation divides consumers according to age, gender, ethnicity,

income, wealth occupation, material status, household type, and size. It’s based on Bukenya &

Wright (2007), empirical evidence argues that socio-demographic factors such as gender, age,

educational status and income play an important role in determining the consumption pattern

across the world. Customer targeted by OPPO smartphone R5 is a young consumer. It is because

they are like and try something new. Other than that, OPPO smartphone R5 also targeted simple

person which who are not like bring a bag or handbag for women, they just put this product

inside their pocket. Besides, as we know, OPPO R5 is a new gadget that OPPO companied


launched. So, OPPO smartphone R5 also targeted consumer from middle class which is a new

consumer before this do not used smartphone and for consumer who new users working and

consumer from have middle income only.


2.1 Consumer Buying Behavior

Consumer behavior is the study of how individuals or groups buy, use and dispose of

goods, services, ideas or experience to satisfy their needs or wants (Kotler et al.2009 pg. 224). In

the early stages, consumer behavior was taken as buyer behavior that reflects the interaction

between consumers and produces at the time of purchase but now marketers recognize consumer

behavior as an ongoing process not only what happens at the time when consumer gives money

and gains some goods or services (Solmon, 1996 pg. 8).

Generally, there are two types of buying behaviors. First is complex buying behavior.

This type of behavior involves a high degree of consumer involvement in the buying process

with the consumer seeing a great difference among brand choices. Second one is a typical

consumer’s involvement in the buying process is low because the consumer doesn’t see much

difference between available brands in habitual buying behavior. The study of consumer

behavior has found that there are three distinct roles of consumer which are user, payer and

buyer. Researcher has found that consumer behavior is actually hard to predict, even for expert

in the fields.


A consumer’s buyer behavior is influenced by four major factors which are cultural,

social, personal and psychological. These factors cause consumers to develop product and brand

preferences. Although some of these factors cannot be directly controlled by the marketers, but

by understanding of their impact is essential as marketing mix strategies can be developed to

appeal to the preferences of the target market. When the consumer purchasing any product, a

consumer goes through a decision making process that will be discussed later.


As a general, consumer can be defining an individual who buys products or services for

personal use and not for manufacture or resale. According to Nordstrom (1981), consumer is

anyone who uses production. So, whenever the consumer wants to buy something, firstly they

have to make the decision so that they would not be regret. This we called as consumer decision

making process. Consumer decision making could be defined as the behavior patterns of

consumers that precede, determine and follow on the decision process for the acquisition of need

satisfying products, ideas or services (Du Plessis et al., 1991). Engel, Blackwell, and Kollat

(1968) have been develop a model of the consumer decision making process into five stages

which are needs recognition, information search, evaluation of alternative, purchase decision and

post purchase decision.


Need Recognition

Information Search

Evaluation Of Alternatives

Purchase decision

Post Purchase Behavior

Figure 3.0 Consumer Decision Making Process

2.2.1 Need Recognition

The need recognition is the first thing and the most important in step of decision making

process. In this stage, the consumer himself should know smoothly his need when buying a

product. This recognition was happened when there is a lag between the consumer’s actual

situation and the ideal and desired one. According to Bruner (1993) recognition of a problem

arises in the situation where an individual realizes the difference between the actual state of

affairs and desired state of affairs. If there is no need, there is no purchase.

Generally, the recognition of need by a consumer can be classified into three which are

functional need, social need and need for change. Based on the advertisement that we have


choose, we had identified that the most suitable for classification in need recognition is

functional need. The functional need is related to a feature or specific functions of the product or

happens to be answer to a functional problem. People usually having their phone late charging.

So, they may buy the smartphone because it provided the fastest charging which gets the phone

from zero to 80 percent charge in just 30 minutes. Five minutes on the charger will be enough to

last two hours.

For more detail of the consumers need, we may refer to the Abraham Maslow hierarchy

need. The Maslow hierarchy of needs that developed by the eponymous psychologist is one of

the best known and widely used classification and representations for hierarchy of needs. It acts

as a “guide” for the consumer by certain needs that he wants to achieve. Figure 3.1 shows the

Abraham Maslow hierarchy of needs. Based on the advertisement that we have choose, we

identified that there are three out of five stages in Abraham Maslow hierarchy needs in buying

the smartphone.

Figure 3.1 Abraham Maslow hierarchy of needs


Physiological needs

The physiological needs are the physical requirement for human survival. If these

requirements did not meet each other, the human body as well cannot functional properly and

will ultimately fail. Physiological needs are thought to be the most important, they should meet


What can be related to the Abraham Maslow in first stage in buying the smartphone is

because people need it to communicate each other whether in far or short distance. The

application that have in the smartphone such as video call interact people to buy the product as

well because easy to communicate by seeing the faces of the other people when communicating


Social needs

According to Maslow, humans need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance

among their social groups, regardless whether these groups are large or small. Likewise, some

large social groups may include clubs, co-workers, religious group, professional organizations,

sports teams, and gangs. Examples of small group are family members, intimate partners,

mentors, colleagues and confidants. A human need to be love and be loved in both sexually or

non-sexually by others. This social need may overcome the physiological and security needs,

depending on the strength of the peer pressure.


So, the reason on why the consumer attracted to buy the smartphone is because maybe he

or she also wants to be within the group like in family member since mostly his families are

using the smartphone.

Esteem needs

All human have a need to feel respected. Esteem presents the typical human desire to be

accepted and values by others. People often engage in a profession or hobby to gain the

recognition. These kinds of activities may give the person a sense of contribution or value. Most

people have a need for stable self-respect and self-esteem. Maslow has noted that there are two

version of esteem needs which are lower version and higher version. In the lower version may

include the need for status, recognition, fame, prestige and attention. While in higher version

may include the need of strength, competence, mastery, self-confidence, independence and


Consumer who are interested the advertisement may buy the smartphone product that

look elegant and commendable by the others and take care their image and status when they were

among a group of other consumer who are not using the product. Otherwise the smartphone that

being advertised has shown the advantages (different with the other smartphone) such as out of

the ordinary which have the thickness 4.85 mm and the fastest charging technology in the world.

So, when the consumer buys these smartphone, he or she may feel being respected and proud

also seen himself in high prestige because using the brand phone.


2.2.2 Information search

After the consumer has developed a need and want, he or she needs to start for searching

information about the different alternative selections that they can purchase to satisfy their need.

The consumer may have found the information in different ways. The information search can be

dividing into two which are internal information and external information (Oliver, 2011).

First is internal information. The internal information consists of utilizing information

from memory, such as past experiences with the product. For example, in past maybe he bought

smartphone but different brand. So, he knows totally how the phone working likely based on his

experience in using the smartphone. While in external information can be seen into three

categories which is personal sources and marketing-controlled sources.

In the personal sources we have the family, friends and acquaintances. Usually, the

consumer that wants to know about the smartphone will refer directly to his friends rather than

his family. Next one is marketing-controlled sources such as radio, television advertisement,

brochure and etc. However, regarding to the advertisement that we choose, there is only few

information that being exposed.

In addition, the way for the consumer search the information also, he may use the concept

of marketing mix which includes price, place, promotion, and product. Place is the best choice

for the consumer to search an information because choosing the right place, he can know

everything including the price, product and the promotion. For example, the consumer wants to

know more about the smartphone product. Then he maybe can go to the smartphone center and

surely he will get a lot of information that he need.


2.2.3 Evaluation of alternative

In this stage of the consumer decision making process, the consumer will be able to

evaluate in different alternative after he collect all the information that he need for. The process

of evaluation of alternatives can sometimes be difficult, time consuming and full of pressure for

a consumer (Ha et al, 2010). So, here have been listed the internal factors of psychology and

external factors of socio-cultural environment that affecting the consumer behavior in buying the

smartphone. The Internal Factors of Psychology of Socio-Cultural Environment Perception

Perception is the process by which individuals select, organize and interpret stimuli into a

meaningful and coherent picture of the world. Two individuals may be exposed to the same

stimuli, but how each person recognizes, select, organizes and interprets these stimuli is highly

individual process based on each person’s own needs, values and expectations (Schiffman and

Kanuk, 2010). Perception can influence consumer to consume a product. Perception refers to the

many different ways that an individual can sense external information, select particular sources

of information and how they interoperate this information (Belch and Belch, 2009, p118).

If we see the advertisement, the marketers try to highlight the advantages of the

smartphone. So, the consumer surely make their own perception that the smartphone is good

different from the other phone in term of the charging battery since it has been mention that the

product has the fastest charging technology in the world. Thus, this may influence the consumer

especially the teenagers to buy this product.


Learning can be defined as the process by which individuals get the purchase and

consumption knowledge and experience they apply to future which is related to the behavior.

While consumer learning can be define as a process that evolves and changes as consumers

acquire knowledge from experience, observation, and interactions with others and newly

acquired knowledge affect future behavior (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2010). Learning also can be

defining as the process which is leads a person to change his or her behaviour. Other than that,

they not only focus on the information obtained in the advertisement, but the consumer also

assess the effectiveness of the advertisement is to attract other to buy the product (Vinise, 2014).

Based on the advertisement, for surely the consumer will be doing the observation onto

the smartphone and then relate it with his experiences. It seems like he put himself at the

situation that he have experienced as a support for his beliefs using the advertised product. If not

effective, then the consumer will not buy the product anymore even if the ads often appear in the

media or anywhere. Attitude

An attitude is a learned predisposition to behave in a consistently favorable and

unfavorable way toward a given object (Sciffman and Kanuk, 2010). An attitude can be

described when there is an object, it was learning, consistently and based on situation. It can be

associated with positive feeling or personal consumer to see product in advertisement. Consumer

who would be interested in buying and using product that are advertised are influence by


consumer attitudes survey of parents, group norms, social influence and various aspect


Thus, consumers will create an attitude of performing certain function to itself. Daniel

Katz has been introducing the four attitudes function. The consumer who uses the advertised

product will have four function attitudes of benefit function, function according to the

appearance, function and functional knowledge and ego defence.

Based on the advertisement that we choose, it has advertise about the extra advantage of

smartphone which are fastest charging and have the thickness in 4.85 mm. So, when the

consumer being attract with the advertisement and buying the product, it could be change the

negative attitude to the positive attitude about the smartphone as well. The External Factors of Psychology of Socio-Cultural Environment Reference group

Reference group whose perspective an individual takes on in forming values, beliefs,

attitudes, opinions and overt behaviors. One considers this group as a “point of reference” when

evaluating how they view their own existence in the world. Reference groups can be very small

(just a few close friends) or fairly large (a sports team fan club or even a political party).

Reference group influence the consumer behaviour decision in two ways. First, they set levels of

aspiration, offering cues of what lifestyle and related purchasing patterns that should strive to

achieve. Second, they help define the actual items or product considered acceptable for

displaying those aspirations (Lars Perner, 1999-2000).


Among the reference group, the people who exert influence on others because of special

skills, knowledge, personality and other characteristics are known to be opinion leaders (Kotler

et al. 2008 pg 245). Opinion leaders are typically self-indulgent who often like to try exploring a

new product. Opinion leaders could be celebrities, sport figures or civic leaders and their

influence on people depends upon their credibility, popularity, attractiveness and familiarity.

Reference group also influence people to which they don’t belong. Aspirational group is one of

the reference groups. It is the group which an individual wishes to belong (Kotler et al. 2008 pg.

288). Aspirational group comprise idealized people such as athletes, performers or successful

business people (Solomon et al. 2006 pg. 325). The effectiveness of celebrity endorsements with

perceived greatness people associate with their idols and the willingness and desire to become

like their idols (Cant et al. 2010).

There are three kinds of forms of reference group which are informational influence,

utilitarian influence and value-expressive influence. Informational influence is a person seeks

information regarding various brands from an association of professionals or independent group

of expert. In utilitarian influence whereas the decision of an individual to purchase is particular

brand is influenced by the preferences of the people with whom he or she has social interactions.

Value-expression influence is the individual feels the purchase of a particular brand increases his

or her image on others.


Social class is the division of members of a society into a hierarchy of distinct status

classes, so that members of each class have relatively the same status and members of all other

classes have either more or less status. Social class can be divided as following; upper class

(social elite, leaders in business), upper middle class (professionals and business people), middle

class middle class (white-collar workers and small business owners), working class (blue-collar

workers) and lower class (unskilled, poorly educated and socially disadvantaged) (Max Weber,

1947). Social class often considered more important than income in affecting buying behavior

(Slocum and Mathews, 1970). Different products and stores are perceived by consumers to be

appropriate for certain social classes (Munson and Spivey, 1981).

Based on the advertisement, the people who come from a lower class seen the

smartphone as the luxury product and they will spend money more carefully on the products as

well. Thus, they will consider that decision again and again to buy and use product that are

advertised in order to fulfill their satisfaction and there would no regretless exist. Culture and sub-culture

Culture and subculture are important factors on consumer buying behavior. Culture is the

essential determinant of people’s wants and behavior which is through the family and other

institutions that being influenced by beliefs, knowledge, work, language and art. Culture is the

complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other

capabilities and habits by man as a member of society (E.B Taylor 1871:1). Culture can be


considered as a lifestyle and passed on from one generation to the next generation. Thus, the

marketers have to attend to cultural values in each different area in order to market their product.

Subcultures involve the nationalities, religions, racial, and geographic regions which are provide

more specific identification and socialization for their members. When the subcultures grow

strong enough, there often have opportunities for new and specialized products to serve them. In

buying the smartphone, usually in subcultures age is more likely sit at the Generation Z. A

consumer of course may refer to the Gen Z which is highly “connected”, having had lifelong

exposure to and use of communication and media technology. They seems like have more

knowledge about the smartphone technology since they live in modern era telecommunication.

2.2.4 Purchase decision

Once the information search and evaluation process is over, the consumer will going to

the next stage which is purchase decision. This stage is considered to be the most important stage

throughout the whole process. The consumer will makes the decision to make the final purchase

based on stage one, two and three in decision making process. Purchased further can be

classified into three different types which are planned purchase, partially purchase and impulse

purchase (Kacen, 2002). This purchase decision stage is the process as when a customer makes

up his or her mind on what product his or her wishes to purchase, ultimately this is the end of

goal (Belch and Belch, 2009).

In term of smartphone, consumer makes their purchase decision by analyzing the newly

introduced smartphone in the market. The consumer prefers new models because of the new


technology and new features. For the consumer who is loyal to the brand will always goes back

to the brand as it satisfied his or her demand.

2.2.5 Post-purchase behavior

In the final stage of the consumer decision making process is post purchase stage. This

stage can be the most important as it directly affects the future decision making process by the

consumer for the same product. Therefore, this stage reflects the consumer’s experience of

purchasing a product. The opinion of peers, friends and family regarding the purchases made is

the most important factors affecting the outcome of post-purchase behavior (Perry and Spillecke,

2011). According to whom peer opinions regarding product evaluations tend to impact customer

level of satisfaction regardless of their level of objectivity (Trehan and Trehan 2011).

The consumer may get satisfaction or dissatisfaction depending on the evaluation of the

purchase and comparison of their own expectations. The outcome forms the experience of the

customer and the experience is believed to have a direct impact on the next decision to purchase

the same product from the same seller (Brink and Berndt, 2009). Post-purchase behavior is the

process where the customer looks to evaluate if the performance exceeds expectation, the

consumer will be satisfied, whereas if the performance below expectation, consumer may

experience dissatisfaction and if the performance is on par with the expectation of the user, then

the user may be satisfied with the product purchased (Belch and Belch, 2009). In case of the

smartphone, after the consumer buying, use it and analyses its function if the product satisfying

their demand or not. Consumers also rate the smartphone on the website and post their comment


about their experience using the product. If the result is positive then they would influence the

other consumer to buy the product.


Advertisement is an undirectional and paid form of communication that is used to

disseminate the product or services information, (Wells, et al. 2007). A message is the thought,

idea, attitude, image, or other information that the sender wishes to convey to the intended

audience, and it can be verbal or non-verbal or a combination of the two. The primary focus of

advertisement is to enhance the business profitability therefore companies ignore many social

aspects while designing an advertisement campaign. In contemporary marketing practices,

Advertisement means to create a need of the product in the mind of the consumers to influence

its mind in a way that he feels thrust for that product weather he really needs that product or not

(Singh, 1998).

The message structure and presentation in the oppo R5 advertisement include images

and text. Based on the advertisement above we can see Oppo Smartphone design the persuasive

message through the images and texts. From the advertisement we can see message depict

images of the young people about the size of oppo that is thin which is 4.85 mm. the images on

this advertisement shows that the oppo smartphone cut the shirt of the women, cut the jeans and

cut the hair until show one straight line in the head. This is to show that the oppo smartphone is

thin. The Oppo R5 boasts the title of thinnest smartphone on the market. Oppo took a wise action

by introducing Oppo R5 smartphone that thin which is young person nowadays is more likely to

use thin smartphone that easy to use and easy to bring anywhere. Suitable with this Oppo R5

smartphone theme that is “out of ordinary” and “fits perfectly”. The text on the advertisements

comes with own meaning to describe this Oppo R5 smartphone. The image and text will make

the advertisements easy to customers to understand and entertain the viewers because the images

and text will attract the customer to see and read what the advertisement show about the product.

The message appeals on this advertisement include sex appeals. The advertisement show

that young woman wearing shirt and skirt which is the Oppo R5 smartphone cut the shirt and

show the sexiest of that woman which is can see the legs of the woman. The sexual appeals on

the advertisement can attract the viewers to focus on the advertisement because the aspect of

nudity in the advertisement are more likely to attract the viewer. Often, sexual advertising

appeals detract consumers from the message content and tend to interfere with message

comprehension, particularly when there is substantial information to be processed. Because the

visual sexual elements in an ad are more likely to be processed than the ad’s verbal content.

Oppo smartphone that cut the shirt is to show that the oppo smartphone is very thin. This is one

of marketing strategy to attract the potential customer to see the advertisement and focus on the

message that want to deliver. The message to understand is the oppo smartphone is very thin

than others smartphone.

Secondly is emotional versus rational appeals. In the advertisement we can see that

emotional appeals that attempt the stir up positive emotions that can motivate the consumers to

buy the product. The advertisement is showing about the benefits and convenience of use this

product. The consumers will be motivated to purchase this product because of the positive

elements of the product that will give convenience to the consumers.


The effectiveness of the Oppo R5 Smartphone advertisement can be seen in the aspect of

the information of the product itself. In my opinion, the advertisement is not effective because

the advertisement not fully stated the information that customer need in the Smartphone. The

advertisement must be fully stated about the real function or main function of the Smartphone.

The advertisement must provide the information about what is actually customers want in the

Smartphone. The information about the product in the advertisement such as the thinnest of the

phone which is 4.85 mm and the fastest technology charging in the world. This information are

not the main functions of the Smartphone. This information only describe about the specification

of the Oppo R5 Smartphone. According to the consumer decision making process, the criteria

that the customer will consider in the process to purchase is the item purchased, the brand

purchased, the amount (quantity) purchased, colour, product specification, method of payment,

location of purchased, date of purchased and time of purchased. The advertisement also must be

input the information about the real purpose of the Smartphone. For example, for socializing, to

surf the web, the ability to surf internet in fast, the camera of the Smartphone, and so on. So, if

we see in the advertisement, the advertisement is not effective because there have not much

information about the Smartphone. So, customer will not be able to make a decision to buy the

Oppo R5 Smartphone. In addition the advertisement also show that the Oppo R5 Smartphone cut

the jeans of the person in the advertisement. This is not relevant because the consumer must be

provided with facts of the product than the unclear one.

In overall, based on Mike T Bendixen (1993), the careful advertiser will attempt to

measure the extent to which a particular advertising campaign achieves communication

objectives, and measurement usually takes the form of either qualitative or quantitative

marketing research. The earlier stages of communication are assessed via intermediary variables.


In the case of Oppo R5 Smartphone advertisement, the stage involved is in comprehension stage

which the variable is interpretation of message, difficulty in understanding, and perceived image.

The interpretation of message and perceived image on this advertisement are not logically

accepted. This is because in this advertisement we can see that the Oppo R5 Smartphone can cut

the jeans and hair of the person. So, the advertisement seems cannot be accepted because it is out

of facts and not logic advertisement for smartphone.


The effectiveness of advertising can be measured by the extent, it to which it achieves the

objectives set for it. If it success in attaining the objectives, advertising can be said to be

effective otherwise it will be waste of money and time. In this sense, advertising can be

recognized as business activity like other activity. Each advertisement is a specific

communication that must be effective not just for one customer but for many target. As a

consumer we can notice advertising is intricately connected with the principle of consumption if

we analyse the advertising campaign and techniques. Advertising power is really strong because

consumer can be easily influence, especially when the advertisement said the product or service

is good for them. Based on (Bauer 2005) the consumers’ perceive value on the extent to which

the advert meets their needs and use this to decide whether to accept an advert or not.

There are several ways that can be done to improve the advertisement. The first way put

the information during the ads about the function of smartphone. As a customer, advertising

is a source to find a product. Therefore, company must demonstrate a real information about the


advertised product that is about the functions and advantages of the smartphone they're

advertising. Smartphone is a product that serves as a telecommunication device that is included

in addition to improved technology such as sophisticated camera. Therefore marketers must

reveal the actual function to the customer what is R5 smartphone. Based ads provided it’s not

display to the customer the actual information on the functions of the smartphone, but only a few

provide information such as thickness and durability smartphone. For customer, that information

is little of importance because if their find the smartphone, the sophistication of a smartphone is

more important. Since the target customers for smartphone are young people, they are more

inclined towards further sophistication is smartphone. Therefore, if the ads must display the

information required by the customer, they can appeal to them to see these ads and wait to buy

the smartphone.

The second way is show off the advantages of smartphone. Advertising plays an

important role to attract the interests of customer. Customer will find the information and make

opinions about the products they want. Based on display advertising, the ads more focused on

common information but do not emphasize the sophistication of the technology available on the

smartphone. As consumers, they want something different than usual. For example, users want to

see a different function compared with smartphone in the market.

The third way is insert reference groups such as family. In the decision-making process

purchases made by customers, the reference group is an important aspect when they want to

purchase. Mostly the target customer of smartphone is for young people where their decisions

depend on the reference group actually from their family. Based on the ads, they do not insert

reference group like a family. To add more effectiveness this advertising, the marketers must


know the reference group for the target customers of their products. When the marketers insert

reference group elements in the ad such as young people who want to buy a smartphone family-

driven ad will be visible reality in the eyes of customers.

The third way is the ad must be relevant. Based on the ads is not relevant. This is due,

Smartphone cut jeans is not logical in the eyes of customers even the marketers real purpose is to

inform about the thinness, but the way it is irrelevant. Therefore, to ensure that they are effective

they must be relevant to show a reality and can be accepted by the customer.

The last way is create the contrast and emphasis in the ads. Contrast means variety. It

gives life to the whole composition and adds emphasis to selected important elements. An

advertiser always looks to advertisement from completion point of view and desire the policy of

the most important elements to attract the attention of the people. An advertisement with good

contrast may attract the attention of the customer. Contrast maybe visible in a number of ways. It

may witnessed through sizes, shapes and colour. Therefore, different colours, size and shapes of

element in advertisement it can add contrast. The varying directions, of design elements such as

vertical trees add contrast; too there must be sales communication purpose behind every layout

decision made.



Since advertising in mass media is really important as a marketing tools for a business to

deliver their product, but it is certainly not the most ethical one. The advertising images it

projects, really can affect the consumer thinking and that is the main reason why does advertising

has become under attack from various section of society. As a consumer we can notice

advertising is intricately connected with the principle of consumption if we analyse the

advertising campaign and techniques. Advertising power is really strong because consumer can

be easily influence, especially when the advertisement said the product or service is good for


Based on advertising that we choose, the advertising is not effective. It is because, the

advertising do not show what the consumer need to know when their wants to buy a product. For

example, the advertisement does not full of information that consumer. So to make it effective,

the advertisement should be put more information about the smartphone such as the camera,

sound and that suitable to be in. By doing this, of course the consumer will be attracted with the

advertisement as well as the product.



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Oppo Smartphone R5


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