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social and human science

*Sociology = Social sciences*  began in 19/20th centry

The main concerns of social sciences

Society Culture human being

*The aim of social Sciences is to make the world a better place

*To make it better place : -Understand all aspect of society

-Identify the problems

-Find solutions

Refer : - Social relationships

- Social interaction

History : Historical past events, to know about the origins and the
identity of society.

Geography: Study of the location and environment of the society.

Political science : Study of prosses and principles of government to

determine leaders and systems to rule the society.

Psychology : Study human mind in relation to its social environment.

Sociology : Study about the social behavior.

Economies: To know how Society deals With mind.

The definition of Social science : accourding to the Oxford dictionary :
it is the scientific study of human society and social relationship.

Accourding to merriam webster dictionary : It is a branche of science

that deals with the institutions and functionality of the human
society and with the inderpersonal relationships of individuals as
member of society

*The common Definition* : Social science is a systematic Study to

understand the nature of people and society ;what does it mean to
be human; what defines a person, his historical background, his
environment in addition to the discriptionof his personality and
behavior, how humanacts with other people from hissociety how this
connection of people can be ruled and governed by political leaders
to establish political stability.

Characteristics of science

1 consistency: the same experiment gives same result

2 observability: human senses and technology

3 natural : logical ways not supernatural

4predictability : hypotheses

5 testability : test

6 tentativeness : checking theories

Natural science : it deals with
1st-life science: deals with organic and inorganic stuff
2nd-physical science: it dealswith chelistry,
astronomy, physics, earth
*natural science is a branch of science concern with
the description, prediction and understanding
natural phenomenon.
It is based on observational and empirical evidence
It is devided into life science and physical science

:^) to be continue

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