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Creation ... the "Real" Story?

by: Richard Davis

et's go back to the beginning of human time here on this planet, a good spot to begin
our journey of understanding. See yourself as a perfect being, creating your own perfect
world. Imagine what you would do, what you will have and what you will leave out of this
world? The Ultimate God like serenity, peace, no fears. There is nothing to fear. All is
your creation. Enjoy creating this Eden!

You are Eve, creating everything -- perfection! Serenity at all times. Every day seems like
bliss! Whatever you want you instantly have. You have learned to create at will. Yet, you
start to have a feeling that something is missing and you cannot figure it out.

Now God, knowing how his creations have turned out before, decides to have a little fun.
Into your world comes Adam, also a perfect being seeking to create his own perfection, his
serenity. Can two perfect beings, equal creators, share the same space
harmoniously at all times? Is the entire Universe large enough for two perfect
beings? Each being is unique and has their own boundaries they have set up in creating
their own perfection. Their perfection is defined as having what they are completely
comfortable with at all times.

The world gets split in two with each safe within their own boundaries, the challenges of
setting those boundaries! Amazing how duality works. The problems arise where the
boundaries touch each other. One is creating a tundra when the other wants a tropical rain
forest. One likes more sunlight the other clouds. Each creates what they want ... to a point.
They are each stopped by the other!

Eve asks God, How can I create the world I want, PERFECTION, when someone equal to
me is here also?
Ah! Said God. A great Question! That's what you are here to learn for me and bring back to
me. You can impose your will ... if you can, or allow Adam to impose his. Then one will
dominate the other. To keep things in balance I will occasionally have the rolls reversed! Of
course you can also come to some sort of agreement on everything.

If you can find the strength of will, you can CO-Create! The most powerful force in this
creation is when the dualities come together! Your energies in opposition will destroy.

Eve said emotionally: Now, after creating my "Perfect World," I have to choose and in all
such choices I loose part of what I had! That's not fair.
God said: Did you not read the fine print of your agreement? The part where you can
create your perfection? It said that others would be allowed to do so also. There is no
"problem" here, ALL is perfection!
God asks: What did you gain?
Eve replies: Well I enjoy being loved by another being, it does have its advantages. It fills
an emptiness within that I was feeling before Adam came along. Another "other" side of this
for me is that I used to be in serenity and now my emotions keep changing and I have fears
where I once had peace and now even my "perfect" shape is leaving me! My belly is getting
bigger! What is happening to me?

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God said: You were in the illusion of serenity. It is a wonderful state to be strived for yet is
never fully obtainable until you can be at peace with yourself and allow others their space
and beliefs. Until then, let's call them "challenges," will be brought to you to learn from until
you are complete here and ready to come home.
Eve said: I'm ready!!!!! I want to go home!
God replied: The journey for you has just started.... Don't be too stuck on things here! It is
all illusions and remember, if you get too serious here it will create reincarnation. But that a
whole other story about seriousness and laughter to go over with you!
Eve: You have my head spinning. Let's go back a few steps. What do you mean by others?
There is only me and Adam and he does not have a clue as to what is happening!

Do you really believe that? God said. We also have nice chats! At that point Eve felt a
pain in her stomach and asked God, "What is that new feeling?"
God said: Funny you should ask that at this time! That is one of the “others” I was
referring to. More perfection!... Welcome to your new world! (Yes, God has a sense of
humor! We are its result!!!) Prepare for a lot of changes and sharing your space with not
one but countless other "perfect beings." Each creating their own perfection. Some by
sharing, some by imposing, some being dominated ... all to learn about perfection!
God continues: My greatest gift to you is other "perfect" beings. You will see flaws appear
in them as if by magic! In fact it is very magical! You never had to look at yourself! My gift
to you is that mirror to see yourself in, Adam!
Oh NO!!!!!! Eve cried! And swear words were invented! .... Lots of them! (Some of them
are the same as when God had this talk with Adam!!!! Universal consciousness at work!)
And God said, I have even more information for you! After Eve recovers from fainting, God
continues... When I created you there was a split off of energy that must be reintegrated
with you. It is part of getting back to one with me and past all the illusions here. It will also
be your biggest challenge you will face and that is...... Adam!
With that, Eve screamed and slammed her foot, creating the first ... correction ... the
second, Pole shift! And the world has not been the same since! Care to shift back into
oneness, seeing past all the illusions? Or does "Shift" just happen?

If you would like to create a "shift" in your life, let the journey begin!

Unconditional Love
This term is often used in healing work. Like many things it means different things to
different people. To some it means accept me as I am. To others it is feeling their heart go
out to another. However it is defined, it tends to last only a little while.

In my healing work I looked closely into what it means to me. I share that with you here.

It is the holding within and the sending out of love, unchanged by what others do or do not
do. It is respect for all others. It is understanding that choices and consequences of others
peoples actions are their own and based on their own patterns, not yours. The love places
no preconceptions no conditions -- unchanging.

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Unconditional Love is a key that unlocks the doors to healing work and spiritual growth. It is
about leaving the Ego, fears, judgments, wants and needs behind and allowing God to do
the work unchanged by our own desires for the outcome. To understand it, lets start with
what it is not.

Love starts out as unconditional, until we place conditions and narrow it down. Letting our
Love flow, only if ...

"Tough" Love may not be love at all but an expression of the need for that person to control and to
blame others for their own "fears."

"True" Love implies that a false love exists. Each is conditional and the conditions change based on
who is interpreting them and other events.

"Eternal" Love Love, without conditions, exists eternally. It is our ways of embracing Love that

"Unrequited" love The Love you send out to someone and is not returned to you. What is the need to
have their love in return?

"Puppy" or Young Love. A form of love that has not experienced life's heartaches and pains.
Experiencing something new and wonderful.

Any adjective placed with Love limits Love to meeting that condition. What does love mean to you? What
conditions do you require to be met to be considered loving you or your loving someone else? If you do
this and that, now this, then I will Love you?

Unconditional love is the Love our Guardian Angels and God has for us. They send their love without
conditions. They know that everything we do is by our choice. They do not blame us for they know we are
here to learn, and we learn by experiencing. Nothing that we do will adversely affect them. They see the
greater reality. If we chose to relive things that do not help our growth that is our choice. A choice that
does not affect the love they send us.

Unconditional Love has some wonderful and unique aspects. It cannot be possessed, trying to hold it
removes it. You can send it freely anywhere at anytime. The more you send, the more your ability to send
increases. It is there for the asking anytime you are fully willing to open your heart.

You may have received unconditional love when, as a baby, nothing was expected of you and Love was
sent and received. Nothing you could do would change that at that time. As you grew the love changed as
perceptions of the people around you changed.

Does seeing a helpless infant bring a smile to your face and warmth in your heart?

This work is about re-experiencing Unconditional Love and connecting to God in that space from which
everything is possible. Calling in Unconditional Love is a crutch. A wonderful one to help us through
change. Yet it does not last. Our boundaries, fears, judgments and punishments push it away. Until we
can remove those boundaries, fears, judgments and punishments from us, Unconditional Love can never
stay. It is a wonderful gift for the moment. Any moment we choose.

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Creating Your Reality!
Choice and Free Will means
Choice and Free Will are two terms that are commonly used. They seem to be well
understood. What is often overlooked is the effects of the choices on us - They create all of
our reality! There is always an effect for everything we say, do or think.

Every thought we have and choice we make is an Act of Creation. You are constantly
creating the reality you live in. One of the "Laws" of Physics is, for every action there is an
equal and opposite reaction ... the effect or consequences of one's choices. What you put
out to the universe comes back to you. If we do not face the consequences for our actions,
the energy of that gets stuck within us creating patterns we do not need, that block our

What are your thoughts that you are putting out to the universe? That you will have the
universe return to you? This is a basic Law of Karma.

How does the world treat you?

How you treat others is how the universe normally will treat you! Since all is free will, how
people respond to you is their choice.

Do we truly have free will?

That is an interesting question. We do not know if what we do not know would affect our
choices until after we make them. If I had already known.... Ouch! With more information
would we change what we chose and when even more is learned will we again change?

Actually that is how we grow, lean and make different choices!

Our past choices have created who we are now.

All problems that manifest in our lives, physical and non physical, are the result of the
energy we fill ourselves with ...These have been our choices, nobody’s but ours. These
choices affect us from four different directions.

1. Our current life. (Core Beliefs)

2. Our past lives. (History Beliefs)
3. Our ancestors lives. (Genetic Beliefs)
4. Our soul. (Soul Beliefs)

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Beliefs are like computer programs. When a program is running, it leads to a

preprogrammed act by the computer or whatever the computer is controlling. Beliefs also
filter and distort the way we view things in our reality. Each person's reality is different and
is based on the lessons they are learning at that time or they are stuck in. When we change
our beliefs we change ourselves.


Beliefs create boundaries and boundaries are triggers for out reactions. Let's say one of
your beliefs is that you Love someone. They give you a gift. Your reaction is a great feeling
... love flowing. It triggers your actions. A hug, a kiss and more ... wonderful programs to
be running!

Now let's say you are "indifferent" to a person and they give you a gift. The same gift as the
other person gave you. You might give them a handshake and a thank you and a mental
note that on their birthday you will give them something nice. The reaction was completely
different. It is based on your filters. Your boundaries, your programs.

Now, you get the same gift from someone you do not like. Boundaries are again crossed
and you react differently. You strain to say "Thank You." Your mind is wondering "What do
they want?" "I do not want to owe this person something in return." Your thoughts are
looking for something "wrong" in the gift. There is a small crack .. why did he give me a
damaged gift? He probably got the gift for free because of it... that is how much he really
thinks of me!

Same Gift, same intent by the person giving it, different perceptions of it based on your
filters! Completely different realities created by you!

This shows the difference between being "Heart Centered" and "Fear Centered" It did not
matter what the person did in the third situation. They were automatically wrong and you
“needed” to react accordingly. It reconfirmed your judgment about that person.

Fear Based Patterns

Fears were created to protect us from harm. To help us survive. As we grow, we also
outgrow the need for those fears. If we do not release them they stop us from growing. We
have both instinctive fears and reactions and self created ones.

What is fear? The oldest definition of fear is “to pass through." Fears relate to things that
you do not want to do. You think … If you do something you will get hurt, people will judge
you, it is not safe to do, I do not have the abilities. From those fears you place your
boundaries so you will not have to face your fears. And when those boundaries are crossed
you react to protect yourself from you fears. Winston Churchill summed it up beautifully ...
"There is nothing to fear but fear itself"

These fear based patterns affect the body and that energy gets locked into the body. This
energy can be stored in the DNA, it can be in the cells, it can be locked into the intercellular
fluids. It can be held anywhere within us and the effects can show up in many ways.

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This energy then interferes with the flow of other energy. Fear, when triggered, can bring
about extreme bio-chemical responses within the Physical body. This is one of the ways our
patterns cause illness and disease. They weaken the body and over stimulate it. This is all
energy we have created and we can also remove! This is what energy healing does on many

Slow Energy.

I refer to the energy that is stuck and causing problems within you as "Slow Energy." It
slows down your growth and the functions of your body (the moving of energy in all forms
within your body) In my healing work this term will be used.


This Is your conscious choice to change your patterns, the programs that control your life.
Patterns are energy they can be beneficial or not beneficial (perspective...). You can
outgrow your protective patterns, that is a part of expanding who you are. A pattern of "it is
not safe to cross the street" because of acquired knowledge becomes "it is safe to cross the

You can change any pattern/program within you. They can be removed, modified, or
removed and replaced. It can be rendered non functioning and remembered. This must be
done by choice conscious or subconscious creating change within yourself. Any pattern
removed can be reestablished by your actions and the effects in the body can return over

Each pattern is one or more lessons that need to be learned and, as a common expression
goes, “you can learn the hard way, or the easy way.” It is about choice and
responsibility. Growth is knowledge. Let’s look an “easy” way.

Working with these programs/beliefs is a major focus of many healing modalities.

Who are the Indigo Children

Does your child act like a king or has difficulty with being told
what to do? Is your job as a parent or teacher challenging, more
than most? Yes? Then read on. You may be in the company of an
Indigo child.

There are children who do not seem to fit the school systems
structure and some are labeled with ADD/ADHD when in fact they
may simply have within themselves special gifts and needs which are not being recognized
and addressed. Some refer to these children as the New Children.

These children have also been referred to as Indigo Children. Nancy Ann Tappe, PhD,
counselor and metaphysician first coined the term Indigo Children in her book
Understanding Your life Through Color.

Why the term Indigo? The indigo color is a mixture of Red and Blue. It is the Ray of the
Aquarian Age, the soul color. It represents self-mastery, inspiration and integration. It is the
most powerful ray in the whole spectrum.

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Indigo is associated with the pineal gland, the master gland for intuition according to Renee
Brodie in The Healing Tones of Crystal Bowls. When one stimulates the pineal gland, ones
gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience develop further. That is why the
Indigo children are so aware of and sensitive to their environments.

In 1999, the first book about these children was written by Lee Carroll & Jan Tober, entitled
The Indigo Children The New Kids Have Arrived. Lee & Jan are self-help lecturers and
authors. They used their international base of contacts to collect reports & comments by
accredited childrens workers, teachers, Ph.D.s, M.D.s and authors all over the country.

In human history, we have evolved from the agricultural age to the information age as we
access a global wealth of information through the Internet. Changes are happening quite
rapidly. Educators and writers such as Barbara Ann Brennan speak of our progressing into
Homo Spiritus, the next stage of our evolution.

How do Indigo children fit in? Indigo Children are being sent as our helpers to awaken us to
our spiritual potential.

They are a manifestation of humanity's evolution according to Ryan Maluski Malagara, an

adult Indigo who utilizes energy healing to work with these children.

A child may display a few or many of the following characteristics:

1. Acts like royalty.

2. Has a feeling of deserving to be here, and are surprised when others don't share that.
3. Has an obvious sense of self. They often tell parents who they are.
4. Has difficulty with absolute authority.
5. Simply will not do certain things they are told to do.
6. Gets frustrated with systems that are ritual-oriented requiring little creativity.
7. Often sees better ways of doing things both at home and at school, which makes them
seem like system busters.
8. Often exhibit knowledge or wisdom way beyond their immediate experiences of the
current life and their chronological age.
9. Seems antisocial unless they are with other Indigos. School is extremely difficult for them
10. Will not respond to guilt discipline
11. Is not shy in letting you know what they need.
12. Gets bored rather easily with assigned tasks. Seen as a daydreamer.
13. Is particularly creative.
14. Displays intuition.
15. Shows strong empathy to others.
16. Develops abstract thinking very early.
17. Identified or suspected as having ADD/ADHD.
18. Has very old, deep, wise-looking eyes.
19. Demonstrates self-esteem issues

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Others describe the children's gifts on three levels:

1) Super-intelligent: The child's IQ is oftentimes found in the genius range. They are
easily bored with the educational system as they learn at a faster rate or just may
not be interested in a subject. Many educators and doctors misunderstand and
classify them as having ADD/ADHD.

2) Super-immune: Some have developed immunity to many diseases including


3) Super-psychic: The gifts range from telepathy to moving objects simply by using
their mind. These children may be frightening to parents because of their ability to
see beyond the third dimensional reality. They may be able to see angels and
communicate with their guides and are misdiagnosed by the psychiatric community
and given drugs to suppress a natural ability.

We are currently using up to 15% of our brain capacity. Much of the energetic pathways
are laying untapped, dormant if you will. For Indigo Children, many of these energetic
pathways and doorways are open and are being utilized.

Each stage of development has a set of special needs and skills pertaining to parents
and their children. The goal is to raise the child's vibration/ frequency for an easier
adaptation making them feel like they belong here.

Ways to help Indigo Children include:

1. Grounding techniques through meaningful and creative rituals, visualizations, by

spending time in nature and by bringing nature into your home.

2. Allowing quiet, free time is essential for their mental well-being.

3. Loving Discipline is vital for Indigos. Give the child choices with an explanation of the

4. Educating your child at home or finding a school open to allowing the child to learn
through his own gifts, using their whole brain.

5. Treating nutritional deficiencies and eating wholesome foods.

6. Healing the parent leads to healing the child. Unhealthy relationships places other
strains on the family unit.

7. Parents who use a holistic approach are better equipped to handle these children.

8. Learning how the child's body, mind and spirit functions.

9. Trust your intuition as there are so many modalities available as each child is unique,
has strong and tenacious desires, needs and tastes. The ultimate goal for any of
these modalities entails bringing balance to the child's and family's daily life.

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10. Natural remedies work best and include herbs, energy therapies as Indigos are
extremely sensitive to energy. They pick up on the energy of others and their
environment and take it as their own. They have a hard time knowing the difference
between their energy and somebody else's. Reiki energy healing, Holographic sound
healing & Feng Shui are ancient arts to bring about balance to the body and the

11. Flood them with love, patience, and harmony and they will blossom endlessly.

Jocelyne Lebowitz is an Advanced Practice RN, Energy Healer and Feng Shui
consultant. She is raising two Indigo children.

Richard Davis has practiced as a CPA & financial consultant and is a health
researcher and a practitioner of a number of energy healing modalities.

They are both Indigos and are trained as Reiki Masters, Holographic Sound healers,
Consegrety therapists, Theta Healing practitioners and metaphysical teachers. They
hold workshops on Indigo Children as well as teach a number of healing modalities to
assist the Indigos and those who care for them. Parents, teachers, healers,
counselors and other professionals have benefited from attending their workshops.

Healing Blocks
Fears, Boundaries and Healing
We all have many blocks to healing. I asked these questions as my journey

What blocks healing?

Where did they come from?

Why do we have them?

How can they be removed?

What anchored them in us?

How do we prevent them from coming back?

Why am I sick or have this disease? ... "What blocks our healing" is asking that question in
a different way.

If healing were not blocked, disease could not take strong hold in the body! The body is a
wonderfully complex, continually self repairing and self protecting energy construction.

Yet, energies do not always flow as designed in our original divine blueprint. A stronger
change in the energy is needed to remove illness than is needed to prevent it.

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Everything is energy. Energy can fit our classifications that range from drugs, thoughts,
environment to miracles and everything in between them! All energies affect each other and
the strongest energy for positive change is our thoughts and beliefs.

What stops healing from happening?

Fears & Boundaries are major blocks to healing and a major cause of illness. They
are part of our personal belief system. Fears are a result of things happening in our past.
That past includes our ancestors and our past lives. They also occur on our soul level. They
are locked in our bodies and our DNA. They are program that are constantly running.

We all have many fears. They were created to keep us within a "safe" space. The fears we
have create boundaries to our growth and to our healing. While they prevent things
from affecting us, they also prevent us from growing in certain directions. They are strong
energies that trigger responses that change the body chemistry (energy patterns). These
can adversely affect all our cells and the systems they are part of! The changes go all the
way down to the DNA energies within each cell.

Fears trigger the "flight or fight response" This has been well studied and documented
and affect every system and cell in the body. The effects on the body can be devastating
and can show up anywhere as a result of the energy changes. Sugars being pumped into
the bloodstream, insulin, hormones, blood moving more to the central core and many more
cascading effects. All these responses are triggered automatically by fears. Fears put the
body on fast forward getting ready for something that may not happen. It is actually
healthier for the body to use up that energy than to hold it in and not show the fears! Better
yet is to remove the causes of the fears and boundaries that trigger those preprogrammed
responses. While expressing anger or other reactions to fear may be healthier for you. Be
careful how you do that. It may adversely affect those around you and cause many other
problems for you!

What triggers your fears? Sit quietly and sense your body. Think back to the last time
you got angry or said "NO!" and really felt it throughout your body. You are feeling the
energy of that fear! Relive that energy experience again to understand it. What is it doing to
your body? Was that response truly serving you? Where did that spring from? Are you
feeling that energy in a part of the body you have a problem with?

Thoughts are the most powerful energy there is. They create your reality and all the
changes you go through. They occur on the conscious and many subconscious levels.

Every thought that we have and action that we take affects us. Over 95% of all the
thoughts we have are the same as before. Each reinforcing one or more patterns we
are stuck in. Programs that are running and controlling our bodies.

Fears are meant to protect us. Yet, is that protection always needed? Are we actually safe?
The result of holding onto fears is usually far worst than what is feared. Can the fears be
safely removed? Are they an illusion we are stuck in? Fears also filter how we perceive and
create the reality we are in. The energy of fear brings the things we fear most to us.
You carry that energy like a lighthouse for the world to see.

The effect on you is the same as wearing a sign on your back that says: KICK ME! Why do
we constantly attract the same type of people to our life?

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We fear many things; being hurt, the unknown, to do something for the first time, the
safety of our children, dying. The list can include anything that exists or that can be

What can we do to remove those fears and stop the cascade of effects they have
on our bodies?

1) The oldest definition of FEAR is "to pass through." We can pass though our fears and
experience something and find out the fears were not needed. We often find that the
fears were preventing us from having wonderful experiences and stopped our
growth. Whole new worlds open to us!

2) We can remove those fears and replace them with something else. Like a computer
program the fear programs can be replaced with new programs.

3) We can also change our response to fears. These are strong programs just like the
fears! Do you fill with anger or rage when in fear? Do you automatically attack in
response? Do you close your mind? Are others always wrong when you are in fear?
To protect yourself are you always looking for things that are wrong to keep from
experiencing things in your life?

Responses to fears are deeply programmed in us and can be greatly different from person
to person. When a new fear comes up we automatically set up a boundary. We draw
a line in the sand that is not to be crossed. If it is crossed then "Look out!" the reaction is
automatically triggered. What will that reaction be? Will your new fear pick up your
"standard" reaction?

Not only fears can be changed. Just imagine how strong a change in your life you can create
if you change the patterns of your reactions.

Fears are also lessons to be learned. It is our choice at all times to either learn the
lesson or be stuck.

The hard part for us is seeing the cause of our fears and releasing them. Erasing those
programs and creating new ones.

Many healing modalities work on our fears and our fears affect the ability of the modalities
to help us.

I bring many tools to assist you.

Are you ready to create the new you? The one you have always wanted to be?

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Perspective and Illusions
Reality is always changing. Everything is an experience and through those experiences we
change, expanding and contracting who we are. We each create our own world putting up
and breaking down barriers to others and to ourselves. We put our energy into creating the
world we exist in. How is that energy affecting us that we helped create? Fears create
boundaries, love removes them.

What do you believe at this moment in time and what do you wish to create? What have
you created?

How we view or judge something depends on our experiences and beliefs. Do we have a
need to judge and what comes from that judgment?

Everything we believe in, care for and fear is looked at differently by others.
Everything, no matter how high and good we perceive them, can be feared by others.

An example of this is a man named Jesus. Most people have strong opinions about him as
do the many religions that follow parts of his words. He has been called many things, Christ,
Prophet, Savior, Sananda, Traitor, Rebel, Son of God, Son of Man, Of Virgin Birth,
Conceived like anyone else, Died for our sins, died because his beliefs were more important
to him than what others say and more valuable than his life. Some believe that he was a
direct descendant of The House of David and therefore had kingly blood in him. That he
grew up in the Esscene community at Qumran. That he was the earthly product of those
teachings. He was the son of a poor carpenter. That he was founding a new
religion/remained a Jew. That he was celibate, that he enjoyed making love. That he was
married/never married. That he had no children, that he had children by one or more

He preached love and kindness. People and the religions/governments that they control
have fought many wars and killed millions of people in his name.… The opposite of what he
apparently taught and believed, all in his name!

Nothing is only Black and White. We fall prey to our own illusions, our fears. Is it the
journey that matters or the vast illusions on the way?

Choices -- what do you choose to believe about anything and why? Why do we create the
reality that we do?

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The Diamonds that we are.
We are all diamonds. Some may be “perceived” as a bit rougher, more “flawed,” brighter or
more polished than others. Diamonds, like us, are a carbon form, jewels that may need
polishing… Like that diamond, we have many facets to ourselves. So many that each person
will look at us differently for they can never see the full beauty of our diamond body and for
that matter we cannot see our own! We all have flaws, no one is perfect. No one can be,
perfection is the biggest illusion of them all. Even our ideal of perfection is constantly
changing and no two people will have the same view of it! Enjoy the good in all people for
they all have it as a part of them.

People seeking perfection will always be disappointed, both in themselves and

others. When someone is constantly looking for faults to correct they cannot take the time
to enjoy the wonders of life and the special people in it.

It does not matter who you are, Love is available when you allow it to flow. The brilliance of
a diamond comes from the light passing through and reflecting off of it. The light is not
created by the diamond. If you try to hold onto love it, like the light, gets away. If you let
love flow, you will never loose it.

If I do not love myself or others it is because I am focusing my energy (consciously and

unconsciously) on what is wrong with me instead of looking at the many good points and
working to expand them.

Expand all that is good and from love by removing the boundaries. The choices, as always,
are yours at anytime.

Healers' Dilemma
Healers are often presented with an ethical choice: you are asked to assist in the
healing of someone who has not given permission.

Many modalities give fixed rules and guidance on this issue. My belief is that I never should
"force" healing, yet there are limitless possibilities of allowing it to happen.

Modality guidance runs the full rainbow of possibilities between these two

1. Never without permission

2. You can send anytime.

Usually the position is somewhere in between. This can be from asking permission of
God, the persons "higher self," a parent for the child, checking for blocks to accepting
healing that the person may wish to remove. Then there is testing using Kinesiology to get
past the fears and egos to see if on that level they wish healing.

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Here is another method. We are not one uniform consciousness. We have within us many
conflicting beliefs. Each is a part of us, one of many "aspects" of who we are. If there were
not, it would be simple to make any choices. There would be no internal debate. Is there
anyone that does not go though questioning their own choices every day?

What is an "ASPECT?"
1 A position facing a particular direction

2 a (1) : appearance to the eye or mind (2) : a particular appearance of countenance :

MIEN b : a particular status or phase in which something appears or may be regarded
<studied every aspect of the question>

When we ask a person do they wish to be healed, we get back an answer that is often
based on one side of them, the fears and ego that are in control. Another part of them may
deeply want to be healed!

What can we do? For those used to asking questions of the higher self, God, guides,
Kinesiology ... ask if there is an aspect of the individual that wishes to be healed. If so, then
you have permission to send it though that aspect.

If you are not comfortable asking, you can always send Unconditional Love. You can
also send healing energy to any aspect of the person that will accept it. You do not need to
know what aspect(s) that is. Make the intent that it go to any aspect that accepts the
healing. If not accepted the energy can go to anyone else you chose or to heal the planet.
Often the people around the Sick person need healing and actually their energy my be
contributing to the problems.

If you are asking help from a healer for someone else and they say they cannot do
it because it is "not allowed" point out the other possibilities and help expand
their beliefs.

There are many definitions of Karma, some are simple and some complex. The information
fills many books. Yet the central point is simple: "What we put out to the universe
comes back to us." How does this affect us?

What we fear is drawn to us like a magnet. When those fears come up, how do we handle
them? With walls and boundaries? With attacks and strong reactions? Or, do we learn from
them and let them dissolve away, effortlessly? That the method that is so easy on us is by
far the hardest to do. To release the patterns requires changing ourselves. Looking at that
mirror into our very soul and creating a different reality.

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The way Karma affects us depends on our beliefs, which can range from holding
Unconditional Love and not blaming others, to believing that when people wrong you they
will get the same or worse back 10 times, 100 times or even a million fold! How we want
others to be treated is how the universe will treat us.

We can experience and learn and get past your fears. All fears present opportunities to
change. Change is a choice open to us at any time. Not changing is also a constant series of
choices we often find easier because change involves fears that must be overcome.

How do we clear "bad" Karma?

The process can be relatively easy or extremely difficult! It depends on our belief system,
the tools we use, and how strong the Karmic energy is on what we want to clear. Our
thoughts create the reality we experience and how that reality changes. Our belief systems
are in control!

Some believe that Karma can be easily changed. It is making the choice to change and
following up on it. Others believe that if we lead a good life, making all the right choices in
this life, that in our next life we will have less bad Karma. Why wait that long? Change our
beliefs now!

Karma is another way of looking at ourself, who we are and why we do certain things. It is
our belief system that is full of the energy of events and people as they have interacted with

Where does your Karma come from?

In this life, it is from our actions and thoughts. That new Karma energy usually builds upon
the Karma from our past lives, from our parents and other ancestors as well as our soul. It
focuses our life to learn lessons or withdraw from them.

How Does Karma Clear?

It is by changing our thoughts and actions. A process of clearing and creating a new

When we want to change and actually do, the Karma can clear and not rebuild. All
Karma that is cleared can be re-established by our thoughts, words and deeds.

Karma comes in what I call ropes, others view them as chains. The energies of many
people, thoughts and events are intertwined together like a rope on a particular issue or
idea. That "rope" may be thin as a thread or thick and strong like a steel cable. The people,
thoughts and events on one rope can affect many different Karmic ropes. The ropes are
linked together like a three dimensional web.

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Our core patterns affect us strongly because they have so many thoughts and events on
them tied into many more karmic patterns locking each other together.

Many healing modalities affect Karma on some levels. Each modality is also a belief system
heavily influenced by its creators' own boundaries. Only God has no boundaries. People
who are guided to bring in new healing information generally do so because they
are most in need of it in their lives. How wonderful that is!

Our beliefs greatly affects how our karma clears. If we presently believe that what others do
to us, we will get back 10 times. This is how the universe balances our actions, how we
treat others. Just imagine how by changing this simple belief to: They will get back the
exact the same as they treated us. Even better, how about using forgiveness and not
attacking back with our thoughts or actions and building no bad karma!

Selfish and Selfless

Definition of selfish: Webster's Dictionary: 1. Concerned only or primarily with oneself
without regards to others. Synonym: Self-centered, self-seeking

The opposite energy is "selfless"

Definition of Selfless: Concerned about others rather than oneself. Synonym: unselfish

Life is discovering and creating self. Who are we now? Who have we been? Who are
we becoming? There is a balance, a Yin and a Yang, as with all things. Discovering
yourself cannot be completed in a vacuum and this brings many opportunities to grow every
day our way. All opportunities present challenges to us and we can rise to meet them or
fear them and push them aside.

Life is strong interaction, learning from everyone we meet. The greatest

opportunities can come from how we choose to interact with others. The stronger the clash
the greater the lessons you can learn with that person. Learning is a choice, not learning is
another choice.

Strong interaction means that greater fears will be brought up for us to clear. It is
from our interactions, the fears they create and the choices we make, that we become stuck
in our patterns. We have the chance to break free of our patterns and allow the wonders of
the universe in.

There are two extremes in relationships, both personal and business. On one hand
you can put yourself first all the time. By definition you are "selfish." If someone is to have
a relationship with you, they must meet your needs. That is, they must become subservient
to you in some if not all ways. That is what you draw to yourself. If they are not subservient
they are pushed away. It is seldom that you can fully respect that person who fills your
needs because they do not have what you perceive as strength. Yet, in many ways they are
"stronger" than you presently are. It is their strengths that you need. An interesting

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A selfish person can use people and cast them aside. They took what they needed,
goodbye! That is also an illusion. Each person is an equal part of the whole. God, if you
want to place a name on it. There is not real separation from each other, only illusions and
boundaries. Each person shows us aspects of the whole that we are and do not see
in ourselves, yet it all exists in us.

There is an old saying. "There, but for the Grace of GOD," go I. All beings have aspects of
both "good" and "evil." It is the choices we make that tip the scale one way or the other at
any point in time.

Finding oneself is a never ending journey that we create minute by minute for
ourselves. It is the journey and it is how you treat yourself and others that is important, not
the goals. Every goal is an end and a beginning all in one. While the journey will last,
the goals never do. We can lose ourselves while focusing on goals. Can we find a balance
or have tunnel vision, so focused on goals that life and its wonders pass us by?

With the opposite extreme, you may put others above yourself. Are you giving away
your "Power" and control of your life? This also leads to very interesting and sometimes
hard lessons as we look for guidance through this life. A selfless person also uses people.
This is to fulfill their perceived "need" to help people.

We can overdo the "self-ish" part of this very easily as we are awakening. We can
equally overdo becoming "self-less" and forget to take care of self. Neither is
balance, yet they provide the lessons we need at the time. The question is: are we learning
the lessons or becoming stuck?

When one fears losing their "Power" to others they are pushed to the opposite extreme. We
are pushed by our fears, it is the "Force" that swings the pendulum from extreme to
extreme. True "Power" is not changed by force and can never be lost.

In the middle is balance. With any balancing, things happen to unbalance the situation.
The ride through life is much smoother here and change can come the quickest because
there are fewer fears that we have to overcome. When a balance is occurring, we tend to
become less open to change. This in itself changes the balance, setting that pendulum in
motion again.

The ability to work with people for mutual goals is strong in the semi and balanced state.
One way of "judging" your balance at anytime is your reaction to others you have
been able to work with in the past. Respecting other people's opinions as much as you
do your own is also in balance. Knowing that your way is not the only way, there are an
infinite number of ways. Each way presents different lessons and each person's lessons are
exactly what they need. What is the need to impose what you perceive as correct on others.

We have much to learn from everyone we meet. Our present patterns focuses the
course of our learning. There are also many things we are here to learn of which we are not
aware. These "hidden" lessons are to help us get us past our fears. To grow in directions we
had not consciously planned.

May your life be balanced between "self-ish" and "self-less," full of growth and
wonder without fears.

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Emotional Clearing
What triggers clearing? Many things do. Unfortunately for us, we seldom choose to clear.
This can be very hard on us. Clearing happens when we have pushed so much aside and not
faced it that we can no longer hide it away. What was hidden from view, from the world,
comes rushing out and overwhelms us.

Many people will do this over and over again throughout their life (lives).
A strong clearing... I’m free! For the moment...

Then they go back to rebuilding those energies again. They are hit time and time again by a
series of waves of their own making. In between the waves there is relative peace as the
energy builds for the next one. The cycle will not end or lessen until the fears are faced and

The frequency and magnitude of these waves is dependent on how much is being pushed
aside and how much you can hold back before you break.

Clearings are based on the need to lessen our load of fears that we carry. What is it that we
truly fear? Most fears are illusions, self created ?problems? that we chose not to face.

The fears were not created in a vacuum. They are the result of our being in this body with
all the illusions around it. The life we are leading brings us so much wonder and growth
potential. Do we approach it with the thoughts of a child and explore without judging? Or do
we test each new thing with our fears? This creates more boundaries around us and limits
our growth.

Blame and Rationalization

It is so easy to blame others for our problems, our fears, our triggered emotions. We
rationalized them as being outside us ... all external causes. He/She did this to me! It is not
my fault!

Is that the reality or an illusion?

Clearing and Healing

Many healing modalities provide tools to assist in clearing what we fear. Some offer
temporary assistance. Others provide deeper and even complete clearing of the emotional
issues arising from fears. Where should you start the process or push it to a higher level of
clearing? What are you ready for?

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EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique is one strong modality for working on your fears. It
works quickly without the clearing problems. This modality fits this sites theme, it can be
done remotely and smoothly. Clearing happens without the stress and emotional effects on

Seeds of Doubt
Once upon a time.... a choice was made.
Actually, many times, on many things in our lives ... careers, relationships, goals, love, to name a few.
Making the choices created a change in our path at that time. Sometimes a small one, sometimes just a
side trip, sometimes it is to open other doors and other times a major change is created. What were the
driving forces of that change? Why was the change needed? Why did we accept that change?

A seed of growth was planted. The feelings were wonderful, such energy was being created, our thoughts
and feeling raced to explore how it would work, creating a wide, strong path. What was to come could be
so wonderful and even better, shared!

Interesting things happen on our paths, other seeds are plated in our thought process that bring us
doubts. Like any seed, to germinate and grow, the conditions must exist to allow the doubts firmly root
themselves, draining energy from what we had chosen. We start "feeding" energy into the doubts. A
series of choices must be made to have the doubts grow and eventually become stronger than the
original choices. There are often things in our lives we do not want to face. We push away and run from
what we fear, often losing what we had wanted as a result. This can happen over and over again in our

Our self created programs, our fears our boundaries all create the reality we are in. Doubts bring up our
fears and our reactions to our fears.

A cascading series of events that, if fed energy, puts strong barriers on a path we chose that once had
been wide and clear of obstructions. That path of exploration which could have lead to many things now
has changed and even terminated.

We carry with us at all times, packets of seeds of doubt. The varieties of doubts are used over and over
again. Other people share their own varieties of doubts with us. These often take hold more strongly than
our own if we respect that person's opinion. "If they said it, it must be true." Believing the doubts of others
can be very destructive to our original choices.

Like a weed in a garden it is easy to remove when it is small. When it is allowed to grow, mature and
spread its seeds, the effort may reach the point where it is easier for us to just give up on the garden.
Before it reached that "perceived" point of no return, there was a lack of care of the garden. We did not
cultivate our choices and weed out the doubts, the fears, the illusions.

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Some doubts that are common.
Did I make the "right" choice. ( there a wrong one?)

What did I lose by making this choice. (Relationships are big ones here!)

Can I really do this?

Is this the best for me?

Doubts, like fears, are meant to help us look at our choices. If we cannot get past our doubts we cannot
move ahead on a chosen path. The energy we give the doubts makes them grow stronger as we feed
them more and more and not clean them out of our lives..

How do we get past the doubts and all that they bring to block our way?

It is by focusing on the chosen path and not focusing energy on the doubts and fears as they come up.
The more energy that you put into the seeds of doubt the faster they grow in all aspects of our lives. With
healing, when the doubts become the reality, little real healing occurs unless enough energy is put into
the equation to offset the doubts and still have enough to create the healing.

It is also by looking at what causes the doubts. When we look at then we often find that doubts, like other
fears, are no longer real for us, yet we still cling to them. When we consciously look at the doubts we can
replace those programs with ones that will assist us on our path.

Care to clear the doubts and replace them with what assists us? Energy healing modalities and my
course ?Creating a New You? are strong tools to use on your journey of growth in this lifetime.

Are You a Healer?

We all have that ability within us waiting to be awakened. Are you ready to test the waters
or ready to take the plunge?

It does not matter what your occupation is or if you function predominately from your left or
right brain. Finding your God given healing abilities does not have to be a hard process.
They build over time as you do more and more healing work. The speed you learn at is fully
under your control.

A simple way to find out what is comfortable to you is to have a healing session in a
modality you are drawn to. This can be through me or any other healer you are comfortable
with. Let your own feelings guide you. Read up on various modalities on this and other
sites, there are many links here to explore.

You may set up a session remotely or in person in any of the modalities I practice. Where
you are on this planet does not matter.

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Where is the healing energy coming from?
Which type feels right for you?
The energy may come mostly from the healer and they must replenish what was used. A
healer using their own energy can do wonderful healings. They tend to become drained and
have to clear themselves of what they pick up from their clients. Some are very empathic
and take on your emotions and feelings which again they must clear.

Many healing modalities use "guides" such as in Reiki. In Reiki, you are given energy
"attunements" that allow you to bring in energy to help your client or yourself. Your energy
is not doing the healing and you do not take on the clients energy. This is less draining on
you and you do not need the time to recharge and clear what is needed by using your own
energy. If you wish to learn Reiki there are sure to be teachers within driving distance of
you. This is a strong modality and a wonderful step to learn to open up your abilities and to
understand our energy systems.

Some other modalities work using the energy of God/Creator/Source. While many people
have learned to use both our their energy and that of "guides." So connect fully to
God/Creator/Source and that is where the healing comes from. The practitioner is a conduit
for that energy.

What is appropriate for you? Ask questions. Keep an open mind and heart and follow
where your heart leads you. You are on a wonderful journey.

Healing Modalities
See List of Modalities below

All Healing Modalities offer strong information to learn from and to grow by. You also meet
many wonderful healers within a modality, each person with their unique set of energies.
Students follow in the footsteps of those that went before and therefore can learn more
quickly than even the originator(s) of the work.

All healing modalities must have boundaries. Its boundaries are what defines it as a
modality. How restrictive or loose are the boundaries? Do the teachers encourage you to
expand upon the work or are you told this is the way it must be done?

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of Energy Healing Modalities. Each is
evolving at their own pace which is usually that of the originator(s). Within each modality
are practitioners who are growing in many ways faster than the modality can change. Many
of those people are happy adding what resonates with then to the work they were taught
and otherwise stay within the boundaries of the Modality. Other practitioners, seeing the
limitations cannot live with them and end up breaking away from the limits imposed by the
modalities. Some go on to create Modalities of their own while others have no need to
create a modality. The process of growth breaks down boundaries.

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For people looking for healing clients, modalities provide a recognition factor when
advertising your services.

Each modality is a set of tools, procedures and restrictions. Each works with parts of
our energy systems in certain ways. By definition, in creating a modality, you limit what and
how things can be done.

As one learns many modalities, it is the tools that become important. The
boundaries of the modalities fade away.

I will be adding modalities to this list which starts off with ones that I have learned and

The modalities listed will have the following information

1. A brief explanation of the modality

2. A listing of the tools used within it

3. A link to either the originators site or, one or more representative sites of the Modality.

Enjoy exploring the modalities and finding what resonates with you.

Healing Modality Pages

Modalities that I have learned and used are.


Holographic Sound Healing

Master Alignment

Reconnective Healing


The Reconnection

Theta Healing

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Healing Tools
The following tools are used in energy healing modalities. I use and teach many of them in
my course: "Creating a New You" You receive the tools from thousands of dollars of
training as well as my own work to use on yourself for the rest of your life. The tools work
on body, mind, spirit -- all levels of our existence. This page will continue to grow and
expand with more links and more expansive articles. Bookmark this page and watch it
expand and evolve! Do you have tools to add to this list and links to assist others? Links to
other sites are not endorsements of any person, modality or website information. They are
provided to assist in your further exploring and understanding.

Astrology: I find this an interesting and fun way of looking at yourself and understanding
your tendencies and how you interact with others. It will not tell you what your future will
be. That is up to you and your choices. You can of course put energy into making
predictions happen. There are many sites on the net that provide detailed charts and
explanations for your guidance. Enjoy them as you change yourself.

Attunements: These are energy connections to you that allow other energy to flow. Reiki
attunes you to a number of different energies that you then can call on to assist in the
healing of others. Attunements can be for any purpose, they become a part of who you are.
They may or may not be what you expect them to be.

Beliefs and Beliefs Systems: Our beliefs create the being that we are. They create our
boundaries and define for us what we will or will not do. Many are based on fears. Fears
were meant to protect us, keep us and those we love safe from harm. Learn how to change
beliefs on multiple levels and ways gently in my course "Creating a New You"

Brainwaves: The frequencies of our brainwaves are used in many healing modalities.
Hypnosis works with and within certain frequencies. When we are born our brainwaves are
predominately in the delta range. And you children are still connected to the energies in
those frequencies. Thus they can see and hear things we do not sense as real. As a child
ages their predominate waking brain frequency has worked its way from Delta, to Theta, to
Alpha and finally Beta the normal range for adults.

Changing Your Emotions: Imagine if you could instantly and fully change your emotions
when needed. To go from ones that do not serve you and make you uncomfortable to ones
that uplift you and those around you? I have created an exercise that will do this for you
and this is part of my course "Creating a New You"

Crystals: Commonly are used in healing modalities. Crystals have their own energy and can
store other energies. They can be used to focus energies and each type of crystal has
unique properties.

Despirialing: Energy from trauma gets stuck in us. It is part of our body memory and is a
block to healing. This technique removes that energy from us allowing healing to occur
more quickly and with less problems.

Discernment: The art of checking what truly resonates with you and is best for you to
follow, learn and use. We often do not look before we leap. We all know people that tend to
do things the hard way. Make a wrong choice? Time to choose again.

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Dream Healing: As we sleep we work on ourselves. Learn to set the intent for healing to
occur during this time of deep revitalization. Learn to consciously change your dreams and
nightmares as they are happening! This is another tool taught in my course "Creating a New

Energetically working with the DNA Many diseases in our bodies are from DNA that we
were either born with errors in or has been changed by reactions with chemicals, radiation,
oxidative stress, errors or lack of protective nutrients. All cancers have one thing in common
the DNA is not controlling the cells as designed. Many modalities work with changing, fixing,
improving, activating our DNA.

Energy Constructs: If you can imagine something you can create it. How strong a
construct it is depends on how much energy is put into it. It also depends on how much
energy is in opposition to that creation.

Energy Grids between practitioners: These are often utilized to assist people in healing.
Two or more practitioners combine their energy by connecting to each other. The intent is
wonderful. Yet many practitioners do not "disconnect" from each other or the teacher from
the student. This can cause problems as all types of energy can flow in addition to or
instead of the original healing energy.

Energy Points and Channels: Energy is constantly in motion. Acupuncture and

Acupressure work with lines and points defined over thousands of years of working with
them. Another level of lines and points is the Axiotonal energy system working with this can
improve the flow of energy through acupuncture points and lines. Our energy system has a
number of check points that can be utilized. Reflexology in one modality that uses various
points to work with. Iridology looks at indicators in our eyes to see what is wrong with us.
Our bodies can tell us so much if we only chose to look and understand.

Energy Systems: This is a strong tool because we can work with parts of it to change
other parts. Many healing modalities teach us about our energy fields and various energy
parts that we have such as our Chakras. The strongest place to work with is our thoughts
because they create our reality.

God/Creator/Source/All That Is: Many healing modalities, individuals and religions

attribute healing to God and request/command that the healing be done. This is a wonderful
source of healing to tap into regardless of your beliefs.

Grace: We often say grace, which is blessing our food and other people, events or things by
intent. When we say someone is "graceful," we see flowing motion that appears effortless.
When I do healing work I always ask that the work be completed with ?Grace? to lessen the
impact of any changes.

Intuition: In energy healing, intuition is a very important tool. It is a sense that can be
developed and is part of the higher guidance we all have ... and sometimes listen to.

Kinesiology: Defined: The study of the principles of mechanics and anatomy in relation to
human movement. While kinesiology is a broad based modality one tool from it, that is used
in many energy healing modalities, is muscle testing. This is used to receive yes and no
answers. This tool is very easy to learn. You will be introduced to this and understand how
this can be used in your life in my course.

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One site for understanding this energy healing tool and the larger modality and its
variations is This site has many links to follow up on and is
worth a visit.

Manifestation Techniques: Many healing modalities teach how to bring the things you
desire into your life. This is part of intentional creation. There can be many blocks to
manifestation within our beliefs, through attachments and more. Often, before we can
manifest, we need to remove those blocks. In doing so we often find that what we wanted
to manifest has changed.

Miracles: We recognize that miracles happen. In medicine when a person heals without any
medical reason from a disease, it is called a spontaneous remission or a miracle. Our bodies
are programmed to heal and correct damage. It is only when something blocks that healing
that the body is not repaired. Why not command that a miracle happen for the client or

Mirrors: We are all mirrors to help others see themselves and for us to see who we are.
Many energy healing modalities use this tool in different ways. In Consegrity, this is an
interface between the practitioner and the client. We can learn much from looking at and
understanding the mirrors all around us.

Psychic Surgery: This is a misunderstood phrase when it comes to energy healing. There
are many techniques covered by this term. It is taught to Reiki and other energy healing
practitioners. These are ancient traditions in eastern healing work as well as Shamanism.
The healer's senses detect energies that do not belong or are out of balance. Then various
techniques are employed to remove, modify, change and balance various aspects of the
overall energy systems that we are. Many of the tools listed here can be utilized in Psychic

Remote Healing: This open ended method of sending/receiving healing energy anywhere
and we can use any energy that exists within and outside of our reality.

Remote Viewing: The ability to sense what is happening in another location. This is also
utilized to sense what is wrong or out of balance inside the body.

Removing Attachments: In understanding who we are and looking at ourselves we find

there are energies that do not belong. These attachments can be to other people, to events,
to objects or to anything that exists. Through these energy attachments other energies can
flow including thoughts, impulses ... any energy. Some of our strongest attachments are to
people that we have had strong negative events with such as a physical attacks, rape or
holding us back. Learn to clear this energy and replace it in the course "Creating a New

Response Therapy: How we respond to our triggers is how the world gets to view us
either at our best or our worst. Do our responses serve us or are they impeding our growth.
Is the energy we put into a response justified by the trigger? Learn to change your
responses to smooth out your path through life! This is another of the strong tools you will
learn in the course "Creating A New You."

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Shielding: Creating the energy around you is the purpose of this tool. Shields come in
infinite diversity. What is the intent? What to want to keep out? What do you want to allow
in? One of my favorites is from William Lee Rand, a well know Reiki teacher/author. He has
set the energy around him so that if someone has negative thoughts about him and that
energy is directed at him, it will automatically be changed into energy that he can use. What
would you create around you and those you love?

Spiritual Beliefs: These are also tools that shape and focus how an individual approaches
healing. They can be expansive or restrictive on the healing work.

Toning: The use of vocal and silent tones with the intent of using those energies,
frequencies to assist in healing. They can be a part of Psychic surgery. A few modalities use
toning. It is often associated with healing outside of modalities. The toning can be combined
with other energies as the practitioner is guided.

Unconditional Forgiveness: This is another wonderful tool for healing self and others. It
also opens many doors for growth. Like Love, we usually put many conditions on
forgiveness. I will forgive your if.... Do we need to forgive others? What does that do for us?
How do we fully forgive ourselves? Come to the course and learn how to apply this to many
aspects of your life!

Unconditional Love: This tool is wonderful energy to experience, work with and send. It is
strong healing energy that removes many energies that do not serve us. Go to my article on
Unconditional Love. In my course you will learn to both send it and experience receiving it.

Working with frequencies: Each person and part thereof has its own unique frequency in
its healthy state. This resonates from the DNA. When disease sets in the cells no longer
preform as originally programed. Each thought is a set of frequencies. Healing tools also
include Crystal bowls and anything else that can create frequencies. Crystal Bowls can
create wonderful vibrations that act as carrier waves for the intent of healing a person that
can affect every cell in our bodies.

Working with your higher self: This is used in the majority of energy healing modalities
in one way or another. We are each more that we know and we have much assistance
available to help us here. Higher self, God self, who you are becoming are just a few of
many expressions for this energy that is a part of you. Part of the reason this assists us so
easily is that our higher self sees us from a clearer space, beyond many of the illusions our
energy is stuck in here.

Creation ... the "Real" Story? Page 26

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