ARDB Rules - Grants PDF

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The Aeronautics R&D Board has instituted a Grants-in-Aid Scheme to nurture the
available research talent and to develop facilities in IITs, universities, higher technological
institutes, colleges and other research centres including industry in the country for
promoting research, design and development programmes in Aeronautics and Allied
Sciences, keeping in view the future needs of the country with respect to aircraft,
helicopters, missiles and all other air borne vehicles & their operation. Under this scheme,
grants are offered to approve research institutions, universities or colleges, departments or
laboratories or individuals attached to reputed industrial firms with R&D facilities both in
the Government and non-Government sector. The scheme will be coordinated through a
number of specialist panels duly constituted by the Chairman AR&DB to cover the different
disciplines viz.

Aerodynamics Panel
Aerospace Resources Panel
Materials & Manufacturing Panel
Propulsion Panel
Structures Panel
Systems/ Systems Engineering Panel
Special Interest Group for Micro Aircraft


Projects or schemes of value to aircraft, helicopters, missiles and all other airborne
vehicles including their operation would be supported. The Aeronautics R&D Board shall
also entertain applications for sanction of grants-in-aid for build up of basic facilities /
infrastructure and for conducting seminar, symposia, short courses, deputation / training
of manpower, intensive short courses of current interest to Aeronautics and missiles,
award of flying scholarships & other promotional activities within the country. AR&DB
shall not make personal payments to members of regular staff of universities, colleges
and institutions.

The grant will be utilized:

1. To meet salary of research and laboratory staff, specially recruited for the project /
facility and to meet cost of their medical benefits, CPF and leave etc. on the same scale
as applicable to the regular employees of the institution and to provide funds for meeting
the cost of Institutional overhead expenses, as follows:
(a) 15% of the total project cost without any upper limit for educational institutions.
(b) 10% of the total project cost with an upper limit of Rs. 2.00 lakhs for other institutions
i.e. laboratories & institutes under S&T agencies other than Govt. departments).
(c) On projects costing more than 40 lakhs, the quantum will be decided on a case-to-
case basis.

Effective from: 03.10.1997.

2. For procuring special equipment, consumable stores, chemicals etc. or for obtaining
special services not normally provided by the institution such as computer time, calibration
& testing of equipment and sub-systems; fabrication within workshop of the institution, etc.

3. To meet cost of setting up of basic facilities / infrastructure for R&D in aircraft,

helicopters, missiles & all other air-borne vehicles & their operations.

4. To conduct or sponsor conferences / workshops / seminars / symposia / short courses

etc. and to provide funds for training of manpower, promotional activities & deputations
within the country and abroad.

5. To cover contingency expenses, viz. postage, typing, printing, stationery, expenses on

part-time / full-time typists if the workload of the project warrants.

6. To meet travel expenses in India for projects / facilities including their monitoring,
symposia, seminar, short courses etc. and for deputation abroad in connection with
presentation of papers in International symposia and for visit to advanced Aeronautical
R&D facilities and to meet expenses in India for eminent scientists invited by AR&DB.

7. To publish research work in the form of a Technical Report for dissemination to

Aeronautical community in an approved AR&DB format.

8. To conduct intensive short courses of current interest to Aeronautics including


9. To award flying scholarships to Aeronautical R&D scientists and students.

10. To meet the cost of honorarium to invited speakers for AR&DB sponsored short
courses / workshops.



1) Research & Development projects to be framed out under this scheme originate as

(i) Projects of interest to national needs formulated by the Aeronautics & R&D Board are
referred to universities / research institutions / industry etc.

(ii) Proposals for research, design, development & operation in the field of Aircraft,
helicopter, missiles and all other air-borne vehicles may be submitted by the universities /
research institutions / industry etc.

(iii) Proposal for projects involving storage, handling and usage of explosives would be
scrutinized and sanctioned, only if the safety regulations as stipulated in procedure for
projects involving storage / handling & usage of explosives are met by the agency
seeking grants from AR&DB.
2) All proposals will be referred to the appropriate specialist panel of the Aeronautics R&D
Board. In the case of projects / schemes for which no single specialist panel can be
identified, the Secretary will make alternative arrangements for formation of an ad-hoc
committee / special panel consisting of at least 4 specialists including coordinators /
members of panels. For all practical purposes this ad-hoc committee will be considered
as a specialist panel.

3) Based on the recommendations of the panel, the Secretary AR&DB may approve
project / scheme and issue sanction letters where the cost of the project / scheme does
not exceed Rs 10 lakhs. For projects costing more than 10 lakhs but less than 25 lakhs,
the Chairman AR&DB may approve the project / scheme after vetting by AR&DB Sectt.
For projects costing more than 25 lakhs, the project / scheme would also be referred to
Technical Committee. Based on the recommendations of the panel & Technical
committee, Chairman AR&DB may approve the project / scheme in consultation with Addl.
FA (DRDO) and another member of board located at Delhi. All letters of sanction will be
issued by Secretary AR&DB/O i/c AR&DB. All approvals by the Chairman / Secretary
must be reported to the Board at its next meeting.
See Terms of Reference of Technical Committee under Misc. Tab

4) Within the amount sanctioned, Secretary AR&DB / coordinators of concerned panel

may approve reasonable requests for re appropriation of funds, manpower, equipment,
etc. Coordinators while approving such requests would do so under intimation to the
Secretary AR&DB. For projects costing more than 10 lakhs Secy. AR&DB may approve
cost revision (not exceeding 10% of the total cost) & PDC revision up to one year based
on the recommendation of panel coordinators but without reference to T.C. &/or
Chairman. Any subsequent revision of PDC / cost will have to be referred appropriately.

5) Secretary AR&DB may also approve the enhancement in the cost of the project on
account of fluctuations in exchange rates for procurement of imported items in respect of
projects costing more than 10 lakhs within a ceiling of 10% of the project cost.

6) Projects will be sanctioned for the entire projected period along with the total estimated
cost with the year-wise breakdown. The grant shall, however, be payable yearly. The
universities, institution etc. will be responsible for the administration of the scheme and
maintenance of separate accounts etc. The grants shall be exclusively utilised for the
purpose for which it is sanctioned. Funds for subsequent years will be released on
satisfactory progress based on the recommendation of the appropriate panel and on the
production of
(i) Annual progress report and
(ii) Statement of accounts certified by the competent authority of the institution.
Secretary AR&DB should be approached for granting temporary
continuation of a project up to 3 months in such cases where delay in
holding a regular meeting of the concerned panel is anticipated.

Request for extension of PDC and cost over-run should be sent to AR&DB through the
concerned Panel Coordinator.

All accounts maintained by the university / institute will be subject to audit by the
university / institute auditors. On termination of the project, accounts for the entire project /
scheme duly audited by the auditors shall be submitted and the unspent balance along
with interest earned thereon, if any of the funds sanctioned will be refunded
through Demand Draft in favour of PCDA (R&D), New Delhi to Secretary AR&DB,
Directorate of Aeronautics, DRDO Bhawan, New Delhi-110105.

7) The project would be deemed to have become operative with effect from the date on
which the grant is received by the institution. This date will be intimated to the Secretary,
Aeronautics R&D Board and coordinator of respective panel.
8) During the progress of the projects, the institution concerned will provide all facilities to
the scientists of the Research & Development Organisation / members of the specialist
panels of the Aeronautics R&D board for visiting the institute for ensuring timely
achievements of the objectives of the projects. The investigator(s) may visit appropriate
R&D establishment within the country for consultations, seminar / symposia etc. provided
such visits are of direct relevance to the project and within the sanctioned amount under
TA/DA head. TA/DA would be regulated as per his normal entitlement within the
institution. Such visits will be reported in the annual progress report of the project
submitted to Secretary AR&DB.
9) Evaluation of products / processes developed under Grants-in-aid projects will be
carried out by the appropriate specialist panel or monitors appointed by concerned panel
of the Aeronautics R&D Board. The TA/DA of the monitor including a monitor from Govt.
agencies could also be paid out of the TA / DA budget of the project as per the
entitlement of the monitor by the grantee institution.

10) Continuation of the projects beyond the original sanctioned period will be permitted
only under exceptional circumstances.

11) Once a project is sanctioned to an institution, the head of the institution would be the
financial controlling authority for operating the grant.

a) Twenty copies of the proposals for financial support from the Aeronautics R&D Board
for setting up of facilities should be submitted by the institutions concerned in the same
format as for a project. Alternatively the proposals can be submitted online through alongwith one hard to the AR&DB secretariat. The proposal must clearly
bring out an appreciation of how the setting up of facilities asked for would lead to better
Aeronautical R&D / training and also how lack of such facility has handicapped the
programmes within the country or programmes of the institutions together with a
certificate that funds for taking up such a scheme can not be provided from their own
budget or other sources. This appraisal should be in a narrative form and should be
comprehensive enough to enable the security of the proposal to be made and the need
for setting up of facility appreciated.

b) Such proposals will be submitted to the Secretariat of Aeronautics R&D Board

(Directorate of Aeronautics, Ministry of Defence (R&D), A Wing, DRDO Bhawan, New
Delhi – 110 105). The Secretariat would carry out a scrutiny of the proposal and if the
proposal is complete in all respects it would be forwarded to the specialist panel
concerned, if such a panel can be identified on the basis of the proposal. The further
processing of the proposal would be done in the same manner as for projects. If the
proposal is recommended by the panel and other scrutinizing committees if any, financial
sanction would be issued by the Secretary, Aero R&D Board/O i/c AR&DB after obtaining
approval of the appropriate authority.
c) In case, however, the proposal for the facilities involves more than one discipline and no
single panel can be identified for scrutiny of the project, the Secretary of the Aeronautics
R&D Board will form an ad-hoc committee of at least 4 specialists including the
coordinators / members of the different panels for scrutiny and recommendations. For all
practical purposes this ad-hoc committee will be considered as a specialist panel and the
rest of the processing of the proposal for sanction would follow the same procedure as for
projects. For monitoring the progress of implementations of the proposal based on the
sanction issued by Aeronautics R&D Board, Secretary, Aeronautics R&D Board may
nominate a monitor who would report the progress to him. The annual review of the
progress would be carried out by the same ad-hoc committee. If however, the membership
cannot be the same due to various reasons, Secretary, Aeronautics R&D Board may
nominate other appropriate specialists for the committee.



a) Aeronautics R&D Board will also receive proposals for financial support for conduct of
seminar / symposia / presentation / courses etc. Such proposals, which are in the interest
of promotion of Aeronautics Research & Development and training of specialist
manpower, will be supported by Aeronautics R&D Board, to the extent possible.
Proposals in this regard will be submitted by the institution concerned in the prescribed
performa for conducting Seminar / Symposium / Presentation / Short Course etc.

b) On receipt of the proposal, which should be submitted in 20 copies, the Secretariat of

the Board will scrutinize the proposal for its completeness. In case any single panel can
be identified for purposes of examination of the proposal, it will be referred to appropriate
panel. If, on the other hand due to multi-disciplinary nature of the proposal or due to
paucity of time, the matter cannot be referred to any panel, the proposal will be considered
by an ad-hoc committee with Secretary, Aeronautics R&D Board as Chairman and not
less than four members of appropriate specialization / experience from different agencies.
Based on the recommendation of this Ad-Hoc committee or the panel, sanction will be
accorded by Secretary AR&DB. An amount of 1.00 lakh per sanction would be the ceiling
for financial support to such activities. In case a larger outlay is needed, the Technical
Committee would have to consider the proposal either through circulation or in a formal
meeting. Based on the recommendations of the panel & Technical committee, the
Chairman AR&DB may approve such proposals.

c) On conclusion of the proposed seminar / symposia the sponsors will render a

comprehensive report including the technical documents related to the concerned activity
and submit to Secy. AR&DB a statement of expenditure duly certified for its correctness
by executive authority of the institute concerned within one month after conclusion of
seminar / symposia etc.

d) The proposals for Grants-in-aid for conducting seminar / symposia, presentation, short
courses etc. should be submitted to Secy. AR&DB at least 3 months in advance. (6
months in advance where cases involve invitation of foreign experts).

The proposal in twenty copies should be forwarded to Secretary AR&DB complete with all
information as stipulated in Performa for Seminars / Presentations etc. The proposal
should bring out the professional background of the invitee and his contributions /
achievements in his field of specialization. The relevance of the invitation to the identified
gaps in technology & benefits accruing to our country in terms of our programmes should
clearly be brought out. In case any visits to Defence Laboratory is also envisaged this
should be specifically stated so as to ensure clearance from security considerations. The
proposal would be examined by the concerned specialist panel / ad-hoc-committee /
panel & Chairman may approve the proposal based on the recommendations of the
panel, Secy. AR&DB and Integrated Finance and the sanction conveyed by Secretary
AR&DB / O i/c AR&DB.



a) Aeronautics R&D Board will also receive proposal for financial support for conducting
intensive short courses of current interest to Aeronautics including missiles. The proposal
in this regard will be submitted by the institution concerned in the same format as
indicated by Procedure for Seminar & Symposium and scrutinized by the concerned
panel. Based on the recommendations of the panel, the sanction will be accorded by
Secretary AR&DB if the outlay is up to Rs. 1.00 lakh. In case the requirement of the fund
is more than 1.00 lakh the technical committee will also examine the proposal. Based on
the recommendations of the panel and the technical committee, the Chairman AR&DB
could approve such cases. However, no ceiling for financial support for such individual
activity is proposed. Further, an overall ceiling of 10% of AR&DB budget per year would
apply for all such courses and expenditure on other promotional activities of the board.

b) The AR&DB will also consider the extent desirable, proposals for inviting specialists
from abroad for participation in such short courses, and procedures outlined in Procedure
for Seminar & Symposium would apply.

c) The sponsors of Intensive short courses will also render a comprehensive report
including lecture material, comprehensive analysis of the subject and the plan of action
evolved to resolve the grey areas on completion of the course.


a) Award of honorarium to the extent of Rs. 250/- per lecturer could be granted by
Secretary AR&DB & in exceptional circumstances, Chairman AR&DB could approve
honorarium to the extent of Rs. 500/- per lecture subject to a ceiling of Rs. 35,000/- per

b) In case a lecturer is required to send, in advance, extensive lecture notes including

camera ready copies, he may be reimbursed expenses at the rate of Rs. 25/- per page
to the maximum of Rs. 500/- provided the lecture notes are at least 10 pages, excluding
Annexure / figures / tables.

c) In case of foreign participants to Intensive short courses / workshop organised by

AR&DB, invited lectures could be paid a token honorarium of US $ 100 per course and if
considered essential they could also be reimbursed to the extent to $ 200 per preparation
of camera ready copies of lecture notes. The payment in this regard would be made in
rupees only.



a) A scheme for award of 'Flying Scholarship' has been introduced under the aegis of
AR&DB with a view to indicates a realistic appreciation of performance and handling
aspects of aircraft. It is expected that the opportunity provided through this scheme would
result in improved interaction between the practicing aeronautical Scientists / Engineers
and the Operation crew.

b) Applications for award of these scholarships will be received at AR&DB from

Aeronautical R&D Scientists / Engineers / Students who are sponsored by their respective
organisations with the confirmation that the sponsored candidate(s) would be accepted by
the concerned flying club for flying training.

c) Flying under this scheme would be restricted to approx. 60-70 hrs. per year per trainee
and the scholarship would be tenable at any recognized flying club. Also normally only a
maximum of 70 hrs. Flying / candidate would be provided under this scheme.

d) The scholarship amount would be paid directly to the institution to which the Scientist /
Engineer / Student is attached or to the concerned flying club.

e) A selection committee with Secretary, AR&DB as Chairman and Members drawn from
DGCA, Aeronautical Industry, R&D Organisation, Academic Institution and a Test Pilot
would be constituted. The Committee would review all applications received during the
year and make suitable selections. The total number of flying scholarships each year
would be limited to 15.

f) An upper age limit of 35 years would apply in all cases and the candidate would have to
satisfy requirement regarding aptitude and medical fitness as per prevailing rules under
DGCA. He will sign an indemnity bond in favour of his sponsor, AR&DB and the flying

g) The amount of scholarship will cover all expenses connected with flying, including
flying club membership as necessary. Expenses on transport to and from the flying club
would be regulated as per admissible Road Mileage allowances under existing rules. The
scholarship will not cover any other incidental expenditure including examination fees, if

a) Aeronautics R&D Board will receive proposals for Grants-in-aid for partially (fully in
exceptional cases) meeting the most of deputation of aeronautical scientists abroad for
presenting papers in International symposia and for visit to advanced Aeronautical R&D
facilities. The proposal in this regard will be submitted by the institution concerned in 20
copies to AR&DB Sectt at least 3 months in advance. Alternatively, 2 copies of the
proposal along with the recommendations of the concerned AR&DB panel should be
submitted, 45 days in advance.

b) In case the proposal for deputation abroad is related to AR&DB supported activity the
deputation would be approved by Chairman AR&DB based on the recommendation of
panel & Secy. AR&DB in consultation with Integrated Finance and financial sanction
intimated by Secy. AR&DB/O i/c AR&DB

c) In case the proposed deputation is not related to any AR&DB supported project but has
importance / relevance to the field of Aeronautics, the proposal would be submitted to
Chairman AR&DB, on a case by case basis, through Integrated Finance, as at present;
and the financial sanction intimated by Secy. AR&DB /O i/c AR&DB.


1. On receipt of the sanction letter, the institution will prepare a contingent bill (in triplicate)
and will submit the same to Secretary AR&DB, Directorate of Aeronautics, DRDO
Bhawan, New Delhi-110105 for counter signature and onward transmission to PCDA
(R&D), New Delhi for payment.
2. On receipt of the contingent bill the concerned CDA will issue the cheque (if otherwise
in order) in favour of the institutions and will send the same directly to the concerned
authority of that institution. An intimation of the payment will also be sent by the CDA to
Secy. AR&DB & the concerned project investigator simultaneously.

3. On receipt of the cheque by the institute authority a formal receipt of the grant will be
issued by the institutions to the Secy. AR&DB & CDA. The date of receipt of the grant
would reckon as the commencement date for the project / facility.

Projects will be sanctioned only to universities, institutions where basic infrastructure in

the form of equipment / personnel for the work exist. A grant for the purchase of special
equipment / stores will be made only if
(i) The said equipment stores are exclusively required for the project in hand.
(ii) The university / institution concerned will not normally provide them for their
departmental work.

Purchase of components / equipment involving foreign exchange will be permitted only in

very special cases. The necessity for such equipment should be clearly indicated while
submitting the proposal. The cost of maintenance of these equipments would be met by
AR&DB till the completion of the project. Thereafter, it would be the responsibility of the
grantee institution / the agency to which equipment is transferred.

For smooth and expeditious execution of the project, arrangements can however be
made for the use by the investigators of such specialized equipment as are available in
the various R&D establishments to the extent possible.

The university, college or the institution concerned will be responsible for careful custody
and maintenance of the equipment purchased out of the grant. Equipment should be
purchased on competitive tender basis. Proper stock of accounts should be maintained
for the equipment purchased. The equipment should be stamped Aeronautics R&D
Project No. All equipments purchased should be serially numbered. An inventory of the
equipment purchased out of the grant should be sent to the Secretary, Aeronautics R&D
Board in form GFR 19 along with the periodical reports in 20 copies. The inventory should
give the description of the equipment (whether expendable or non-expendable), its cost in
rupees, date and purchase and the name of the supplier. The stock registers maintained
by the institution / universities for the purpose should be shown to the auditors for
applying the necessary check with reference to the grant received. The

auditors should be requested to issue a certificate that necessary check has been made
and the inventory is found to be in order. The inventory and the requisite certificate from
the auditor should be furnished along with the audited accounts. The equipment / surplus
stores will be the property of the Aeronautics R&D Board who will be responsible for its
future transfer / disposal after the termination of the project. The Board at the written
request of the grantee institution may agree to out-right transfer of some or all equipment
of the AR&DB inventory to the institution concerned based on the recommendations of the
concerned panel. The Secretary, on behalf of the board, may agree to such out-right
transfers up to a ceiling of Rs 10 lakhs. Chairman may approve transfer of equipment
beyond this amount.

(i) The institution / organisation concerned will access the categories and number of
research and development staff with field of specialisation required for each project on
individual basis. The appropriate specialised panel will examine this requirement keeping
in view the nature of problems, competence levels and time scales involved. The
recommendations of the panel will be put up to the appropriate sanctioning authority of the
board for approval of the financial grant for the staff.

(ii) Once a proposal for staff has been approved by the Board the institution / organisation
concerned will be responsible for recruitment of staff and will ensure that the normal
recruitment procedures and audit rules are observed. For the AR&DB projects of short
duration the grantee institute could evolve temporary norms for speedy recruitment /
execution of the project.

(iii) The staff on the project will be appointed only when all facilities for conducting the
work on the project are available. In case of the staff leaving the institution prior to the
completion of work it will be the responsibility of the head of the institution to see the
continuity of the work is maintained.

(iv) The staffs employed under the Grants-in-aid scheme are full time employees for
research work on the project. They should not be engaged for routine lecture or
demonstration work in the institutions in which the projects are based.

(v) The staff appointed on research projects are for all practical purposes, treated as
employees and are subject to the administrative control and rules (leave, TA/DA, etc.) of
the institution / university where projects are based.

(vi) In the case where the investigator is already employed in the institution and has to
work on Grants-in-aid project in addition to his normal duty in the institution, the time
spent by him on the project will be treated as part of his duty. Where this is not possible
the case will be examined by the appropriate specialist panel for granting to the
investigator an honorarium, which will be further considered by the Board for approval.

(vii) The staff on projects could be employed in pay scales as applicable to institute norms
as per the scales laid down by Deptt. of Science & Technology (DST), if applicable.


During the period of grant, the institution / organisation is required to submit 20 copies (2
copies to Secy. AR&DB & the remaining to the panel members & monitor(s)) of annual
progress reports on the projects as per the Performa. The report will cover the work done
during the year. The specialist panel will scrutinize the progress report and the renewal of
the project sanctioned will be subject to its satisfactory progress.


Panels on behalf of Secretary AR&DB may identify monitor(s) for each project. The PIs
should make efforts to contact monitors, invite them to their laboratory and brief them on
the progress of the projects. The initiative for the meeting between the PI and the
monitors should rest with the PI. It is generally expected that the monitors and the Sectt.
should receive at least two reports (summary of progress) from the PI as follows:
I Report by July of every year
II Report by January of every year

Technical Reports

The technical reports on the projects should be submitted by the investigators as soon as
they finish a significant aspect of their work. This need not wait for the annual meetings.
Generally, investigators may submit more than one technical report every year. In any
case, one good technical report should be submitted before January to enable the panel
to consider the technical progress. This should reach the monitor before the annual
meeting. The following format may be followed for numbering the reports:

ARDB - NM - TR - YY - PPPP -
NM: Name of Panel *
TR: Technical Report
YY: Year
PPPP: Project Number
NN: Report Number in the year

* Use

AP for Aerodynamics Panel

ARP for Aerospace Resources Panel
M&M for Materials & Manufacturing Panel
PP for Propulsion Panel
SP for Structures Panel
S/SE for Systems/Systems Engineering Panel
SIGMA for Special Interest Group for Micro Aircraft
A model sheet indicating the recommended letter size for different sizes of original
drawings is at Annexure VIII A. A document sheet as at Annexure VIII B should be
attached to the technical report.


For every year the final stage of monitoring is by the annual progress report and
presentation at the annual symposium. If the investigators are absent at the annual
meeting and they do not send their annual progress report on time, the panels may
recommend termination of the project. The annual report needs to contain the following:

Part A of AR&DB annual progress report section containing the accounts-grants,

expenditure, balance and grants requested for the next year of the project. (Kindly refer to
Annexure II for this)

Part B - A brief summary of progress in the year (Not more than 3 to 5 pages). (Kindly
refer to Annexure II)

The technical presentations at the annual meeting are crucial for the panel to take
decisions. It is generally expected that the PI would be present in person to brief the
panel on the progress of the project. Only in extraordinary circumstances he should pass
on this responsibility to others and not be present at the meeting. The presentations
should be well planned, clear and be up to the point.

The panels would review the progress of the projects based on the annual report and that
of the monitor(s) and recommend combination / revision of scope / closure / short closure
of projects to Secy. AR&DB.


On completion / closure / termination of the project a consolidated closure report (3

copies along with one soft copy to Sectt. & one copy each to all panel members) as per
prescribed Performa will be submitted within 60 days with all necessary certificates and
financial information. It should give sufficient technical details of project, software activity,
achievements and its utilization.

If a technical report including the one for the final year is submitted earlier, the closure
report may have a technical section, which briefly summarizes the total work, carried out
on the project. The technical reports submitted earlier may be referred in this summary.

Kindly enclose at least one copy of all Technical Reports submitted earlier with the final
closure report.


Prior permission of the coordinator of the respective panel should be obtained for
publishing the results of AR&DB sponsored projects etc. in Indian and foreign journals
including Defence Science Journal. The coordinator while granting the permission will
endorse a copy to the Secretary AR&DB along with a copy manuscript / abstract. The
assistance rendered by the Board will be acknowledged in the papers. Three copies of
reprints of papers published will invariably be sent, to Secretary AR&DB and costs if any,
may be met from the contingency grant of the project. However, permission of Secretary
AR&DB would need to be obtained for making any commercial use of the investigations
carried out under grants-in-aid scheme.

If the investigation being conducted is of unclassified nature, the research fellow /

assistant working on the scheme, can register himself / herself with the prior approval of
the coordinator of the panel for a research degree. In all such cases, a copy of thesis
should be sent for prior approval to the Coordinator of the specialist panel and Secy.
AR&DB before the same is submitted to the university concerned.

The research work carried out by a grantee institution, including experimental results and
computer software developed in a project, would be reviewed by the concerned specialist
panel and if it is recommended by the panel that wider dissemination to the aeronautical
community in India and abroad is desirable, the project investigator would be requested
to prepare a technical report, in the approved AR&DB format, and make available 250
copies of the technical report to AR&DB Secretariat as part of project activity. AR&DB
Secretariat would centrally provide additional funds for the above.


(i) The ownership of any intellectual properties generated by research performed

under this grant, whether or not legally protected, shall vest in the grantee
institution. The grantee institution shall promptly report to DRDO its
intention to protect legally any such intellectual properties.
(ii) DRDO shall be deemed to have an irrevocable and royalty-free license to use
such intellectual properties, whether or not legally protected, for such
purposes as DRDO may decide, keeping the grantee institution informed.
(iii) The grantee institution shall consult DRDO prior to contracting any agreement
that envisages the use of such intellectual properties, whether or not legally
protected, during or after the closure of the activities through this grant. In
any such agreement, the grantee institution shall declare that its ownership
over the intellectual properties is encumbered to the extent of para (ii)
(iv) Neither DRDO nor the Government of India accept any liability for infringement
innocent or otherwise, by the grantee institution, or by the investigators, of
the intellectual or other property rights of third parties.



(i) The modality of transfer of technology could be decided based on the recommendations
of the know-how transfer committee which could consist of the concerned panel
coordinator which had sponsored the project, PI of the project / and rep of the institution
developing the know-how and rep of AR&DB. Secretary AR&DB could nominate any other
member in the committee if considered desirable. AR&DB Sectt. would further progress
the case.

(ii) The know-how transfer committee would consider modalities of transfer of technology
based on the applications received after advertisement in the leading newspapers.
(iii) The technology could be transferred through NRDC or any other agency approved by
chairman AR&DB in case the grantee developing the know-how has not got the
infrastructure for transfer of technology or does not intend to transfer technology through
its own infrastructure and in such case the royalties could be shared in the ratio of
30:35:35 between NRDC, AR&DB and the agency developing the know-how. In case the
lab developing the know-how has got infrastructure to transfer the technology it could be
transferred directly by lab developing the know-how and in such case the royalties would
be shared equally between AR&DB and the grantee developing the know-how.

(iv) The royalties would be charged preferably in lump sum in one or two installments so
that further legal action could be avoided.

(v) No charges will be levied from organisations either in public or private sector for the
transfer of know-how when the processes / techniques / stores are to be utilised /
produced for Defence purposes only. The transfer of know-how in such cases is done by
nominating / associating / selection of a suitable production agency by the Deptt of
Defence Production / Deptt of Defence Supplies or any other suitable agency as approved
by Chairman AR&DB.


The Aeronautics R&D board reserves the right of termination of the grant at any stage, if
convinced that the grant has not been properly utilised or appropriate progress is not
being made.
In case an investigator to whom a project has been sanctioned, leaves the institution or
goes abroad on deputation etc., the executive authority of the institution will ensure that
the investigator submits a detailed report of the work done before his relieve. All
equipment / stores purchased must be properly accounted for and the AR&DB informed
about the resignation etc of the investigator of the project / scheme, and the possibility of
continuing and bringing the project to a satisfactory conclusion under some other suitable
investigator. The Secretary of the Board may also agree to the continuation of the project
by the same investigator at his new institution, if in his opinion, this will be in the best
interest of the project, provided the executive authority of the new institution also agrees
to the continuation of the project. In such a case, the former institution will transfer all the
connected equipment / stores purchased for the scheme, to the new institution.
        Annexure I 


            SECTION – A 

        (To be completed by the Principal Investigator) 

1.  Title of research/development proposal      
(make the title concise and specific)                                   

2.  (a) Name of the Principal Investigator                                                   


Name of Institution                                                                                 


Email  :                                        Phone :                                                    

(b) Other Investigators     


Name of Institution                          


Email  :                                       Phone :                                                     

3.  (a) Proposed duration of the research/development proposal     

(b)  Proposed date of commencement of project/facilities      
      (Attention is invited to section 4. (g) of Grants – in –Aid Rules                                       
4.                                            Amount of grant proposed for 

Grants  I st Year  2nd Year  3rd Year 

(a) Research Staff (please specify the qualification) 
(b) Special Equipment   
(c) Consumable stores, chemicals, etc.  
(d) Contingencies (5% of a, b, c)   
(e) TA/DA 
(f) Overheads    

                                                                               Total Rs. 

Grand Total  
5.  (a)  Department  of  the  institution  where  R&D  project  will  be    
carried out 

 (b)  Other  departments  if  any,  which  will  cooperate  in  this   

 (c)  Details  of  financial  support  sought/  obtained  from  other     


6.    (a) Specific Aim of the Project   

 (b)  Summary  of  proposed  research/  facilities  and  objectives     

(brief  statement  about  the  proposed  investigation,  its 
conduct,  and  the  anticipated  results  in  not  more  than  200 

(c ) Key words   

(d) Classification of the project   

    (Please  state  whether  Basic  Research,  Applied  Research,   

Facility  Set  Up,  Dissemination  of  Information,  Process 
Development,  Hardware  Development,  Study  or 
Exploratory or Review of Investigation, Miscellaneous) 

7.  Background and justification   

(Basis for the proposal with a brief review of the state of the 
art in the subject, followed by an outline of the relevance and 
importance  of  the  project  in  particular  towards  research  / 
development / design related to Aircraft, Helicopters, Missiles 
and all other Air Borne Vehicles 

8.   (a)  Approach  (details  of  the  actual  approach  intended  to  be    
adopted  in  the  execution  of  the  project  /  facilities 
indicating  how  each  of  the  objectives  listed  in  item  6  (a) 
will be achieved) 

(b)  Bar  chart/PERT  chart  indicating  major  milestones  may    

please be attached 

9.  Facilities available for carrying out the proposed R&D work in   
the  applicant’s  institution  (to  be  attached  as  Appendix). 
Describe  the  general  facilities  at  your  disposal.  List  major 
items  of  permanent  equipment  which  are  essential  for  this 
project/ facilities and available in your institution 

10.  Previous work done in this or related fields (to be attached as   
Appendix). Describe briefly any work done that is particularly 
pertinent to the proposal and list  

(i).your personal publications in this and related areas and  

(ii).Personal publications in other areas 

11.  Details in respect of Research project facilities currently being   
undertaken/ likely to be undertaken by the PI and Co‐Project 
Investigator  from  various  sources  including  AR&DB  (List  all 
current research support of the investigator from AR&DB and 
other agencies) 

Name of PI/Co‐PI  Name of  Title of project /  Total amount  Total period of support with dates 

sponsoring  facilities  From                            To 



12.  (a) Biographical sketch of investigator (s)  Please Attach Separate Annexure 

(b).Other  research  training  and  experience  especially     

establishing research qualification in area covered by this 
application including previous and present position 

(c) Fields of major scientific interest in order of choice   

(d).Any other additional information   



1.  Name of Institution submitting application  : 

2.  Address  : 

3.  Name, designation and full address of the official to whom   
cheques are to be mailed                                                                 : 


I have gone through the rules for grants‐in‐aid scheme of AR&DB and  

(i) I agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth for the Grants‐in‐Aid scheme of the Aeronautics 
R&D Board and certify that basic necessary facilities for the proposed work are available and the 
same will be extended to the investigator(s). 

(ii) I certify that in case the present investigator is not available for any reason to continue the work on 
the project/facilities alternative arrangements will be made to employ suitable person/persons. 

(iii) I  certify  that  separate  accounts  will  be  kept  for  funds  received  from  AR&DB  and  spent  on  the 
project/facilities  and  the  same  will  be  made  available  to  the  Auditors  of  this  Instituion  and  on 
demand if required to an officer of the AR&DB secretariat. 

(iv) I certify that this proposal has not been submitted to any other agency for funding. 
(v) I certify that I will not be involved in any capacity as External member of the recruitment and promotion
board of Recruitment & Assessment Centre of DRDO.

(vi) I certify that I have not submitted this proposal to any other DRDO Research Boards namely Armament
  Research Board, Naval Research Board, Life Sciences Research Board and ER&IPR. 
(vii) No utilization certificates are pending from the institution towards the grant issued by AR&DB.

Signature of the              
Principal Investigator            Signature of the  
Name:                    Executive Authority 
Date:                     of the Institution 

Annexure II


NB-1: Twenty copies of the annual report are required

NB-2: The annual progress report will cover work done during the period of
one calendar year or from the date of commencement of work to the end of
calendar year in the case of newly sanctioned projects.

NB-3: Since additional funds required for subsequent years will be released only
after assessing the work during the preceding year, this report should reach
Secretary, Aeronautics R&D Board in Jan. every year in order to facilitate timely
release of funds


1. Name & Designation of Investigator :

2. Name & Address of Institution :

3. Title of Project :

4. Sanction Letter Reference :

5. Period for which sanctioned :

6. Date of commencement of work :

(The project would be deemed to be
operative with effect from the date funds are
received by the Institution)

7. Total Amount Sanctioned :

8. Statement of accounts certified by competent authority

(Likely unspent balance at the time of expiry of the period and the
saving made if any, under different heads should be clearly indicated

9. Details of staff in position (indicating change, if any)

10. Inventory & cost of equipment purchased out of the grant (till date).
Kindly refer para 5 of rules on equipment

11. Details of visits, seminars, symposia etc. attended

within the country (Please see para 4.1 (b) of
grants-in-aid rules)

Signature of the Signature of Executive authority

Principal Investigator of the Institution (Registrar or any
other designated officer of the
Date: Name & Designation
12. Certified that the funds received from AR&DB have not been utilised for any
purpose other than what have been clearly indicated in the sanction. None of the
staff members who are already receiving salary from the institution have been
paid by remuneration by way of consultancy fees.

Signature of the Principal Signature of the Accounts Signature of the Executive

Investigator Officer Authority

Date: Date: Date:

(a) Aim of project :
(b) Keywords :
(c) Classification of project :

(See para 6 (d) of Ann I)

2. Complete resume of all the relevant literature :

available on work done on the subject in India and abroad
giving as App A

3. A brief summary of work done and results achieved :

from the inception of the project till date (only in case of
projects sanctioned prior to the period covered by this
progress report).
To be given as App B.

4. Detailed report of progress of work on the project :

during the year covered by this report. (To be given as a
technical report separately. For more details see para 8(c)

5. Further programme of work :

6. No. of papers published with :

titles, name of journal & year of publication
(till date)

Signature of the
Principal Investigator

Annexure III


(To be completed by the Administrative authorities)

This part should include

1. Accounts-complete consolidated statement of accounts audited by the
auditors of the University / Institution (if auditing of the accounts is not completed
by the time the report is sent, a provisional statement of accounts duly certified
by the executive authorities of the University / Institution may be furnished)
(Audited accounts will however be sent as soon as possible)

2. Equipment - An inventory of all equipments purchased out of the grant for the
project should be sent on proforma GFR - 19 (Annexure VI)

3. Financial information / utilisation certificate as per proforma given below

should be submitted.

4. A certificate from the university / institute auditors stating that necessary

check has been applied by them and that the inventory has been found to be
in order should also be forwarded.


Statement of Accounts

Institute reference .............

Information on Grants-in-aid project of the Aero R&D Board sanctioned to

1. Reference to AR&DB initial sanction :

2. Project title :

3. Name of principal investigator :

4. Duration of the project, together with :

revisions in PDC if any

5. Total funds for the duration of the project :

including FE
(Details of fund received)

6. Original sanctioned cost in lakhs inclusive of :

FE (please indicate FE amount in bracket)

7. Revised cost Reasons for cost revision

a. :
b. :
c. :
d. :

8. Original PDC

9. Revised PDC Reasons for PDC revision

a. :
b. :
c. :
d. :
Statement of Expenditure

Signature of the Signature of the Signature of the Signature of the

Executive PI Accounts Officer Audit Authority
Authority / Head Date: Date: Date:
of the Institution

* Full details of the expenditure under these heads are to be furnished as

annexure to this statement. The expenditure under this head should tally
with the statement regarding disposal of equipment.
Statement - 3
Utilisation Certificate

Certified that out of a sum of Rs. ............................. of Grants-in-Aid

sanctioned during the year ..................... in favour of
................................................... for carrying out R&D work on
............................................................................................. under Govt. of
India, Ministry of Defence, Directorate of Aeronautics (R&D), Aeronautics
R&D Board sanction letters mentioned below.

No. & Date of the sanction letter Amount

A sum of Rs. ....................... has been utilised for the purpose for which it was
sanctioned and that the balance of Rs. .............................. remaining utilised at
the end of the year / completion of the scheme has been refunded to the Govt.
vide ............................ as acknowledged by the CDA ............................... vide
his letter No. ........................ dated ...............................
2. It is further certified that I have satisfied myself that the conditions on
which grant-in-aid was sanctioned have been duly fulfilled and
that I have exercised necessary check to see that the money was
actually utilised for the purpose for which it was sanctioned.

(Signature) (Signature)
Principal Investigator Exercise Authority of
the Institution
Place ........................ Place ............................
Date ........................ Date ............................




PLACE ...................................
DATE ...................................

(To be completed by the investigator)
This part should include:

(a) Aim of the project :

(b) Keywords :

(c) Classification of project :

(Basic research, Applied research, Facility set up,
Hardware Development, Software Development,
Review, Study, Data Generation, Design,
Others - Please specify

(d) Introduction giving the background and existing :

state of knowledge on the subject and the objective(s)
proposed to be achieved by the present investigation

(e) Experimental work giving full details of all :

experimental setup and procedures adopted, data
collected, supported by necessary tables, charts,
diagrams, photographs etc.

(f) Analysis of the results :

(g) Conclusions giving the achievement with reference:
to the main objective(s) of the project

(h) Papers published / presented giving details of the :

papers published / presented based on the work
carried out under the project

(i) Abstract highlighting the salient features of the work:

(j) End use of work :

(k) Likely end users :

(l) How the facility set up under the project is likely :

to be utilised

(m) Recognition, Awards, Patents, if any :

(n) No. of students trained / annum or likely to be :

trained in future
Annexure IV



1. Title of the Short Course / Symposia / Seminar :

2. (a) Department & institution proposing the Short course/

Symposium / Seminar
2. (b) Other departments / agencies planned to be :
associated for conducting / supporting the seminar /
symposium / short course

3. Proposed faculty / invitees :

4. Scope and objective of the proposed clearly bringing :

out the need to organise the Short course / Symposium
/ Seminar and the topics to be covered

5. Importance of the proposal :

6. Likely participants (identify the organisations / who :

would benefit from such a short course / symposium /
seminar) and the expected number of participants

7. Duration of the short course / symposium / seminar :

(and the proposed dates and venue)

8. (a) Detailed breakdown of cost indicating expenditure :

under the following heads
(i) Seminar circulars / registration material etc. :
(ii) Printing of proceedings / lecture notes :
(iii) Working lunch / coffee / tea :
(iv) Contingencies for typing assistance / postage / :
transport etc. (expenditure under each head to be
(v) Others (please specify) :

8. (b) Detailed breakdown of income from registration fee /

contribution / grants etc. from various agencies and the
amount of grant requested from AR&DB

8. (c) Order of preferences under various heads

8. (d) Payee in whose favour the cheque should be drawn

9. Number of vacancies being allotted to AR&DB without

payment of registration fee

" It is certified that funds for conducting the proposed
short course / seminar / symposium cannot be met from
within the resources of the institution."

DATE : Head of the Institution



i) The above proposal should be made in 20 copies and forwarded to

Secretary, Aeronautics R&D Board for processing.

ii) The proposals should be submitted at least 3 months in advance. Cases

involving foreign invitees should be sent at least 6 months in advance. Request
for security clearance for visit to Defence R&D Estt, if required, should
accompany the proposal along with the following details:

a) Full Name (expanding the initials) :

b) Nationality :
c) Date of birth :
d) Parentage :
e) Permanent address :

f) Present address :

g) Passport number, date & place of issue & :

its validity, if available
h) Occupation :
i) Visa number, date & period of validity :
j) Whether previously in India, if so,
date and place of previous visit
k) Purpose & date of visit to the Estt / Lab
and duration of visit
l) Purpose of visit to India and period of stay
in India
iii) Three sets of seminar proceedings / lecture notes would need to be sent to
AR&DB Secretariat for record along with the list of participants

iv) Statement of expenditure supported by original vouchers would be submitted

by the grantee institution within one month after conduct of the seminar /
symposium / short course.
Annexure V



1. Name :

2. Deptt. and the Institution :

3. Purpose of deputation (in case the deputation is for :

participation in a seminar / symposia, the title of the
symposia / seminar along with the venue and dates
should be mentioned).

4. Details of deputation abroad for the last five years :

with information on countries visited, duration,
purpose & sponsoring agency.

5. Country / countries to be visited and the duration of :

the deputation

6. Whether the deputation is linked with the activities :

of AR&DB Grants-in-aid project(s) if so, the name
of the project, its current status and need for deputation
vis-à-vis the project activities should be briefly outlined

7. (a) Whether presenting a paper based on the AR&DB :

7. (b) Please also indicate the amount of registration fees :
and whether the organising committee has exempted
payment of the above fees.
7. (c) Whether the paper to be presented has been :
cleared for publication by the coordinator of the
concerned panel. If so, please attach a copy of the
communication in this regard.

8. Benefits likely to accrue from the deputation :

9. The total anticipated expenses for the deputation :

with the break up and the support likely to be provided
by the parent institution / organisers of the symposium /
any other agencies like DST, CSIR / Industries etc.
10. Amount of grant requested from AR&DB :
(Detailed Breakup)




Certified that the proposed expenditure of Rs. ..............................for

deputation of Shri/Dr./Prof can not be met from within the resources of the
laboratory / Institute / University

Only excursion fare has been included in the anticipated expenditure

Excursion fare is not available on this route

The breakup of expenditure as per para 9 is as per institute norms.

Signature of Head of the Institution


Twenty copies of the proposal should be submitted to Secy AR&DB so as to
reach at least three months in advance. Alternatively 2 copies could be
submitted to Secretary AR&DB and one copy submitted along with the
recommendations of the panel so as to reach AR&DB Sectt. at least 45 days in
Annexure VII

CONTIINGENT BILL NO. .............................................................. FOR

Amount of Allotment

Amount expected and for which bills have been submitted for payment of
Rs. ...........................

Balance of allotment excluding the amount of this bill Rs


Expenditure on account ..........................................

incurred by ...........................................

(i) Authority: ............................................................

(ii) Months account in which last charged on this account was preferred


TOTAL: .....................

NET AMOUNT PAYABLE IN WORDS: ..........................................................



LAST CHARGED D.V. No. ....................................... for

(When a cheque is to be issued)

Passed for (Rs. .................... Paise) Rupees .................................. for

payment as under

Voucher Number ...................................


MONTH ............................ CDA ............................. SECTION

..................................... CLASS OF VOUCHER No. .....................................
Annexure IX



The Technical Committee will assist the Aero R&D Board in the formulation of
plans and programmes of relevance to the Aeronautical & Missile needs of the

In order to meet the above national objectives, the Technical Committee

would be responsible for the following:

1. To review all grants-in-aid project proposals recommended by the specialist

panels, beyond the financial limit specified and assign priorities, if necessary.

2. To prepare short term and long term plans for R&D in Aeronautics &
missiles for consideration by Aeronautics R&D Board.

3. To delineate areas of R&D at selected institutions with the ultimate

objective of creating centers of excellence, in identified disciplines.

4. To identify requirements for creation / upgradation of test facilities at

selected institutions

5. To formulate plan of action for organising short and long term training
courses / quality improvement programmes at selected institutions to ensure
availability of trained manpower.

6. To form study group / task forces in specific areas of futuristic technologies

to enable launching of appropriate design, development programmes including
airworthiness and certification.

7. To advise Chairman AR&DB on specific issues referred to it.

Annexure X

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