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Your Celestial Guardians

Diana Cooper

Introduction ix

Part I Dragons and Their History

Chapter 1: Who Are the Dragons? 4

Chapter 2: Dragons and the Birth of Earth 10
Chapter 3: Dragons at the Time of Petranium, 13
the Golden Age of Africa.
Chapter 4: Dragons and the Third Golden Age: Mu 17
Chapter 5: Dragons and the Fourth Golden Age: Lemuria 20
Chapter 6: Dragons in Atlantis and the Present Time 24

Part II Fourth‑dimensional Dragons

Chapter 1: How Fourth‑dimensional Dragons Help Us 32

Chapter 2: Earth Dragons 35
Chapter 3: Air Dragons 41
Chapter 4: Fire Dragons 46
Chapter 5: Water Dragons 50
Chapter 6: Earth‑and‑Air Dragons 54
Chapter 7: Earth‑and‑Fire Dragons 57
Chapter 8: Earth‑and‑Water Dragons 61


Chapter 9: Air‑and‑Fire Dragons 65

Chapter 10: Air‑and‑Water Dragons 69
Chapter 11: Fire‑and‑Water Dragon 74
Chapter 12: Your Personal Dragon 78

Part III Fifth‑ to Seventh‑Dimensional


Chapter 1: Golden Christed Dragons 86

Chapter 2: Lilac Fire Dragons 91
Chapter 3: Rainbow Dragons 95
Chapter 4: Black Dragons 99
Chapter 5: Silver Dragons 103
Chapter 6: Orange Dragons 107
Chapter 7: Green Dragons 112
Chapter 8: Royal-blue and Gold Dragons 116
Chapter 9: Rose Pink Dragons 120
Chapter 10: Golden Atlantean Dragons 125
Chapter 11: The Peach and Gold Peace Dragons 130

Part IV Dragons that Work with

Archangels and Masters

Chapter 1: Archangel Zadkiel’s Gold and 138

Silver Violet Flame Dragons
Chapter 2: Thor’s Red, Black and Gold Dragons 143
Chapter 3: Archangel Mariel’s Magenta Dragons 148
Chapter 4: Quan Yin’s Pink Dragons 153
Chapter 5: Archangel Gabriel’s White Crystal Dragons 157
Chapter 6: Archangel Raphael’s Emerald Dragons 161
Chapter 7: Archangel Jophiel’s Crystal Yellow Dragons 165


Chapter 8: Archangel Michael’s Deep Blue Dragons 169

Chapter 9: Archangel Fhelyai’s Sunshine Yellow Dragons 173
Chapter 10: Archangel Metatron’s Golden Orange Dragons 178

Part V Galactic Dragons

Chapter 1: Dusky Pink Dragons from Andromeda 188

Chapter 2: Aquamarine Dragons from Neptune 196
Chapter 3: Bronze and Yellow Dragons from Uranus 204
Chapter 4: White‑pink Dragons from Venus 209
Chapter 5: Blue‑gold Dragons from Mercury 213
Chapter 6: Crystal Green and Orange Dragons 218
from Jupiter
Chapter 7: Black and Silver‑white Dragons from Pluto 222
Chapter 8: Black Dragons from Saturn 227
Chapter 9: Pure White Dragons from Orion 232
Chapter 10: Blue Dragons from the Pleiades 236
Chapter 11: Green‑gold Dragons from Sirius 242
Chapter 12: Silver Lunar Dragons 246
Chapter 13: Golden Solar Dragons from Helios 250
Chapter 14: Orange‑gold Dragons from Arcturus 255
Chapter 15: White‑gold Dragons from Lyra 260
Chapter 16: Dark Blue Galactic Dragons 266
Chapter 17: Alpha Dragons 272
Chapter 18: Omega Dragons 276
Chapter 19: Source Dragons 280

Conclusion 287
About the Author 289

Dragons and
Their History

D ragons are wise beings of the angelic realms. They are on

different wavelengths from angels but they work together
for the highest good, each performing their allotted tasks.
Dragons are extremely sage, courageous, open‑hearted beings
who have been serving our planet from its inception. They
have a great affinity with and love for humans and for Earth. If
one becomes your companion, it supports you and the bond is
unbreakable. Your dragon will return to you whenever you need it.
They watch over us and they guard the treasures of our
world. These are the caches of wisdom held in certain crystals,
rocks and trees, the magic hidden in some caves, the songs of the
mountains or the mysteries of the natural world.
They can create matter and deconstruct it. In other words,
they can physically materialize and they can destroy. The angels
hold the vision while the dragons manifest it.
Like all beings of the angelic realms they will do your bidding
as long as it is for the highest good but only if you ask.

Chapter 1
Who Are the Dragons?

D ragons are elementals. This means they do not have all four
elements as humans do. They can have earth, air, fire or
water or a combination of any two or three of them.
To put them in context:

• Angels and unicorns are of the element air.

• Fairies, sylphs and esaks (new elementals recently arrived on

Earth from another universe to purify it for the new Golden
Age) are air elementals.

• Goblins, gnomes and elves are earth elementals.

• Mermaids, undines (water nymphs) and kyhils (more

new elementals recently arrived from another universe
to purify the Earth for the new Golden Age), are water

• Salamanders are fire elementals.

• Imps, pixies, fauns and many others have more than one

Who Are the Dragons?

All elementals are of the angelic kingdom but have different

roles and operate on different frequency bands. It is becoming
easier to tune in to their wavelengths as we raise our vibrational
Dragons, angels, unicorns and nature spirits do not have free
will. Only humans have that. The angelic role is to serve God and
to help people, animals and the natural world.

Air Elementals
All air elementals inspire you, blow away the old and bring in
higher energies.
Air dragons are always ready to clear etheric cobwebs from
your home or your mind and to create a higher vortex of energy
to replace them. They can breathe fire.

Fire Elementals
All fire elementals burn away and transmute lower energies so
that the new can come in.
Fire dragons are extremely powerful. If you ask they will
create an etheric wall of fire round you, your home or your loved
ones for protection and to clear energies that impact on you.

Earth Elementals
Earth elementals look after the soil and keep the land clear of
lower frequencies.
Earth dragons maintain ley lines and clear negative energies
under the surface of earth. They can breathe fire.

Water Elementals
Water elementals keep the energy of love flowing.

Dragons and Their History

Water dragons are smooth like snakes and they carry the
love of the universe wherever they go. Water is everywhere, not
just in lakes and oceans but in the atmosphere and in the cells
of our bodies. These great open‑hearted creatures move fluidly,
spreading Christ light throughout the universe. They cannot
breathe fire.

Dragons’ Shape
The Intergalactic Council, (a body of 12 mighty beings who
take decisions for the evolution of Earth), under guidance from
Source, chose the reptilian shape for dragons so that they could
easily glide and slide through the dimensions and enter confined
spaces that other beings could not access.
They have long served in this and other universes and
their hearts are so bright with love that they have developed
etheric wings. Their wings become more ethereal as their
frequency rises.

Tuning in to Dragons
Dragons are part of our ancient history, so knowing them is
encoded into our memory banks. Now that the dragons are
returning to help us, this memory is becoming stronger in the
collective consciousness, so it is becoming easier to tune in to
them. The moment you think about a dragon or any ethereal
being, it comes to you. So, the more you think or talk about
dragons, the closer they are. For many people this trust in the
presence of dragons is enough.
Tuning in to their wavelength is like finding a radio
programme. The more you fine‑tune the connection with
meditation, visualization, prayer and all kinds of spiritual work,
the clearer your communication becomes.

Who Are the Dragons?

I often think people have unrealistic expectations of

seeing a dragon in glorious technicolour and clearly hearing
what it says. This may be possible for those who are clairvoyant
and clairaudient as a result of many lifetimes of spiritual
dedication. However, most people just have occasional flashes
of seeing and hearing or they have psychic impressions and this
is enough.
Those who work with claircognizance or knowing will
receive downloads and whispers. They have to lower their
frequency to see clairvoyantly, so I always suggest that people
trust their intuition, for what they receive is perfect for them.

Dragons in the Clouds

Dragons are usually very busy and active but occasionally one
may rest in the sky as it watches over a project. As with all
beings or objects that are at a different frequency from that of
our planet, condensation gathers round it. This is when you see a
dragon shape – or an angel, unicorn or flying saucer – in the sky.
Even when the being has left, its outline can be seen as a cloud in
the sky that gradually disperses.

A Resumé of Dragon History

Here is a brief resumé of the history of the dragons. In the
following chapters I expand on their history, their role and how
we can work with them to restore our planet to its rightful place
in the universe.

1. Dragons were present at Angala, the birth of Earth, and

helped with its formation.

2. In the Golden Age of Petranium, the ancient civilization

that seeded Africa, dragons worked with crystals to keep

Dragons and Their History

the portals to the stars clear so that the people could access
stellar wisdom. They ensured water was in the right place
for irrigation.

3. In the Golden Age of Mu, the dragons formed the links

between Earth, Sirius, Neptune, the Pleiades and Orion and
protected the blue‑aquamarine flame of wisdom held in the
Hollow Centre (an energetic space or cosmic chakra) of each
one. The beings of Mu loved the mountains and kept the
songs of the mountains in tune. The dragons still protect the
mountains and their music.

4. The etheric beings of the Golden Age of Lemuria so loved

Earth that at the end of the civilization they created liquid
crystals containing the wisdom of the stars. These were
specifically intended to help our planet during the period
from 2012 to 2032. The dragons helped to place this liquid
light into seams in the rock, so that Lemurian crystals could
reappear to assist us now.

5. In preparation for the Golden Era of Atlantis, dragons formed

the Hill of Poseidon on which the temple that housed the Great
Crystal was built. (The Great Crystal held information that
high priests and priestesses downloaded to individual temple
crystals.) Throughout this era they diligently protected the
Great Crystal and kept the people, the continent and the
portals to the stars energetically clear. And at the end of
Atlantis they were offered promotion to the fifth dimension
as a reward for their great service, but they declined because
they said humanity would need their help after 2012. This
spiritual sacrifice is now being rewarded.

6. When the Temple of Poseidon collapsed and the Great Crystal

fell into the centre of the Bermuda Triangle, the water

Who Are the Dragons?

dragons continued to protect it. Not only was it an advanced

computer and generator powered by Source energy but it
was an intergalactic portal. The dragons guard all beings who
travel through the portal.

7. At the current time, more and more high‑frequency dragons

and intergalactic ones are returning to play their part in the
ascension of Earth.

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