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CS – Overview


Enterprise Asset IT Service and Asset

Service Management Spare Parts Management
Management Management

Service Sales and Marketing Service Parts Planning Investment Planning & Design IT Procurement

Service Contract Management Service Parts Procurement Procurement and Construction IT Asset Management

Customer Service and Support Service Parts Warehousing Maintenance & Operation IT Service Management

Installed Base Management Service Parts Fulfillment Decommissioning And Disposal IT Financial Management

Warranty Claim Management Service Parts Transportation Asset Analytics IT Service Analytics

Field Service Service Parts Analytics

Depot Repair

Service Management And Analytics

CS – Enterprise Structure

Maintenance Plant Planning Plant

Plant Section Planner Group

Execute Services on Tech . Objects (Task List) Work Center





•PM - Structuring Technical Systems for information on structuring and managing technical
objects information on maintenance notification and maintenance order functionality.
•FI-AA - Asset Accounting - managing serviceable items as tangible assets
•CO – Cost element as cost collector. It can be used to distinguish Planned & Actual Material
Costs & Service Costs to get exact Profitability.
•MM - Services Management for information on service records It uses the Plant & Storage
location Functionality for keeping Exact stocks of the Spares & Accessories. It also uses
Purchase functionality to Buy Materials from manufacturer
•SD - Sales, Sales Order Processing for information on managing and billing sales orders and
service contracts. It uses the Customer Master Data for the Customer Billing. It uses the
Pricing Condition for the Sale of Accessories & Services.
•PS - Project System for information on using projects
CS – Master data & Technical Objects

• Functional Location

• Equipment

• Installed base

• Serial Number

• Material

• Bill Of Material
CS – Service Notification Processing

Sales Order Delivery Billing

Customer contacts

Notification Entry Notification processing

Complete Service
Service Order Process Service Order

CS – Service Order Processing
Service Order

External Service Provider Company Customer

Outsourcing Agreements Service Contracts & Sales Orders

In al

Service Order

Service Purchase

Internal , External Services

Service Purchase
Billing Document

Cost Revenues



CS – Service Planning

Capacity requirements planning

supports you in the detailed resource
planning of technicians in Customer
Repair Order
Repair order dash board Service Order reference

Service Booking Operation and Component

CS – Service Contract Management

• AMCs: Annual Maintenance Contract once the warranty gets over – Comprehensive
• Non – Comprehensive AMC : Only certain parts are covered under the contract
• Only Parts Covered
• Only Labor Covered
• A fixed # of free PM Services
CS – Warranty Processing

• The warranty check can be performed automatically by the system when processing
customer notifications and billing requests
• The Customer Service component provides the following types of warranty:
• Time-bound warranties
• Counter-dependent warranties
• Warranties that are valid for periods of time and counter intervals.

Types of Warranty
• Warranty & Free Services – Free Services provided against Warranty to Customer.
• After Sales Service – Services provided after the Warranty period is surpassed or
Warranty voids.
• Retro fitment Services – provided for a particular defect in some Lot of vehicles.
• Annual Maintenance Contracts are also created for Corporate Clients with Proper
Servicing Schedules for the technical object.
CS – Service Scenarios

• External Procurement Services

• Depot Repair
• Service Contract with Periodic Billing
• Service with Time & Material based Billing
• Service with Fix Priced Billing
Depot Repair
Service Contract with Periodic Billing
Service with Time & Material Based Billing
Service with Fixed Price Billing
CS – Solution Data Base

• The R/3 Solution Database (SDB) applications offers customer service organizations a
knowledge base component which provides a highly flexible structure to preserve and
acquire knowledge

• SDB enables the following functionality that does not exist in the current R/3’s database
• exact search as well as the fuzzy search,
• attribute search (e.g., code group and codes) as well as case-based search,
• free-text descriptions as well as structured knowledge representation,
• flexible information sources including Internet/Intranet access, various file formats and the
business objects defined in R/3.
CS – Information System

• MCIA: Notification analysis

• MCJB: MTBR/MTTR analysis for an Equipment
• MCJC: MTBR/MTTR analysis for a Functional Location
• MCI1 : Object Class Analysis
• MCI2 : Manufacturer Analysis
• MCI3 : Location Analysis
• MCI4 : Planner group Analysis
• MCI5 : Damage Analysis
• MCI6 : Object Statistics
• MCI7 : Breakdown Analysis
• MCI8 : Cost Analysis

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