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Married Life Adventures

Hi dear readers,

My name is Inder, aged 38 from Mumbai, India and this is a graphic and detail account of my cuckold

I met my wife Neha (current age 34 also from Mumbai) through common friends, back in 2014 at that
time I was working as an IT specialist in the Middle East.

I almost immediately fell in love with her. At this point let me describe Neha to you.

She is 5”5, petite, 34c-28-36, light brownish skin tone and a very cute face to match. It took me a bit of
wooing to rope her in, mainly for two reasons- one she had just gotten out of a long term relationship
like six months back and didn’t want to get into another one so soon (this was her 4th guy btw, she had
lost her cherry at aged 16) and second I am not much in the looks department and generally not very
outgoing, in fact I never even had a relationship or a girlfriend, not that I was a virgin but most of my
experiences were with whores and porn watching, you can say that I was a sexual novice when I met

After a lot of cajoling and wooing we eventually started dating, I kept flying in an out of India (my home
country) to meet and be with her as it was only an hour and forty minutes of flight and in about two
months’ time I popped the question and all she said was that I will have to ask her parents’ permission
for that to happen. So I sent over my folks to hers and in a way it turned into an arranged marriage,
everyone was happy! And bang in the third month of our dating life we were married. During our whole
courtship and dating period we never had sex, only a lot of kissing and cuddling and fondling and she
gave me few hand jobs. The reason being a of lack place in Mumbai –which was always an issue and
whatever we could manage we did it in moving taxis and rickshaws.

Right then we were promptly married amidst much pomp just like a typical desi marriage!

On our wedding night itself- right after our reception we were gifted all paid packages to Thailand for
our honeymoon.

So even on our wedding night I didn’t get to fuck my wife!

But once we finally landed in Bangkok, Thailand the first thing I did was to fuck her like crazy not that I
was very good at it but I tried.

Also during our honeymoon my wife really opened up about her past sexual lovers. It was a crazy
moment , mostly it was my doing because I kept asking her if I am doing good and I also kept asking her
what her ex-lovers did to pleasure her and she obliged and how!

She gave me details about the first dick she saw to the first one she sucked and inadvertently that night,
partly because of my wife’s details and party because of my own prying, on our first night together I was
turned into a cuckold.

I kept imagining my wife and her ex-lovers together in all sorts of bodily pleasures. She had even
mentioned about some one night stands with guys she met in clubs.
The first few days of our honeymoon was without any incident of note. Then on the third day in the wee
hours of the morning, Neha woke me up from my sleep, I woke up with a jolt as she complained that a
bunch guys were creating a commotion right below our room (our hotel room was just about the hotel
pool). I peered outside the window half expecting a bunch of drunk twenty one year olds frolicking in
the water but I saw a bunch of retired drunk white guys having fun in the water. I smiled to myself made
myself a drink and walked towards the balcony and stood there just gazing below, just then a few
moments later Neha walked behind me, in her see through negligée.

Just that moment a few of the guys below caught sight of us above. They waved at me and I waved back
with Neha standing next to me from what I could make out was that they could see Neha’s silhouette
from below and I don’t know if it was the whisky or me just being plain horny it got my mind into

I kept the drink on the table and let her in front of me grabbed her from her waist and kissed her neck,
she was shocked and resisted a little but reciprocated eventually. We started to kiss and by now I was
fondling her breasts through the fabric of the nighty. I peeked down and saw the eyeballs staring back at
us had increased, in fact all eyes were on us and it turned me on to put on a show for them.

One of the men whistled. Another one howled and yet another shouted “show her tits!” and by now I
was rock hard against her ass, she in front of me. My hands were well inside her flimsy nighty and
pinching her dime sized nipples. Neha was moaning and in the heat of the moment I dropped one her
sleeves till her shoulders exposing her bare breast. She moaned softly in my ear “ baby log dekh rahe
hain”(baby people are staring) and I replied “dekhne do bechare buddhe hain sirf dekh hi sakte hain”

(let them watch, as it is they are old can’t do much other than stare) .

My hand reached her pussy mound and was patting her pubic area. Meanwhile the whistles and cat calls
increased below. I didn’t want to get in trouble with the hotel authorities so I waved them back below
and pulled Neha inside the room. She flopped on the bed. I went out again and looked below and saw
the guys giving me thumbs up and one of them motioning with his hips back and forth so as to indicate
to fuck her real good. One old guy really went a step ahead of the others and opened his swimming
shorts to pull out his massive hard dick, he too gave me thumbs up and pointed to his penis while others
around him laughed hysterically. I smiled and retired inside.

Once inside I saw my beautiful wife in a different light, the way those men ogled at her body and
salivated at her made my penis rock hard.

I bent towards Neha and spread her legs apart ogled at the thin fabric of her panty covering her vagina.

Without further delay I straight away went to lick her pussy (something I had to learn from my bulls
later). I slurped and licked her pussy in every way possible till she achieved orgasm in my mouth after
which she sat up and pulled out my now aching penis and sucked it because of which I ejaculated within
a minute if not seconds.

Exhausted we both lay in each other’s arms and fell asleep.

End of Chapter 1
The next morning upon waking up we were both famished and Neha didn’t want to go down for the
breakfast buffet so she suggested that I order room service.

I called up lobby and asked them to send my breakfast to my room.

Within ten minutes the bell rang, I opened the door and saw a strikingly handsome Thai man, well built,
tall with a great smile. I called him in and he started to place the trays on the table for our breakfast.

Neha was on the bed with just a sheet covering her nakedness and from the corner of my eye I saw the

Service guy taking quick appreciative glances at her and that’s when I had another idea. I stuck up a
conversation with him, his English name was Aaron, he was twenty three years old, and I was pleasantly
surprised that he could confidently converse in English.

After making small talk with him I went to the bed, handed my wife her robe and whispered in her ear

“Baby do you want to have some fun”?

She looked at me quizzically. From what had transpired last night I wanted to go further so I told her

“Why don’t dress up in front of our friend”

She gave me a drowsy yet mischievous smile and with one motion got up from the bed revealing all of
her nakedness.

I turned towards Aaron and wanted to make sure her saw my wife, I also wanted to make sure he was a
red blooded heterosexual male who would appreciate my Neha’s nakedness (what with all the lady boys
and gays in Thailand, not that I have or had anything against them), all my doubts disappeared as it
became pretty evident from the almost instant bulge in his formal trousers.

Our eyes met and he immediately looked down, maybe in embarrassment or he didn’t want me looking at
him while he ogled at my wife.

I turned towards Neha and saw her going towards the bath. I looked at Aaron and smiled, he gave me a
nervous smile so to put him at ease I tipped him he happily accepted and was about to leave when I
asked him

“Hey umm do you know of any good massage studios? I mean I saw a lot of them but they seemed kind
of sleazy and you know I want to go for the massage with my wife so if you know any?”

“Sir…umm if you don’t mind i….i… get off from duty at four pm, maybe I can ummm give both of you a
massage, I do that for extra cash” He uttered almost stuttering the whole time.

Now this was not what I was expecting but I realized that I really liked the guy- he was coherent , smart
and someone I sort of knew and I would have loved to see his hands all over my wife.

So I asked him “can you do that in here or would we have to go someplace”?

“No sir. I cannot do extra earning on hotel premises, you will have to come to my studio apartment, its just
15 minutes’ walk from here. Besides the walk will tense you two up and I can ease it for you with my
I pursed my lips and after a bit of thinking agreed. He said he will come to our room at four thirty that
evening, I gave him a thumbs up and he left.

I walked towards the bath to join Neha and realized that I had a raging hard on myself in anticipation of
what was to come.

In the bath I told her about the massage she was a little apprehensive about it, particularly the fact that it
would be away from the hotel but I calmed her mind by going down on her and later having amazing
furious sex with her.

Later we had some scrumptious breakfast and planned the day ahead. We went for a long relaxed stroll
on the beach then went for a swim finally topped it off with lunch and shopping at the mall. After a fun day
it was time to head to the hotel upon reaching it we were welcomed by Aaron who was waiting right
outside our room!

I shook his hand and he asked me if I had any further plans I replied in the negative and he asked us to
freshen up and meet him in the lobby below.

We did our business and met Aaron downstairs. By now he had changed into Bermuda shorts and a
loose sleeveless tee, showing off his impressive biceps.

I was casually dressed myself, Neha on the other hand was wearing tiny blue colored hot pants and a
white singlet tank top draw attention to her toned body. I could sense Aaron was evidently happy seeing
us, maybe he wasn’t expecting us to accompany him.

After pleasantries he asked us to follow him and keep a brisk pace we did and I was impressed at his
prowess overall.

We reached his apartment and it was at this moment my heart raced, I held Neha’s hand and squeezed it
and whispered in her ear

“Baby if you want to back out, its fine with me”

To my utter surprise she put her hand on my crotch, squeezed my balls and penis and said

“Do you really want me to back out?” she winked

I could now relax seeing her playful mood.

In the room Aaron explained to us that he would be charging us two thousand in Thai currency each and
any other requests would be extra, I was a little intrigued and asked him what he meant by ‘other

He was a little hesitant and replied “Well sometimes people ask for Nuru massages, which are body to
body rubs and other such things”

My eyes widened. I was now even more excited.

He gave us soothing teas to calm our minds and it really did work wonders. After the three of us finished
our drinks he asked me if I would like to go first and I shook my head and said no she would go first.
I motioned to Neha and she went in for a quick body bath, came out wearing just a towel seeing her
pristine semi wet body made both of us gulp, I saw the look on Aarons face and although he could have
been a professional, I wouldn’t know but he was visibly nervous and definitely excited seeing her in that
state. He motioned her to lie on the table. She went and lay on her back and he smiled at her while I sat
on a nearby. He started with her feet- toes to be precise he applied some oil on his palms and started to
rub the sole of her feet moving from the heel to the toes. I saw Neha had closed her eyes and I could
gauge that she was feeling peaceful and pleasured at the same time, seeing her in that state leapt my
penis into action, I adjust my crotch with my hands, walked towards her and planted a sweet kiss on her
forehead and whispered

“Are you ok babe”? She nodded with her eyes closed which always indicated (her closed eyes) that she
was entering in a state of pleasure.

I kissed her again, this time a more longer lingering one on the lips.

By now Aaron was massaging her shins and I could see he was rock hard, his member waiting to burst
out of his tiny shorts.

He had reached her thighs now- his hands rubbing and caressing my wife’s, my Neha’s thighs- big huge
hands under the towel. Neha parted her legs a bit and let out a small sigh.

Aaron after finishing working on both of her thighs looked at me and made a signal with his hands as to
tell Neha to turn over on her tummy.

I held Neha’s head and spoke in her ear ever so softly to turn over which she did, giving a generous
display of her thong covered buttocks. I told Aaron to completely remove the towel from under her to
which they both complied.

So now my beautiful wife was topless, in a thong lying face down while another man’s hands sent down
shocks of pleasure and relaxation down her spine.

By now even Aaron had overcome his shyness and awkwardness and was covering more areas of her
body, applying liberal amounts of oil and other massage lubricants. The air was smelling of various oils
from peppermint to tea tree to lemon. It was a intoxicating scene- my wife almost naked another man
massaging her wonderful body- his hands going to every curve and ridge of her near perfect body.

She turned around once again exposing her bare breasts to him this time. He got the hint and started with
her breasts- her nipples peaking at full attention and my cock rock hard – he pinched her nipples ever so
slightly all the while me watching and getting more incensed.

Finally I unbuttoned my shorts and pulled out my penis and started to stroke looking at Aaron and my
wife. I guess Aarong knew the outcome and he just gave me an appreciative nod to which I reciprocated-
Neha too had completely shed her reserves and parted her legs more. I nodded to Aaron and he pulled
her thongs aside and started to massaged her inner thighs and moved close to her vulva- all the while he
was looking for my approval. He reached her vagina and stopped abruptly.

He looked up and said “Sir this is what I meant by extra services, extra charges” and smiled slyly

I matched his slyness with my own and without saying a word made a sign gave him a thumbs up.

It was all he needed as he proceeded to massage my wife’s pussy, his thumb playing with her now
swollen with anticipation clit and his middle finger deep in her vagina.
Neha was moaning, the moans which I couldn’t evict out of her but here was a stud who was pleasuring
my wife in a way I couldn’t and he was just using his fingers.

I got up and walked towards them, kissed her passionately while massaging her breasts and pinching her
nipples, she responded by moaning louder.

I motioned Aaron to stop the fingering he did but his finger was still deep in her womanhood.

I asked him in an almost matter of fact way “Will a little savoring cost extra also”?

All he did was nod.

“Ok then, do you want to give him a taste babe?”

She held onto my hands and squirmed with pleasure.

“I guess that’s a yes, please go ahead Aaron”.

With that said Aaron used both his hands, parted her pussy lips and started to kiss her bare shaven
pussy, slowly at first and gradually increasing the speed licking and poking his tongue deep into her now
wet and dripping hole.

I realized that he is an expert, Neha was pushing his head into her crotch.

What seemed like seconds and Neha exploded into his mouth, spasm after spasm with Aaron’s face
clasped onto her crotch.

Her body went limp and Aaron got up, face and lips all wet with my wife’s juices.

I looked at his shorts and his cock was almost ready to burst out of them. I realized that while I
masturbated two times already, poor Aaron was hurting in the nether regions and I didn’t want him to
have a case of blue balls.

I waved him towards me and near Neha’s beautiful face, I bent down and whispered to her “baby return
the favor to the man”

She looked up to me and smiled and said “This too will cost you, you sure are spoiling me”

Aaron smiled and said with a wink “This will be on the house Sir!”

Neha pulled down his shorts to reveal an almost 8 inches thick uncut brown penis, I was impressed and
so was she.

Slowly she pulled back the foreskin and started to pull him in her mouth using her lips.

Aaron closed his eyes while Neha held onto his buttocks and motioned him to mouth fuck her to which
Aaron responded by thrusting his hips in and out of my lovely wife.

I in the meanwhile i held her silky hair back so that they didn’t get in the way.

Neha was giving equal attention to his balls too and alternating her mouth to his shaft and balls, what
really broke it for Aarong I am guessing was her finger which she poked deep into his anus.
He let out a little scream of pleasure and exploded into her mouth and face.

Even then she didn’t let him pull out appreciating his hot ejaculate all over her. Only after he went limp in
her mouth did she let go of him.

Aaron looked like he had run a marathon, I was covered in my own cum and Neha in Aarons!

I looked up at the watch and it was close to eight pm, I quickly paid him, the three of us had a quick
shower together and Neha and I left his place.

End of Chapter 2

At the hotel room Neha seemed a bit upset which was sort of odd after the massage and all so I asked
her what the matter was that’s when she revealed about a particular guy named Anthony who had been
giving her regular massages all the while we courted and Aarons massage sort of brought back a flood of
memories filed with guilt.

I held her head kissed her and deeply and passionately exploring her mouth with my tongue, trying to get
a taste of Aaron’s hot juices leftovers. She had tears in her eyes and I whispered “you don’t need to feel
guilty for bodily pleasures, I know you will always love me and I will too”.

She responded by saying something which will stay with me forever “Babe even though a fair number of
men have fucked me and enjoyed my body, you will be the only one who has my heart, I mean it” tears
rolling down her cheeks.

We hugged and stayed motionless for some time in each other’s warm embrace.

I looked at my watch and it showed 9:30 pm and I realized that the night life in Bangkok will spring into
action soon, so I asked Neha to dress up because we would be going various night-clubs and have
dinner too there.

I fixed myself a drink and watched Neha dress up, god she knew how to doll up for an occasion!

She wore a nice short slinky body embracing black dress, matching mesh panties and no bra paired with
high heels, anklet chain, and a choker type necklace, tied her hair in a bun and winked at me and asked
“how am I looking?”

I laughed and replied “hope to meet more Aarons in the clubs”

We both giggled and left our room.

We went club hopping from one spot to another, dancing, frolicking and having a good time.

I saw men appreciating my wife’s form and looks and it made me even more proud of her, some asked for
dances with her, while I sat back and saw some grinding and touching her all in funs sake.

The night went on till about 4 am and all the while I saw one gentleman in particular , a white person in
his sixties , tall and bulky following us from one club to another, nothing alarming I just thought that he
liked to watch my wife.
Finally when it was closing time he came up and introduced himself.

“Hi, I am Martin”

“Hi, Inder here”

We shook hands and he told me that he’s a retired army widowed vet from US army spending his days
here in Thailand. I introduced Neha to him and after a few drinks we chatted along, the three of us.

All the while he kept praising my wife and kept telling me I am a lucky man to have married her.

In the meanwhile Neha excused herself to use the washroom.

Then sort of out of the blue he motioned to speak in my ear, I put my head near his mouth and heard

“I will pay you 500 US dollars, to see you fuck your wife, I swear I just want to watch I won’t touch her”

For a moment I thought he must be joking then I looked into his eyes and realized he was dead serious.

I was flabbergasted to say the least but I remained calm and told him “first I have to ask my wife and
second how can I be sure you won’t jump on her and last what’s in it for you’?

“Look around my young friend, there is pussy plenty, I can pay and fuck, but your Neha, your wife is
special and I respect your relation with her, as for what’s in it for me? I want to see a hottie like her in her
state of ecstasy.

Just then Neha joined us, I took her a aside and explained the situation to her, she burst out laughing and
said “no way”

But by now I was already getting hard thinking about exhibiting her to another man so I made a sad
puppy dog face and kind of pleaded her with my eyes, she understood and said “ babe! Alright ! hehehe
you are so naughty” she giggled

I went back to Marty and told him she’s agreed, he got up nonchalantly and said “alright lets go”

So the three of us took a tuk tuk back to our hotel room and as I was about to open the door of our room
my heart was beating wildly in my chest, I looked at Neha and this time again she reassured me by
winking at me.

Martin sat on the sofa next to our bed and pulled out his wallet played three crisp one hundred dollar bills
on the table and simply said “here’s the advance please take your time to begin”

I was now sort of fumbling and very nervous so I blurted out “hey I might not be up to your expectations of
being a stud in bed with my wife”

He smiled and said “do whatever you can I won’t judge, I will only enjoy the show”

As soon as he had said this, Neha came closer to me and whispered “Babe don’t deride yourself, show
our guest how good you eat my pussy,” saying this she pushed me down near her nether region whilst
she stood parting her legs ever so slightly so as to accommodate my probing face and mouth.

I realized she was mighty wet and started to kiss her inner thighs gradually moving towards her mound.
I tugged her thong aside and normally I would kiss her lips but this time I dug my tongue deep into her,
she moaned with pleasure.

With my nose on her clit and tongue deep in her pussy I was forking it in and out sending her into early

Just then martin spoke “ok now do the same to her ass”

I looked at him from between my wife’s legs she too had turned her face towards him and before I could
react, Neha turned her posterior towards me and lifted one leg up on the edge of the bed, parted her ass
cheeks and kind of sat on my face. She whispered “Bae Sameer never licked me there and I love a
tongue there too”

More than happy to please my hot wife I was now licking her asshole for the first time for that matter any
asshole for the first time in my life!

The way Neha was grinding her hips into my face indicated that she really liked being licked there. I
looked at martin and he was definitely enjoying the show and he was also sticking to his promise of not
moving from his place.

She let go my face and bend down to face me- kissing me all over- I guess in the past 3 days the
exhibitionist in her was completely out in the open.

She held my penis and sucked me hard and fast while I begged her not to make me cum, right at the
crescendo she let go of her mouth from my penis and sat on my dick- facing me- sideways to Martin who
by now had his big fat dick out and playing with it.

Neha rode me like lightning, her wet juices spilling onto my thighs and balls.

And within minutes I ejaculated in my wife.

I pulled out my limp dick from her and she again went down to suck it dry and clean- gosh I was going
through so many emotions and physical sensations.

Once she cleaned me up she got up, in full glory, dress ridden up till her ribs, panty less she looked at
martin and giggled , he smiled back and before any of us could react she went to him leaned over and
kissed him and said thank you to him, stroking his member , it was a fantastic sight to the behind of my
wife with a mans dick in her hand, a man maybe who probably was her father’s age!

She was stroking his balls. Big pink shaven balls and a big bulbous penis. At that moment I realized that
Neha knew he would take time to cum so she took him in her mouth and he seemed somewhat tentative
at first but gave in Neha sucked him and he closed his eyes held her head tighter almost choking and
gaging her with his thick cock.

When he was ready to explode he pulled out and creamed her entire face, Neha slapping herself with his
thick fat cock.

After it ended all martin could say was “WOW! That was unexpected”

Neha still tipsy from before came back to be and bent in front of me in doggy pose indicating she wanted
me to fuck her again, I summoned some strength in my semi hard dick and plunged into her. This time
taking more time and more strokes into her, finally making her orgasm.
By now Martin had dressed up, he left his visiting card and the cash on the table and very formally said “

Thanks for everything my Indian friends, if you two ever visit the States do visit me”

Saying that he left.

End of Chapter 3

Chapter 4- last xxx

The next morning we woke up embraced in each other’s arms completely naked since we were to check
out that day we decided to get an early start to the day.

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