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Investigating pertussis toxin and its

impact on vaccination

Loic Coutte*,1,2,3,4 & Camille Locht1,2,3,4

ABSTRACT Whooping cough, caused by Bordetella pertussis, remains a major global health
problem. Each year around 40 million of pertussis cases resulting in 200,000–400,000 annual
deaths occur worldwide. Pertussis toxin is a major virulence factor of B. pertussis. Murine
studies have shown its importance in bacterial colonization and in immunomodulation to
evade innate or adaptive immunity. The toxin is composed of an A protomer expressing ADP-
ribosyltransferase activity and a B oligomer, responsible for toxin binding to target cells. The
toxin is also a major protective antigen in all currently available vaccines. However, vaccine
escape mutants with altered toxin expression have recently been isolated in countries with
high vaccination coverage illustrating the need for improved pertussis vaccines.

The Gram-negative bacterium Bordetella pertussis is the etiologic agent of whooping cough, also KEYWORDS 
known as pertussis, and is specialized to strictly infect the human respiratory tract. Unvaccinated • A-B toxins • ADP-
neonates and infants constitute the most vulnerable population to develop the severe symptoms of ribosylation • Bordetella
the disease. Typical pertussis symptoms in infants include paroxysmal cough with whooping and pertussis • pathogen
vomiting, associated with pulmonary complications, sometimes leading to death [1] . Older children adaptation • pertussis
and adults are also susceptible, but usually present with milder symptoms, such as general weak- toxin • pertussis vaccines
ness and persistent cough, which can last for 2–4 weeks. Infection in these populations can also • type IV secretion system
be asymptomatic [2] . Although not life-threatening, subclinical pertussis infection in young adults • whooping cough
is of concern, as these subjects constitute an important reservoir for transmission of the infection
to infants, sometimes before infant vaccination has started. Pertussis vaccination with whole-cell
vaccines (wPV) was initiated during the 1940s. Its large-scale implementation in the 1950s and
the 1960s in most industrialized countries has resulted in a rapid decline in the number of cases.
However, in the 1970s, concerns about the reactogenicity of wPV led to reduced compliance and
almost immediate resurgence of the disease [3] . This prompted the development of less reactogenic,
acellular vaccines (aPV). These aPV have now almost completely replaced the wPV in the Western
world. Although initial efficacy trials with aPV indicated protective efficacies comparable with
those of wPV, more recent reports suggest that immunity induced by aPV wanes much faster than
that induced by the wPV [4] . We witness now an important re-emergence of the disease in many
countries. The reasons for this apparent re-emergence are still unclear. They may linked to improved
diagnosis and clinical cases reporting or a decrease in vaccination coverage in some areas. However,
waning of the immune responses to aPV and potentially vaccine-induced genomic changes in
c­irculating strains are also plausible causes [5] .

Center for Infection & Immunity of Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille, 1, rue du Prof. Calmette, F-59019 Lille Cedex, France
Inserm U1019, Lille, France
CNRS UMR8204, Lille, France
Univ Lille Nord de France, Lille, France
*Author for correspondence: Tel.: +33 3 20 87 11 46; Fax: +33 3 20 87 11 58; part of

10.2217/FMB.14.123 © 2015 Future Medicine Ltd Future Microbiol. (2015) 10(2), 241–254 ISSN 1746-0913 241
Review  Coutte & Locht

Pertussis vaccines & the discovery of Many studies were then undertaken to further
pertussis toxin as a protective antigen improve aPV. Different detoxification methods
First attempts to develop vaccines against of PTX were tested, the most widely used once
whooping cough began almost simultane- are formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde treatment.
ously with the discovery of the causative agent However, due to the lack of lysine residues in
B. pertussis in 1906 by Bordet and Gengou [6] . the catalytic S1 subunit, stringent detoxifica-
However, it was not until the 1940s that wPV, tion procedures are required resulting in loss of
combined with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, antigenic properties [11] . With the discovery of
started to be widely used as the diphtheria- the genes coding for PTX, genetic engineering
tetanus-pertussis combination vaccines. In became possible to improve aPV. Amino acids
these combinations, the pertussis component involved in the activity and toxicity of PTX
consisted of heat- or formalin-inactivated whole were found (Figure 1) [12–18] and immunogenic
bacteria, and these vaccines were extremely het- but nontoxic PTX mutant proteins were con-
erogeneous in composition. Nevertheless, the structed and tested as new genetically detoxi-
effectiveness of wPV in reducing global pertus- fied PTX antigens in aPV. The most promising
sis disease incidence in infants has largely been genetically detoxified PTX protein (9K/129G)
demonstrated since the late 1960s (for review, was then developed and used in genetically engi-
see [3] ). With the decrease in pertussis inci- neered aPV [19,20] . However, this vaccine is not
dence and public concern about adverse reac- on the market anymore.
tions confidence in wPV diminished, resulting In addition to PTX and FHA, some aPV also
in decreased vaccination compliance, and in contain the adhesins pertactin (Prn) and fim-
some countries even to a full vaccination stop, briae (Fim2 and Fim3) [21,22] . Currently, several
and the incidence of pertussis increased again. aPV are commercially available. They are com-
The development of a less reactogenic pertussis posed of one (PTX), two (PTX + FHA), three
vaccine became thus a priority. (PTX, FHA, Prn) or five B. pertussis components
Attempts to separate the reactogenic compo- (PTX, FHA, Prn, Fim2, Fim3) [23] . In addition,
nents of wPV from its protective components aPV antigens are combined with diphtheria and
led to the concept of aPV. The first molecules to tetanus toxoids, as well as with inactivated polio
be considered as protective antigens and shown vaccine, Haemophilus influenzae B capsule and
to protect in the mouse potency assays were sometimes with the hepatitis B vaccine.
hemagglutinins [7] . B. pertussis produces at least With the exception of one vaccine, all aPV
two distinct hemagglutinins. One of them has a contain thus multiple B. pertussis antigens. The
filamentous structure and is named filamentous monocomponent PTX vaccine was tested in an
hemagglutinin (FHA). The second hemagglu- efficacy trial in Sweden and was found to pro-
tinin has a globular structure and expresses a vide protection in children, especially against the
number of biological activities, such as hista- most severe forms of the disease. This vaccine is
mine sensitization and lymphocytosis promot- currently used in the Danish childhood vaccina-
ing activities [8,9] . These and other toxic activi- tion program [24,25] . It has been proposed that
ties were later ascribed to a single oligomeric the efficacy of the monocomponent PTX vac-
secreted protein, today referred to as pertussis cine, when given at high dosage, is similar to that
toxin (PTX) [10] . of the multicomponents aPV and that therefore
Based on these molecules, aPV were devel- PTX is both an essential and sufficient antigen
oped first in Japan, then also in Europe and the in aPV. In order to improve PTX-based aPV, a
USA. To detoxify PTX, formalin was used, and genetically detoxified PTX protein (9K/129G)
these first aPV contained formalin-treated PTX has recently been used as a carrier for lipooli-
(PTd) and FHA (FHAd) [8] . PTd was rapidly gosaccharide (LOS) from B. pertussis to induce
identified as the essential antigen in aPV, and both anti-PTX and bactericidal anti-LOS anti-
all current aPV contain at least PTd, but the bodies [26] . However, the protective efficacy in
addition of FHAd appeared to increase the pro- mouse potency assays or in clinical studies has
tection in mouse potency assays. With a substan- not been documented yet.
tially improved safety profile of aPV over wPV
and comparable efficacy in Phase III trials, aPV The structure of PTX
was well accepted, and the incidence of pertussis PTX is one of the most complex bacterial pro-
decreased again [3] . tein toxins. It is a 105-kDa multimeric protein

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Investigating pertussis toxin & its impact on vaccination  Review

composed of five different subunits, named S1 A B

to S5, according to their decreasing molecular
weights. While the genes coding for the toxin
subunits are present in the genomes of Bordetella
parapertussis and Bordetella bronchiseptica, only
B. pertussis produces and secrets the toxin [27] .
In the other two Bordetella species, the ptx genes C D
are not expressed due to the presence of nucleo-
tide polymorphisms in the promoter regions
[28] . Nevertheless, a clinical isolate of B. bron-
chiseptica has been described to be able to induce
serum antibodies against PTX [29] . However, the
Figure 1. Crystal structure of the pertussis
ptx promoter region sequence of this isolate has
toxin. (A) Side, (B) opposite side and (C) bottom
not been reported. The lack of PTX production
side views of the PTX holotoxin. Toxin subunits
by B. parapertussis may perhaps explain why
are defined by colors: S1 in orange, S2 in dark
infection with this organism usually results in
blue, S3 in marine blue, S4 in magenta and S5
milder pertussis-like disease with the absence of
in cyan. Carbohydrate recognition domains
present in the S2 and S3 subunits are colored in
PTX is a member of the ADP-ribosylating
yellow and sand, respectively. (D) Active site of
toxin family, which also includes cholera toxin
the S1 subunit. The amino acids involved in the
and diphtheria toxin [30] . It ADP-ribosylates
activity and toxicity of PTX surrounding the NAD
the α-subunit of the trimeric Gi protein [31] .
binding cavity are labeled in blue Arg-9, Trp-26,
The first PTX substrate identified was Giα,
His-35, Cys-41 and Glu-129.
and ADP-ribosylation of Giα by PTX results
in uncoupling of the G protein form its cognate additional genes that code for the proteins, called
receptor and thereby inhibits the negative regu- PtlA to PtlI, involved in PTX secretion. They are
lation of the cellular adenylate cyclase [32] . Other part of the same operon as the structural genes
G proteins are also substrates of PTX in different [37] . The promoter of this operon is under the
cell types, and their ADP-ribosylation impacts control of a two-component regulatory system,
on various metabolic functions, explaining the named BvgA/S [38] which regulates the produc-
wide variety of biological activities of this toxin. tion of most of the B. pertussis virulence factors.
The enzymatic activity of PTX is carried by The signals that are sensed by the BvgA/S sys-
S1, its largest subunit, also referred to as the A tem in vivo are not known. After transcription,
protomer [33] . Subunits S2 to S5 constitute the B the different PTX subunits are synthesized as
oligomer and are responsible for the binding of preproteins and secreted into the periplasm via
the toxin to its receptors on the surface of the tar- the Sec pathway, where the N-terminal signal
get cells. As such, PTX is thus a member of the peptides are removed [39] and the subunits are
A-B family of toxins. The PTX crystal structure assembled into the functional holotoxin, even in
shows a pyramid-shaped molecule with the S1 the absence of the Ptl secretion machinery [40,41] .
subunit on the top of a triangular base formed by Via the Ptl system, a member of the type
the B oligomer (Figure 1) [34] . Subunits S2 and S3 IV secretion system, PTX is finally secreted
form each a dimer with S4 and share significant through the outer membrane [42] . All Ptl pro-
sequence similarities [12,35] . Although natural teins are required for the secretion of PTX
PTX is arranged in a 1S1:1S2:1S3:2S4:1S5 stoe- [43] and they form a complex machinery that
chiometry, mutant strains lacking the S2 gene spans the entire bacterial envelope. Two of
can produce toxin homologs containing two S3 these proteins, PtlC and PtlH, are cytoplasmic
subunits. Vice versa, toxin versions lacking S3 inner membrane-associated ATPases, which are
can also be assembled and secreted with two responsible for providing the energy required
­copies of S2 per molecule [36] . for secretion [44,45] (for a recent review, see [32]).
The Ptl-specific secretion signals of PTX are
Biogenesis of PTX still unknown. However, secretion does not
The five PTX subunit structural genes are clus- require the presence of S1, as the assembled B
tered within a single operon on the B. pertus- oligomer can be secreted even in the absence of
sis chromosome [12,35] . They are followed by 9 S1, indicating that some secretion determinants

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Review  Coutte & Locht

are located on the B oligomer [40] . In the other Roles of PTX during infection
hand, alterations in the S1 subunit of PTX affect A central role of PTX in the pathogenesis of
its secretion, suggesting that a domain of the whooping cough has been suggested since its
S1 subunit may also carry some secretion deter- discovery, and for decades whooping cough was
minants required when the holotoxin is fully considered as a toxin-mediated disease, similar
assembled [46] . to tetanus and diphtheria [60] . Specific hallmarks
of clinical pertussis include leukocytosis, hista-
Toxin binding, trafficking & enzymatic mine sensitization and other toxin-mediated
activities on the host target cells manifestations, and before the discovery of its
Although the PTX receptors have not yet been molecular identity PTX was known under dif-
molecularly defined, virtually all eucaryotic cells ferent names, such as leukocytosis-promoting
contain a receptor for the toxin. The receptors factor, histamine-sensitization factor, islet-acti-
are most likely glyco-conjugates, such as sialo- vating protein and hemagglutinin. Once PTX
glycoproteins or glycolipids [47,48] , although could be obtained as a pure molecule, all these
binding to nonglycosylated peptides has also activities could be ascribed to a single molecular
been reported [49] . The crystal structure of PTX entity [10] . It is now well established that most of
bound to a undecasaccharide revealed at least these biological activities rely on the S1-mediated
two carbohydrate-binding sites on the S2 and ADP-ribosyltransferase activity. However, some
S3 subunits, respectively (Figure 1) [50] . However, activities, such as T cell mitogenicity, hemagglu-
the two binding sites display a certain degree tination and others (see below), depend solely on
of receptor-binding specificities [51] . Surface the B-oligomer binding activities and are inde-
plasmon resonance studies using carbohydrate pendent of the enzyme activity of the toxin [51,61] .
ligands showed that binding to sialylated com- The main demonstrated substrates for PTX-
pounds is mediated by the C-terminal binding catalyzed ADP-ribosylation are the α subunits
sites on the S2 and S3 subunits, while binding of the Gi/o proteins, but other G proteins can
to nonsialylated N-linked glycans is mediated by also be targeted. ADP-ribosylation of Giα locks
their N-terminal sites [52] . the protein in the inactive state and prevents it
Through an as yet unknown mechanism, from transmitting G-protein receptor-mediated
binding of PTX to its target cell receptors trig- signals for inhibition of the cellular adenylate
gers receptor-mediated endocytosis of the toxin, cyclase activity. This results in increased lev-
followed by retrograde transport involving the els of the intracellular concentration of cAMP,
Golgi apparatus and the endoplasmic reticulum thereby disturbing a variety of cellular meta-
(ER) [53,54] . Dissociation of S1 from the B oli- bolic processes, which, depending on the cell
gomer most likely occurs in the ER, and after the type intoxicated by PTX may account for some
dissociation of S1 the B oligomer may undergo of its biological activities [62] . Other cellular
anterograde transport to the Golgi, while S1 is functions can be disturbed by PTX-catalyzed
translocated into the cytosol [55] by a mecha- ADP-ribosylation of other members of the Gi/o
nism that has not been investigated yet, but protein family.
may involve the ability of S1 to directly bind to Most experimental infection experiments with
phospholipids bilayers (Figure 2) [56] . Due to the B. pertussis illustrating the role of PTX in infec-
absence of lysine residues in the S1 subunit the tion made the use of mouse models. Although
protein is able to evade the endoplasmic retic- mice do not cough, they can be readily infected
ulum-associated protein degradation (ERAD) by nasal drops or aerosol with B. pertussis and
pathway, thereby allowing it to be released develop PTX-mediated leukocyosis [8] . Using
­efficiently into the cytosol [57,58] . these models, PTX release from B. pertussis dur-
After translocation S1 remains bound to the ing the infection was shown to be important for
inner leaflet of the ER membrane [53] where it optimal experimental infection, especially at
catalyzes the cleavage of NAD and the transfer the early stages of infection. B. pertussis mutant
of its ADP-ribose moiety onto the Gα substrate strains that do not produce PTX show a defect
proteins. This enzyme reaction involves residues of colonization within 1–2 days postinoculation
His-35, Trp-26 and Arg-9 for NAD binding, and [63] . However, a classical colonization pattern for
Glu-129 for catalysis of the NAD-glycohydrolase this strain can be restored when they are mixed
activity (Figure 1D) (see [59] for a review on the with a strain that produces and secretes PTX,
enzyme mechanism). or when they are administered together with

244 Future Microbiol. (2015) 10(2) future science group

Investigating pertussis toxin & its impact on vaccination  Review

PTX binding

Endocytosis and
endosome trafficking


Retrograde transport from

the Golgi apparatus to the
endoplasmic reticulum


Toxin dissociation and

translocation of S1 into
the cytosol



Future Microbiology © Future Science Group (2015)

Figure 2. Schematic representation of the pertussis toxin trafficking from the extracellular milieu
to the release of the S1 subunit into the cytosol.

purified PTX, indicating that PTX delivered indicate that PTX may also act locally during
in trans can restore the colonization of the PTX the very first stages of infection on cells already
nonproducing strains [63] . Even when PTX is present in the airways.
nasally delivered 2 weeks before the administra- Interestingly, the colonization defect of PTX-
tion of a PTX-deficient mutant, it is still able to deficient mutants is strongly exacerbated when
complement the PTX deficiency of the mutant. the strains lack FHA in addition to PTX [65] .
However, this is not the case when the toxin is This apparent redundancy depends on the ADP-
delivered systemically, or when it is administered ribosyltransferase activity of the toxin and is not
one day after infection with the mutant strain. due to a potential role of PTX as an adhesin.
While most of the physiological effects of PTX Nevertheless, strains lacking both FHA and
are related to the systemic features of whooping PTX present a defect in their ability to adhere
cough, such as leukocytosis [60,64] these data thus to human macrophages in vitro, while strains

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lacking either FHA or PTX are not affected in PTX inhibits host defense
their adhesion properties [66] . One potential mechanism by which PTX par-
PTX may also directly or indirectly con- ticipates in the early events of the infectious pro-
tribute to the respiratory tract pathology in cess is its ability to inhibit neutrophil influx into
the mouse model. Murine infection with the respiratory tract of B. pertussis-infected hosts
PTX-deficient mutants resulted in substantial in the very early stages of infection, but not in
decreased pulmonary inflammation than infec- the later stages [71] . In addition, PTX may target
tion with PTX-producing isogenic strains, with resident airway macrophages, as a depletion of
a strong reduction in alveolitis, influx of mac- the airway macrophages by intranasal admin-
rophages, lymphocytes and polymorphonuclear istration of liposome-encapsulated clodronate
leukocytes in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluids prior to infection was shown to enhance B. per-
[67] . More recently, genome-wide transcriptomic tussis colonization in mice in the early stages.
analyses of lungs infected with B. pertussis have This enhancement by the clodronate treatment
revealed an extensive and prolonged upregula- was also seen when a PTX-deficient mutant
tion of inflammatory response genes and genes was used for infection and could be directly
implicated in pathology upon infection, which linked to PTX-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation of
was not seen when the mice were infected with airway macrophage G proteins [72] . PTX also
a PTX-deficient mutant [68] . Infection with alters the expression profile of resident airway
PTX-deficient mutants only induce an early macrophages and inhibits the production of
and transient inflammatory gene expression certain chemokines in response to the infection
profile, whereas in mice infected with the PTX- in mice. Especially the expression of keratino-
proficient strains, the inflammatory response cyte-derived chemokines and LPS-stimulated
continued beyond the peak of B. ­pertussis CXC chemokines are downregulated by infec-
infection. tion with PTX-producing B. pertussis. Again,
The role of PTX in the pathogenesis of this downregulation depends on the enzyme
whooping cough in humans is not fully under- activity of the toxin [73] . This, in turn, affects
stood, with exception to its probable role in leu- the recruitment of neutrophils to the airways,
kocytosis, one of the general features of human as these chemokines constitute the major
pertussis. Especially the role of this toxin in ­neutrophil-attracting chemokines. The addition
cough remains elusive and cannot be studied of exogenous keratinocyte-derived chemokine
in mouse models, as mice do not cough. More enhanced the early neutrophil recruitment dur-
than 20 years ago, a coughing rat model was ing B. pertussis infection. In addition to airway
developed and used to test various B. pertussis macrophages, other cell types, including epithe-
mutant strains [69] . Whereas virulent B. pertus- lial cells in the respiratory tract, may also partici-
sis induces a paroxysmal cough-like syndrome pate in the production of neutrophil-attracting
when imbedded in agarose beads and admin- chemokines, and their expression may also be
istered intrabronchially to rats, a mutant that is downregulated by PTX.
deficient in PTX secretion fails to do so, point- The role of PTX in the inhibition of neu-
ing to a central role of PTX for the induction of trophil recruitment to the airways may thus be
cough. Whether this translates also to a similar indirect via its action on macrophages and/or epi-
role of the toxin in human pertussis remains as thelial cells, rather than via a direct action on the
yet unknown. neutrophils themselves. However, PTX was also
More recently, a baboon model was developed found to directly ADP-ribosylate the Gi proteins
for the study of whooping cough [70] . This non- associated with chemokine receptors on the neu-
human primate model is thought to more closely trophils themselves, which can also result in the
mimic human pertussis, compared with all other inhibition of neutrophil migration [74] . However,
animal models. Unlike other primate models, the role in the pathogenesis of pertussis of this
such as rhesus macaques, inoculation of olive direct action on the neutrophils is not clear.
baboons with virulent B. pertussis resulted in Surprisingly, depletion of neutrophils has no
100% of the cases in clinical pertussis, including impact on B. pertussis infection of naive mice.
leukocytosis and paroxysmal coughing. It will be A protective role of the neutrophils during
interesting to see the pathogenesis, especially the infection was only observed when the mice had
cough, in baboons infected with PTX-deficient already been previously infected or had received
B. pertussis mutants. immune serum [75] . This may be due to the

246 Future Microbiol. (2015) 10(2) future science group

Investigating pertussis toxin & its impact on vaccination  Review

presence of opsonizing antibodies against B. per- apoptosis. It induces the production of high lev-
tussis, which might increase bacterial uptake by els of IL-12p70, IL-1ß, IL-6, IL-23 and IL-10
phagocytosis and subsequent killing by the by mature dendritic cells. This effect occurs
neutrophils. However, even in the absence of through PTX-stimulated TLR-4 signaling,
neutrophils, PTX still plays a role in infection, and, to a minor extend, perhaps TLR-2 signal-
thereby suggesting that other cells, such as the ing as well. This, in turn drives the expansion
airway macrophages may be major targets for of Th1 and Th17 T cells. However, it has been
the toxin. reported that some of the described activities of
PTX, such as the induction of proinflamma-
PTX modulates innate & adaptive immune tory cytokines by human blood cells, may have
responses resulted from a potential contamination of the
Transcriptomic studies on a variety of human PTX preparations with LPS [80] .
cell types, including bronchial epithelial cell Both infection with B. pertussis and vaccina-
lines, lung fibroblasts, endothelial cells, pulmo- tion with wPV induce Th1 and Th17 responses.
nary artery smooth muscle cells and immature In TLR-4-defective mice, wPV fail to elicit pro-
monocyte-derived dendritic cells, incubated tective immunity, which is paralleled by reduced
with PTX revealed that the toxin only induced antigen-specific IL-17 and IFN-γ production, as
differential gene expression in the latter cells. compared with TLR-4 + mice [81] . In mice IL-17
Essentially the expression of six genes, those also appears to be essential for the induction of
coding for IFN-γ, IL-2, XCL1, CD69, CSF2 protective immunity by aPV, as in IL-1A-defective
and CXCL10, was significantly upregulated by mice, aPV fails to elicit protection. aPV-mediated
incubation with PTX [76] . As dendritic cells are bacterial clearance depends on Th17 cell recruit-
major antigen-presenting cells and represent the ment to the lungs after challenge. Alum, present
cornerstone between innate and adaptive immu- as adjuvant in aPV, appears to promote IL-17A
nity, these observation suggest that PTX may production via an IL-1ß-dependent mechanism
have a major effect in the perturbation of the [82] . Mucosal IL-17, in addition to IL-6 and IL-23,
host immune system during infection. could also be measured in high quantities in the
Although most of the PTX activities on nasopharynx of B. pertussis-infected baboons [83]
immune cells can be ascribed to its ADP- and antigen-specific Th17, as well as Th1 cells
ribosylation activity, the enzymatically inactive were still found at high levels up to 2 years after
B oligomer by itself may also induce profound infection. These observations suggest that Th17
changes in those cells. It has been reported that and Th1 cells also contribute to long-lasting
T cells treated with the B oligomer fail to initiate immunity in primates after infection.
signal transduction in response to macrophage In addition to Th1 and Th17 T cells involved
inflammatory protein-1ß or RANTES, with- in protective immunity against B. pertussis,
out impairing its binding to the cell surface via antibodies also play a major role, and PTX is
the receptor CCR5 [77] . Instead, the effect of known for long to potentiate local and systemic
the B oligomer on CCR5-mediated signaling is antibody production. Initially, PTX was known
reversed by protein kinase C inhibitors. The B to strongly enhance the production of IgE to
oligomer also causes desensitization of the related co-administered antigens [84] . It substantially
chemokine receptor CXCR4, which is targeted increases the frequency of IgE-bearing lympho-
by the stromal cell-derived factor 1α. CXCR4- cytes in spleen and blood when co-administered
dependent signaling induces T-cell migration, with an antigen such as egg albumin. When co-
and treatment with the PTX B oligomer blocks administered with tetanus toxoid or diphtheria
stromal cell-derived factor 1α-induced chemo- toxoid, PTX strongly increases IgG1 and IgE
taxis [78] . Furthermore, unlike CCR5, CXCR4 titers to these antigens. This adjuvant activity
surface expression is decreased upon treatment appears to depend on IL-4-producing T cell
with the B oligomer. These effects were shown to priming by the toxin [85] .
be mediated by the B oligomer-induced a­ ctivation Enzymatically inactive PTX also induces
of the TCR signaling network. high levels of IgA and IgG to antigens co-
Enzymatically inactive PTX induces the mat- administered by mucosal routes. A combination
uration of human monocyte-derived dendritic of tetanus toxin fragment C with enzymatically
cells, presumably via the activities of the B oli- inactive PTX delivered nasally resulted in high
gomer [79] and protects them from spontaneous antibody titers against tetanus toxin, even after

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a single nasal administration [86] . This was not in the T cell responses or in the mucosal immune
seen when the antigen was combined with enzy- responses has not been investigated yet.
matically active PTX. High levels of IgA were also
detected in the nasal washes after administration Pathogen adaptation & conclusion
of the antigen with inactive or with active toxin. With the exception of Poland, all European coun-
Interestingly, IgE was only produced when the tries have now replaced wPV by aPV (for a recent
antigen was combined with active toxin, but not review, see [91]), and vaccination coverage is very
when it was combined with enzymatically inac- high in most countries. Nevertheless, many coun-
tive PTX. These observations indicate that the tries in the Western world have witnessed recently
adjuvant activity of the toxin relies on two dif- a dramatic increase in the incidence of whooping
ferent mechanisms, one depending on its ADP- cough, which makes it today the most prevalent
ribosyltransferase activity, such as for the induc- vaccine-preventable disease in industrialized
tion of IgE, and one independent of this enzyme countries. Reasons for this increase may be mul-
activity. tiple and include fast waning of vaccine-induced
Treatment by PTX also results in a strong immunity and pathogen adaptation [92,93] . The
reduction in the frequency and in the immuno- most recent B. pertussis strains show genetic
suppressive activity of CD4 +CD25+FoxP3 + regu- changes, mainly single-nucleotide polymorphisms
latory T cells in a model of experimental autoim- (SNPs) located in regions involved in transcrip-
mune encephalitis [87] . This property may also tion and translation of virulence genes [94,95] . SNP
contribute to its adjuvant activity and was shown typing permits the classification of the B. pertussis
to depend on the ADP-ribosyltransferase activity. strains into six major groups, named clusters I to
Strangely, the suppressive activity of the regula- VI. Cluster I has a worldwide distribution and
tory T cells was not inhibited by PTX in vitro, but originated probably from ancestor strains before
was clearly inhibited in vivo. The precise mecha- the aPV were introduced. Strains from the others
nism and the specific molecular targets of this clusters, presenting changes in genes encoding
activity remain to be investigated. Recently, the the acellular vaccine antigens PTX, Prn, Fim2
ability of PTX to decrease the number of regu- and Fim3 appear to reflect the genetic evolution
latory T cells was exploited in an experimental of more recent clinical isolates [96] .
model of immunotherapy against C6 glioma in The SNPs located in the PTX promoter
rats [88] . region can also be used for the classification of
Paradoxically, in the context of the whole bac- the emergent strains in clusters named ptxP1,
teria, the toxin appears to be immunosuppres- ptxP2, ptxP3 and ptxP4 [97] . These strains also
sive. PTX-producing B. pertussis strains induce showed SNPs changes in the other virulence
substantially lower titers of serum antibodies genes. Strains with the ptxP1 and ptxP3 alleles
to FHA or to heterologous antigens fused to are largely overrepresented among typed tested
FHA upon intranasal infection than their iso- clinical isolates, suggesting that they are perhaps
genic strains that lack the toxin gene [89] . This more virulent in humans than the others [97–99] .
decrease in serum antibody titers was dependent Whereas ptxP1 strains were frequently isolated
on the presence of S1, suggesting a role of the before aPV immunization, strains carrying the
ADP-ribosytransferase activity on the immuno- ptxP3 allele were isolated more recently. These
suppressive properties of PTX. This immuno- strains were shown to produce higher amounts
suppressive effect is not specifically targeted to of PTX and to be more virulent in an intranasal
FHA, but was observed for various B. pertussis mouse infection model than the other strains
antigens [90] . In particular, an immundominant [99,100] . The increase in levels of PTX production
lipoprotein was strongly recognized by antibodies may thus potentially help the micro-organism to
from mice infected with PTX-deficient strains, overcome aPV-induced immunity. Very recently,
but hardly any antibody response to this antigen the number of clinical isolates that have lost the
was detected when the mice were infected with gene coding for Prn, another major antigen in
toxin-producing strains. The addition of purified aPV, also has been increasing dramatically [101] .
PTX to the toxin-deficient mutant inoculum led The loss of the prn gene in current B. pertussis
again to a reduction of anti-B. pertussis serum strains under aPV pressure strongly suggests that
antibodies, confirming the specific role of PTX Prn is a major protective antigen in aPV, and,
in the immunosuppressive effect. Whether this in apparent contrast, that B. pertussis can be a
immunosuppressive effect of PTX is also reflected successful pathogen, even in the absence of Prn.

248 Future Microbiol. (2015) 10(2) future science group

Investigating pertussis toxin & its impact on vaccination  Review

In fact, Prn-negative strains are not less virulent global transcriptomic approaches have identified
in humans than Prn-producing strains [102] . A several hundreds of genes that are up- or downreg-
clinical PTX-deficient B. pertussis isolate has also ulated specifically upon infection of mice by PTX-
been reported. However, this strain was signifi- producing B. pertussis in contrast to PTX-deficient
cantly less virulent in mouse models and caused strains [68] . This provides a wealth of information
a milder pertussis-like disease, compared with that will be helpful to decipher at the molecular
PTX-producing strains [103] . and cellular levels the key pathogenic mechanisms
These observations illustrate that antigenic induced by PTX during the infectious process.
escape by the deletion of nonessential genes cod- One of the most recently studied novel host pro-
ing for antigens present in the current aPV is a teins involved in the PTX-dependent pathology
likely pathogen adaptation strategy for B. per- induced by B. pertussis infection in mice is the epi-
tussis. Antigenic escape is more likely a patho- thelial anion transporter protein pendrin, indeed
gen response to vaccines containing only a few first identified by transcriptomic analyses. This
components, such as the aPV, than to vaccines protein was recently shown to contribute to the
that contain thousands of different antigens, such inflammatory lung pathology in infected mice
as wPV. However, it is unlikely that aPV-using [112] . It is likely that similar approaches will con-
countries will make the switch back to the first- tribute in the near future to a more comprehen-
generation wPV. sive view on the pathological involvement of PTX
An alternative may be the recently developed ­during B. pertussis infection in mice.
live attenuated nasal vaccine, based on the genetic It will also be interesting to see whether PTX-
detoxification or removal of three B. pertussis tox- producing B. pertussis triggers specific epigenetic
ins, the dermonecrotic toxin, the tracheal cyto- reprograming, compared with PTX-deficient
toxin and PTX [104] . The target population of this strains. It is well recognized that epigenetics,
vaccine could be the neonates, and murine studies essentially mediated by inheritable DNA meth-
have shown that a single nasal administration of ylation and histone modifications, can strongly
this vaccine to infant mice induces long-lasting influence gene expression through changes in
immunity against experimental B. pertussis chal- chromatin structure. Epigenetic modifications of
lenge infection, for up to at least one year after DNA and histones are known to regulate T cell
immunization [105] . In addition to provide full pro- differentiation and the expression of effector mol-
tection against pertussis challenge in mice, this ecules and cell surface markers on immune cells
vaccine also cross-protects against challenge with [113] . Certain bacterial infections have been docu-
Bordetella parapertussis and Bordetella bronchisep- mented to induce epigenetic changes via histone
tica [106] . In addition, it has interesting bystander acetylation/deacetylation and phosphorylation/
effects, as it also protects against influenza virus- dephosphorylation or via aberrant DNA meth-
induced pneumonia [107] respiratory syncytial virus ylation [114] . Although not yet studied in the con-
disease [108] and allergic asthma [109] . This live text of B. pertussis infection, it would not be too
nasal vaccine has now undergone a human Phase I surprising if some of the induced gene expression
clinical trial and was found to induce immune profiles seen upon B. pertussis infection are accom-
responses in all colonized individuals without panied by changes in chromatin structure, and,
causing any vaccine-related adverse event [110] . if so, some of those may very well depend on the
Although this appears as a promising approach for action of PTX. This would open a new area of
the control of pertussis and perhaps for protection investigation on pertussis pathogenesis.
against other respiratory illnesses, many hurdles Although mouse models have been useful to
have to be overcome before it can be made widely decipher molecular and cellular events triggered
­available for neonatal vaccination [111] . by B. pertussis infection, they do not reproduce
the full spectrum of human pertussis, including
Future perspective the cough syndrome, and are therefore of limited
Although the precise role of PTX in the patho- use to study this disease. The recent development
genesis of human whooping cough is still not of a baboon model [70] provides a more relevant
clear, many studies in mouse models point to model and would be expected to shed new light
important roles in colonization of the respiratory on the function of PTX in the pathogenesis of
tract, in pathogenesis, as well as in immune dys- whooping cough in an animal that is more closely
function and consequently in immune escape of related to humans. This model has already shown
the micro-organism during infection. The recent that aPV containing PTX are able to protect

future science group 249

Review  Coutte & Locht

Pertussis vaccines & the discovery of pertussis toxin as a protective antigen
●● The history of the pertussis vaccines development: the replacement of the whole-cell vaccines (wPV) by the less
reactogenic acellular vaccines (aPV).
●● The development and composition of the aPV.
●● The pertussis toxin (PTX) is described as a monocomponent PTX vaccine.
The structure of PTX
●● Gene composition and expression of the PTX in the Bordetellae.
●● The description of the ADP-ribosylating activities of the PTX.
●● The PTX is a pyramid-shaped molecule belonging to the A-B family of toxins.
Biogenesis of PTX
●● The genes coding for the PTX biogenesis and secretion belong to the same operon and are regulated by the BvgA/S
virulence regulation system of Bordetella pertussis.
●● The PTX is secreted by a type IV secretion system, the Ptl machinery, through the bacterial envelope.
Toxin binding, trafficking & enzymatic activities on the host target cells
●● The binding of the PTX to its glyco-conjugates receptors is mediated by different domains present on the S2 and S3
●● The PTX entry in the targeted cell involved a receptor-mediated endocytosis followed by retrograde transport in the
Golgi apparatus and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER).
Roles of PTX during infection
●● The PTX intoxicates the targeted cell by ADP-ribosylation of Giα proteins.
●● The mouse models of infection reveal the role of PTX at the early stages of infection.
●● Role of the PTX in pulmonary inflammation during infection.
●● The PTX is involved in the leukocytosis and coughing symptoms but the recently described baboon model may be a
best model to decipher precisely all the PTX related symptoms during the disease.
PTX inhibits host defense
●● The PTX inhibits directly or indirectly the influx and functionalities of the airway immune cells.
PTX modulates innate & adaptive immune responses
●● The PTX modifies the transcriptomic pattern of intoxicated cells.
●● The protective immunity against B. pertussis seems to be mediated by Th1 and Th17 responses.
●● The PTX owns some strong adjuvant activities.
●● Immunosuppressive activities of the PTX.
Pathogen adaptation & conclusion
●● Some recent B. pertussis strains isolates show some bacterial adaptation as changes in genes encoding for some of the
acellular vaccine antigenes such as pertactin and PTX.
●● Some of these emergent strains show an increase in PTX production and are more virulent in an intranasal mouse
model of infection.
●● Development of a live attenuated Bordetella pertussis strain as a new nasal vaccine.

250 Future Microbiol. (2015) 10(2) future science group

Investigating pertussis toxin & its impact on vaccination  Review


Future perspectives
●● The description of the transcriptomic approaches used to identify the role of PTX during infection.
●● Some hypothetical epigenetic modifications could occur during B. pertussis infection.
●● The baboon model would be a better model to study the clinical pertussis disease.
●● Shift from chemically detoxified to a genetically detoxified PTX in aPV.

these primates against pertussis disease, includ- long-lasting immunity in man more than 20 years
ing cough, but are not able to protect against ago [117] . It may thus perhaps be time to go back to
infection by B. pertussis and transmission of the the future. However, even with a shift to geneti-
organism [115] , illustrating one of the important cally detoxified PTX, aPV may still not be able to
shortcomings of the current aPV. protect against B. pertussis infection. To achieve
Meanwhile, PTX is the main component of this goal, an entirely different type of pertussis
all currently available vaccines, and the presence vaccine is likely to be needed, and perhaps the
of antibodies to this toxin has been correlated development of a mucosally applied live attenu-
with protection against the most severe forms of ated vaccine may represent the long term solution
the disease in children [116] . It is thus likely that to the global pertussis problem [118] .
PTX will continue to be included as an essential
component in pertussis vaccines. However, the Financial & competing interests disclosure
detrimental effects of formaldehyde/glutaral- The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial
dehyde treatments of the toxin on its antigenic involvement with any organization or entity with a finan-
structure, and the ability to detoxify PTX by cial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter
genetic modifications of its structural genes may or materials discussed in the manuscript. This includes
perhaps motivate vaccine manufacturers in the employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or
future to shift from a chemically detoxified aPV options, expert testimony, grants or patents received or pend-
to a genetically detoxified aPV. This has already ing, or royalties.
shown safety, superior immunogenicity over No writing assistance was utilized in the production of
chemically detoxified PTX and the induction of this manuscript.

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254 Future Microbiol. (2015) 10(2) future science group

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