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463 Highland Rd., Peterborough, Ontario, K9H 5J8 (705)745-0841

Pastor Scott Schellenberger 705-313-0333
Mission Statement: “As Christians living in God’s grace we seek to demonstrate our faith in
Christ by caring, listening, and responding to the needs of the whole person, serving each other
and those beyond our Lutheran community.”

For all the Saints

And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long,
steals on the ear the distant triumph song,
and hearts are brave again and arms are strong
Alleluia! Alleluia! For All the Saints ELW 422 verse 4

Sunday November 11 2018 marks the 100 th Anniversary of the end of World War
I. It marks the day every year in which we take time to remember soldiers from
every corner of the world who have fought in every war since then. It is a day of
patriotism for Canada. I always encourage people to remember there are people
in our midst who lived through the turmoil, and others who fought for German
forces against their will. Peace is something that is craved by all.

On Remembrance Day I am always reminded of my grandfather Sgt. Lloyd H.

Pauli, soldier A-410 of the First Hussars Regiment from London Ontario. My
grandfather was quite a character. He always had lots of stories to tell about his
experience during WW II. Like many soldiers he chose to limit his story-telling
and avoid the tragic ones.

Grandpa was a sergeant of a scout group of twenty-one men that would go ahead
in their scout car before the allied troops would attack. He told stories of his
training at Camp Borden; guarding Germans in Kingston and against all rules
becoming friends with a German soldier. The day my grandfather left for Europe
my Uncle Roger was born. He was 4 and a half when his dad got home. He told
the story of being caught up in a tree over night as German troops walked below
and being reported to my grandmother Missing in Action Presumed Dead. He
stole a Nazi flag (I have seen it). Grandpa was a musician and was always talking
music. He found out that there were a number of his troop that played

instruments so as they went through France they raided a Music Hall and
“borrowed” instruments so they could create a merry “band of men” which would
later perform for the liberated Dutch people at Christmas. Appropriately he would
later be asked to attend the dedication of the army monument and tank in France
playing the Last Post. My grandfather’s story is one I admire.

The thing that strikes me most about war and conflict is just what people are
willing to give up for others. It isn’t just about fighting for country or freedom. It
is about caring for those that cannot be strong enough for themselves. God calls
us the liberated to create hope for those suffering oppressions and cannot defend
themselves. God is calling us to be resurrection people, to sing the old hymn “For
All the Saints” shouting to the world, “Alelluia! Alleluia!”

Pastor Scott


The men will meet at 8:30 am at the Saturday November 10th.
Great discussions and food will be consumed by all! The next one is at the church
Saturday December 8th at 8:30 am.

We are hosting a fundraiser event on Saturday December 1 st 4:30–6:30 pm

4:30 Musical Interlude with Mr. Mark Jurgenson, Lyric Tenor upstairs in the
church; 5 pm Turkey and Ham dinner with all the trimmings in basement; 6:15
pm Dessert & Gift Basket Auction. Our Congregational Council members are our
servers for the evening. Prize donations from the Congregation are welcomed and
needed to make this fundraiser a success. The cost of this event will be $30 per
person and each ticket will receive a $15 tax receipt. Pay more than $30 and get
a larger charitable receipt. All proceeds towards parsonage roof project. Please
bring in your prize donations and put in the Pastor’s office by Wednesday
November 28th. Please bring friends and family. It is the start of the Advent
season, let’s celebrate with an evening of fellowship. Tickets must be purchased
in advance and are available from all council members, Pastor or Robin.

On Sunday, December 16 at 2 pm the Buckhorn Singers will be singing their
Annual concert at Christ Lutheran. There will be a free will offering with the
offering going to benefit the Peterborough Food Bank, the Lakefield Food Bank
and the Buckhorn Public School Breakfast Club. Songs of the season will be sung
and you to will come out singing. Come and join us.

HEALTH ALERT!! - It is that time of the year once again to get your Flu Shot.
The Flu Vaccine is available at your family doctor and/or most of the local
pharmacies. Do stay healthy and well!
We are hosting a Blood Pressure Clinic on Sunday November
18th immediately following the church service, during our coffee hour.
We are also presently in the process of arranging the following
Alzheimer’s Society Coffee Break
Hospice Peterborough and possibly a visit to the new Hospice Care Centre
Seizure Disorders
Parkinson’s Society
We will keep you posted in respect to specific dates and times.
Also, we are really looking forward to seeing each of you at the Senior’s
Luncheon on Thursday November 1st.
Pastor Scott, Vicki, Johanna, Audrey and Iris

From Iris & Mike -Mike and I would like to say a very special “big” thank you to
each of you for your very kind and thoughtful words and of course prayers with
his recent health concerns. He is recovering nicely from his neck surgery and we
are happy to report that there were no signs of cancer.
We are indeed blessed to have such a caring church family and we especially
thank you once again.
Our Fall fundraiser was a great hit and a great big thank you to all who
participant. Thank you to Sylvia & Robin who provided a time of games, laughter
and good food and to everyone who helped in every/anyway. We raised $1225.
Thank you so much for your support and we did have a lot of fun!

One Roof Diner on Sunday December 2 3 pm. A sign-up list will be on
vestibule door for volunteers. We need 8-10 people to come out to help serve.

New Student Ministry & Lutheran Student Center Presentation

Sunday November 11 following worship
Council has been discussing the creation of a new Student Ministry and the
creation of a Lutheran Student Center. The Student Ministry will involve using the
parsonage as a 4-bedroom student rental with Pastor Scott as a chaplain. The
ministry will be more than simply renting the parsonage. It will involve
connecting with Trent University (already done) and Sir Sanford Fleming. This will
also be a joint venture with All Saints Anglican Church.
Come to this discussion to find out more about this new ministry possibility.

Church Council Meeting Minutes – October 9 2018:

Present: George, Connie, Sylvia, Iris, Scott, Al, Marlys, Janice, Brenda
Regrets: Milan
Opening Devotion led by Pastor Scott.
The minutes of September approved: Motion Iris, Second – Connie; Passed.
Correspondence: Alzheimer Society – request to host coffee time.
Electronic Updates- Facebook continues to be updated regularly.
Pastors Report -highlights
1. Refer to Council Report – October 2018
2. Worship on October 21 – Community Impact Sunday – The GTA East
Lutheran churches will be participating in an outreach Sunday. We will
worship for half an hour then go out to serve the community. There will be
four different events and people are encouraged to sign up ahead of time.
Parish Support
1. The Fall Job list is on the front door. There are jobs still to be done.
2. Glenn Coombs has started to clean up the brush in the garden.
3. Al is completing the property insurance renewal [Al]
Treasurers Report
1. As of September 30
Bank Balance $72,775.80
Balance with outstanding cheques and deposits $73,287.14
2. It was noted we have an outstanding benevolence commitment of $5000.
3. Insurance is coming out on October 12 which is $2301.48.
4. We are cashing in a GIC of $5419.79.
5. We are about $12,000 behind in our Current offerings.
As a result, we are running a deficit.
1. We will be serving dinner at the One Roof Diner again on October 28. There
is a sign-up sheet on the door in the narthex. PLEASE if you are planning on
helping put your name on it so we make sure we have enough volunteers.
Thanks. Robin submitted grant application for One Roof $2500. [Robin]
2. There will be a Seniors Luncheon on November 1. [Connie]
3. The Kawartha Heights Kids Nutrition Program is now running smoothly.
4. We are working with Highland Heights for their Kids Nutrition Program as
well. In the past w we have donated breakfast quiches, loaves, muffins,
and fruit to support their daily breakfast program. Stay tuned for more
details and timing. [Robin]
Messy Church
1. Messy Church is going very well. It is a multi-generational activity, with
approximately 20-30 guests each night. A Halloween themed night with
carving pumpkins is happening on Monday October 15. Next ones - Monday
November 12, Monday December 3.
2. Marlys is submitting grant applications for Messy Church and Kids Club for
$1000 total [Marlys]
Kids Club
1. Kids Club PA Day on September 28 was unfortunately unattended by
anyone. Highland Heights will not allow us distribute flyers in the school
anymore. We have to find new ways to advertise this ministry. The next PA
Day is November 23rd.
Health and Wellness
1. The health and wellness team is meeting on October 23 to plan a Fall
Workshop – more to come. They will be assisting Connie Baker with the
Seniors’ Luncheon.
Social Activities
1. Sign-up sheets are up for Coffee Times after church. We are always looking
for volunteers to help arrange this wonderful time of fellowship following
2. Audrey hosted a wonderful open house on October 14.

Stewardship & Fund-raising
1. Connie reported $4500 of the $8500 needed has been raised for the
parsonage roof.
2. Robin & Sylvia are planning a Fall Fundraiser for October 20 from 4-6.
3. The women of the church are working hard on the Christmas Bazaar to be
held November 17 9am-1pm.
4. Sylvia and Scott are working on a fall roofing fundraiser/dinner for
December 1. Mark Jurgenson will be providing a musical interlude prior to
dinner. Prize donations from the Congregation are welcomed and needed to
make the fundraiser a success. The cost of this event will be $30 per person
and each ticket will receive a $15 tax receipt.
Mutual Ministries
1. Al will meet with Pastor Scott as instructed by council to sign the new
“Letter of Call and Employment Agreement”.
Old Business
1. Possibility of working with Local Integrated Health Network (LIHN) and Dr.
Ingram and the needs of the aging Peterborough Community. Scott has
arranged a meeting for November 27.
2. Student Ministry – Council discussed again the proposal for the Student
Ministry and the Creation of a Lutheran Student Center to be based from the
parsonage. The Lutheran Student Center will include the rental of the four
bedrooms to students. The ministry would be based on former Lutheran
Student Campus Ministry models at universities across the synod (before
funding was cut). There will be some minor painting of the bedrooms and
basement family, carpet in the basement family room, and new bedroom
(4) doors and hardware. The congregation has applied to the Eastern Synod
Youth and Young Adults Ministry and Missions Committee for a grant to help
with this. Council wants to know what the costs will be to make the
renovations. Pastor assured the council that the costs would be recouped in
the first few months of the rental to students next September and through
grants. A small board will need to be formed to carry out this ministry.
Pastor assured the council this will not be a problem. Pastor has agreed to
do a presentation after worship in November.
3. Pastor has also indicated he will live in the parsonage until September 2019.
At that time the congregation will pay an equitable housing allowance as per
synod guidelines. The housing allowance will be funded through the rental of
the Lutheran Student Center (parsonage).
4. Pastor Scott met with Pastor Joel Crouse who is the Synod representative
for property redevelopment, to discuss what other Congregations are doing
with their properties to further advance their mission in their communities.
Further to that Adam Baker helped Christ Lutheran determine the parsonage
has NOT been severed from the current church property.

New Business - Abuse Policy – Awareness and Training / Police Checks
Al brought to our attention that the insurance company requires congregations to
train people about the Abuse Policy that is in place. Currently we operate
according to the ELCIC Abuse Policy to protect vulnerable people. It is necessary
for us to make the guidelines available to all who work with children and seniors.
Police Checks – All volunteers that work with vulnerable people are supposed to
also complete a Police Check.

Upcoming Events:
October 19 – Faith Oshawa – Oktoberfest Party Club Loralea
October 21 – GTA East Servant Event
October 26 – PA Day
October 28 – One Roof Diner
November 1 – Seniors Luncheon
November 12 – Messy Church

Next meeting: Tuesday November 6 6:30pm.

P.A. Day

Friday, November 23 - 9:00 to 3:30 Children bring their own lunch and
snacks. The theme will be decorations for Christmas. Family and friends

Mid-Week Evening Worship

Advent Mid-week Evening Worship with Soup and Sandwiches at Christ Lutheran
This year during the Advent season we will take time to prepare for the coming of
our Lord by gathering for midweek soup and sandwich dinner and worship. This
will take place on the three Wednesday nights in December (5, 12, 19) before
Christmas. Dinner will begin at 5:30pm and worship will follow at
6:30pm. We will be using Holden Evening Prayer to worship. All welcome.

Saturday November 17th 9 am to 1 pm
The Craft group is busy preparing for the Tearoom & Christmas Bazaar set to take
place on Saturday November 17 9 am – 1 pm. No admission charge. Hand-
made craft items are gratefully accepted. The bake table, the ladies are asking for
donations of Christmas baking, squares and fancy Christmas cookies to make up
mixed dessert plates to sell. We will also receive up to $300 in a matching grant
from Faith Life Financial. Christmas Bazaar handmade goods can be delivered
to the church up until Friday Nov. 17th. We welcome baked goods to be
delivered on Friday Nov. 16 only. Thank you!

Upcoming Events –
Sunday October 28th – One Roof Community Dinner 3 pm
Thursday November 1st - 11 am Senior’s Luncheon
Monday November 12 – Messy Church 5:30 – 7 pm Christmas baking
Saturday November 17th – Christmas Bazaar & Tea – 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Saturday December 1st – Raise the Roof Music & Dinner Event – 4:30-6:30 pm
Sunday December 2nd - One Roof Community Dinner 3 pm
Monday December 3rd – Messy Church – Christmas theme
Midweek Advent Evening worship/meal starting on Wednesday December 5 th
Meal at 5:30; Worship at 6:30 pm (will continue December 12 & 19)
Buckhorn Singers Concert – Sunday December 16, 2 pm

JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! Reader Ushers Assistant

All Saints
November 4 Cal Taillefer Connie & TBA Cal Taillefer
November 11 Iris Gravel Ilse & Rosi Iris Gravel
November 18 Al Butson Al & Robin Al Butson
Christ the King Sunday
November 25 Al Butson Al & Robin Al Butson
1st Sunday in Advent
December 1 Marlys Kerkman Al & Robin Marlys Kerkman
Counters for the month of November – George Maschke & Sylvia Shea
Counters for the month of December – Al Butson & TBA

Altar Care for the month of November – Johanna Coombs

Altar Care for the month December – Robin Butson

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Oct.26 Oct.27

Oct. 28 Oct.29 Oct. 30 Oct. 31 1 2 3 Baking
Reformation Bible Study Senior’s Hymn Christmas
Sunday 10 am 10 am Luncheon cookies &
Slice & Dice 11 am decorating
Coffee time
One Roof 3pm 12 noon 9:30am
12:45 Craft mtg
4 All Saints 5 6 Bible Study 7 8 9 10
Holy 10:00 am Men’s Breakfast
12 noon Slice &
Communion 8:30 am at
10:00 am church
12:45 Bazaar
Coffee time
mtg basement
Cong. Council
6:30 pm

11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Pentecost 25 No bible study 10 am – 4pm 10 am– 4 pm 10 am- 7 pm
Holy Communion 11 am Slice & Bring bazaar Bring your
Bring bazaar
10:00 am Dice 12:30pm items to Bake Goods for
Student items to
Bazaar mtg church Bazaar Tearoom &
Ministry mtg church
after worship Bazaar setup
Coffee time Afternoon/
evening 9 am -1 pm
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Pentecost 26
Holy Communion
Bible Study PA Kid’s
10:00 am
10:00 am Club
Coffee time 12 noon Slice &
hosted by Craft Dice 9 am –
ladies Bazaar mtg 3:30 pm
Blood Pressure
Clinic 12:45 pm

25Christ the 26 27 28 29 30 Dec 1

King Sunday Bible Study Raise the
Holy Communion 10:00 am Roof
10:00 am 12 noon Slice & Fundraiser
4:30 – 6:30

Dec 2 Advent 1 Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 6 Dec. 7 Dec. 8

Holy Communion Messy church Bible Study Evening Advent
10:00 am Men’s
5:30-7 pm 10:00 am Mid-Week
Coffee time worship soup &
Christmas 12 noon Breakfast
after worship sandwich
One Roof 3pm baking Slice & Dice
5:30 pm 8:30 am at

Tearoom & Bazaar
Christ Lutheran Church
463 Highland Rd., Peterborough
Saturday November 17, 2018
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Free Admission

Raffle Gift baskets

Christmas baked goods, Jams & Jellies
Knitted goods, Fruit & Meat pies
New To U Christmas items

Our Tearoom serves freshly made

sandwiches & Christmas cookies and Squares

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