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Exercise 10: Acid-Base Balance: Activity 2: Rebreathing Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. In cases of acidosis, the pH of the blood is

You correctly answered: c. less than 7.35.

2. Carbon dioxide and water form

You correctly answered: a. carbonic acid (a weak acid).

3. Which of the following is true of respiratory acidosis?

You correctly answered: c. The amount of carbon dioxide in the blood is greater than normal.

4. Rebreathing
You correctly answered: b. is exemplified by breathing into a paper bag.

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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: What do you think will happen to the pH and PCO2 levels during rebreathing?
Your answer : c. pH will increase and PCO2 will decrease.

Stop & Think Questions:

Which of the following can cause respiratory acidosis?
You correctly answered: c. airway obstruction

Experiment Data:

Condition Min PCO2 Max PCO2 Min pH Max pH

Normal 40 40 7.39 7.39
Rebreathing 40 53.02 7.25 7.42

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Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. Rebreathing simulates
You correctly answered: a. hypoventilation and respiratory acidosis.

2. Hypoventilation results in
You correctly answered: c. an accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood.

3. The renal system can compensate for respiratory acidosis by

You correctly answered: b. excreting H+ and retaining bicarbonate ion.

4. Respiratory acidosis can be caused by all of the following except

You correctly answered: d. an anxiety attack.

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Review Sheet Results
1. Describe what happened to the pH and the carbon dioxide levels during rebreathing. How well did the results compare
with your prediction?
Your answer:
El Ph y el CO2, tienen una relación inversa, es decir, cuando uno aumenta el otro disminuye.
La reinhalación consiste en inspirar el propio aire espirado, produciendo una acidósis respiratoria, debido a un aumento de
la presión del dióxido de carbono.
Al acumularse el CO2, se produce una dificultad en la disociación del ácido carbonico, que cuando se acumula en exceso,
se disocia una mayor cantidad de este, produciendo una mayor acidosis y una acumulacion de HCO3 y protones.

2. Describe some possible causes of respiratory acidosis.

Your answer:
Las causas de una acidósis respiratoria son las siguientes:
- Ventilación reducida, produciendo un aumento de la presión del dióxido de carbono.
- Depresión respiratoria o por drogas
- Obstrucción de las vías aéreas
- Debilidad mucsular (distrofia)
- Dificultad en el intercambio de gases ( fibrosis pulmonar, neumonía, enfisema, lobectomia...)
- Fármacos que deprimen el centro respiratorio

3. Explain how the renal system would compensate for respiratory acidosis.
Your answer:
En la acidosis respiratoria la compensación renal es lenta y conisiste en una excreción de hidrogeniones y una retencion de
bicarbonato ( HCO3) plasmático.

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