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Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292

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A review of recycled aggregate in concrete applications (2000–2017)

Vivian W.Y. Tam a,b,⇑ , Mahfooz Soomro c, Ana Catarina Jorge Evangelista d,c,⇑
Western Sydney University, School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith, NSW 2751, Australia
College of Civil Engineering, Shenzhen University, China
Western Sydney University, School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, Australia
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Civil Engineering Department, Brazil


● The paper reviews the production and utilisation of recycled aggregate in concrete.
● Critically analysed the globally published data on recycled aggregate standards.
● This review may help to alleviate the concerns of consumers.
● This paper can encourage and further promote the use of recycled aggregate.

articleinfo abstract

Article history: Solid waste has been an inevitable by-product of the operations of industrialised societies. One result of
Received 17 January 2018 economic growth is an increase in generation of solid waste which normally was dumped in landfills and
Received in revised form 12 March 2018 caused contamination of soil, water and air from toxic substances such as polychlorinated bi -phenyls
Accepted 26 March 2018
(PCB’s), asbestos, construction chemicals, heavy metals, but the scarcity of land-filling areas, industrial
growth as well as strict environmental regulations in developed and developing economies has led to
the global re-assessment of the methods employed to recycle and utilise construction and demoli tion
(C&D) waste as recycled aggregate for civil engineering projects i.e. construction and infrastructure devel-
Construction and demolition waste
opment. Depending on their quality, recycled aggregate produced from C&D waste can be employed in
Recycled aggregate
Legislation various civil engineering works, which can help in a long way the economic and environmental sustain-
International norms ability of respective countries. With further research and development into overcoming technical as well
as market barriers, considerable increase in recovery rates can be achieved with the existing technologies
in developed economies. The main aim of this study is to review the literature on the production and util-
isation of recycled aggregate in concrete, concrete pavements, roadway construction, and other civil engi-
neering works and some discussion on the savings on CO 2 emissions have been included. The globally
published data on recycled aggregate standards (normative documents) of various countries have been
systematically analysed and evaluated, and some barriers mentioned. This review may help to alleviate
the concerns of consumers and encourage and further promote the use of recycled aggregate on a larger
scale in civil engineering projects.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction from 21 billion tons in 2007 to 40 billion tons in 2014. Countries

such as China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Gulf States,
Population growth, continuous industrial development, con- Turkey, Russia, Brazil and Mexico have recorded some of the stron-
struction of infrastructure and house building activities create gest increases in the demand for waste recycling. Hence, progres-
huge amounts of the C&D waste and hence, dire need for waste sive depletion of natural resources and growing awareness of
recycling. Construction industry is a major consumer of natural sustainable waste management by the developed and emerging
resources and the global aggregate production almost doubled economies, have given ever-increasing relevance to recycle and re-
use C&D waste in civil engineering projects.
Although much higher portion of construction material could be
⇑ Corresponding authors at: Western Sydney University, School of Computing, replaced by recycled and re-processed C&D waste, these options
Engineering and Mathematics, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith, NSW 2751, Australia. are not yet considered and applied in most of the developing
E-mail address: (V.W.Y. Tam).
0950-0618/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292 273

economies, due to insufficient regulatory frameworks and lack of In the present decade, Asia/Pacific, Russia and South American
knowledge. Meanwhile, in developed countries, the process of regions have demonstrated as one of the largest producers of
stimulus on the utilisation of C&D waste varies in scale from coun- aggregate as well as its sales, because of its rapidly rising construc-
try to country, it is hoped and expected that the utilisation of recy- tion activity, particularly in China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thai-
cled aggregate coming from C&D waste will increase and become land, Gulf States, Turkey, Russia, Brazil and Mexico. China alone
substantial part of the market in the near future. accounts for half of all the new aggregate demand worldwide dur-
The global aggregate production of 40 billion tons (Fig. 1) is an ing the 2010–2015 periods [2]. The global recycled aggregate con-
indication of the vast development projects which are materializ- sumption estimates (by regions) are shown in Fig. 2 [3].
ing around the world [1]. As the land for landfill becomes scarce The tendency of environmentally conscience communities and
and the world demand of aggregate reaches to an enormous 40 bil- enterprises is not only to recycle a large percentage of C&D waste,
lion tons annually, ways to use C&D waste is gaining importance but to aim for zero waste, which means ensuring that all products
due to legislation, it is cheaper and available. However, research are made to be reused, repaired or recycled back into the market-
& development is highly needed to sustainably utilise alternative place or nature and eliminating all discharges to land, water and
materials in the production of concrete containing recycled aggre- air. While this concept first emerged in California, USA, in 1975,
gate. The current tendency in several developed economies is to zero waste plans have been adopted around the world, especially
view waste as resource or by product that can be used for a variety by local governments in Australia and New Zealand.
of useful purposes. As the plentitude of research work shows, there has been nota-
In the developed economies, the first initiatives for minimizing ble increase not only in the methods of recovery from C&D waste
and recycling C&D waste began in the 1980s, In Germany, the Fed- into recycled aggregate but on the ways and techniques of its util-
eral Quality Association for Recycled Building Materials was estab- isation in construction industry [4].
lished in 1984 and had its headquarters in Berlin. The main Regulations and legislation by the governments in various
function of the association was to unite the major recycling compa- countries around the world have structured and constituted a mar-
nies in Germany and in 2006 it also became the headquarters of ket for building material and products derived from the C&D waste
the European Quality Association for Recycling, which is the streams. According to [5] the C&D waste generation occurs during
umbrella organization of quality associations of the European all the main phases of the building life cycle: construction, renova-
Union. tion and demolition. The demolition phase therefore seems to be
Since 1980’s, there has been considerable progress in C&D the specific key to be considered for the adoption of more sustain-
waste management systems in the developed economies, particu- able practices, to contribute higher percentages of the C&D waste
larly in Australia, Western Europe and North America. generated.

Fig. 1. Global aggregate production [1].

274 V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292

Fig. 2. Worldwide consumption of recycled aggregate (by regions) [3].

In European Union, the revised Waste Framework (Directive plants. The overall construction waste is sorted into inert materials
2008/98/EC) [6] stated that the member states set an ambitious (rubble, debris, concrete and earth) which are reused in construc-
goal of achieving a 70% level of recovery for the recycling and re- tion sites (public fill) and non-inert C&D waste which are disposed
use of non-hazardous C&D waste generated at buildings and public of at landfills [11]. However, the materials delivered to the public
works construction sites by the year 2020. But, the 2011 statistics fills are not being recycled in Hong Kong, but are shipped to Main-
for the countries in European Union showed that the level of recy- land China for dumping as reclamation fills. The actual recycling
cling and recovery of material from C&D waste fluctuated consid- rate of C&D waste is very low in Hong Kong.
erably i.e. between <10% and over 40% across the European The review [11–14] indicated that tax is just one of the major fac-
Union [7]. In Denmark, the main focus has been put in obtaining tors among many influencing recycled aggregate applications,
a better quality of recycling C&D waste together with maintaining including policies and national conditions; however, the motive
a high recycling rate but on the contrary, in France C&D waste for taxing aggregate is the desire to encourage the use of alternative
management is an emerging issue and lacks political will and cus- and recycled material. Regulations on C&D waste disposal and espe-
tomer interest [7]. cially fees on the landfill tipping are considered to be significantly
The ‘‘Union Européenne des Producteurs de Granulats” UEPG, important factors which contribute to the suitable management
(European Aggregates Association) was formed in 1987 to work and recycling of C&D waste for the adequate management of C&D
for the promotion of interests of the European Aggregate Indus- waste.
try and continues to aim for sustainable supply of aggregates Söderholm [16] reported that in three European countries (Swe-
and towards its competitiveness and its growth. In 2014, pro- den, Denmark and the United Kingdom) there is minor variation in
duction from recycled and re-used aggregate increased to 228 aggregate taxes. In Denmark and United Kingdom, the taxes cover
million tons representing 8.6% of the total output of 2.65 bil a broader range of aggregate (e.g., sand, gravel, stone, etc.) while in
lion tons [8]. Sweden only natural gravel is taxed. The analysis by Söderholm
In Australia, the management of C&D waste is not legislated by [16] indicated that the aggregate taxes have had significant effects
the Central Government but the environmental issues, including all on the use of aggregate and material substitution behavior. Coun-
waste streams, is primarily the responsibility of Australian state tries with relatively high tax rates (e.g., the United Kingdom) have
and territory governments. In 2006–2007, in Australia 43.78 mil higher recycling rates.
lion tons of waste was generated, 38 percent of which was from Many countries have recycling schemes to recover recycled
the C&D stream [9]. aggregate from C&D waste which can be reused as recycled aggre-
Yang et al. [10] reported that with China’s rapid urbanization, gate, while in many other countries concrete recycling is a well-
an increasing amount of C&D waste is being generated, especially established industry and most of the C&D waste is being crushed
in the major cities. In total, China produces around 30% of the and reused as aggregate. Recovery rates of recycled aggregate vary
world’s municipal solid waste and of this about 40% is C&D waste, from almost 100 percent in some parts of the world to nearly zero
the construction of new buildings generate around 100 million to in countries where most construction waste ends up in the landfill.
ns annually while demolition of old properties generate 200 mil For example, Japan is a leading country in recycling concrete waste
lion tons of waste annually. There are regulatory policies in China and has been implementing 98% recycling and using it for struc-
for handling waste, but there is lack of explicit national legislation tural concrete applications [17].
governing C&D waste management. C&D waste could be demolished concrete structures, broken
In Hong Kong, according to the Waste Statistics 2015 [11] the waste concrete, rejected concrete products on production line, bro-
overall construction waste was about 1.533 million tons, which ken pavements and bricks from buildings. Thus, recycled aggregate
was 28% of the total disposal and include waste arising from con- could come from demolition of concrete structures, airport
struction activities e.g. site clearance, renovation, demolition, runways, bridge supports, concrete roadbed or rejected concrete
refurbishment, road works etc. It also includes waste concrete gen- products on the production line, etc. Concrete made using such
erated from concrete batching plants and cement mortar/plaster aggregate is referred to as recycled aggregate concrete (RAC).
V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292 275

Existing technology for producing recycled aggregate from C&D 2. Research significance
waste by means of mechanical crushing is relatively inexpensive
and readily available; therefore, the process of converting C&D One of the earliest uses of recycled aggregate concrete was in
waste to recycled aggregate can be done both in the developed Europe after World War II, however, in the last few years, it has
and developing countries [18]. There are two categories of plants appeared that the perception and tendency to use recycled aggre-
available for processing C&D waste: stationary and mobile [19]. gate in concrete is increasing worldwide, thereby reducing the
The same processes take place in both the plants to separate the environmental impact due to landfills and quarrying of virgin
contaminants from bulk material and to obtain a useful grading aggregate and also making the construction projects economical
[20]: and environmentally sustainable.
Although much higher portion of construction material could be
● Separation; replaced by recycled and re-processed C&D waste, these options
● Crushing; are not yet considered and applied in most of the developing
● Separation of ferrous elements; economies, due to insufficient regulatory frameworks and lack of
● Screening; and knowledge.
● Decontamination and removal of impurities (i.e. wood, paper, Depending on their quality, the recycled aggregate produced
plastics). from C&D waste can be employed in various civil engineering
works. The significance and aim of this research study is to review
Hansen cited in De Brito [21] reported that recycled aggregate is the literature on the production and utilisation of recycled aggre-
generally used as bulk backfill, in sub-base, base or surface mate- gate in roadway construction, concrete pavements, load bearing
rial in road construction, lean concrete bases, hydraulically bound concrete structures and other civil engineering works and some
materials and in the manufacture of new concrete. Depending on discussion on the savings on CO2 emissions have been included.
its quality, recycled aggregate can be used in hydraulically bound The Standard Specifications (normative documents) regulate
material or in the production of new concrete, only if, the recycled and maintain the quality and provide producers as well as con-
aggregate coming from waste materials do not have hazardous sumers, an assurance of uniformity and consistency in quality of
contaminants. The contaminants in most cases may be found only the recycled aggregate. Conforming to the standard specification
on the surface layers of old concrete, so that no more than traces of criteria, the recycled aggregate produced is a technically viable
potentially harmful contaminants will be found in the bulk of recy- alternative which can be utilised in non-structural and structural
cled aggregate. Under other circumstances potentially harmful concrete elements.
contaminants may not be water-soluble, which in reality makes The globally published data on recycled aggregate standards
them harmless in recycled aggregate concrete. (normative documents) of various countries have been systemati-
In Australia, recycled aggregate (both as coarse and as fine cally analysed and compared in tabulation form to provide produc-
aggregate) has been the most common C&D waste used in concrete ers, consumers as well as researchers a wider outlook on the
production. About 5.0 million tons of recycled concrete and properties of recycled aggregate which are desired and specified
masonry are available mainly in Sydney and Melbourne, out of in legislation of various countries.
which 0.5 million tons is recycled aggregate [22]. In Europe, recy- This review may help to alleviate the concerns of consumers
cled aggregate from C&D waste accounts for 6–8 percent of aggre- and encourage and further promote the use of recycled aggregate
gate in Europe, with significant difference in countries [23]. The big on a larger scale in civil engineering projects.
users are the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzer-
land and Germany [24]. 3. Research methodologies
In the United Kingdom, the quantities of recycled aggregate
produced have increased gradually over the last 30 years and This section represents methodologies based on the;
are being used in a wide range of construction applications. In
1980, the estimated use of recycled aggregate was 20 million to ● The review of the literature as well as data collection related to
ns annually, in 2007 the usage increased to 71 million tons generation, recovery, processing (Sections 4 and 5) in twenty-
annually but decreased to 50 million tons annually in 2009, four developed economies, spread around five continents
which accounts to 26% of the total aggregate used in the United (Oceania, Asia, Europe, Africa and America) which are taken as
Kingdom [25]. a role model as well as utilisation of recycled aggregate (Sec-
A study by the National Ready-mix Concrete Association tions 6 and 7), additionally, some data on the CO2 emissions
(NRMCA) in the United States, concluded that up to 10 percent have been included (Section 8).
of recycled aggregate is suitable as substitute for virgin aggre- ● From the availability of data, these countries seem to be com-
gate for most concrete applications including structural concrete mitted and active in promoting the usage of recycled aggregate
[26]. United Kingdom research indicated that up to 20 percent through legislation (standards and normative documents) and
of recycled aggregate can be used for most applications includ- media (reports, brochures, newspapers, television and radio)
ing structural [27]. Australian guidelines state that up to 30 per- to reduce landfills (source of contamination of soil and water),
cent recycled aggregate including structural concrete can be reduce the exploitation and consumption of natural resources
used [24]. German guidelines stated that under certain circum- which are getting scarce by the passing day and by utlising
stances, recycled aggregate can be used for up to 45 percent the recycled material in concrete, concrete pavements, roadway
of the total aggregate, depending on the exposure class of the construction, and other civil engineering projects.
concrete [28]. ● Analysis and comparison in tabulation form of the legislation
Significant potential remains for increasing the use of coarse through normative documents (Standard Specifications) to
recycled aggregate in concrete. In some countries, notably Ger- effectively control their quality parameters have been made
many, Switzerland and Australia, pre-mix concrete containing (Section 9). These parameters which can substantially affect
recycled aggregate is now being marketed. Boral’s ‘‘Green” con- the recycled aggregate concrete properties and performance are;
crete is pre-mixed concrete using recycled aggregate that has been composition, dry density, water absorption, limitations on the
used in a number of building projects in Australia [24]. chloride and sulfate content, limitations on the percentage
276 V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292

of recycled aggregate to be used and its maximum strength waste in roads, drainage and other construction projects. Technolo-
class which can be attained as well as environmental conditions gies for the separation and recovery of C&D waste are well estab-
in which recycled aggregate can be used. lished, readily accessible and in general inexpensive. Despite its
potential, the level of recycling and material recovery varies
greatly (between <10% and over 90%) in countries across the globe.
4. Generation and recovery of construction and demolition In European Union, about 850 million tons per year of C&D waste
waste are generated across Europe [29,30], among European Union
countries, France has an average of 349 million tons per year in
C&D waste constitutes a major portion of total solid waste pro- 2014 [31] and the United Kingdom has an average of 90 million t
duction in the world, some studies have estimated that up to 90% ons per year [32]. The United States produces about 534 million t
of demolition waste going to the landfills can be recycled and ons per annum [33], Japan produces 77 million tons per year of
reused. However, such studies need to be tested in a more compre- C&D waste [34], in Australia, approximately 20 million tons per
hensive manner with indicative analysis of the actual practice. year of building and demolition waste are generated [35] while,
During the last 20 years the recycling of C&D waste has emerged 15.4 million tons per year are produced in Hong Kong [36], 200 mil
as socio-economic priority mainly in the developed countries and lion tons of C&D waste generated in China, 17 million tons in India
in the present decade, developing countries are also gradually join- and approximately 7.0 million tons in each Dubai and Abu Dhabi
ing in. [34].
Construction Waste occurs on account of building constructions For most parts, C&D waste is recoverable and is recycled and
and building renovations and results from surplus material (excess reused for both economic gain and environmental benefit, hence,
supplies), damaged or broken material (thus unusable), cut-off in Germany the resource recovery rate was 91%, in 2011, in France
pieces, processing waste (saw dust, metal spoils) dismantled shut- the recycled rate was 50% of the total generated amount of the C&D
tering, used-up tools and accessories, packaging and garbage gen- waste in 2014. In the United Kingdom approximately 62% of C&D
erated by the people on construction sites. waste was recycled per year in 2011, while in the United States
Demolition waste results from demolition of built structures, the resource recovery rate was 48% in 2011 [37]. In Australia,
bridges, roads etc. their complete removal or renovation. It also approximately 64% of C&D waste was recycled in 2014 [35] and
includes demolition debris caused due to natural disasters (earth- in Hong Kong about 38% of solid waste is contributed from con-
quakes, hurricanes and tsunamis), civil conflicts, vandalism, explo- struction industry [38].
sions, fires, collapse of weak structures etc. However this percentage of concrete recovery varies from one
C&D waste is divided into five main fractions i.e. metal, concrete region of the world to the other due to vast differences in construc-
and mineral, wood, miscellaneous and unsorted mixed fractions. tion traditions, the legislation on landfills, and due to the percep-
More precisely, it may contain: tion and acceptance level of the constructors/contractors and
● Concrete Concerning waste management operations practiced in Aus-
● Bricks, tiles and ceramics tralia, European Union (EU-27 member countries Belgium, France,
● Wood Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Denmark, Great Britain,
● Glass Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Czech
● Plastic Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia,
● Bituminous mixtures and tars Slovenia, Malta, Cyprus, Bulgaria, and Romania), Hong Kong and
● Metals (ferrous & non-ferrous) the United Kingdom.
● Soils (contaminated) and stones Tam and Lu [39] showed that there has been a clear decrease in
● Insulation materials (including asbestos) the amount of generated waste as a result of increasing efforts by
● Gypsum based materials (including plasterboard) the Governments and Councils through their legislations and by
● Waste electronic and electrical equipment giving positive perception to the constructors and builders to move
● Chemicals (including solvents) towards a ‘‘greener” construction industry.
● Packaging materials Initially, recycling of demolition waste was first carried out
● hazardous substances after the Second World War in Germany [40], since then, research
work carried out in several countries has demonstrated sufficient
Some material in the list, if not managed responsibly can pol- promise for developing and using the construction waste as a con-
lute the environment, pose a public health risk and pose amenity stituent in new concrete.
issues. Hazardous substances are generally present in building Article 11.2(b) of Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) of
material because they are used, together with concrete, for European Union and EU Parliament [41] stated that ‘‘Member states
completing the structure and for realizing the finishes. These shall take the necessary measures designed to achieve by 2020 a min-
substances are asbestos (found in insulation, roofs and tiles and imum of 70% (by weight) of non-hazardous C&D waste, excluding nat-
fire-resistant sealing), lead based paints (found on roofs, tiles and urally occurring material defined in category 17 05 04 (Soils and
electrical cables), phenols (in resin-based coatings, adhesives and stones, other than those mentioned in 17 05 03) in the list of wastes
other materials), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (which can be shall be prepared for reuse, recycled or undergo other material recov-
found in joint sealing and flame-retardant paints/coats, as well as ery”. This also includes backfilling operations using waste to substitute
electrical items) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) other materials”.
(frequently present in roofing felt and floorings). Hazardous waste RILEM in the late 70’s, and later many Universities and Research
has to be separated at source, since even small amounts if con- Centers in Europe and in many other parts of the world, for exam-
tained in C&D waste can pose particular risks to the workers and ple Portugal and Brazil, started several research projects on recy-
the environment and also can hamper recycling. cling technology concerning material coming from building
There is a high potential for recycling and re-use of C&D waste, demolition. In 1981 the RILEM designated a Technical Committee
since some of its components have a high resource value. In partic- 37-DRC (Demolition and Reuse of Concrete) which was replaced
ular, there is a re-use market for aggregates derived from C&D by new Technical Committee 121-DRG (Demolition and Reuse
V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292 277

Table 1
Recovery of construction & demolition waste [24].

Countries Total construction and demolition waste Total construction and demolition waste Construction and demolition waste References
(million tons) recovery (million tons) recovery (%)

Australia 19.30 12.00 62.20 [43]

China 300.00 120.00 40.00 [10]
Hong Kong 24.30 6.80 28.00 [11]
Japan 77.00 62.00 80.50 [34,43]
Taiwan 63.00 58.00 91.00 [44,45]
Thailand 10.00 3.20 32.00 [46]

Belgium 40.20 34.57 86.00 [47]
Denmark 21.70 20.40 94.00 [48]
Finland 20.80 5.40 26.00 [48]
France 342.60 212.40 62.00 [48,49]
Germany 192.30 165.40 86.00 [48]
Ireland 16.600 13.30 80.00 [48]
Italy 46.30 n.a n.a [48]
Netherlands 25.80 25.28 98.00 [48]
Norway 1.30 0.87 67.30 [48]
Portugal 11.4 5.52 48.40
Spain 38.50 5.39 14.00 [48,50]
Sweden 10.20 n.a n.a [48]
Switzerland 7.00 2.00 28.00 [48]
United 114.20 74.23 65.00 [48]

Brazil 101.00 6.20 6.14 [51]
Canada 0.66 0.20 30.00 [52]
USA 534.00 256.30 48.00 [33]

South Africa 4.70 0.76 16.00 [9]

Fig. 3. Comparison of total aggregate vs recycled aggregate production of some European countries in 2015 [8].

Guidelines) which drafted guidelines published in 1993. Since Depending on their qualities, the recycled aggregate produced
2001, a RILEM Technical Committee is operating about the ‘‘Use from C&D wastes can be employed in roads, drainage, construction
of Recycled Materials in Construction” [42]. projects, structural concrete and in the production of concrete
C&D wastes are characterized by high potential for recycling products.
and reuse because some of their components have high resource An overview and summary of the current concrete recycling
value, particularly the reuse market for recycled aggregate. recovery data around the world is shown in Table 1. Many
278 V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292

developing countries as well as emerging economies have yet to

collect the recovery data of their countries, the less populated

Production of

2015 (million
aggregate in
countries and the large countries are expected to have lower
achievable recovery rates.


With existing technologies, considerable increase in recovery




rates can be achieved in some countries with further research



and development, improvement in legislation, by increasing the

2015 (million
produced in
public awareness and acceptance as well as by reducing the mis-

conceptions and ignorance about the possibilities of its use.


In Europe in 1995 a working group ‘‘Construction and Demoli-






tion Waste Project Group” drafted a document, ‘‘Recommendatio
ns”, which suggested a series of measures and actions that if

Production of

2014 (million
undertaken by various member states, could widely develop the

aggregate in
recycling of C&D waste. It was proposed the following;






● Prevention: informed about new ways to design materials by



keeping into account their disposal and recycling and their

2014 (million
produced in
environmental impact.

● Separation: encouraged recycling and deterring disposal in









● Treatment: it proposed the introduction of a system based on
permissions and licenses issued to those businesses involved

Production of

2013 (million
in the production of C&D waste. The qualified contractor must

aggregate in
indicate the produced waste amount, the adopted measure for

treating it and its final destination.



● Market: the market for C&D waste could develop, if the subur-



ban public administrations exercise a model role as a purchaser.
2013 (million
produced in

Concrete recycling from C&D waste in many developing tons)


countries has not been a high priority, mostly because of abundant







supplies of natural aggregates and relatively more limited environ-
mental benefits, therefore in the legislation the energy advantages
Production of

2012 (million

in the use of recycled aggregate and the long life of concrete should
aggregate in

be emphasized and recognised since recycling is one of the impor-


tant component of sustainable development [42].







2012 (million

5. Processing of construction and demolition waste

produced in


Significant potential remains for increasing the use of recycled







aggregate in concrete. In some countries, notably Germany,

Switzerland and Australia, concrete containing recycled aggregate
The best estimates of recycled aggregate production data of European Union [53–56,8].

Production of

2011 (million

is now being marketed. The most common method for recycling

aggregate in

dry and hardened concrete involves crushing. Mobile sorters and


crushers are often installed on construction sites to allow on-site



processing. In other situations, specific processing sites are estab-







lished, which are usually able to produce higher quality aggregate

2011 (million

produced in

The best estimates for 2015, of total aggregate production and


recycled aggregate production of European Union countries includ-









ing Ireland and the United Kingdom are depicted in Fig. 3 while
Table 2 shows values for 6 years from 2010 to 2015.
Production of

2010 (million

In European Union, the processing of construction waste

aggregate in

(concrete, brick, asphalt and stone) into aggregate to comply with


European Standards for aggregate as well as the development of



material specifications enabling this aggregate to be used in con-






struction applications is essential for meeting the Waste Frame-

2010 (million

work Directive of European Union of 70% recycle and recovery

produced in

target for 2020 [45].

The Environment Agency, the Northern Ireland Environment







Agency (NIEA) and Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP)

in consultation with industry and other regulatory stakeholders


developed a Quality Protocol applicable in England, Wales and









Northern Ireland. The process of converting inert waste material


Table 2


into a product is classified as a waste recovery operation and is

subject to the waste management controls set out in the Waste
V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292 279

Framework Directive and domestic legislation whereas the aggre- found that the use of recycled concrete aggregate in concrete pave-
gate must be produced in compliance with the criteria outlined ments gave a satisfactory performance. In their specifications, San
in Sections 2.3–2.5 considering: acceptable input materials, BS Francisco allows the use of recycled concrete aggregate in all non-
EN aggregate standard and the aggregate must require no further structural works, which include sidewalks, curbs and other fea-
processing [27]. tures other than pavements (See Fig. 4).
Arisha and Gabr [59] evaluated the feasibility of using C&D
6. Pavements, footpaths and other civil engineering waste materials, particularly blends of recycled concrete aggregate
applications of recycled aggregate (RCA) with recycled crushed bricks (RCB) as unbound granular
material for road construction in Egypt. They evaluated 8 blends
6.1. Roadway infrastructure of recycled concrete aggregate with crushed recycled bricks in
terms of simple and advanced engineering properties. They found
A pavement is a multi-layer system which directly supports that the recycled unbound granular material showed better
traffic and transmits the vehicular load to the road base. It consists pavement performance in terms of rutting and fatigue cracking
of a concrete slab or asphalt slab resting on the foundation system as compared to virgin aggregate (See Fig. 5).
formed by several overlapping layers of finite thickness i.e. con- Haider et al. [60] and Kolay and Akentuna [61] studied the fea-
crete or asphalt surface (top), base (high quality compacted aggre- sibility of using RCA as replacement material for virgin aggregate in
gate), sub-base (low quality compacted aggregate) and sub-grade the construction of base layers. They concluded that RCA materials
(bottom). Conventionally crushed virgin aggregate were used in showed similar geo-mechanical and physical performance to con-
the road base and sub-base, but research carried out in recent dec- ventional graded base material. These studies concluded that, the
ades made it possible to utilise recycled aggregate from C&D debris RCA materials performed similar to, if not better than the typical
in the sub-base and sub-grade levels of the road way. In this role, virgin aggregate and therefore the authors recommended RCA for
the absolute strength needed to support the intensity of loading, use as base material. The authors also mention that use of RCA
is less important, but the consumption of the recycled concrete materials in highway construction is more economically profitable
aggregate will be high due to the volume of material required in as compared to conventional aggregate and helps in reducing the
lower layers. demand for virgin aggregate thereby helping the environment.
Worldwide numerous studies were conducted to evaluate the Diagne et al. [62] investigated the use of blends of recycled
possibility of using recycled C&D waste, specifically recycled con- concrete aggregate (RCA) with recycled crushed bricks (RCB) as
crete aggregate (RCA) and recycled crushed bricks (RCB) in the con- unbound base course in pavement construction. The authors used
struction of lower layers of roadways. various proportions of RCA and RCB in their experiments; they
In Australia, it is common to mix recycled concrete aggregate found that the Los Angeles Abrasion results of 100% RCA and
with small amounts of crushed bricks and soil to obtain a suitable 100% RCB were 29.9% and 36.8% respectively.
recycled product for use in pavements [57], in some European Jia et al. [63] evaluated the engineering properties of concrete
countries, the use of recycled concrete aggregate have been used waste and recycled crushed bricks stabilised with cement. The
since late 1970s and in the Netherlands, the use of recycled aggre- Benkelman beam deflection test results showed that waste materi-
gate coming from concrete and bricks as a road base is a common als stabilised with cement can be successfully used as base layer in
practice [58]. low volume roads.
In USA, the specifications for Texas, Minnesota and Michigan Neves et al. [64] evaluated the use of C&D materials as recycled
allow the use of recycled concrete aggregate in concrete pave- aggregate in sub-base and base layers of roadway. He used recy-
ments. The Texas Department of Transportation (Tx DOT) has cled concrete aggregate mixed with ceramics and reclaimed

Fig. 4. End uses of recycled aggregate in U.S.A.

280 V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292

Fig. 5. End uses of recycled aggregate in European Countries.

asphalt material in his experiments, crushed limestone was used as can be constructed from low-cost granular material to a lower
a reference material. The authors found that recycled materials specification than the sub-base [68].
have a different behavior compared to natural materials, but in
general, all the recycled materials tested showed an acceptable 6.3. Selective fill
Azam and Cameron [65] determined the engineering character- Selective fills have to meet stringent requirements as compared
istics of blends of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) and recycled to bulk fills, since they are used in situations such as bedding mate-
crushed bricks (RCB) acquired from producers in South Australia. rial for drains and as the full placed in the immediate vicinity of
Based on the laboratory testing program, the blends of RCA with bridges and structures. Crushed concrete can be used for most
RCB appeared to be suitable for application as sub-base in unbound applications. Limits for use which are not stringent, are specified
pavement construction. in terms of grading, plasticity, particle strength and chemical prop-
Arulrajah and Piratheepan [66] evaluated the geotechnical erties [68].
properties of five types of C&D waste materials (i) recycled con-
crete aggregate (ii) crushed recycled bricks (iii) waste rock (iv)
6.4. Bulk fill
reclaimed asphalt pavement and (v) fine recycled glass. The
authors concluded that the geotechnical properties of recycled
If the required level of new road is not the same as that of the
concrete aggregate and waste rock were equal or superior to quar-
ground over which it has to be built, and has to be lowered or
ried conventional aggregate used in the sub-base.
raised, the processes required are known as ‘‘cut” or ‘‘fill”. The fill
Barbudo et al. [67] studied the possible relation of mixed recy-
required may be in large quantities and easy to place and compact.
cled aggregate (MRA) containing crushed concrete and crushed
After compaction, it shall provide a stable bed, strong enough to
bricks and their mechanical behavior for possible application in
receive the layer above it, which may be the capping layer or the
the roadways in the Mediterranean area. The authors found that
sub-base depending on the circumstance. Although, crushed con-
the recycled aggregate containing <25% of crushed bricks can be
crete and crushed brick can be used as bulk fill, it is thought such
used in roadway sub-bases. Also recycled aggregate mixed with
use is wasteful because the material is suitable for use in more
ceramic showed good mechanical performance due to their high
demanding situations [68].
bearing capacity (measured by CBR Index) for use in sub-bases in
low traffic roads.
7. Other civil engineering applications

7.1. Concrete pavement

6.2. Capping layer
Nassar and Soroushian [69] investigated the field performance
On weak sub-grades, it is common practice to use a capping of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) in pavement construction
layer between sub-grade and sub-base layers. This reduces the subjected to heavy traffic loads under aggressive weather condi-
thickness of sub-base and provides a suitably firm surface for the tions. Test results of cores drilled from pavement sections after
placement and compaction of the sub-base. The capping layer 270 days of concrete age showed that RAC show performance at
V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292 281

par or even better than that of corresponding control concrete. Similarly, US studies have found recycled aggregate to have
Later age enhanced strength and durability attributes of RAC con- around 30% less embodied carbon emissions than primary
crete suggest its suitability for use in concrete based infrastructure aggregates. However, it is important to register that in comparing
such as pavement construction. greenhouse emission figures it presents differences depending on
the methodologies used and local electricity generation factors
7.2. Hardcore filling between jurisdictions, both across Australia and worldwide. For
example, in the UK [73] report a 2.42 kg CO2 eqv./ton, considering
Recycled concrete aggregate is also utilised as hardcore filling in the distance of source to recycling site was set at 10 km and it was
building construction provided that, the grading of the recycled assumed that the material was transported using 20 ton trucks
aggregate is checked to suit the condition of the soil. consuming diesel at 0.4 L/ton/km [74].
Replacement of 50% of the quarried virgin aggregate with recy-
cled aggregate in a road construction project could reduce the
7.3. Molded concrete bricks and blocks
embodied energy and resulting GhG emissions of the material
component of the road construction, by around 23.0% [74].
A study carried out by [70] concluded that the replacement of
The embodied energy of recycled aggregate was evaluated to be
coarse and fine natural aggregate with recycled aggregate at levels
approximately 30% less than quarried aggregate while CO 2 emis-
of 25% and 50% had little effect on the compressive strength of the
sions of recycled aggregate were approximately 60% less than the
block and brick specimen, but higher levels of replacement
quarried aggregate (based on the production of 150 tons per
reduced the compressive strength. Using recycled aggregate at
month) [75] (See Fig. 6).
the replacement levels of up to 100%, concrete paving blocks with
In a case study a comparative evaluation was carried out by [75]
28 day compressive strength of not <49 MPa can be produced. The
for CO2 emissions and the embodied energy of recycled aggregate
performance of the blocks and bricks was also found satisfactory
vs. quarried virgin aggregate based on the construction of one
for shrinkage and skid resistance tests.
kilometer of roadway, keeping all the other conditions constant.
The following comparison makes it clear that recycled aggregate
7.4. Oyster beds do have very positive incentives when utilised either in road way
construction or in concrete production.
In the USA, Virginia State has found a novel way for the utilisa-
tion of recycled aggregate. An artificial reef is created using recy- (i) Comparative CO2 Emissions per kilometer in road base
cled concrete aggregate, which is then covered with crushed construction
oyster shells, creating an oyster bed. Since the recycled material
● Recycled road base (100%) = 24.0 tons/kilometer
is being placed in marine environment, concrete particularly with (approximately)
high chloride content is acceptable. ● Quarried road base (100%) = 72.0 tons/kilometer
8. Carbon emissions & embodied energy of recycled aggregate (ii) Comparative Embodied Energy per kilometer in roadway
Studies have shown that re-processing of C&D waste to recycled ● Recycled road base (100%) = 165.0 GJ/kilometer (approx.) is
aggregate brings considerable environmental benefits. These envi- embodied energy, while 186.0 GJ/kilometer is operational
ronmental gains are dependent on an efficient recycle aggregate energy (total energy impact = 351.0 GJ/kilometer)
collection and re-use supply chain. The re-use of recycled ● Quarried road base (100%) = 762.0 GJ/kilometer (approx.) is
aggregate brings substantial gains in the following areas; embodied energy, while 191.0 GJ/kilometer is operational
energy (total energy impact = 953.0 GJ/kilometer)
● Reduced Resource Consumption
Hossain et al. [77] presented the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment)
Substitution of quarried virgin aggregate with recycled material analyses of recycled aggregates production from C&D waste in
means, conserving primary virgin aggregate for future generations. Hong Kong and their results revealed that compared with natural
coarse aggregates, recycled coarse aggregates leads to a reduction of
● Reduced Quarrying up to 65% greenhouse gas (GhG) emissions with savings of up to
58% non-renewable energy consumption and the same was
By reducing the quarry of natural aggregate the costs for ame- observed for producing recycled fine aggregates from C&D waste.
nity and bio-diversity will reduce. Serres et al. [78] reported the environmental impact contribu- tion
of recycled aggregate (20 mm) used for concrete production. The
● Reduced Greenhouse Gas (GhG) Emissions consumption of energy resources was 1.39·103 MJ for recycled
concrete and 2.14·103 MJ for conventional concrete and the CO 2
Recycled aggregate can have lower embodied energy in addition emissions were 3.35 kg CO2 eqv./ton and 4.44 kg CO2 eqv./ton
to reduced transport emissions, especially where recycled materials respectively. The authors concluded that the 20-mm recycled con-
are re-used in close proximity to the site of re-processing. crete sample (RAC) presented the best environmental behavior in
The energy consumption and the resulting GhG emissions from comparison with the conventional 20-mm concrete sample.
recycling of aggregate has been calculated to be around 4.0 kg CO 2 Wijayasundara et al. [79] presented a study evaluating a ‘‘cradle-
per ton, which represents between 22% and 46% fewer emissions to-gate” embodied energy (EE) of recycled aggregate con- crete
than an equivalent conventional quarry product (based on (RAC) from construction site, in comparison to natural aggre- gate
Australian data) [71]. concrete (NAC) using the input-output-based hybrid approach in
In another study for CO 2 emissions [72] evaluated that for the an Australian context, the authors reported that Embodied Energy
production of 1 ton natural aggregates 0.046 tons of CO2 is emitted of RAC was within 4766–5401 MJ/m3 for all concrete mixes and
as compared to 0.0024 tons of CO2 emitted in the production of 1 the variation was contained within +11.4% to 6.8%, — compared to
ton recycled aggregates. When compared to natural aggregates, that of NAC. The authors concluded that, the EE of RAC is within a
recycled aggregates reduce carbon emission by 23–28%. range of —6.8% to +11.4% of NAC, and it was highly dependent on
282 V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292

Fig. 6. Typical energy consumption breakdown for a roadway construction project [76].

the mix constituents investigated, mainly the cement content in but the Cement, Concrete and Aggregate Australia (CC&AA) [124]
the RAC mix (See Table 3). classified recycled aggregate in five types i.e. recycled concrete
aggregates (RCA), recycled concrete and masonry (RCM), reclaimed
9. Quality criteria for recycled aggregate in standards and aggregate (RA) reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and reclaimed
guidelines asphalt aggregate (RAA). However, in Australia, RCA is the most
common C&D waste used in concrete production.
9.1. Comparison of specifications in international standards for
recycled aggregate 9.2.2. ASIA Hong Kong. The compressive strength of four concrete
The collected and compared legislation of various countries cubes cured for 7 and 28 days is a requisite, two cubes to be
around the world on the utilisation of recycled aggregate in several crushed at 7 days to show minimum compressive strength of 14
of their construction engineering applications is shown in Table 4. MPa while the other two crushed at 28 days, to show minimum
This table gives an overall view of how different countries have compressive strength of 20 MPa. Regarding workability of fresh
introduced and instituted standards and specifications to regulate concrete, only pre-soaked recycled aggregate is allowed to be used,
the use of recycled aggregate. and it is recommended that the slump of recycled aggregate con-
crete must be greater or equal to 75 mm at the time of casting.
9.2. Additional information to the standards Japan. The Japanese standards restrict the use of recycled
Worldwide, several codes, regulations and guidelines dealing aggregate in concrete with design strength of over 18 MPa and
with the use of recycled aggregate in concrete applications around have not placed any requirements on the source of recycled aggre-
the world are available, out of which documents from the countries gate. It may contain a mixture of aggregates from demolished con-
such as Japan, Hong Kong, Portugal, Brazil, European Union and crete and low density ceramics without any specified ratios.
recently Australia are most comprehensive. In these countries, dis-
posal of C&D waste represents a crucial problem due to rapid urban 9.2.3. EUROPE
expansion, industrialization, the scarcity of land filling areas and Belgium. Belgium norms PTV-406 ‘‘Classification of
stringent environmental regulations. This section presents a gen- Recycled Aggregate” [93] allows the use of leftovers of natural
eral analysis of the norms of different countries around the world aggregate and aggregates derived from C&D waste.
for regulation and utilisation of recycled aggregate produced under
their domains. Denmark. The Danish Standard (DS 2426 – EN 206-1) [98]
recommend that; RCA (tested and un-tested) can be used for
9.2.1. OCEANIA reinforced and non-reinforced concrete with compressive Australia. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial strengths up to 40 MPa in moderate and passive environmental
Research Organisation (CSIRO) [81] in their report divided coarse conditions. RMA can be used for reinforced and non-reinforced
aggregate in two classes (a) RCA-class 1A and (b) RCA-class 1B concrete with compressive strengths up to 20 MPa in passive
Table 3
Comparision of international standards for recycled aggregate.

National standard Recycled Dry Water Cl & SO4 content Limitations Percentage Conditions of Notes References
aggregate type density absorption of recycled application
(kg/m3) (%) aggregate

Australia (HB 155:2002) RCA (Class 1A) ≤2100 ≤6 Cl & SO4 (Equivalent Coarse 30% 40 MPa (28 days Well graded RCA with no >0.5% [80,22,81–84]
(AS 1141.6.2) specifications as for aggregate size Comp. strength) brick content Total
natural aggregates) (4–32 mm) contaminants* <1.0% (by wt.)
RCA (Class 1B) ≤1800 ≤8 Cl & SO4 (Equivalent 100% 25 MPa (28 days RCA blended with no >30%
specifications as for Comp. Strength) crushed bricks Total
natural aggregates) contaminants* <2.0% (by wt) *
(Brick, stony material, gypsum,
wood, clay lumps, plate glass)

China RCA <10 Cl— (0.03 – 0.25%) (acid ≤95% Plus Impurities Content <2% which [85,86]

V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292
(DG/TJ 07/008) soluble) SO4 (0.8–1.0%) <5.0% include Organic matter <0.5%
(GB/T 25,177 & (acid soluble) Masonry Contaminants <1.0%
RMA ≤90% Plus n.a
Hong Kong RCA ≤2000 ≤10 Cl (<0.05%) (acid soluble), Coarse 20% For 25–35 MPa (28 Contaminants (Wood or similar [87,80,38,88,82,21,89]
(CS-3:2013) SO4(<1.0%) (acid soluble), aggregate for Structural days Comp. material) less dense than water
(HKBD 2009) structural & concrete strength) <0.5%, Other contaminants *
(WBTC-12: 2002) non- (metals, plastic, glass etc.) <1.0%,
structural use Sieve 63 lm passing ≤ 4%
100% For 20 MPa (28 days
non- Comp. strength)
Japan RCA-Coarse ≤2500 ≤3 Cl (<0.04%) Structural No limitations on the type & [80,82,21,88,90,28]
(JIS A 5021, JIS A 5022, JIS segment for concrete &
A 5023) structures with a nominal
strength of 45 MPa or less. Sieve
75 lm passing ≤4% (coarse) and
≤7% (fine)
RCA-Fine ≤2500 ≤3.5 Cl (<0.04%)
(High Quality)
RCA-Coarse ≤2300 ≤5 Not mentioned Structural Members not subjected to drying
or freezing & thawing such as
piles, underground beam &
concrete filled steel tubes
RCA-Fine ≤2200 ≤7 Not mentioned
RMA-Coarse No Limit ≤7 Not mentioned Non- Backfill concrete, blinding
Structural concrete & concrete filled in steel
RMA-Fine No Limit ≤13 Not mentioned
(Low Quality)

Belgium RCA (Mainly ≤2100 ≤9 Cl (<0.06%) (acid soluble) Fine Concrete Contaminants- non mineral* [80,88,91–95]
PTV 406-2003 concrete) SO4 (<1.0%) aggregate Not strength class C content <1.0%, organic materials
(NEN EN 12620: 2013) allowed 30/37, similar as <0.5%, Sieve 80 lm passing ≤3%
(NBN B 11-255) RILEM Inside (metals, glass, bitumen, soft
building, dry material)


(continued on next page)

Table 3 (continued)

National standard Recycled Dry Water Cl & SO4 content Limitations Percentage Conditions of Notes References
aggregate type density absorption of recycled application
(kg/m3) (%) aggregate

RMA (Mainly ≤1600 ≤18 Cl (<0.06%) (acid soluble) Coarse Coarse Concrete Contaminants- non mineral*
masonry) SO4 (<1.0%) aggregate <100% strength class content <1.0%, organic materials
allowed C16/20, similar <0.5%, Sieve 80 lm passing ≤5%
as RILEM Inside + (clay particles, refractory bricks
building, dry or vegetable matter)
Denmark RCA (without ≤2200 n.a 95% Coarse Without quality control, particle [87,96,21,82,97,98]
(DS 2426 – EN 206-1) testing) aggregates <100% size 4–32 mm
(DS EN 12620: 2013) must come
from clean
masonry or

V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292
roofing tiles
RCA (with ≤2200 n.a With quality control, particle size
testing) 0–32 mm
RMA (mix of ≤1800 n.a Fine <20%
concrete &
Finland RCA 1 – ≤10 Max. content of bricks = 0%, Max [96,82,21]
(By-43-2008) content of other materials* 0.5%
(SFS EN 12620) wt
RCA 2 – ≤12 Max. content of bricks <10% Max
content of other materials* 1.0%
RMA 2550– ≤ 12 Max. content of bricks <10% Max
2650 content of other materials* 1.0%
wt *(wood, plastic etc.)
Germany RCA (Concrete ≤2000 ≤10 Acid soluble Cl (<0.04%), Can be used Aggregate Concrete chipping plus crusher [80,82,21,88,90,28,99]
(DIN 4226-100: 2002) waste) SO4(<0.8%) in new ≤90% sand, Contaminant– Minerals +
(DIN 12620: 2015/prEN Structural Bricks + ≤2% non-minerals ≤0.2%,
12620:2015) Concrete Sandstone Asphalt ≤1%
(DafStb-2010) ≤10
RCA ≤2000 ≤15 Acid soluble Cl (<0.04%), Can be used Aggregate Construction chipping plus
(Demolition in new ≤70% crusher sand Contaminant–
waste) Structural Bricks + Minerals + ≤3% non-minerals*
Concrete Sandstone ≤0.5%, Asphalt ≤1%
RBA (Brick ≤1800 ≤20 Acid soluble Cl (<0.04%), Aggregate Masonry chipping plus crusher
Rubble) ≤20 Bricks sand Contaminant–Minerals +
≤80% ≤5% non-minerals ≤0.5%,
Sandstone Asphalt ≤1%
RMA (Mixed ≤1500 Not Acid soluble Cl (<0.15%) Can only be Aggregate Mixed chipping plus crusher
material) specified used in non- + bricks + sand Contaminant – minerals+ +
structural Sandstone asphalt ≤20 non-minerals* ≤1.0
elements ≤80% + (porous bricks, lightweight
concrete, aerated concrete,
porous concrete, plaster mortar,
porous slag, pumice) *(glass,
ceramics, gypsum, rubber,
plastics, wood, metals, paper,
plant remains, non-ferrous slag
Table 3 (continued)

National standard Recycled Dry Water Cl & SO4 content Limitations Percentage Conditions of Notes References
aggregate type density absorption of recycled application
(kg/m3) (%) aggregate

Italy RCA Coarse – – – Structural 30% 30 MPa (28 days Source of material and particle [82,85,100,21,101]
(NTC – 2008) Comp. strength) size must be specified.
(UNI EN 12620: 2013)
– – – 60% 25 MPa (28 days
Comp. strength)
RMA Coarse – – – Non- 100% 10 MPa (28 days –
structural Comp. strength)
Netherlands RCA ≤2100 n.a RCC = Cl (<0.1% for <4 Structural Coarse 45 MPa (28 days Non-mineral components* <0.5% [87,80,96,88,94,85,21,102]
(NEN 5942, 5921, 5930) mm),(<0.05% for >4 mm) ≤20% By Comp. Str.) for RCA ≤4.0 mm and <0.1% for
(NEN EN 12620:2013) SO4 (<1.0%) for ≤4 mm, Volume RCA ≤4.0 mm CaCO3 content =
for ≤4 mm no 25% for <4 mm and 10% for >4
requirement of SO4 mm

V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292
RMA ≤2000 n.a PC = Cl (<1.0% for <4.0 Non-mineral components* <1.0%
mm, & >4.0 mm) RCC = Cl for RCA <4.0 mm *(wood, paper,
(0.1% for <4 mm & 0.05% cloth, vegetable etc.)
for >4 mm) Pre-str. = Cl
(<0.015% for <4.0 mm), &
(0.007% for >4.0 mm) SO4
(<1.0%) for ≤4 mm
Norway RCA (Crushed ≤2000 ≤10 Crushed concrete and/or Nat. [87,21,103–106]
(NS EN 12620:2008) concrete) aggregate >94% + Crushed bricks
RESIBA <5.0% Non-minerals* <1.0%
(2002) Organic materials <0.1% (by vol.)
Crushed asphalt <1.0%
RMA (Mix ≤1500 ≤20 Crushed concrete + Crushed
Materials) bricks >90% Non-minerals *<2.5%
Organic materials <0.5% (by vol.)
Crushed asphalt <1.0% *(wood,
paper, metal, plastics, glass,
rubber and others)
Portugal RCA 1 ≤2200 ≤7 SO4 (≤0.8%) (acid 25% Class C 35/45 Masonry ≤10%, Light weight + [87,96,88,107,21]
(LNEC- E471) soluble) (28 days Comp. ≤1.0% Non-mineral components
Str.) <0.2%
RCA 2 ≤2200 ≤7 SO4 (≤0.8%) (acid 20% Class C 40/50 Masonry ≤30%, Light weight +
soluble) (28 days Comp. ≤1.0% Non-mineral components
Str.) and also <0.5%
requirements of
RMA ≤2000 ≤7 SO4 (≤0.8%) (acid – – ≤
Light weight + 1.0% Non-
soluble) mineral components* <1.0% +
(Material with density <1000 kg/
m3) * (Glass, Clay, Plastics,
Rubber, Metals etc.)
RILEM RCA 1 ≤2000 ≤10 SO4 (≤1.0%) (water ARS testing ≤100% Class C 50/50, Aggregates from concrete rubble [87,82,108,88,85,109,110,21]
soluble) needed as per (Coarse ≤4 (50 MPa)
ENV 206 mm) Concrete
when used in strength class
Classes 2a &

(continued on next page)

Table 3 (continued)

National standard Recycled Dry Water Cl & SO4 content Limitations Percentage Conditions of Notes References
aggregate type density absorption of recycled application
(kg/m3) (%) aggregate

RCA 2 ≤1500 ≤20 SO4 (≤1.0%) (water ARS testing ≤100% Class C 16/20, Aggregates from demolished
soluble) needed as per (Coarse ≤4 Concrete masonry
ENV 206 mm) strength
when used in
Classes 2a &
RMA ≤2400 ≤3 SO4 (≤1.0%) (water ARS testing ≤20% No limit Mix of natural (min 80%) + Type 1
soluble) needed as per (Coarse ≤4 (max 20%) aggregate
ENV 206 mm)
when used in

V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292
Classes 2a &
Spain RCA ≤2000 ≤5 Cl (≤0.05%) (water Not allowed ≤20% (40 MPa) Non minerals* ≤1.0% Lightweight [87,80,111,21,112,85,113,114]
(EHE 08-2000) soluble) SO4 (≤0.08%) in Pre- Concrete particles ≤1.0% sand content ≤5%
(UNE EN 12620:2003) (acid soluble) stressed strength Class (metals, glass, soft materials,
concrete asphalt)
Switzerland(IT 70085: RCA n.a n.a Cl (≤0.03%) in reinforced Reinforced Coarse up Concrete Contaminants* (≤1.0% vol.) [87,88,21,85,115–117]
2006) & (≤0.12%) in non- concrete, pre- to (100%) strength Indoor C Mixed material (≤3.0%)
reinforced concrete SO4 stressed but must 30/37 & C 20/30 Bituminous material (Zero%)
(SIA 430:1994) (≤1.0%) concrete only comply
Outdoor ≤C25/
(SN EN 12620:2003) with with SIA
30 Minor C 15/20
additional 162/4
Not allowed Fine (100%) Cement content:
in Reinforced 150–230 kg/m3
concrete (100% concrete
Cement content:
<150 kg/m3
(100% mixed
RMA n.a n.a = n.a SO4 (≤1.0%) n.a Contaminants* (≤1.0% vol.)
not Mixed material (No Limitation)
available Bituminous material (≤7.0%)
U.K (BS 8500-2) RCA – – SO3 <1% Can be used ≤20% (20–40 MPa) Masonry <5%, Fines <5%, non- [87,82,88,85,21,118,119]
(BS EN 12620:2013) in non- Concrete minerals* <0.5%,
(BS EN 206:2013) reinforced, strength class C
internal, 40/50, and class
external not C 20/25
exposed to
Cl— or de-
icing salts
RA – – Appropriate limit needs Use of Fine RA ~100% Used only in Masonry <100%, Fines <3%, non-
to be determined excluded in concrete minerals* <1.0%
the concrete strength class C
production 16/20
American Concrete Institute RCA (Coarse) 100% Not specified Content of foreign materials <2 [82,120,121]
(ACI) kg/m3
(ACI E-701. 2007)
V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292 287

environmental conditions. A maximum of 20% of aggregates with

the particle size 0–4 mm must come from recycled concrete while
the remaining 80% shall be natural sand. Finland. In Finland, the crushed concrete aggregate (CCA)


was classified into four categories based on the origin of the raw
material and their technical properties. The CCA to be used in road

construction should have Confirmite Europeenne (CE) certificate.

Category 1: Raw materials from concrete elements which come
as spoil.
Categories 2–4: Demolition of old concrete structures, cate-
gories 2–4 differ from each other based on grain size distribution,
<2.0%, Clay lumps <2.0%, Sieve
Contaminants – non-minerals

75 lm passing ≤10% *(wood,

material, glass, ceramic tiles,

plastic, bitumen, carbonized

self-hardening properties, frost resistance etc.

Sieve 75 lm passing ≤10%
Sieve 75 lm passing ≤15%

Sieve 75 lm passing ≤20% Germany. For non-conforming aggregates, the German

norm specify that if recycled aggregate does not conform to the
requirements, they shall be: re-processed or assigned to another
application for which it may be suitable or rejected and marked

as non-conforming. For the application and mechanical require-


ments of recycled aggregate, the ‘‘Guideline of the German Com-

mittee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb, 2010) [28] specifies that
only aggregates >2 mm belonging to Type 1(RCA-concrete waste)
Conditions of

or Type 2 (RCA-demolition waste) can be used in the production

Not Specified

of structural concrete. DAfStb allows the production of concrete

up to the strength class B35 (35 MPa) with a maximum 25% (in
volume) of recycled aggregate, while higher percentage of replace-
ment, 35% can be employed for the production of concrete with
of recycled

strength class less than B25 (25 MPa).


20% Italy
See Table 4.
RA allowed in
coarse & Fine
Use of both,


Table 4

Limitations of recycled concrete aggregates as per (NTC 2008).

Source of Recycled Material Concrete Percentage of

Grade Utilisation (%)
soluble), SO4 (<1.0%)

soluble), SO4 (<1.0%)

Demolition of buildings (waste) C 8/10 Up to 100%

Cl (<1.0%) (water

Cl (<1.0%) (water
Cl & SO4 content

Demolition of concrete & reinforced ≤C 30/37 Up to 30%

concrete ≤C 20/25 Up to 60%

From concrete ≤C 45/55 ≤C 45/55 Up to 15%

Parent Up to 5%
absorption For clarification, the Type 2 ‘‘Mixed Materials” are


allowed to contain ≤
90% of crushed concrete, crushed bricks and



natural aggregate, however, for applications with material prop-

erty requirements other than material constituents, it is recom-

mended to keep the percentage of concrete and/or natural






aggregate at minimum of 80%.

RMA (Class A –
RMA (Class A–
aggregate type

RCA (Class A-

RCA (Class A-
RCA (Fine)


Coarse) Portugal. As per the Portuguese National Laboratory of Civil


Engineering (LNEC – 2006), though RCA1 and RCA2 have the same
requirements for density and water absorption, the RCA2 may con-
tain significant quantity of mortar/masonry and therefore may
have difficulty in meeting the specified requirements of E 471
‘‘Guidelines for the use of recycled concrete aggregate in hydraulic
National standard

binder concrete”. The requirement for maximum level of water

(NBR 15.116)
Table 3 (continued)

absorption for RCA1 and RCA2 as well as RMA is the same, but
the density requirement of RMA is 2000 kg/m3, since the density
and water absorption are inter-related, hence for RMA it is more

difficult to meet the requirements of water absorption. The recy-

cled concrete aggregate RCAI and RCA2 should also meet the
288 V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292

requirements of Environmental Classes (Xo, XC1, XC2, XC3, XC4, resources. The sub-classes RCA and RMA are further separated into
XS1 and in foundations XA1). 4 groups based according to their composition.
Group 1: C&D waste consisting 50% by volume of hardened RILEM. The RILEM (Reunion Internationale des Laboratoires cement paste.
et Experts des Materiaux, systems de construction et ouvrages) Tech- Group 2: C&D waste consisting 50% by volume of rock particles.
nical Committee – 121 and the recent Technical Committee – 217, Group 3: C&D waste consisting of red clay tiles and white
suggest a classification system based on material composition and ceramics with polished surfaces not>50% by volume.
indicates the scope of application for concrete incorporating these Group 4: C&D waste containing non-minerals such as wood,
recycled fractions in terms of acceptable environmental exposure plastic, bitumen, glass, ceramics, gypsum, carbonized material.
classes and concrete strength classes. The replacement of natural This standard (compared to all the EU standards) does not
coarse aggregates with recycled coarse aggregates can be up to impose requirements on the minimum density of the aggregates,
100% and the maximum strength class is C 50/50 for the RCA1 but the requirements on water absorption are quite strict and
aggregate. demanding and limit the use of masonry rubble. Spain. For the replacement ratio of 20% of natural aggre-

10. Some barriers and issues for acceptability and re-use of
gates, the allowed maximum water absorption is ≤7.0% for recy-
recycled aggregate
cled aggregate (RA) and 4.5% for virgin aggregate (NA). For higher
replacement ratios of NA, the combined NA and RA must have
Acceptability of recycled aggregate is hampered due to a poor
water absorption of ≤5.0%.
image associated with recycling activity and lack of confidence,
by consumers in the finished product made from recycled material. Switzerland. The Swiss Standard OT 70,085 in combination Even though recycled aggregate is being utilised in substantial
with ‘‘SIA 162/4 – 1994” ‘‘Beton de recyclage”, specifies that recy- quantities in civil engineering construction, it is still difficult to
cled materials should be utilised on priority & preferable basis, overcome the barriers that prevent the wider use of recycled
even if the cost is 5–10% higher for secondary materials, they aggregate in construction are depicted in Fig. 3.
should still be considered as economically viable. The Standard dif- The advantages both economic and environmental, of using
ferentiates between two types of concrete made with recycled recycled aggregate as an alternative to natural aggregate, are
aggregate (1) Classified concrete (2) Unclassified concrete. greatly affected by economic reasons, for example:
Classified concrete: recycled concrete aggregates can replace up
to 100% of virgin aggregate in this concrete type and its quality (i) The choice between recycled and virgin material depends
requirements must comply with the requirements of Standard upon price and quality. The quality of concrete with recycled
‘‘SIA 162 Ouverages in Beton”. aggregate can be the same as that of concrete with virgin
Unclassified concrete: recycled concrete aggregates and/or aggregate, but recycled aggregate is regarded with suspicion.
masonry can replace up to 100% of virgin aggregate, but the appli- Hence, recycled concrete material will only be preferred
cation is limited to plain concrete. Recycled concrete aggregate are where the price for such aggregate is considerably lower
intended for concrete with cement content higher than 150 kg/m3 than that of the natural material, even when the recycled
and masonry aggregate can also be used in screed concrete and aggregate meet given specifications [125].
concrete with low cement content. (ii) An important barrier is the variation in quality of recycled
aggregate, this type of barrier can be overcome easily by
the C&D processing plants. United Kingdom. In the U.K B.S. 8500-2 ‘‘Concrete”, comple-
(iii) Another barrier to increased reuse of recycled aggregate in
mentary British Standard to BS EN 206-1 Part-2: ‘‘Specifications for
construction is the lack of a well-developed collection and
constituent materials and concrete”, provides general require-
processing facilities/infrastructure (See Fig. 7).
ments for the use of coarse recycled aggregate, while provisions
(iv) Recycled aggregate must be available in sufficient quantity
for the use of fine recycled aggregate are not given in BS 8500-2.
which can be utilised. This becomes the primary concern
Moreover, it is specified that the concrete made from recycled
in encouraging the reuse of recycled aggregate for construc-
aggregate can have applications in un-reinforced concrete, internal
tors and builders, shortages of potentially useable material
concrete and external concrete not exposed to the chlorides or de-
will have a considerable impact on their decision making
icing salts and also cannot be used in foundations or paving. Provi-
sions for the use of fine recycled aggregate are not given in BS
(v) The concrete debris of higher quality should be used as a
recycled aggregate, and that of lower quality should be used
as a road base aggregate. When making a ready-mixed recy- ACI. Section 5 of ACI 555 Technical Committee Report pro- cled concrete, the factory should be located close to the recy-
vides no acceptance criteria and procedures for RCA evaluation but cled aggregate factory to save on the cost for haulage
serves only as an overview. It discusses the aggregate production, distances for transportation which may significantly
aggregate properties, its effects on concrete properties, guidelines increase the cost of recycled aggregate. As a result, the
on the mix proportioning and recommends pre-soaking of RCA incentives of using recycled aggregate to concrete manufac-
before making the batch. turers and contractors will be low [128].
(vi) In most cases, distrust concerning the recycle aggregate’s Brazil. As per the Brazil Standards NBR 15.116 [123] for technical feasibility is claimed by clients, concrete producers
recycled concrete aggregate, Class A out of the four classes (A–D) and contractors. If the product complies with high-quality
of C&D waste can be considered as aggregate which can be used standards, the use of recycled aggregate in structural con-
in concrete. Class A is further sub-divided into 2 sub-classes (a) crete manufacture will then be accepted as a realistic alter-
RCA (recycled concrete aggregate) which are composed of >90% native to virgin aggregate [129].
concrete and natural resources and (b) RMA (recycled mixed (vii) The trust of purchaser or user is thin to recycled products,
aggregate) which is composed of <90% concrete and natural and there is tendency of disliking the recycled products.
V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292 289

Fig. 7. Barriers that prevent a wider use of recycled aggregate in construction [126].

construction industry is largely inhibitive to the utilisation of recy-

10.1. Recycled aggregate market cled material. Therefore, it is of great importance that recycled
materials are officially certified and accepted by the building and
Different factors influence the recycled aggregate market, the construction industry. Considerable emphasis must be placed on
primary factors could be; specifying the areas of utilisation and quality standards for recy-
cled materials. These must be in accordance with the local demand
● Taxation in mining activity of virgin aggregate in order to improve confidence in the recycled material and solve
● Taxation on landfills problems regarding the responsibility of using recycled material
● Availability and cost of recycled and virgin aggregate [128].
● Misconception and bias against the performance of recycled Silva et al. [131] developed a performance-based classification
materials system, based on the predictable relationship of basic physical
properties of recycled aggregate, regardless of their size and com-
10.2. Certification position, which allows accurate prediction of the material’s perfor-
mance and is easily understandable by all professionals in the
The majority of the output of recycling plants in several coun- industry. This classification system showing high reliability and
tries is currently non-certified aggregate, but due to stricter reproducibility of results can help facilitate certification of the final
demands from consumers, who would like to use recycled aggre- product.
gate conforming to specifications and guaranteed quality, certifica-
tion has become of prime importance. 10.3. Lack of government support
The marketable recycled aggregate currently produced can be
divided in two categories, non-certified and certified aggregate. A lack of government support and commitment towards devel-
The majority of the output of recycling plants is currently non- opment of recycling industry is also an impediment. Developing
certified aggregate, however due to stricter demands from con- appropriate policy supported by proper regulatory framework
sumers, who would like to use specifiable and guaranteed quality, can provide necessary impetus. It will also help in data compila-
the certification of recycled aggregate is of prime importance [130]. tion, documentation, education of consumers on its use and control
All recycled product has to meet the quality requirements, before over disposal of waste material [132].
their use can be encouraged. However, low quality recycled Lauritzen [128] recommended that long-term strategies, e.g.,
aggregate can be considered for low grade applications. Due to tra- for a decade or two decades, with respect to achieving goals for
ditions and acceptance barriers in constructors, builders and public recycling of C&D waste should be adopted. These must then be
at large, the general attitude towards recycling in the building and continuously revised in accordance with the political situation,
290 V.W.Y. Tam et al. / Construction and Building Materials 172 (2018) 272–292

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