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Mariya Chukhray

ISM- Period 7

Parenthood, Planned. “Birth Control Methods & Options | Types of Birth Control.

Planned Parenthood,

• 18 total methods of birth control with birth control implant, IUD, sterilization, and vasectomy
being the most successful
• Fertility awareness, withdrawal method, breast feeding, and outercourse are lifestyle birth
control methods
• The implant or Nexplanon is inserted into the arm and releases progestin hormone lasting up to
5 years
• Implant: hormone thickens mucus in the cervix making it difficult for sperm to swim through
and can also stop eggs from leaving the ovaries, but doesn’t protect from std’s
• UID: There are two types, copper ones and hormonal(progestin) ones. The copper has no
hormones and lasts up to 12 years and sperm doesn’t like copper so it avoids it
• The hormonal IUD works like the implant, thickening the mucus
• The copper IUD also works as an emergency birth control method if it is inserted after 5 days
of intercourse
• The shot is to be taken every 3 months, it also contains progestin
• Nuvaring: flexible ring you wear inside vagina, contains estrogen and progestin to prevent
pregnancy by thickening mucus and stopping ovulation
• Patch: worn in certain parts of your body that absorbs estrogen and progestin
• Birth control pill: taken everyday to stop ovulation
• A majority of the birth control methods contain the same hormone, projection, which lead to
the same results. However the only difference is how they’re transmitted into the body
• Male and female condoms protect from std’s by preventing sperm to enter
• A diaphragm is a silicone cup women insert into the cervix to prevent sperm from entering and
is best used with spermicide to kill sperm, cervical caps smaller but the same
• The sponge works like the diaphragm and is inserted deeper into the cervix while paired with
• Sterilization or tubal ligation is known as getting your tubes tied and lasts for life, however you
can never get pregnant in the future and it costs a hefty $6000.
• Vasectomy is male sterilization, it works by cutting or blocking tubes in the scrotum

The source was very informative and discussed all the possible birth control methods from
surgical ones to lifestyle choices, however the source was based more towards potential patients
seeking birth control methods and less towards people wanting to find out how each method
works in depth including the science behind it.
Mariya Chukhray
ISM- Period 7

“What Happens during Prenatal Visits?” Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of

Child Health and Human Development, U.S. Department of Health and Human



• The first visit is after the 8th weeks of pregnancy

• Many tests are taken during the first visit;

• urine test

• blood pressure

• weight, height

• determine blood type for rh factor or protein found in rbc

• If mom is negative and father is positive, the baby would require special care

• physical exam

• hepatitis, rubella, HIV, syphilis

• pap smear for HPV and cervical cancer

• Blood count: hemoglobin and hematocrit

• Ultrasounds throughout the visits

• Genetic history is also asked along with any current illnesses and stress levels

• If below 28 weeks pregnant you go in every month

• 28 to 36 weeks you go in every two weeks

• 36 weeks to birth you go in weekly

• As visits to the gynecologist progress, the tests vary

• Throughout weight gain is checked, blood pressure, fundal height of baby to check
growing, fetal heart rate, swelling in hands in feet of mother, fetuses position in uterus

• Gestational diabetes is checked for

• Vaccines are recommended such as the whooping cough

• Genetic tests are also offered if the mother wants it, they test for down syndrome,
chromosomal problems, cystic fibrosis,

• Trimesters are every three months

The source provided all the information for about what goes on throughout
gynecologist visits for pregnancy’s and it was very diligent about listing all the tests
and procedures because it was backed up by further sources as well.

Mariya Chukhray

ISM- Period 7

“What Infections Can Affect Pregnancy?” Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of

Child Health and Human Development, U.S. Department of Health and Human


• Bacterial vaginosis is the most common infection in pregnant women and is risked
through STI’s or douching

• Chlamydia during pregnancy, if left untreated, it can lead to the infant having eye
infections or pneumonia

• Antibiotic Ointment is often put on the baby after birth to kill any undetected
chlamydia bacteria

• Cytomegalovirus is spread through bodily fluids and can spread into a fetus, however
there are no recent health issues and pops up active every once in a while

• The baby with cytome- can develop health issues such as seizures, hearing loss,
vision loss, or mental ability. There are drugs that decrease this risk

• Fifth disease is a B12 human parvovirus and are sometimes harmless to the baby by
just leaving it with red washed cheeks

• Rare cases lead to miscarriages and is passed by people not washing their hands

• No vaccine for fifth disease

• Gonorrhea can lead to low weight and miscarriages

• The fetal membrane and fluid and rip and become infecting which can permanently
blind the baby

• Group B Streptococcus: serious but antibiotics help if you’re tested positive

• Genital herpes: Late in pregnancy the fetus leads to dire consequences on the
mother and the baby and can cause brain damage, blindness, and damage to

• The mother can experience kidney or liver failure and can potentially die along with
the baby. A c section and meds can be used to prevent genital herpes

• Hepatitis B and virus: can be transferred to the baby which will later on liver probs

• Human papillomavirus (HPV)- vaccine

• Listeria: eating food with bacteria in it which causes pregnancy loss, preterm birth, or
still birth

• Rubella: noted to cause birth defects

• Syphilis: similar to listeria results along with instant birth after death. Babies who
survive have trouble with numerous organs

• Toxoplasmosis- parasite obtained from feces

• Zika- caused by mosquito bite, pregnancy loss, complications, and defects

The list of diseases on this website was overwhelming to keep up with, however it
provides the reader with a full list with descriptive explanations which is helpful.

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